The Dimensional Pursuit

Chapter 539: Good intentions

After the handover with Nicholas, Zhong Tu learned the address where Radislev was detained-a small country in the south.

Of course, that refers to the world after the star shower, as before, the corresponding locations there were the real world Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji, and the real world French New Caledonia formed a new country together.

Ladislev was imprisoned on an uninhabited island in the Fiji Islands and was held in solitary confinement. All the field and living supplies were delivered by the integrated company Yinhe regularly. There are security personnel and it seems that there are also experimental equipment?

After all, this is a master of pure Xinghuang weapon, Wanying Su, and Wanying Crystal. Yinhe has no reason to leave him without it, so it's so useless to keep him from seeing people.

Although his experiments seem to be quite dangerous. But for the benefit, who cares?

This is also the fundamental reason why he was obviously a researcher of the Galaxy and a professor of the former Star Guidance Academy Academy, but now he is a prisoner.

He went to death by himself, and couldn't blame others.

Then everyone is curious, what exactly did he do that he was thrown on an uninhabited island in the southern country by his employer, like guarding dangerous goods, for thirty years, not to see outsiders?

The reason is simple, he created the "Emerald Twilight" event!

It may not be his intention, but the culprit responsible for the Emerald Twilight incident was indeed caused by the pure starlight weapon he created-Varda Vaos.

Of course, this is not the real name of that pure Xinghuang weapon. Because Ladislev, who made it, had not had time to give it an official name, it had already started the "Emerald Twilight" event. Therefore, it is called this name now entirely because the original owner of the body it occupies is called this.

Yes, you read that right. As a tool of Xinghuang weapon, it took over a certain human body and replaced it...

This terrible ability is estimated to be unacceptable to a normal human being. What's more, it also has the ability to control the power of the star vein world. This is called the six integrated enterprises, how can all the people of the star vein generation not panic or fear ?

So when the "Emerald Twilight" incident broke out, the Milky Way decisively put Ladislev, who was only about 50 years old at the time, and who could actually struggle for more than ten years into custody, and no one knew it. Under the circumstances, it was sent to the uninhabited island of the country controlled by their integrated company Yinhe for the first time. It took 30 years and two generations to make many people forget his existence, and even thought He is dead.

This is the real reason why the integrated company Galaxy does not want to let people know that Ladislev exists and is still alive.

After all, other integrated companies are not stupid. If they know that the real cause of the "Emerald Twilight" incident is due to some research on the Milky Way, they can't help but think about it-is the Milky Way wants to use this power to suppress the Stars For generations, suppress their other five integrated enterprises and become veritable kings in this world?

The impact was terrible enough to make the other five companies unite to suppress their galaxy, and even destroy the galaxy.

Therefore, it’s no wonder that, even if it’s a last resort, Isabella is unwilling to reveal the position of Ladislev and does not hand him over to others even if he is pulling the world core of Xueyuan Metropolis Island·Rokuhua against Zhongtu. People.

Because the consequences were too serious, she couldn't help but compromise.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Tu's power was even greater, and she directly put on a posture where I could single out the world, so she had to temporarily surrender and inform Zhong Tu of the position of Ladislev.

As for whether there will be any more moths after this... in Zhongtu's view, the possibility is about half and half.

After all, the bottom line of strength displayed by oneself is there, and there should be no problems until a better countermeasure is found.

But not absolutely. After all, Radislev's influence is too great, so just in case, the ghost knows what else they will do.

For example: killing people and killing people.

So just in case, Zhongtu didn't stop at the moment when he learned the coordinates, he directly let Emden turn on the maximum speed and soar towards the Fiji Islands.

Fortunately, the location of Xueyuan City Island·Liuhua is in the Pacific Ocean, close to the real-world island countries, and not far from the Fiji Islands. So it was almost late that night, early the next morning, Zhong Tu smoothly arrived outside the uninhabited island where Radislev was imprisoned, and stopped by the coast on one side.

Anyway, there are various steps and bridgeheads built by Klein Field, so even if there is no port, he can still land smoothly.

Zhongtu landed and set foot on the land of the island.

Next to him was Claudia, who had put on the uniform of the Academy of Star Guidance Hall again. The two walked side by side, and when they approached the shore, Emden directly used the radar to detect the location of the house.

After all, Zhong Tu hasn't seen Radislev himself, and he doesn't know what he looks like. He still needs Claudia, a person who has probably seen his image in her foreknowledge, to help confirm it.

In this way, the two of them didn't rush or slow down, and soon left the beach and set foot on the right path.

Then, I saw the guards patrolling the island.

The latter seemed to have been notified in advance, so instead of attacking the two of them, they separated one person and led them to the apartment where Radislev lived-a building full of European style. In front of the independent villa. The guard stopped at the door and motioned for the two to enter by themselves.

Of course, the two did not hesitate, and stepped into it.


Two steps.

Three steps.

Suddenly, a certain kind of vigilance emerged from the bottom of Zhong Tu's heart, and at the same time the future emerged in front of him, so that Zhong Tu held Claudia in his arms without thinking about it. The λ-Driver energy was stimulated, and the whole person was wrapped in it. In a layer of colorful energy.


Then a violent explosion sounded, and the entire villa and within a radius of tens of meters centered on the villa were all caught in the fire. The dust is full, and a terrible mushroom cloud gradually rises in place.

"Isabella, Nicholas..." At the same time, Zhong Tu, who was in the explosion but was completely unharmed, narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice with murderous intent.


At this point, Zhong Tu no longer thought about whether the so-called Ladislev was still alive and whether he had been tuned into this kind of problem. He had a direct thought, holding Claudia, who was slightly shocked, into the sky. Started, rowed to Streamer, and returned to the Emden.

"Emden, don't need to keep your hands, sink this island for me!" Zhong Tu viciously charged Emden to the side and ordered.

"Yes!" Emden, who was also full of atmosphere, did not hesitate, and immediately launched a saturated attack on the island.


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