People crossing is a spring breeze triumphant horseshoe disease.

But I only have birds that don’t yellow sand tens of thousands of miles?

Oh, the territory is sealed here, give me the pension to send the end?

Lancelot held the reins.

Looking at this endless golden desert, there is both anticipation and bitterness in my heart.

Under the scorching heat, everyone was already sweating.

Lancelot laughed a little self-deprecatingly, Endless Sand Sea, I’m here to die!

The knights escorting him were only fifty knights.

As for the Lords… Sorry, one didn’t!

Fifty escort knights, plus a few wagons.

Note that it is an escort, not a subordinate.

These knights only sent him to the endless sea of sand, and when he got there, he went back to enjoy the blessings.

Lancelot looked sheepishly at the undulating sand dunes.

His magnificent robe was already dirty.

The long blond hair fluttered gently in the wind, and beads of sweat were going to become luxuries.

As soon as it appeared, it was evaporated by high temperatures.

Lancelot’s childish face was still tangled.

This old man was sent to his death here by the canonization.

Endless Sand Sea – the forgotten land of the Empire, synonymous with death.

A forbidden place for mankind.

Here the sand lizard tribe is rampant, full of poisonous insects and beasts.

If you have money, you can’t buy water, and the seeds are certainly incomparable.

It only takes five minutes to strip naked and the skin will open the flesh and smell it.

This bird ghost place has no one to take advantage of, and now, it is Lancelot’s territory!

That’s right, territory!

“Daddy, you’re like a joke.”

Lancelot laughed self-deprecatingly: “Do you want to seal me here and give me a head?” ”

An endless sea of sand, the heat roasting everyone.

The maximum temperature has probably reached more than fifty degrees.

Rapier turned to the group behind and shouted, “Don’t want to be baked into bread, let’s work harder and move on!” ”


The knights answered weakly.

But exhaustion has filled every face.

Lancelot sighed involuntarily.

There is something worse than this, and once they get to the place, they leave.

Then in the endless sea of sand, Lancelot would become a loner, sitting and waiting to die.

Or, lying down and waiting to die can also be…

“Your Honor.”

The captain of the knight, Rapelzer, immediately stepped forward, this steady man, with a little anxiety on his face.

“Lord Baron, are you sure there is an oasis???”

“Or else?”

Lancelot’s face was calm.

Rapelle gritted his teeth, and he was already getting irritable: “So, how long until we get there?” ”

If it wasn’t for the order of the Lord of Jinsha, he wouldn’t have bothered to take care of this outcast.

But he had once sworn an oath to the God of War, and that was his mission.

His glory does not allow the killing of the son of the Lord of the Realm.

Otherwise, he didn’t want to wade into the muddy waters.

The corners of Lancelot’s mouth rose slightly.

I just like the way you can’t get used to me, but you can’t get rid of me.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t say that these knights still had use value.

“Soon, Knight of Raper, seven days at most, three days if fast.”

“Is it…”

Raper’s throat was dry now.

Every word said will have a tingling sensation.

He’s had enough of this ghost place.

Freshwater reserves have bottomed out.

Their team, which has less than a hundred people, is already sleepy.

This bullshit baron he didn’t care.

But this time, in order to escort the abandoned baron, he accompanied fifty knights.

Any one of his subordinates was precious, and he didn’t want his men to die here.

Damn the outcast, why should he send us to death, damn!

Rapere gritted his teeth.

What a nasty guy.

Arriving at the Shava Oasis, they can end this goddamn journey and leave this damn desert.

Stay away from this outcast.

Lancelot pretended not to see it.

He certainly knew the resentment these bullshit knights had toward him.

He also doesn’t need these dog-eyed guys who look down on people.

But he needed someone to send him to the Shava Oasis.

This was his last request to his father, Lord Sands.

He accepted the canonization, but he asked for someone to escort him to what was currently known to the Endless Sand Sea.

The only oasis on the map, the Shava Oasis.

As long as he agrees to this, he is willing to accept the canonization!

“Oh hehe, my dear son, I will seal the largest territory, the Endless Sand Sea, to you, and you will become the master of the Endless Sand Sea.”

“It’s so funny.”

Lancelot laughed self-deprecatingly.

The thought of his father and brother looking like dogs and smiling fakely, made him sick.

Territory…… It’s really big.

His father, king of the Sands Empire.

The Lord of the Sands, Hilkins, personally sealed his domain.

Shava Oasis, the only oasis in the south of the Endless Sand Sea.

Lancelot was nominally a canonized baron, the lord of the Endless Sand Sea.

But really?

This is the place where the bones of the mainstream of the Lumbins Kingdom are buried.

The sarcasm in Lancelot’s eyes grew stronger.

“I want to thank you, it’s so nice to be here.”

Just get rid of your father, get rid of family surveillance, and finally get rid of Raper.

He can use the system with impunity.

[Main quest opens: Take root in Shava Oasis].

[Rewards: 5,000 gold, 30 system people].

[System tip: get a foothold in the desert, everything will be fine].

Lancelot laughed, and that was the biggest reason he had promised to come to the Endless Sand Sea.

Mission Required!

As soon as he arrives at the Shava Oasis and Rapere takes the knight out of the egg, he can start his life again.

Use the system unscrupulously, without being suspected by anyone.

And the system he carries is a building system.

Ability to project buildings in the system into the real world.

It’s a bit of a strategy and simulation game like The Sims and Age of Empires.

Lancelot has lived a really humiliating life all these years.

I have a system, but I don’t dare to use it.

Because of his system Goldfinger, is to project buildings into the real world.

In full view of everyone, it must be looking for death.

But now, he was liberated.

The desolation and barrenness of the endless sea of sand, as well as the fierce name of the demonic beasts everywhere, completely cut off his connection to the earthly world.

Lancelot no longer had to live under the watchful eye of his family brothers.

Live under Daddy’s cold eyes.

Fifteen years later, he could finally use the system with impunity.


The endless sea of sand is a little cold, vast, but the birds do not.

But he has the system at hand.

Now the sea is wide with fish leaping, and the sky is high for birds to fly.

Lancelot’s life had only just begun.

“As soon as you get to the Shava Oasis, everything will be fine.”

Lancelot’s spirits were lifted.

Recipients given by the system can be transferred to become warriors.

As soon as he got to the Shava Oasis, he could build towns, train his soldiers, and start all over again.

For example, the transfer is: militia, infantry, archer, knight!

The systematic reward of population and architecture is the key to Lancelot’s ability to gain a foothold in the Endless Sea of Sand.

“This is my most precious asset, farming and making a fortune in industry, and the military depends on them!”

Lancelot couldn’t help but stir in his heart, the future can be expected, the vision is beautiful.

He stepped forward and stared into the distance.

Rapere and his knights rolled their eyes weakly.

Is this guy just so busy dying?

Didn’t he know that once he reached that damn oasis, he would be alone.

I really don’t understand whether this kid’s brain has a pit.

I can really promise to come to the Endless Sand Sea as a lord, really… Talent!

In this kind of place where birds don’t poop, they still maintain such a high spirit.

It’s like knocking on the spicy grass.

This is simply ridiculous.

Rapere and the knights were full of disdain.

“It’s stupid, stupid it’s incredible.”

This is their unanimous idea.

Lancelot was happy and didn’t care what they thought.

Now he’s communicating with the system.

According to the description of the system.

The indigenous people donated by the system are all centered on him.

In their hearts, Lancelot was God, the only one.

As long as he reaches his destination, he can have these faithful believers.

Rapel looked at Lancelot with disdain.

Do you really think that you are the master of the Endless Sand Sea?

Whether he can survive is unknown, and the master…

Once they left, he would turn into a corpse.

Devoured by deserts, devoured by wild beasts, deprived of water, starved of food, and even eaten by sand lizards!

Rapere couldn’t help but laugh.

But he didn’t care about any of that.

As long as you reach your destination.

He would leave immediately with the knight, not much for a second.

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