412. Curse of Chapter 382

    The giant sword waved and straightened to Jane.IDS_CREW_LASTNAME_UNITED_KINGDOM_2

    Qin Ran did not have the slightest mercy.

    In his eyes, Jane.James is just an enemy.

    Facing the enemy, giving the other person death is the best choice!


    The arrogant language that is full of the wind of death is in Jane.James, however, did not break the enemy in front of him as usual.

    A layer of grayish light emerges from the other's body, blocking the dark red sword front.

    Not hard.

    On the contrary, it is very soft.

    But this soft but bizarre distraction of the power of the arrogant language, against the sharp sword front.

    Qin Ran raised his eyebrows and immediately raised the words of arrogance.

    Then, kneel down again.


    This time it is more powerful than before.

    But Jane.The grayish white light on James is also bright.

    Once again, this sword was blocked.

    At the same time, this grayish white light began to drift, turning into the clouds of the mountains, dancing with the wind.

    In the middle of the sky, a figure is looming in the clouds.

    That should be a man in a robe.

    The mist covered, so that Qin Ran could not see more, let alone see the other's face.

    However, when the other party raised his arm and pointed his index finger at him, the instinct of multiple battles made Qin Ran's footsteps wrong, not only avoiding the direction of the other's fingers, but also [the arrogant language] swept out.

    The combatable hints still appear on the retina of Qin Ran.

    [Curse: The physique judgment does not reach the A level, the strength, agility, and perception decrease by 3 levels, and the mental judgment reaches the B+ level. The curse will bear the mental impact of a severe injury! 】


    The "Manic Language" that swept out of it became extremely heavy, and Qin couldn’t hold it, so that the two-handed swords went straight.

    An extremely weak feeling suddenly filled in Qin Ran's body, he seemed to have carried out an exhausting long-distance running, only feeling weak.

    Especially when I feel the weight of the "Excellence of Excellence" on my body, Qin Ran becomes difficult to support.

    Immediately, Qin Ran opened the [Lion Heart King.The fearlessness of the lion!

    He hopes to use the lion's fearlessness to drive away the curse.

    The legendary level of "Lion Heart King" did not disappoint Qin Ran. When the golden shadow of the golden lion appeared behind Qin Ran, the feeling of weakness suddenly began to disappear.

    But at this time, the road was blocked by the fog and it was not cold.


    The other arm burst like this in front of Qin Ran.

    The blood condenses with the grayish white mist.

    The next moment, a group of bloody hoes with bat wings rushed out of the blood, and a swarm of bees rushed toward the golden lion.

    Those bloody skulls with bat wings are invisible, similar to golden lions.

    However, when faced with the golden lion, it is vulnerable.

    But they have a number of advantages.

    Hundreds of thousands of people, surrounded by golden lions, so that the power that just appeared in Qinran's body began to become intermittent until it was interrupted.


    Qin Ran a glimpse.

    He has never encountered such a thing.

    Equipment skills can be interrupted?

    The surprised thoughts did not last long and were pulled back by reality.

    [The sorrow of excellence] The heavy pressure makes the Qin Ran unable to shake and shake.

    Gritted his teeth and tried his best, Qin Ran did not let himself fall.

    Compared with Qin Ran, the opposite 'Time Sand' is also uncomfortable.


    Suffering from the counter-attack, the other party who lost an arm, stepped back, the blood spurted out of the mouth, and once again dyed the surrounding clouds.

    But the other party is ready to lift another good arm.

    Although it is very difficult, and the arm keeps shaking, the purpose is clear.

    The other party will give Qin Ran another blow!

    The extremely dangerous hunch rises from the heart of Qin Ran.

    The cold cold breathed into Qin Ren's body, causing him to feel paralyzed and unconscious, as if frozen.

    This feeling is really familiar.

    The breath of death!

    Qin Ran has passed by more than once.

    Therefore, he is very clear about what he should do.

    What he needs is calm, not flustered.

    Any panic will only make the situation in front of you more and more terrible and fatal.

    Let that lifeline fleeting!

    [The sorrow of excellence] The heavy burden makes Qin Ran difficult to move, can stand up, and has already tried his best.

    The enemies that are opposite and hiding in the smoke seem to be waiting for this moment.

    Qin Ran has a very good grasp. The opponent’s seemingly sudden blow is still a conspiracy.

    The other party must have carefully observed him and will have such an intention.

    Fall into.want.The beast of the beast is a good observation opportunity for him.

    Therefore, the other party will be full of confidence to display the curse.

    Of course, the other party is not expecting everything.

    At least, he has the level of legendary equipment and spiritual attributes of [Lion Heart King], which is beyond the expectations of the other side.

    Perhaps the other party can judge his strength, physical fitness, and [the genius of excellence] according to the observation of the naked eye, but the "Lion Heart King" and the invisible spiritual attributes that are obscured by the "Excellence of Excellence" cannot be judged at all.

    And this gave Qin Ran a chance!


    Two seconds.


    After accepting the cursed part of the opponent, and then losing an arm, despite trying to lift another arm, it was just a random action that could be done at this time.

    After five seconds, the 'Shisha Sand' completed the basic movements before the cast.

    Then he looked up and looked at his target.

    That's right, it's waiting to be slaughtered!

    In the heart of 'Shisha', Qin Ran is already a dead person.

    Although there were some accidents in the process, he believed that the results would not change.

    Therefore, when the "Shisha" of the raised head sees Qin Ran in the palm of his hand, it is a glimpse.

    A bad premonition began to appear in the heart of 'The Sand of Time'.

    He speeded up the spellcasting.

    However, Qin is faster.


    In the loud spell, a cone of flame, will be 'the sand of time' and Jane.James was drowning at the same time.

    The powerful flames immediately put the 'Shisha Sand' at the end of the powerful smashing into the sea of ​​fire, and the vitality quickly subsided.

    And Jane.James gave a scream, a complete desire.In the illusion of the beast of the beast, I woke up.

    The burning of the flames.

    The pain in the face and body constantly stimulates Jane.IDS_CREW_LASTNAME_UNITED_KINGDOM_2

    Informing her that she lost her proud appearance.

    This makes Jane.James became extremely crazy and completely lost his mind.

    She is like a wild beast rushing to Qin Ran.

    She wants to tear up Qin Ran.

    Then, in the calculation of Qin Ran, Jane.James directly hit the right hand he had not put down.


    The frost spread at a speed visible to the naked eye.

    The fire with only the residual flame disappeared rapidly under the freezing air.

    The collision of high temperature and low temperature makes the water vapor like a dense fog, which is filled in front of the door of the palace, making two pieces of golden light shining more and more psychedelic.

    PS first more~

    Sorry, it’s too late…


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