336. Chapter 311 Breakout

    The hoof sounds like thunder.

    The figure is like a black tide.

    The black knights riding the red flame black horses flocked to the scene, surrounded by Qin Ran and his entourage.

    There are four or five hundred in number, so that Qin Ran, Shi Qi and Raul both have a slightly changed face.

    Even when they started again, they had already expected to be blocked, but they did not expect that there would be so much.

    "I stormed, Shi Qi, Raul cover!"

    "Sidney, you are driving to break through!"

    After Qin Ran finished speaking to the crowd, he took the box with the words "Hurricane" and walked out of the car.

    There is nothing to think about in the immediate situation.

    Apart from breaking through, Qin Ran couldn't think of anything else.

    As for [transforming the devil] and [calling desire.The beast of the beast]?

    Less than the last moment, Qin Ran will not use it.

    After all, now he has only one gold skill point left.

    "If the gold skills are abundant…"

    Qin Ran, who clenched the arrogant language, once again raised the urgency of the gold skill point from the bottom of his heart.

    He is very clear, even if the black knight in front of him has a good resistance to the flame, but in the flames of the devil, there is only the end of the ash annihilation.

    But now?

    Qin Ran stood in the position of the front of the car, facing the back slot of the pickup truck, and Shi Qi, who had a machine gun on the roof, gestured.


    A low drink.

    Qin Ran is like an arrow from the string, rushing to the black knight in front of the horse.

    The dark red hands with the big swords dragged from bottom to top, a slanting, sharp blade flew over the body of the horse and the black knight, and smashed it into two.

    Then, Jianfeng swung again, from top to bottom, another slash.


    With a metal cutting sound, another black knight in front of Qin Ran was broken by a sword.

    And several black spears were stabbed in Qin Ran at the same time.

    However, it is difficult to enter.

    [Prussian Armor]!


    The slanting force rested, Qin Ran burst into a sigh, and perfused Qin Ren’s full-fledged [mantra language] backhand, and Qin Ran deliberately cooperated with the swearing of the arrogant language, and his footsteps were repeatedly moved. The figure is better like a rotation. The dark red sword front draws a circle full of death.

    The black spears were cut off.

    Even with the cut off, there is a black knight with a spear.

    Qin Ran seems to be a forward meat grinder, with a bloody hurricane, a hard way to kill a road surrounded by the black knight.

    Da da da!

    The machine gun on the roof of the car, with the shock of the trigger, continued to spurt the tongue.

    The bullets hit the black knight, and the armor was smashed, but after a burst of black smoke, the armor was as new as ever.

    However, the impact of the bullets, but the latter repeatedly retreated.

    Let the road that Qin Ran smashed become more expansive.


    Sidney stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

    The pickup truck's tires idling for a few laps in the same place, brought a strong scorching odor, turned into a dislocated wild horse, and rushed straight forward.

    In an instant, it broke through a third of the encirclement.

    But the black knights quickly reacted, they let the road ahead, but began to pinch the pickup from both sides.

    Relying on the speed and explosive power of the nightingale, the black knight and the full-open pickup of the horsepower went hand in hand, and the weapons in their hands fell.

    Hey, hey!

    Black spear, knight sword, or thorn or slash.

    The complete opening, after a second, became fragmented. After the driver's door was pierced by a spear, he was split into two by the knight sword.

    The glass window is not spared.

    The hood is even more concave.

    Made of pure steel, the reinforced back pocket of the pickup is also scarred.


    Shi Qi tightened the trigger, just after repelling the black knight on the side of Sidney, the corner of the eye saw the spears of several black knights, and went to the tires of the car.

    With a curse, Shi Qi turned his gun.

    However, just as Shi Qi turned to the muzzle, the other side of the black knight also shot.

    The goal is also: tires.


    After a crisp sound, an emerald green vine was pulled out from Raul's hand.

    In a more flexible manner than a snake, the spear that was stabbed to the tire was rolled up, not only offset the direction in which the spear was originally stabbed, but also caused the black knight who stabbed the spear to fall off the horse with the wrong force. .

    "Good job!"

    Schie saw this scene very clearly, and he applauded loudly.

    But immediately, the face of Shi Qi has changed.

    Hey, hey!

    The machine gun is stuck!

    "The bastard profiteer, back to the West Coast, I must kick his ass!"

    Shuffled the scribble and threw the machine gun into the back slot, and straightened out the killer he prepared from the body: the grenade.

    "Black guys try this!"

    Shi Qi is screaming.

    Two grenades were thrown.

    "Hong!" "Hong!"

    The black knights on both sides turned over.

    "accelerate! accelerate! ”

    Shi Qi screamed at the top of the car.

    I want to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the black knights.

    Without the singularity, Sidney is already trying his best to make pickups move faster.

    In fact, since the beginning, Sidney’s throttle has been stepping on to the end.

    The speed of nighting is too fast!

    Step on, pedaling.

    After the interest rate, the intensive horseshoes were close again.

    Hurry up! Faster!

    "The guys are catching up!"

    Looking at the black knight who followed up again, Shiqi retired from the machine gun and urged Sidney again.

    "It is already the fastest!"

    Sidney answered Shiqi with the same amnesty.

    Even a pre-doctoral doctor with a good character can't take care of it at this time.

    The glass slag splashed and covered, and many places began to bleed. The chasing soldier behind him appeared again. If he could, he would like to jump out of the car and go to the cart to make it faster.

    But this is impossible.

    Just as he stepped on the already unmovable throttle with more force.

    A figure jumped from the front of his head to the roof.

    Qin Ran!

    Sidney has a happy heart.

    Schi and Raul are also in the heart.

    Qin Ran has already proved himself with facts and unwittingly influenced the aborigines around him.

    At least, the screaming of the bombs, the hurried action because of the crisis is becoming orderly.


    When Shi Qi pulled the bolt again, Qin Ran had already pulled out a few grenades and threw them out with great skill.


    A series of explosions have taken place.

    The top ten black knights were blown to the ground, and they acted as 绊Masso, allowing more black knights to fall.

    The black knight rolled into the ground.

    Everyone has a happy face.

    However, the next moment, everyone including Qin Ran, is a change of expression.

    PS first more~

    It’s late, and I’m driving home by car…

    So this chapter is late!

    Sorry to say!

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