486. Chapter 451 End of the Island

    The person in front of me is tall, but her face is ugly and embarrassing.

    In the cracked mouth, there is a rotten yellow tooth, a long knife with blood in his hand, and a skull on the ground, which makes the other party look murderous.

    But Qin Ran looked at each other calmly.

    Both because of their own strength is enough to cope with the immediate crisis, but also because the other side 'exposed'.

    The seemingly murderous opponent, there is no real killing!

    Even if he was stared straight at the other side, Qin Ran did not feel the uncomfortableness of Mang’s back.

    Simply put, the other party is pretending.

    As for why?

    Trial of the church!

    In addition to this answer, Qin Ran could not think of anything else.

    “After getting on the boat, is the trial started?”


    “Is this part of it?”

    Qin Ran's gaze looked at the head of his feet, and Essing grinned his mouth, apparently suffering before he died.

    If it is really a trial, Essien will not die naturally.

    Even the former water users are likely to be part of the trial.

    However, the blood overflowing from the skull is real.

    At this point, Qin Ran only relies on the sense of smell, and will not judge the error.

    And the skull itself?

    When Qin Ran took it up and touched it with his fingers, he recognized the true and false.

    "Is it made of clay?"

    Qin Ran asked in surprise.

    When the other party throws his head, he can't take it lightly. The hardness after burning it in the soil is thrown like that. It should have been broken into pieces.

    Obviously, something special has been added to it.

    "When did you find out?"

    When the invaders of Qi Ran examined the skull, they put down the long knife with blood in their hands, and looked at Qin Ran with incomprehensible eyes.

    And that voice, it is Essien!

    Has been discovered, there is no need to cover up, Essien expelled the disguise of his body, once again restored the appearance of the previous meeting, could not help but ask: "Where did I have a flaw?"

    In fact, as an examiner for the first instance, Essing thinks it is good enough.

    Whether it is the timing or the configuration of the props, it should be seamless.

    Other deprecated testers are enough to illustrate this point.

    But Qin Ran…

    Although I felt it before, Qin Ran was not sure, so he personally went out, but what he did not expect was that he still messed up.

    "There is no killing, and there is a table of murderousness."

    “Can you tell me what is happening here now?”

    Despite guessing more than half, Qin Ran still hopes to hear the complete ins and outs.

    "When you get on the boat, the trial begins. – Re-introduction, the trial of the test examiner Essien!"

    Shrugging, Essien once again introduced himself.

    However, it did not reach out with the last time, but with an ancient knight.


    Qin Ran stood up straight and responded with appropriate etiquette.

    "The famous 'death bird' 'flame demon' is even more powerful than I thought."


    "As the only person on the boat who discovered my flaws, you passed!"

    Essien said with a smile.

    “Is it a condition to find a flaw?”

    Qin Ran asked.

    No, no.

    "Brave, justice, wisdom, and compassion, as long as there is one of them, even if it is a pass!"

    "However, it is a pity that the testers who are with you are not equipped with these – they are indifferent, unwilling to lend a helping hand to the hard-working sailors on the ship, and lack real bravery! If there are not enough benefits, they will only be a group of cowards, and when there are more benefits, they are completely confused! ”

    Essien shook his head.

    “Only one of them is needed?”

    Although I don’t know much about the Paladin’s 'Paladin', according to Qin Ran’s guess, it should not be such a simple 'have a little'.

    "If it was hundreds of years ago, it must be all four, but now…"

    “The Church has a history of 1,500 years, it can be not affected by the 'fault,' not just because it is remote, but because it has enough strain!”

    Essing was not proud of his expression when he said this.

    It is a kind of helplessness mixed with cockroaches.

    But Qin Ran can see that the other side has a hint of concealment.

    However, Qin Ran is not interested in asking.

    If you ask him in his current status, there must be no useful information, and the conversation that will make the two sides look good at the moment becomes like the expression of the other party.

    Therefore, Qin Ran changed the subject.

    “Can you talk about this trial?”

    "Beyond the title of a reserve knight, Boyle did not tell me more."

    Qin Ran asked what he wanted to know most.

    "Of course I do."

    "As a first-time passer, 2567 you have the right to know everything you can know now – we will start again, and we will arrive at the island of trials at sunset tomorrow, which is the end island that people often say! There, you will face further tests! ”

    Essien said this.

    Immediately, Qin Ran raised an eyebrow.

    “This is everything I can know now?”

    Qin Ran aggravated the pronunciation to emphasize whether the other party had any negligence.

    After all, the other party's words are simply the same as not saying.


    "What you know, only these!"

    "In fact, what is the trial afterwards, even if I am a first-time examiner, I don't know, but I can give you a private advice. It is best to raise your spirit before you land on the island of the end tomorrow!"

    Essien is very serious.

    But did not explain more, got up and picked up the 'head' and walked out.

    With the closure of the door, Qin Ran was left in the cabin again.

    He frowned and thought.

    For Essien’s statement, 'I don’t know even if I am a first-time examiner, Qin Ran is dubious.

    Because, this is contradictory to the private advice given by the other party.

    However, it does not mean that the other party is lying.

    It is also possible that the other party will give him a hint based on the experience of previous years.

    But no matter what the other party said is true or false, Qin Ran knows that the next is the main event.

    In front of me, it’s just an appetizer.

    "The island of the end?"

    Qin Ran whispered the name that brought an unknown feeling.

    The ship, once again, moved.

    Going forward several times faster than before.

    Obviously, Essing, who has completed the task, does not need to pretend anything.

    The boat is moving at full speed.

    The night rose and the sun rose.

    Then, when it falls again, an island appears in front of the ship.

    Under the gloom of the setting sun, the ice and the small islands, also covered with snow and ice, were dyed red, which seemed to be like fire and bloody.

    I have already waited on the deck, and Qin Yan, who is looking at the small island in front of her eyes, has changed her face.

    A person who should not have appeared appears in his vision.

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