Lancelot stood up and nodded, “Scalan, this is up to you.” ”

“Yes, sir.”

“Raiyuki, Dolnigun, you go with me.”

“Do as you are told, sir.”

“Miss Shanniya, please lead the way.”

The New Town and the Old Town of the Cave City are two very different worlds.

The old city is a pool of mud, and the new city is simply heaven and earth…

No matter what world the gap between rich and poor is, it seems to be a urine nature.

Moreover, the Cave City is a notoriously famous gathering place.

A big handful on Beauty Street.

Lancelot suddenly discovered that he was… I haven’t seen so many women in months.

Since going to the Endless Sand Sea, all day long is a bunch of big bosses.

Gaia Beyunita’s arrival only gave Emerald a little more color.

There is still a woman’s world is more wonderful.

Shanniya is shrewd and competent, and her eyes are always on her body.

Unfortunately, Lancelot hid himself in his cloak, and he did not want to be discovered.

Although the old man of the Jinsha Emperor country was not favored, there were many occasions when he went in and out.

If the Imperial Baron were to appear here, I am afraid it would cause huge fishing ships and political problems.

His presence was a nuisance.

Not because he was of the blood of the Grand Duke of Sands, but because many people wanted him to die!

Including his eldest brother’s eyeliner, Cave City is the territory of Big Brother.

Under the eldest brother’s caiyi, Lancelot was playing with fire.

But fortunately, the mountain high emperor is far away, and the cave city is the poorest of the big brother’s vast fiefdoms.

The Canary Chamber of Commerce, he also has to avoid three points, after all, the face of money is very large, very big.

“Aren’t you going to put in your name?”

“I’m sorry, Miss Shanniya, I’m a mute.”

Shanniya was stunned, and she smiled apologetically: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.” ”

“It’s okay, I’m teasing you too.”

Shanniya opened her mouth.

Lancelot laughed, “Knowing the name, Princess Canary might kill you, do you still want to hear it?” ”

“You’re still teasing me.”

“Yes, at least without having to drop your head, don’t you?”

“You’re such an interesting man.”

“Yes, do you want to dig deeper?”

Yu Yuki blew a whistle, the adult word is always like this… Hmmm, fresh?

Shanniya blushed slightly, “If you need to…”

She blushed shyly, “As long as Lord Leliana agrees.” ”

The face in Lancelot’s cloak had a big smile: “Very good, you are really dedicated, rest assured, I will discuss it with her, you are the type I like.” ”

Shanniya gave up completely.

The man was very difficult to pester, and it was all gags, pulling and pulling.

I’m afraid that any information coming out of his mouth is simply impossible.

“Here we are, my lord.”

Canary Chamber of Commerce, gilded plaque.

It seems to make people feel the atmosphere of riches, and luxury.

Especially the canary who sang loudly, because of the magic blessing, seemed to be alive.

“Inside please, my lord.”

“Lead the way, Miss Shanniya, I can’t wait to get Celeanna’s approval.”

“You laughed at the adults.”

Shanniya had some headaches, she was still too tender, and her sister was right.

There are many men in this world that she can’t handle now.

“It’s been a long time, distinguished guest.”

Lancelot stepped back and said, “Dolnigun, raise Yuki, you go out first.” ”

It was a noble lady, a noble woman, and, young, beautiful, full of wisdom.

She dragged the shisha bottle with one hand, and the smoke pipe swallowed the clouds.

Exquisite earrings, exquisite jewelry, and the entire Cave City can not find a second set of expensive fashion.

“Please sit.”

Leliana silently made a color.

The two waitresses behind them frowned and retreated.

“Don’t you want to show your true face, dear guest.”

Lancelot, however, did not speak, he was looking at the woman carefully.

He likes his aunt very much, and he is also very close, which may be the blood affection.

Lancelot didn’t sit down either, just stood so quietly and watched.

The last time I saw Aunt Leliana was three years ago.

Realanna frowned a little, this guest…

She didn’t like it, but it felt strange to her.

There is a little bit of familiarity, but I can’t say where it is familiar.

“Since you have revealed the information to the Old Town, you are not here to show my eyes, sir, are you talking about business, or about things, or are you buying information?”

Lancelot played with his heart and deliberately lowered his voice: “Coming to the name, it is natural to talk about love.” ”


Lancelot paused: “Let the real Rayleianna come out, you are not the same as her perfume, she only uses snow ephemeral, lavender, peacock orchid, and you have rose perfume on you, although the hookah covers the perfume, but sorry, I have a good nose and smell.” ”

Across from Leliana you were stunned.

Her face darkened slightly, and her breath was momentarily a little wrong.

“Put away my weapons, I’m not here to fight, I’m not here to find stubble.”

“You go out first, Shannido, and I’ll leave it here.”

“But sister…”

“Rest assured, he has no hostility.”

Shannido reluctantly left.

“There is only one man in this world who knows my aromatherapy, but unfortunately you are not, sir, since there is no hostility, then report yourself to the door and explain your intentions.”

Lancelot laughed, this is the real Leliana.

“Come on, I’ve already said it, talk to you about love.”

“Oh, that’s interesting, sir, what do you want to talk about?”

“Talk about family affection, talk about the love of the elders, Miss Celeanna, what do you think is the value?”

Realanna lit the shisha bottle: “That is priceless, not for sale.” ”

“But I want to buy it.”

Leliana smiled brightly: “Let me think, it’s not impossible, if you can come up with enough value to satisfy me.” ”

“What about a name?”

“Oh? What name? ”


Lyliana shook her head: “Unfortunately, this name is already gone, and she is equally priceless, sir, and what’s there?” ”

The tone was flat, but at the mention of her mother, Sophia, Aunt Leliana’s look was still a little lost.

“Yes, the name Lancelot, Princess Lyliana, what do you think?”

The atmosphere changed suddenly, Lancelot was startled, this breath, is magic!


Lancelot slowly lifted his hood, “Or, Aunt Leliana.” ”

The space element suddenly distorted, and the elements wrapped around Lancelot directly scattered.

“You, are you Lancelot?”

“Aunt Celeanna, I miss you so much.”

“This…, you, how do you know I’m your aunt?”

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