128 – Liquidation of the Past (5)

The headquarters of the Ukrnian landing force was buzzing with news from all fronts.

“Occupation of the lighthouse complete!”

“Message from the 124th Infantry Regiment reached Omaha Point. I will stand by to join the follow-up unit!”

“Enemy shore batteries suppressed!”

“The 19th Division succeeded in entering the shore. It goes up as it is!!”

“I got a call from the 1st Mobile Battalion of the Special Response Brigade. It is said that they entered the island of Guadalca and captured the defensive fortress.”

Though it was good news overall.

The commander, Lieutenant General Sonny Zeppelin, sat still with a tense expression on his face.

At 08:00, the first landing operation in Ukraine began.

A fierce artillery barrage poured straight into Damasco Beach.

Of course, Azov’s coastal batteries also opened fire, not to be outdone.

No matter how much coastal artillery was produced in the Kingdom of Adalya, Azov’s troops, who lacked operational experience, were unable to accurately target warships.

Though one unlucky frigate and one corvette were sunk in the process.

The battleships and ironclads, capable of actively projecting firepower, continued their bombardment with the image that they would pour all the shells loaded into the ships.

The result.

The 32nd Division, the main division of the Landing Force Command, succeeded in landing on Damasco Beach.

The beach forts were organized and a bridgehead to the inland region was secured.

Now that we have succeeded in driving in the manpower of the follow-up unit, the 19th Division, the coast of Stendhal Island, the capital of the Azov National Liberation Front, has been completely paralyzed.

The 3rd front of the Special Response Brigade, which was put in to remove some of the main forces, also occupied all of the fortified bases that were notified in advance.

It wouldn’t matter at all if I said that the operation was cruising.

However, the problem occurred in the Assault Magic Infantry Combat Team of the 1st Front, which was believed.

Notice 921.

It was a terrain formed on the way from the coast of Damasco to the center of Stendhal, where the leaders of the National Liberation Front were holding out.

A natural fortress in the shallow sea that can defend the east, west and south sides of the island, except for the north side of the island near the cliff.

As per the preliminary reconnaissance and the information delivered from Nur Egenere, there were a lot of guns installed to intercept the ground.

No matter how overwhelming the troops of the landing force headquarters are.

It was overwhelmingly difficult to deal with the battery occupying the high ground inland, where artillery fire support from ironclad ships and, at least, battleships could not be expected.

Therefore, the 8th Assault Magic Infantry Combat Team, capable of surprise infiltration from the air, was tasked to occupy the hill and occupy the battery.

If things don’t work out, it doesn’t matter if Sonny Zeppelin goes out and clears the hill.

If so, wouldn’t it be perfect for stories to come out in various ways in the international community?

The Great Mage is a walking strategic weapon.

Thus, in order for them to use magic ‘in a place other than their own territory’, they had to get permission from the ‘Black Dawn Society’, which has 12 great mages.

That was the reason why the Ukrnians were unable to actively respond to the raid, even though they possessed the powerful force of the Sony Zeppelin.

From noble mtl dot com

She is said to be four in number, and it was also the reason she belonged to the Ukrnian military.

Because the military is the only place where national influence can be projected, at least in fields other than magic.

However, Lieutenant Colonel Enoch Levandel’s Magical Infantry Combat Team, which was in charge of the 1st front, was cut off after an urgent radio call saying that the 2nd ship, Lewandowski, had been hit.

Anyway, the ‘relay machine’ is getting hit.

The distance between Hill 921 and the flagship Kayef, which is currently being used by Sony Zeppelin as a temporary command center, is such that communication is impossible without a repeater.

Among the echelons under the 32nd Division that have now entered the coast, even the most advanced unit would not be able to communicate.

“Don’t worry too much, Commander. We all know who Enoch is.”

“That’s right… ….”

Colonel Josef Lewandowski watched the visibly agitated Sonny Zeppelin.

“It looks like the 32nd Division is also planning to send a messenger. Even if we have taken control of the coast, if Hill 921 is not captured properly, we will not be able to move inland.”

All that Landing Force HQ could do now was wait and pray that things weren’t the worst.

The landing operation was a success.

Now, in a situation where the key is to advance inland, the most important thing to them was the victory of the 8th Assault Magic Infantry Combat Team.

In this way, the headquarters of the Landing Force Headquarters was newly set up in the fully occupied Damasco Coast.

While the 32nd Division is organizing a new battle frontier line for each echelon.

Around the time when the troops of the follow-up unit, the 19th Division, followed the 32nd Division and were clearing the front line once more.


The messenger with a bright expression entered the tent. It was a serious place where the staff members of each department, the colonel, and the lieutenant colonel were all gathered.

The messenger let out a boiling cry, seemingly impatient.

“Message from the 8th Assault Magic Infantry Combat Team! Hill 921 is said to have been completely secured!!”

As soon as the last remaining puzzle is put together, the personnel of the headquarters are in full bloom.

Ido breathes a sigh of relief.

Lee Do raised his fist saying he knew that.

Ido passionately applauds.

And finally.

“Puh, ugh…… !”

“!? Operations Chief of Staff!!”

“Oh, no, it’s okay…… It’s just because I’m relaxed.”

“No, how nervous you are…… !! You look very relaxed!!”

Some even poured blood from their mouths and noses.


Most of the artillery pieces deployed on Hill 921 were fixed. It was natural.

With today’s technology, portable cannons boasting powerful firepower and range have not been commercialized much.

For this reason, Azov’s artillery units deployed on Hill 921 were practically the best artillery units of the National Liberation Front.

In order to repel the attack, following the ballista air defense batteries, even the shamans of Alamut were intensively deployed, but failed.

That is.

Now the effective firepower that the Azov National Liberation Front could project was virtually annihilating.

Azov’s leadership tried to find a way out somehow, but the island of Guatalca, which is connected to Stendhal, the capital, fell into Ukrnian hands.

They were completely surrounded except for the central island, ‘Malangka’.

In the case of Portmorque, it was a huge port city, so it was able to withstand the withering operation to some extent.

It was not Stendhal’s Malanka.

Besides, there was no reason for the amphibious command led by Sonny Zeppelin to go on the defensive, since civilians were not interned together.

The seal has been lifted.

Besides, the 32nd Division was in many ways related to Azov in a bad way.

We launched a more aggressive offensive.

Major General Kinbel Rezantsev deployed all the artillery battalions forward, pouring artillery fire every day.

The newly deployed 57mm grizzly howitzer, the old mobile field artillery, and the magician’s precision bombardment were added, and the city was completely devastated.

It wasn’t just the artillery that hit the jackpot. His cavalry regiment also rushed into nearby villages and burned food stores.

It took less than a week for Stendhal to be completely ruined.

As this was the situation, of course, the Azov National Liberation Front went back and forth.

At the point where knives are thrust into their throats right now, there must be people who want to protect the ideology of nationality that has now faded.


Amid escalating conflict, supreme leader Mohammad Omar was assassinated by Rihaddin, who was the commander of the defense, on the second week after the opening of the Azov Front.

Although that Rihaddin was also killed by Mohammad’s remaining followers.

Confused leadership.

Drying food.

Residents’ complaints are accumulating.

No one wants to carry on with a war that shows no signs of getting better and only gets worse.

Shouldn’t we at least end the New Year in a peaceful state?

A year has passed just like that.

Last week of December.

“The Azov National Liberation Front declares unconditional surrender.”

The Second Quernen War ended with the victory of the Ukrnians.

The Azov National Liberation Front lost its full influence in the Azov Islands, and most of its leaders were killed or surrendered in quarrels among themselves.

Ukraine is fighting a splendid revenge battle in the Quernen War ten years ago, when it was only a half-victory.

The Azov Islands, a lost territory that had not been secured for decades, have been completely restored.


About 800 warriors

About 1,200 injured

A total of 2,000 casualties were a sacrifice that the Ukrnians had to bear alone in the future.

The blood shed by those who must have been someone’s children, parents, spouses, friends, and lovers.

I could never have said it was light.


Claude Lane opened his eyes in the abyss. Then the pain, which he had forgotten for a moment, began to come like mad.

It hurt terribly, but Claude was able to realize that he was definitely alive.

‘In the end, I couldn’t go this time either.’

My last memory was all of the company members jumping over the trench and running toward me.

Did he completely lose his mind after that?

I’m sure he had a bad look.


As Claude Lane clicked his tongue, a familiar voice came from beyond the curtained space.

“…… Are you awake?”

“Bell Meyer.”

“It was a miracle that I survived. You know?”

The white robe she wore was stained with dark red blood all over her body. Indeed, in this war, she was the one who had newly acquired her nickname of ‘angel in white’.

Claude glanced slightly to the left. He must have had arms, but they were nowhere to be seen.

“The severed arm…… I couldn’t attach it. Because the pollution is so bad. Healing magic can’t regenerate a severed arm.”

“I know.”

“I am fortunate to have at least saved her right arm.”

At that, Claude grabbed his right arm and then opened it. Every time I moved a muscle, a sharp pain poured out.

“You will have to rehabilitate steadily for at least a few months. My nerves are all broken. Her skin and bones were not intact.”

Isn’t this just a living corpse?

“There were four gunshot wounds, I can’t bear to count the stab wounds that looked like they were cut with a knife, and several jousting wounds that looked like they were inflicted with red and purple magic.”

Bell Meyer looked at such a colleague and added with a tired expression.

“Who is not a monster? It’s just amazing how they come back to life after suffering such injuries.”

“Ah, did you wish I were dead?”

“You! By all means, even if you say so…… !!”

That was the time.

“Squadron commander!!”

There was a woman breathing heavily through her drawn curtains.

I see.

Wasn’t she the only one who survived?

A faint smile appeared on Claude’s face, who was very happy to see her.

Lieutenant Hilton Kalia.

She came over to Claude and hugged him tightly.

“Sorry…… !! I’m powerless…… !!”

“All right. If you live, that’s enough.”

From noble mtl dot com

It was like her father-daughter reunion. Of course…… Bell Meyer felt it was more affectionate than that.

So she slammed her curtains shut.

It’s been quite a while.

We did not hesitate to say hurtful things to each other, but it wasn’t that we didn’t value each other as comrades-in-arms.

So Bell knew.

The fact that the fragments of the past that held Claude Lane in despair had finally fallen.

“…… It’s not appropriate to put on a smiley face.”


It’s a little funny when you think about it.

Belmeyer thought so and she immediately moved on to the room where the next patient was resting.

A colleague who had cleared her past, no longer needed her help.

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