
Standing on the street full of exotic customs, looking at the scene in front of him, Skien finally couldn’t help it anymore, loudly sighed.

The scene in his eyes has a reason for him to do so.

At this time, Skien has entered the town and is on the street in front of the city gate.

Surrounded by stone-made and wood-made buildings in medieval style.

On the street, there are people who are one by one or carrying carriage, or with luggage, wearing old-fashioned corsets and Greek-style clothing.

The ground is covered with stone bricks and the roads extend in all directions. One by one stores and stalls selling a variety of goods, making people’s shouts and noises rise and fall, creating a very lively The scenery of the market gave Skien a feeling of going back to ancient times instead of reincarnation to Another World.

Except for a situation.

That is, on the street, besides all kinds of civilians and businessmen, there is still one armed, fully armed, looks fierce and murderous person.

Some of them are soldiers patrolling the streets and they are heavily guarded.

However, among these people, most of them still have different equipments, dusty, some are still covered in blood, come in from the town with a one by one heavy backpack, or are preparing Going out of the town, you can see that it is someone who is going to go out and kill.

The existence of these people tells Skien that this is not ancient times, but the real Another World.

After all, among them, also people are carrying huge monster corpse, not knowing whether they are going to sell or bury them.

Thanks to the existence of these people, Skien can enter this town so smoothly. Otherwise, Skien’s current appearance alone is very likely to be stopped by the guards.

Ten days of wilderness survival in the forest made Skien not only ragged, but also because of the high altitude battle with Gryphon, the body’s clothes had become strips of cloth, almost unable to cover his body.

In this way, if it weren’t for this town that there were also dusty and bruised people coming in from outside, then Skien would probably be stopped.

In addition, entering the town seems to need to pay.

Before entering the town, Skien saw merchants and civilians hand in some purses and currency to the guard before being allowed to enter.

At the time, Skien thought that penniless himself should not be able to enter this town. Who would have thought that the guard just gave Skien a glance and let him go.

“Adventurers don’t need to pay the entrance fee, go in by yourself.”

This is the reason given by the other party.

In other words, the opponent regards Skien as an Adventurer.

And the so-called Adventurer, I am afraid it is the people around who are exuding a killing atmosphere and are constantly going in one direction, right?


Skien jumped up a little.

This is a popular profession in Another World!

By completing other people’s commissions and Quests, you can earn rewards to make a living. This is a dream profession that is so thunderous among people with the dream of Another World, Skien impossible doesn’t know.

“So, are there places like Adventurer Guild here too?”

Thought until here, Skien couldn’t help taking a step forward, following the flow of Adventurer people around him and going forward.

It is worth mentioning that Skien is also carrying a long strip package that is obviously made of beast skin.

In the package, it is naturally Skien’s Holy Sword.

This is the preparation Skien made before entering the town.

No way, Holy Sword is too conspicuous in every sense. If it is brought in like this, I am afraid it will make Skien instantly become the focus, and even attract others’ covetousness and greed.

So, Skien wraps the Holy Sword with the beast skin that was originally used as a blanket for warmth in the wildness night. In this way, he brings the Holy Sword around to avoid being coveted.

In this way, Skien followed the flow of people and followed a group of Adventurers who were clearly in the same direction, and came to a building.

That is a building that clearly stands out from the masses.

It is located in a vast square, without any other houses around it. Although it looks like only four or five floors, it can occupy a very wide area, and its design and decoration are also different from others. The buildings are different and more unique.

On the gate of this building, there is also a face card hanging.

On the left side of the door plate is a sword, and on the right is a ball of flames, as if to show the sign of “sword and magic”, in the middle there was a line written in the Another World’s language ——— —『Adventurer Guild』.

“Sure enough, there is an Adventurer Guild!”

Skien smiled first, and then he was taken aback.

“No, how can I read those words?”

Yes, Skien can understand the words of Another World.

No, not just words, Skien can understand the language of people in this world.

Similar to what the doorman said at the beginning, Skien only reacted now. He actually understood it at that time, and now he can understand the words of the people around him.

“I heard someone witnessed Gryphon appearing in the suburbs.”

“No way?”

“Gryphon? Gryphon actually appeared?”

“So high level monsters will only appear in that dangerous Tria Forest?”

“Hope the monster of that level don’t fly here. “

“That’s right, I don’t want to be called to deal with the Gryphon monster of that level.”

The surrounding Adventurers were talking like this while entering and exiting at the entrance of the Adventurer Guild Out.

The language they used was clearly a language Skien didn’t know, but I don’t know why Skien was able to understand and distinguish the words. He didn’t even discover until now that even what he said became Another World language.

“Are these the benefits of reincarnated Heroes?”

Skien scratched his head.

However, Skien didn’t think too much, but felt that it saved him a big trouble.

“Don’t worry can’t communicate and interact in Another World, that would be great.”

With this thought, Skien walked into the Adventurer Guild before him.


Adventurer Guild, the lobby on the first floor.

This is a vast hall without any extra rooms.

The lobby is full of Adventurers wearing all kinds of equipment. Some are sitting in groups beside the tables and chairs set up in the lobby, chatting lively. The others gathered in front of a bulletin board, carefully looking at the parchment papers on it, and also gathered in front of the one by one counter, they were communicating with people dressed as staff, the degree of excitement was compared to the outside The city’s streets are even worse.

Skien’s arrival did not attract anyone’s attention, only some people turned their eyes, shot a brief look at him, and then retracted their eyes and continued to do their own thing.

Obviously, for Adventurer, the ragged Skien is not something worthy of attention.

However, there are still some observant and conscientious persons who have discovered Skien’s abnormality.

This is also helpless.

Because it is the first time for Skien to come here, it is inevitable that he will look around and know that he is a newly arrived fellow.

“Hey! That newcomer over there! The counter is over there! go there to go through any formalities! don’t wander around!”

There is a rash guy who is drinking Like this, he roared impatiently at the passing Skien, with a very bad attitude, but pointed the way for Skien.

It seems that the other party has a warm heart that is completely inconsistent with his appearance and behavior.

“Thank you.”

Skien would naturally not fail to understand this. After smiling at the other party, he walked towards the counter.

When Skien came to the counter, Guild Staff received him immediately.

“Welcome to Lamigeon’s Adventurer Guild, excuse me, is there anything I can help you with?”

The pretty and pure-looking girl sat at the counter and showed her to Skien Smile, required like this.

This makes Skien understood one thing.

That is, this town is called Lamigeon.

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