108 – Headwind blows (3)

Azov, who occupied Maniopole, fell into chaos in an instant, but not everyone ran away in fear.

“Nasser! Take his subordinates and secure the blocking line this way! If you’re a Ukrnian, shoot a soldier or whatever!”

“Captain Marvan! I have completed the great assembly. Everyone has gathered except for the soldiers whose current whereabouts are unknown.”

Marvan, commander of the 1st Battalion of the 1st Regiment of the Azov National Liberation Front, remained as calm as possible even in the assault that caught his surprise.

As the frontline was collapsing faster than expected, Regimental Commander Abdul-Jabbard De Hedan ordered to halt the enemy’s advance until he rallied his men.

I couldn’t know the size of the enemy with certainty, but since the battlefield was in the middle of the city, they were all scattered.

‘Until the enemy’s reinforcements arrive, deploying troops to the buildings can sufficiently deter them.’

From noble mtl dot com

The place he thought of was the market street of Maniopol. While the interior of the market is protected by low buildings, the entrance is open, so there is no better place to focus fire after concealment.

Marvan was also recognized for his intelligence by his book, Sahaddin.

In terms of operational skills, he possessed the most outstanding skills among the Azov commanders who landed in Maniopol, and quickly deployed his troops to Market.

By the way.

Something was strange.

There is only one market in the city. Due to the nature of the market overflowing with food, there must have been a lot of soldiers playing around here, and merchants who couldn’t avoid it would have been scared and remained at their respective workplaces.

“Isn’t it too quiet?”

“… ….”

The noise of battle continued to be heard. Seeing as it wasn’t too far away, it seemed that both enemy forces and friendly forces were engaged at close range.

So, are the troops at the market fighting back?

1St Battalion Commander Marvan’s brain was spinning rapidly. If his own predictions were correct, he was right to deploy and fortify the market square with his forces right now.

But what is this unpleasant premonition? For some reason, it felt like someone was staring at me.

“First, tell the soldiers to occupy each building.”

“Yes, I understand…” ….”

Bang!! Taang!!!

And the premonition of the 1st Battalion Commander became a terrible reality as bullets rained down from all sides.

“What! Where did it come from, keaaa!!”

The soldier whose thigh was penetrated screamed, and the back of his head exploded as his fellow soldier stepped up to support him! It breaks and turns into flesh.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!!


“Sweep it all up and throw it away!”

The 2nd Company of the 8th Assault Magical Infantry Combat Team.

To Lieutenant Luna Aire’s angry cries, his troops responded with lead bullets and chuck grenades. Ambushed by bullets fired from the windows and grenades thrown everywhere, Azov was helpless.

The ‘ambush order’ from Joseph, the chief of staff, delivered to the unit commander, Captain Enoch Levandel.

Lieutenant Luna quickly dealt with all the Azovs sitting in the market area, and deployed his troops throughout the building.

At first, she wondered why the order to ambush was sent to the hat plate even if they launched an immediate offensive, but now she was able to understand the reason.

A fairly large enemy. It was probably the Azov forces who were trying to slow the advance by launching a counteroffensive or fortifying the center towards the town hall.

If they had occupied this marketplace first, it would have been her men, not Azov, who were dying brutally there.

“Kill them all! As the unit commander said, there are no prisoners!!”

Bang!! Kwaaang!! Valid!

The 1st Battalion, led by Marvan, fell into complete panic at the frantic attack of the 2nd Company.

Crossfire with no room to escape. Got hit I suffered. The enemy already knew that their troops would come here.

Then he had been waiting with his mouth watering.

Until one stupid gazelle puts its neck all the way into the lion’s jaws.

“Hu, retreat! Retreat!!”

Marvan belatedly gave the order, but his soldiers were running away in panic.

There was no order there. In the 1st Battalion, there were now only defeated soldiers who were screaming and kicking back unsightly.

“Commander! You must avoid it!!”

The adjutant’s voice awakened the spirit of the 1st Battalion Commander who had been staring blankly at the soldiers who had been alive for only a few seconds becoming corpses and lying on the street.

“You must retreat now, at least we can counterattack! We mustn’t give up here!”

Yes. Not yet. There is no time to be here. They were ambushed, but not destroyed yet. If you return with as many troops as possible, you can join the main force and launch a counterattack.

The 1st Battalion Commander, Marvan, who came to his senses, tried to retreat with his lieutenant.

Bang! A single gunshot rang clearly in my ears.

The 1st battalion commander, Marvan, collapsed on the spot. Reflected in the terrifyingly blurry vision was the lieutenant’s face, also soaked in the blood that flowed from his head.

That was the last sight of Marvin’s life.


“Commander!! This is a message from the 1st generation. Battalion warrior! The battalion is completely destroyed!”

“The 3rd Battalion, which had a makeshift line of defense forward, has been breached! A huge battleship is firing cannons in the sky!!”

“Commander, this is the messenger from the reserve. Troops are completely scattered and out of control. In addition, I received a report that a certain woman is making magic and making a mess on the wire. At this rate of advance, the enemy would have only a few hours to reach here… ….”


At the distraught report, Abdul Javaddehedan, commander of the 2nd Regiment, fired a pistol into the sky. Those who kept uttering terrified voices shut up all at once.

“Don’t just scream loudly like little girls! Come up with the right way!”

At Abdul’s angry roar, key positions in the Azov National Liberation Front’s 2nd Regiment bowed their heads in fear.

It was then that Sahadin, who had been watching the whole situation, stepped out.

“The enemy is advancing too fast than I thought. Only then will we not be able to delay the match.”

“What the hell!! How can the Ukrnians be so strong!!”

“According to reports from front-line soldiers, it doesn’t seem like the 32nd Division. Soldiers who are terrified in black clothes they have never seen before are calling them black-winged demons.”

The Black Winged Devil.

Abdul Javaddehedan also knows the story.

A being in legend that one day descends from the sky and takes the breath of those who live on earth. In Azov folk religion, it was a symbol of destruction and slaughter.

“In addition, there is a story that the ‘lightning butcher’ was sighted, although it is not definitive information.”

“The Butcher of Lightning?! Claude Lane was put into Maniopole here…… ?”

A definite fear appeared in Abdul Javaddehedan’s eyes. Could there be a name more fearsome than Claude Lane to the people of Azov?

He was a man who could be called a black winged devil. A demon that scattered purple lightning and turned dozens of warriors into corpses at once.

Even if he was shot, he would rise like a ghost and drive his knife through the neck of the one who attacked him.

When Abdul raided Maniopol 10 years ago, he was just helplessly hiding in the midst of his comrades being slaughtered by Claude.

Brown eyes that make you feel overwhelmed just by looking at them. The memory of that time used to entangle Abdul Javaddehedan in nightmares even now, ten years later.

“Abdul, we must retreat. The remaining troops are also at the level of two battalions, so break through the western encirclement before more troops are consumed and join our forces in Portmork.”

However, if there is someone who keeps his composure even in an urgent situation.

It was Sahadin, the scribe of the 2nd Regiment.

Sahadin was convinced that the forces currently attacking Maniopol were from the 32nd Division. Although the possibility that he was a completely different unit could not be ruled out, according to the report, at least one regiment-level force should have been put in.

In his judgment, who thoroughly studied the organization and strategy of the Ukrnian army for this offensive, there is no other force that can be rapidly deployed on this scale except for the reserve of the 32nd Division.

In other words, the 32nd division threw a gambler.

I’m sure they’re planning to take out the personnel from the western defense line, where it’s relatively difficult to deploy troops, land in Maniopol, and deploy troops to the northern and western gateways to press them from all sides.

If that’s the case, now that the offensive is unfolding within the city, if we attack the weakened west, two battalions will be enough to break through. The number of gamblers must be answered with the same number of gamblers.

If you’ve already lost your pace, shouldn’t you at least pay for it?

“Fortunately, the cavalry squadron can be used 100%, so if they attack and weaken the encirclement and the follow-up troops expand the breakthrough, they can reach Portmork sufficiently.”

“So…… Please do so.”

However, Abdul, the field commander, had lost his will to fight. My heart was broken by the changed situation in just a few hours and the name Claude Lane.

In the end, instead of Abdul, Sahaddin took over the command of the operation to break through the siege.

The Azov 2nd Regiment left Maniopol with its troops for minimum deterrence and scattered units whose whereabouts could not be identified, and began to advance through the western gateway.

Of course, even that was all within the expected range of Enoch Levandel and Josef Lewandowski.

After confirming the 2nd Azov Regiment advancing like a ghost through the western gateway, the commander of the 32nd Division, Kinbel Lezantsev, mobilized the 18th Cavalry Regiment under his command.

Azov’s cavalry squadron, thinking that the remaining troops were infantry, rushed at the tip of their spears, and faced a huge wave of cavalry dozens of times their own.

I was ‘crushed’ as it was.

The 2nd Azov Regiment hurriedly formed an anti-cavalry square against the enemy cavalry, which rushed across the wide plain, without the friendly cavalry sent in the lead.

The guns of the 101st Artillery Battalion of the 32nd Division, which had been occupying the hill since long ago, fired fire at once.

It is different from the coastal guns of the Coast Guard, which were not even maintained. Thanks to daily cleaning, tightening and oiling, there was no situation of ‘misfire’ for the artillery of the 32nd Division.

As dozens of shells fell on the densely packed square, all Azov’s soldiers, mere foot soldiers, could do was lie flat on the ground and beg for their lives.

A bombardment that shakes the mind. The sound of cavalry hooves approaching engulfs the vast plain.

Again, Sahadin, who belatedly realized that it was a trap, again tried to drive his troops back into the city.

In the defensive line of the Western Gate, where they defeated the Ukrnian army after a ‘light’ engagement, a huge army of foot soldiers, who had appeared from nowhere, was waiting for them.

The 124th Infantry Regiment fully preserved.

Even though they gathered their souls, the Azov 2nd Regiment, which was only two battalions in size, was trapped in a perfect encirclement with the three elements of cavalry, artillery, and infantry.

It didn’t take long for the blood of the warriors who had captured the city in five hours to be splattered over the plain.

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