The Devilish Immortal

Chapter 302: Aggressive

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Da Moxian!

After three days of rest, Lv Liang officially revealed his future plans to Feng Mazi and others, because the three Tianshuge brothers are all real men worthy of **** in their hearts!

Nie Qingyun left two days ago. He must first go back to the Wind Nest to give an explanation to the bearded man. After all, that is the benefactor who saved him more than once. After that, he will also join Zhu Yu and others.

"You ... are you really leaving?" Feng Mazi sighed. "The scene that intersects you is like a dream ... Since you have decided, we are not forced to stay. I will be there for you. Let me explain for you that your identity is basically public anyway. "

"Thank you all brothers! Regardless of the final result, Tianshu Pavilion and you are the benefactors that I have remembered for my life!" Fly without going back.

"He's gone ... Then we are ready to prepare." Feng Asako watched Lu Liang go away, suddenly relieved slightly, and then his whole body began to become disordered, and shook his head with a bitter smile, "Thanks to him walking Hurry up, otherwise I don't want to insist. "

As his words fell, Meng Yun and Yan Zidao also collapsed in shape, showing a tired face, and repairing to nature is exactly like Feng Mazi.

Yan Zidao asked at this time: "Brother, we both listened to you heartlessly! This symbol in the body is gone, but the spirit is worn out a lot!"

"Oh, compared to losing my life, what's the point of losing my soul? Anyway, Feng Mazi's words, I believe, haven't lost money with him!" Meng Yun smiled cheerfully. When I saw Nie Qingyun, the boy was incomprehensible, and now in this state, it really feels like a little uncomfortable! Cool! "

Feng Mazi turned his head solemnly and said, "The Netherworld is not very peaceful! Although I don't know what will happen, at least during this time, we don't have to mine, just to recover here. I have a hunch, really If anything happens, our strength is not even a fart! "


Between the northern mining area and the place where Wumentianzun in the west is located, there is a weird space fissure, so it is not realistic to pass directly. If you walk in the inner city and head straight to the south, you must pass through the sphere of influence of the Dark Dynasty. Lu Liang and others are not new to the nether world. It is better to try your luck on the psychedelic road!

Previously, Qiao Youliang led the way. With the incident of Nie Qingyun's attack, it was also full of variables, but the thought of Lu Liang's heart was full of expectations when he thought that all the members would converge.

From Tianshu Pavilion ’s absolute territory to the place where Zhu Yu and others are located, Lu Liang's rapid flight without teleportation must be at least one day.

Now the only thing that makes him very pragmatic is that even if his identity is exposed, no one dares to provoke it in the mining area. After all, his fierce name that can control the monsters in the mining area is astonishing!

Speaking of monsters in the mining area, I have to talk about big mushrooms that have not been mentioned some days.

If it wasn't for the sudden suspicion that there was such a stubble before leaving, Lu Liang would almost pat his **** and leave.

But when he reached the previous vein, the big mushroom hadn't finished his meal ...

It's no wonder that all the gray monsters only serve as a restraint. Only its golden spirit slowly eats one by one the cultivator. Basically, the speed to completely kill one is three hours away ...

When Lv Liang rushed over, there were nearly ten closed-minded cultivators on the field. Although none of them had died, they have obviously been made a ration by the powerful souls. presence.

"I'll restrain their spirits, let's eat while walking!" Lu Liangshi couldn't stand this kind of speedy eating, and the big mushrooms might be a bit bored. The two of them snapped together, and Lu Liang shoved people in Dongfu, the big mushroom came in later, changed the environment and continued the second half of their meal.

Most of the time, the sky gradually darkened, which was a sign of the night of the Netherworld.

Lu Liang is now in a place close to the east. It is estimated that in less than two hours, he should be able to gather with everyone.

But at this moment, a breathtaking coercion came suddenly! Lv Liang kept the vigilant spirit defensive at all times, facing the top directly and strongly, although he bounced off the opponent's spirit, he could not help tightening his brow!

If the master has done it, he will know if there is a shot!

The man who launched a sudden attack on Lu Liang must be an ancestor! Moreover, it is likely to be a super power of the **** ancestor level!

"Well? Sure enough, there are two?" A voice clearly sounded with surprise, and then a healthy young man with a dark armor appeared.

This is a beautiful young boy with sharp edges, coexistence of chic and domineering. It is also a young black armored boy who appeared after Nie Qingyun's death and had inexplicable hostility to Lu Liang.

"What does this mean, Your Excellency?" Lu Liang was not humble, but he was obviously a little uncomfortable in your heart: You are a high practitioner, but we have never met each other, and you are too bullying?

The scornful expression on the face of the black armored man was full of glory, revealing the ruthless light: "Boy, if you can live to this day, it should not be an elm cricket, you should give up ... it should be said that you are not worthy, It's better to die early! "

"Ah? What do you mean? We don't know each other, right?" Lu Liang froze, not understanding what the other person said.

"Hehe, I'll pick it out with you!" The black armored youth suddenly burst out of breath, a horrendous horrible coercion surging again. This time, Lu Liang was tight, and his forehead finally began to risk. Sweat!

Heijia Youth's brow frowned slightly, because at this moment it was 80% of the power of the soul, and he had not yet pressed the boy who was not in front of his eyes to the ground, which made the jealousy in his heart more vigorous. Channel: "Boy, I am one of the Eight Gods of the Son-in-law Space Sanctuary, Soul Shadow! With me, you have no qualifications to reach the soles of my feet! Do you know Su Qiao'er? She is now the Promise of Wuchi The former red man is also one of the 'Three Golden Flowers' in the sanctuary! On identity and status, it is no longer that you, a kid in the lower world, can match! "

Lu Liang's words were so clear that Lu Liang suddenly realized!

"... Is that your lord or Qiao'er mean?" For Su Qiao'er, Lv Liang truly loves him. It was a real joy to learn that he could follow Xing Yun's fairy cultivation, but at this moment, his heart is Complex and unusual.

The young man in black armor is obviously an admirer of Su Qiao'er, and he has such a high position as Iori! Although his words are unpleasant, they are telling the truth.

Su Qiaoer's identity at this time is no longer the person who was killed when she met at the beginning of the year. Lü Liang's eyes have become familiar with the status of Wuji's five ancestors. Now Qiaoer is the red man in front of them, and indeed he is no longer comparable to himself as a "underworld boy ..."

Think about yourself again and again, it ’s okay to experience a life-threatening death from time to time, and then rescue Master and Heaven to help Zhu Yu justice ... Nothing is not rushing forward with his life! What's so good about letting Su Qiaoer follow him ...

"Now Qiaoer is one of the golden flowers in the sacred realm, and there is an eight gods who ranks the power of the gods, maybe it is their best destination." Lu Liang said in his heart that the pain is not false, after all, The pile of scenes has long been engraved in his heart. The pledge of the two is still in sight. He can guarantee that his original intention has not changed, but the millennium has passed. What about Koji's heart?

Lu Liang can give up, but he must figure out, who does this mean!

"Who means it? Seriously? The key question is that you are not worthy at all! In your current situation, you are already a muddy bodhisattva that you can't protect yourself. What else is the right to give her happiness? If it does n’t belong to you, do n’t force it! ”As the young man in the black armor spoke, he strengthened his coercion again.

Donghuang Lifeng is actually very depressing. He is a divine ghost who wants to kill this silly boy.

But he couldn't do it, he didn't dare to do it ...

To the extent that he can get mixed up, his brain can only turn faster than others. Lu Liang's identity is that the mixed boy in the lower world is not fake, but one who can appear from time to time in the mouth of the prince of the protoss of the Wudi five ancestors shows that he is not just a "next world boy".

The most important thing is that if he was killed, Su Qiao'er wouldn't let him go. It is estimated that he would have to burn high incense without becoming endless.

Therefore, he racked his brains and finally came up with a good way to kill the soldiers: let Lu Liang give up on his own initiative!

According to the script he set, as long as he releases his coercion, a kid from the Nether will inevitably be unable to resist, and then hit the iron while he is hot, and will plan to say that the other party has promised to cry without tears?

But in the process of actual operation, he found himself thinking things simple.

Lu Liang was able to escape from the dead several times, not only with luck, but also with a few brushes in strength. The strength of light alone makes Donghuang Lifeng startled. Of course, it is also difficult to ride a tiger at this time, you can't show a surprised expression!

When he released more than 90% of the coercion, Lu Liang was obviously on the verge of collapse.

"So strong ..." Lu Liang resisted hard, wondering in his heart, was it that he had just scratched the stigmata, and wasted in such a place?

Men have gold under their knees! But it is not impossible to kneel!

We do not kneel, we do not kneel, but we can kneel parents!

We don't kneel to the rich and kneel to wealth, but we can kneel benefactors!

I can lose my resistance and be forced to kneel, but I will never take the initiative to kneel with a little resistance!

When Lv Liang was thinking about whether to inspire the sacred mark, Donghuang Lifeng, who was already in the absolute upper hand, suddenly stunned, a flash of resignation flashed on his face, and Shen said, "Boy, remember what I said Yes! Otherwise, even if I can't treat you now, I will definitely make you die in the future! "

Lv Liang was a stunner at first, then immediately felt light, and looked up the next moment, he could no longer feel the breath of the black armor youth!

At the same time, a surprising voice came to the soul, and it also revealed infinite excitement and tenderness: "Master! Qiaoer finally saw you! Ohh ..."

With a wailing weeping sound, a sudden red figure emerged, and at the same time a swoop plunged into Lu Liang's arms!

"Clever! Really ... Is it really you? Are you okay for so many years? I am not ... dreaming, right?" Lu Liang did wonder if someone in the dream was thinking about it the other day, why? So clever here?

Su Qiao'er then waved his hand, laying a silver light curtain around the two, and then looked up at Lu Liang with infinite tenderness, with tears of distressed and joy hanging in his eyes: "It's me! Even if the universe was destroyed, I was the Su Qiaoer who depended on you and relied on you! If it was a dream, I would never wake up! "


During the sweet reunion of Lu Liang and Su Qiao'er, at the Wind Reading Nest in the inner circle of the Netherworld, what Nie Qingyun and the bearded man were talking about, from their constant hesitation, apparently doing some kind of struggle .

"Your destination is also the west anyway. If not, just go directly from here. What you were worried about before, I can guarantee that the Dark Dynasty will never make things difficult for you!" The bearded man promised to pat his chest, and Nie Qingyun fully believed of.

"I think about it carefully, but in any case, I also need to go to the east to meet with everyone, and then discuss how to proceed afterwards." Nie Qingyun finally decided to meet with the crowd first.

The Bearded Man nodded and said, "Since that is the case, then you go. I am still saying that, with me, it is a smooth journey from the inner ring to the west!"

Nie Qingyun nodded heavily, and then got up to leave, but approached the door, suddenly turned his head and whispered softly: "Before I was confused between life and death, there seemed to be a fuzzy picture flashing in my head ... There was a book burning with black flames. ... and a group of people ... I seem to be among them, and there are three people behind me, among them ... there seems to be you and that Kong Liang ... although I don't see the truth, I always feel like you ... forget it Anyway, it is estimated that you still can't reveal anything, and I don't let you be embarrassed. Thank you very much, leave, goodbye! "After saying this, he sighed and disappeared.

Nie Qingyun didn't see it. When he finished speaking, the man with a beard behind was completely stunned. After watching his body dissipated, tears irresistibly flowed into his eyes. He murmured to himself, "Master ... can you start to remember it? Just think of it ... Just think of it!"

"Yeah ... just think of it!" Kong Liang's figure also emerged abruptly. Although there were no tears, his face was full of excitement.

"Brother, you're right. I've found someone to do it. Except for the special existence of Lu Liang, I can't do it now. The adults' fetters in the mundane world, they have begun to clear it by hand!" In addition, some self-righteous idiots have recently solved the 'master-servant charm' in themselves! "

"Well, be sure to leave no traces, so that adults will feel relieved even if they think of going to visit in the future. Those who have broken the charms, let them go. Anyway, when the red lotus of the karma is out, there are still few who can surpass the world. Outside! As for Lu Liang ... "The soft light in Kong Liang's eyes completely disappeared and turned into a kind of coldness." Other people only need to cut off the bond, and even if he cut off his life, it can't be said that it is not necessary. Big trouble! "

"Brother, since you know ... shall we think about individual methods again?" The bearded man flashed hesitation. "The bond between the adult and him is indeed not a life-breaking thing!"

"Second Brother, do you remember the vow of heaven that our three brothers made at that time?" Kong Liang did not answer, but stared at the sky with burning eyes.

The bearded man heard the words, and for a moment, his eyes gradually became clear: "How can I forget! I see ..."

"Lü Liang, you must die!" Kong Liang's words were light, but he made an unquestionable decision. "As long as he is dead, even if all three of us are dead ... then what?"

(Ps: The big ending of the fourth volume, which will end in the next ten or so chapters. Even if the ending is as smart as you, you can only guess 30%! The rest, I hope to bring enough surprise and aftertaste to everyone!)

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