Thirty infantry and forty Emerald Lords had festive looks on their faces.

They looked reverently at Lancelot, stopping before Emerald.

Lancelot was happy.

These forty lords will be the cornerstone of the future Emerald.

It is also the main force of his empire development in the future, and also the pioneer and pioneer of his Lancelot.

Infantry can resist sneaky attacks and invasions by the Sand Lizard Clan.

Perform the task of guarding the village.

The lords could sow crops and maintain the day-to-day running of the town.

But Lancelot felt urgent.

He has no money, no resources, no food, and no population.

His father, the lord of the Golden Sands, gave him nothing, stopped and would only let him sit and eat the mountain.

Lancelot sighed: “Development, development, this is the first task.” ”

He opened the system interface.

At present, the Ruling House can be built using the Golden Pillar.

It’s done in an instant.

Houses, walls, mills, watchtowers, wells.

This can be achieved with sufficient funds.

But all are people’s livelihood, and military buildings have not yet been unlocked.

He now has 5,000 gold scraps on hand, which is still a bit of comfort.

The night was dark and the cold was compelling.

The Ruling House obviously cannot accommodate seventy people.

Lancelot wanted to save money for the time being.

He had intended to build houses directly.

But the reward for the task was very rare, and he was reluctant to do so.

He arranged for the lords to go to the ruling hall.

Some camped around the Ruling House and set up tents.

Thirty infantry took turns on duty.

He also had wagons, which were filled with supplies when they came.

“Your Lordship, your room is packed, it’s time for you to rest, and we’ll take turns on duty to keep you safe.”

Lancelot nodded.

He chose the second floor of the Government Hall as his dormitory.

It’s been more than a month, and I can finally get a good night’s sleep.

“Don’t be careless, you are all my people, remember, safety comes first.”

Facing north and south, through the window, you can see the panoramic view of the Shawar oasis.

Soft moonlight sprinkled on the lakes of the Shava oasis, and the cold wind blew through.

Rippled with faint waves, this scene is like a fairy tale.

Lancelot smiled: “The scenery is picturesque, the moon is really beautiful.” ”

The room was only twenty square meters, but it was fully stocked.

Tables and chairs are readily available.

Lancelot lay on his back on the bed, far worse than the Simmons of the Duke’s house, but Lancelot preferred it.

He is not afraid of suffering, he wants everything to start all over again, just… Tomorrow.

His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and it had been a month since he could finally get a good night’s sleep.

Obviously it was a place where birds did not poop, but Lancelot was awakened by the pleasant birdsong.

He stretched out and was comfortable.

This is the Shava Oasis, the territory of Lancelot.

All the lords were busy in full swing.

Clean up the feces of the sand lizards, wash away the blood, collect firewood, draw water, and make a fire to cook.

Lancelot smiled unabatedly, with such a lord, the empire is just around the corner.

Their spontaneity, their self-awareness, made Lancelot very admired and more satisfied.

A knock at the door interrupted his train of thought.

“Your Excellency, Your Breakfast is ready.”

Emerald Emerald stood there respectfully.

“Come in.”

“Greetings to you, Your Lordship.”

Lancelot looked at the food on the table and was suddenly stunned.

“How long can we eat our food?”

“You can only eat for half a month at most, Your Honorable Lord.”

Lancelot opened his mouth: “Can you only eat for half a month?” ”

“Yes, Your Lordship, we have run out of food, and we can last up to half a month, and we need more food.”

“Is it consumed so quickly?”

Emerald Emerald Leader scratched his head.

“Your Lordship.”

He pointed out the window.

Lancelot looked away.

All the Emerald Lords got up.

They are methodically busy and have a very clear division of labor.

Someone is cleaning up, someone is cleaning, someone is drawing water, someone is patrolling and sentry.

“That’s the way it is.”

Lancelot smiled brightly: “This consumption is still worth it.” ”

His supply trucks were only five and could not last long.

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