112 – Ukrnian Wave (1)

“The first thing to think about is to create a unified army that encompasses the land, sea and air. To be precise, it is a landing force that will only be in charge of the landing.”

“Isn’t that possible only with the Special Response Brigade?”

“How is the organization of the Special Response Brigade going?”

“One assault magic infantry combat team in three mobile battalions…… And one special mission support battalion.”

“The main armament of all units under our brigade is infantry. And there is a limit to conducting an amphibious operation with infantry alone.”

Originally, before engaging in street fighting, artillery fire had to be poured in from all directions.

It is to break the enemy’s morale and make the entry of allies much easier through pre-pressurization, commonly referred to as ‘attack preparation shooting’.

However, as much as we had to put troops into Portmork, we couldn’t expect help from the artillery units of the Southern Corps.

In that case, we also needed artillery to support the landing and assault forces separately.

Since the advantage of a surprise attack was clearly limited in the aftermath of Operation Maniopol Assault, the number of people who could directly land in the port and engage in battle had to be expanded.

One brigade is not enough. Legion-level troops were assembled, but why not make fun of them?

“And I…… I don’t think this operation should end with simply recapturing Portmork.”

I looked at Josef Lewandowski. He also nodded his head silently as if of the same opinion, and only his lieutenant Rumia, who was in the middle of him, tilted his head with an expression that did not understand what he was talking about.

“So that means… ….”

“Namjin. We must take this opportunity to trample on the Azov bastards.”


“Right now, these are the guys who drove ironclad ships and destroyed the Western Fleet. If we let it go, how would we know that in a few years it would be flying an airship just like us?”

“Captain Enoch is right, Lieutenant. It’s not like Ukraine hasn’t nipped Azov in the bud. It was ‘no’.”

Even in civilization, if barbarian camps created near cities are not quickly removed, the hostile units created there will persistently harass the user.

That’s true in real life too.

If you hesitated to launch an active offensive while bringing various reasons.

No one can predict what kind of butterfly effect it will cause after a few months or years.

If you think that the Azov National Liberation Front, which preemptively conducts an amphibious war and occupies the city even though the Ukrnians have not done anything, will suddenly change their minds and turn to the Ukrnian side.

That’s a thought that only an idealist with a head full of flowers can think of.

Leaving no regrets.

Especially if it is related to security.

If I think about why I hit the cock in my previous life, I can see that the only true truth is to exclude all threats as much as possible.

“If you crawl into someone else’s land. Of course, they should have been prepared to have their land eaten.”

I tapped the Azov Islands on the map on the table with my finger and said.

“Isn’t it?”


The two-day deadline that Brigadier General Sonny Zeppelin said has passed. The divisions under the Confederate corps and the commanders in charge of each regiment gathered at the command center.

Facing numerous chrysanthemum flowers on his shoulder and several stars, it was Captain Enoch Levandell who held the pointer stick in the forefront.

Of course, the main planner, Josef Lewandowski, was also with him.

People who hadn’t heard about Captain Enoch Levandell yet, or who had doubts about his abilities, looked on as if they didn’t know why a captain or something like that was holding the pointer stick over a normal major.

In a way, it was an ignoring gaze.

Enoch Levandel was by no means a great man to bother with such things.

And since the corps commander gave permission in the first place, how many people would dare to dispute that decision? Even if you don’t like it a little, it can’t be helped.

So, Enoch slowly moved his gaze and clearly captured the faces of the gathered people in his head.

I finally opened my mouth.

“Then…… I will give an overview of the operation to recapture Portmory and the invasion of the Azov Islands.”

“Okay, let me tell you…” … Wait for a sec.”

As he was about to proceed, Lieutenant General Geor Wasilovsky, the commander of the southern corps, widened his eyes.


Did I hear that wrong? The eyes of the gathered generals widened.

Afterwards, a murmur was heard from all over the place.

“Azov Islands vacuum operation?”

“Did you hear that too? I heard that too.”

“Somehow, my ears are the wrong shape.”

In a highly agitated atmosphere, the only ones who maintained their composure were Sonny Zeppelin, 32nd Division Commander Kinbel Rezanchev, and subordinate officers, who had been informed of the operation in advance.

Anyway, the main attack in this operation was going to be the Special Response Brigade and the 32nd Division.

“Operation to vacuum the Azov Islands. You are right.”

As Enoch hit the wedge firmly, the white-haired general jumped up from his seat and shouted.

“What crazy things are you talking about!! How are you going to hit the Azov Islands!”

He was the commander of the 51st Division. However, Enoch Levandel did not care about the two-star scolding and calmly expressed his opinion.

“I will tell you about the invasion of the Azov Islands first later, and first I will tell you about the capture of Portmork.”

“I-i-i… Are you ignoring my words about the captain?!”

“Center Robbs, let’s hear the story first.”

The commander of the 51st Division, who seemed to think he had been ignored, shouted at him with his face flushed, but Geor intervened and he immediately rolled his tail. The dissatisfied expression on his face was still there.

“First of all, in order to recapture Portmork, the Navy, our special response brigade, and the Southern Corps must carry out different missions.”


“Wasn’t the Western Fleet completely destroyed?”

Lieutenant General Geor’s question was the essence of this operation that Enoch had hoped for.

“The Western Fleet only needs to be in charge of support.”

The Navy will assist in recapturing the city, but the Western Fleet only needs to be in charge? By the time the eyes of more and more officers frowned at the completely incomprehensible explanation.

The young captain went on with his eyes twinkling.

“We thought about a lot for two days. About how to recover the city safely with little damage.”

It was true.

Sonny Zeppelin and Josef Lewandowski. It wasn’t enough, so I thought about it because all the staff of the 32nd Division clung to it.

No matter how much you think about it, the chance of success was too low to attack and defeat Portmork directly like Maniopol.

The reason the last operation to recapture the city was so successful was because we had an intelligence advantage.

The second reason is that the ‘rat hole strategy’ worked, in which the enemies did not choose to remain in the city and choose to fight, but artificially created a hole to escape to, and then escape there and annihilate them.

Because the enemy is such an asshole and we’re so damn strong, it wasn’t for the same reasons.

Even Bell Meyer cannot save a person who died instantly after being shot in the head or heart.

If only the Azov 2nd Regiment had really formed a thicker defensive line at City Hall and engaged in an aggressive defensive battle with a desperate fight.

It was clear that the 8th Assault Magic Infantry Combat Team had reached a point where reorganization was necessary right now.

Even in the successful operation, there were 5% casualties, and 20% must have suffered a level of damage to be laughed at.

Generally, when about 20% of the total number of members are incapacitated, the unit is considered to have been “Annihilated.”

It was a story that the combat team might have already been judged to be annihilated.

But this time, I can’t even use that rat hole strategy.

There was a high probability that even a surprise attack in the form of an assault with Diabola and early capture of the port would not work, and the morale, strategy, and discipline of the troops occupying Portmork were incomparably organized with those of Maniopol. It was clear.

Pump the 8th Assault Magic Infantry Combat Team into it?

That’s just like telling the kids to commit suicide.

If there is a commander who would shove elite troops into limbs even if even one person is spared, putting a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger right away would serve the national interest.

In addition, in general, amphibious operations were close to extreme difficulties in success compared to separate operations conducted on land, sea, and air.

In other words, it is an operation that will succeed even if the country hits all available troops.

The Normandy Invasion.

Incheon landing operation.

The amphibious operations left behind in the history of human warfare were all close to a ‘fatal teamfight’ conducted by the troops who gathered their souls.

If you fail, you will suffer damage that you may not be able to recover from, but if you succeed, it is a high-risk, high-return gamble that changes the game 180 degrees.

As such, the number of troops landing directly on the seashore or port had to be enormous.

Precise and extensive artillery bombardment was necessary to weaken the enemy’s defense line.

From noble mtl dot com

To prevent the enemy’s defense forces from being concentrated in one place, the frontlines had to be opened in several directions at the same time.

However, nothing was prepared in Ukraine.

The navy carrying the landing force was almost destroyed.

The bombardment of the most important downtown area—preparation fire is also impossible.

There’s no way there would be a battleship that could pour high firepower into a country without transport ships, right?

Although there is Diabola’s third ship, Enoch, the firepower of only three 57mm howitzers is put on someone’s nose.

So, what is the conclusion that came after careful consideration?

“We will capture two ironclad ships of the Azov National Liberation Front.”

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