Lancelot went to the Governing House.

The people of Emerald Emerald had already unloaded their supply wagons and sorted out the government hall.

The storage room of the Ruling Office did give some emergency supplies.

They counted the supplies and then sorted them into categories.

“Lord Lancelot, look.”

Lancelot leaned over and looked it up.

Although the things inside have been dusted.

Lancelot glanced but was stunned.

Dust-doped crystalline blocks, moisture-drenched crystalline particles?

Lancelot frowned, “This is? ”

He wanted to reach out and try it, to taste it.

It’s just that this dust really can’t be put down, let alone move the mouth.

“Don’t be afraid, Lord Lancelot, this is salt.”

Everyone had a look of joy on their faces.

Originally, their salt could not last for a few days, but now, in the short term, they can still hold on.

Lancelot laughed, and Rapere would be mad if he knew.

He had deliberately taken away a lot of salt, but now the Council had given him a batch of life-saving supplies, including salt.

But these are coarse salts, although there is magic in this world.

But productivity is genuinely hard to compliment.

This large grain salt bin is not healthy.

It’s time to improve and eat some high-grade salt.

“Lord Lancelot, and these, there is salt in the tent of the Sand Lizard.”

The sand lizard tribe’s tent also has salt ???

Lancelot was surprised that the Sand Lizard were a notoriously low-IQ half-orc race, and they would store salt?

Salt is precious, use a little less.

This is also one of the problems he has headaches in the future.

With these salts, you can stick to them for a while.

Problems can always be solved.

But how could there be salt in the tent of the sand lizard?

This is not like the behavior of a sand lizard with a low IQ.

Where did his salt come from?

A sand hunter interjected: “Lord Lancelot, the sand lizard tribe is a species, in the ancient legends, with the blood of the dragon, like to collect things, they may not have a high IQ, but the sand lizard clan leader likes to collect, the intelligence is not low, should be the collection of the sand lizard clan patriarch.” ”

That was the case, but Lancelot was still vaguely worried.

Because these salts, mixed with sand, seem to be dug up.

And it’s in cans.

He didn’t remember that the Sand Lizard Clan had this skill.

Such a large amount of salt, even among the human nobles of the Golden Sands Empire, was a huge amount.

How can a bunch of low-IQ races store so much?

“Lord Lancelot, it is not difficult to understand, in the desert, there are salt mines, the development of civilization covers all aspects, can not be separated from salt, the sand lizard tribe also has a certain wisdom, they also know the importance of salt.”

The Sands Hunter obviously knew this very well, and he glanced at the salt in the jar and solved Lancelot’s doubts.

He looked solemnly at the salt in the jar.

“Lord Lancelot, the salt is mixed with dust and fine sand, it should be from the open pit salt mine, there must be an open pit salt mine near here!”

Hearing this, Lancelot was surprised.

“Are you sure?”

The leading Jinsha hunter nodded, “The seventh uncle and grandfather of my second grandfather’s eldest son turned into a merchant because he discovered a salt mine in the desert, and I have seen this kind of salt, exactly the same.” ”

Seven uncles and grandfathers are OK….

The leading Sands Hunter walked in and took a closer look.

“These salts are not damp, but they have not been dug out for a long time, they have not been processed, they are all coarse salts, but such a large amount, if sold to the Golden Sands Empire, will bring huge benefits.”

Lancelot nodded.

Needless to say, he also saw that the coarse salt had not been treated, and he would get sick if he ate it.

A hint of fanaticism flashed in Lancelot’s eyes.

Salt, and it’s a salt mine, an open-pit salt mine!

He’s a modern man.

No one knows better than what the value of salt represents.

Not to mention this ancient otherworld, which is low productivity.

If it can be processed into refined salt, his financial income will be !!!

Lancelot struggled to keep himself calm.

Try to be as elegant as possible.

“Are you so sure that there is a salt mine nearby?”

The Golden Sand Hunter gave an affirmation: “Yes, Your Honorable Lord, I am sure that it must exist, and it will not be too far. ”

Lancelot’s smile could not be concealed.

“This is great news!”

Lancelot took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, this was his territory.

My turf, all supplies are mine!

Looking at the historical trend, even in the Heavenly Dynasty, in the history and culture of thousands of years, Yanba is also the highest luxury!

And it has a long evolutionary history.

And in this ancient world, it is also the most high-end luxury.

Even if they are of aristocratic origin, they are rationed.

It is also the main revenue of the Sands Empire, and it is also coarse salt!

Now that a salt mine had appeared in his domain, how could Lancelot not be excited?

To put it bluntly, to master salt is to hold wealth in your hands.

“You’re doing a good job, my hunter, can you find the presence of a salt mine?”

“It will take time for Lord Lancelot, and moreover, the desert environment is changeable, there are many sand lizard tribes, and we need more manpower.”

“That is, you can find it?”

“For your service, Your Lordship, as long as there are enough supplies and enough manpower, I will find its existence for you.”

Lancelot’s excited eyes were going red.

Unfortunately, he is now understaffed, and if the Golden Sands Hunters are allowed to set off now, they will inevitably carry a large amount of supplies.

Evacuating most of the combat power is not worth the loss.

Oh, lack of people, lack of money, lack of materials, lack of everything.

If you have enough manpower and supplies, go now and find salt mines and mine saline land.

But soon Lancelot calmed down.

Don’t worry, don’t be afraid, his salt can still hold up for a while.

This is his territory.

The salt mines were his private property, and, in the present barren world, he alone enjoyed this secret.

Don’t rush it, just let the salt mine sleep for a while.

Soon, I will wake you up.

[Congratulations to the host, temporary task completed].

[Mission Reward: 30 bags of flour].

Just as Lancelot was in a better mood.

As long as “Emerald” develops.

Lancelot had enough troops.

Then the open-pit salt mine will become one of his biggest sources of finance.

Escort for the future.

Just as he was imagining the future, the system’s tone came again.

[Coarse salt detected, time-limited task release].

[Limited Time Mission: Find the Open Pit Salt Mine].

[Mission timeframe: 30 days].

[System Reward: Emerald House X5 (customizable architectural style)].

Lancelot had a big smile, and the old brother of the system really understood him.

Even if he didn’t release the task, he was already worried about going to the salt mine, which really coincided.

“Rest assured old man, the salt mine is mine, no, it’s ours!”

This is his private domain.

No one can move such resources that are related to the fate of the country, and must be firmly in their own hands.

Since there is a camp of the Sand Lizard Clan in the Shava Oasis.

And there are coarse salt reserves, that salt mines are easy to find and want to get.

I am afraid that it will take a lot of trouble and lose troops.

But so what?

Lancelot’s eyes flashed with a hint of arrogance.

What happened to the Haagen-Dazs continent, what happened to the Sands Empire?

It’s just a sand lizard clan, and no one can stop me.

“Very well, my proud hunters, Emerald is proud of you, I need you to sharpen your blades, I need you to be stronger, there will be a big battle in the future for the open pit salt mine, I need you to charge the battle, I also need you to be triumphant, alive and triumphant!”

The Sands Hunters bent down in unison and caressed their chests with their right hands, “Obey your instructions, Lord Lancelot.” ”

“Very well, I will now teach you how to filter the coarse salt and make refined salt.”

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