The Dimensional Pursuit

Chapter 595: Hundreds of reactions

Then, on the third week, the clock diagrams of the three provinces and six departments that were functioning normally reached into the army and reformed the army.

The first is the establishment of the Privy Council. The position of the general is further emptied, and the power is dispersed. In conjunction with the existence of the Ministry of War in the six departments, it will no longer be possible to think of Ji Wuye in Korea.

Of course, there will be no more generals in the future. It will be replaced by the Secret Envoy of the Left and Right.

The left is positive and the right is vice.

As a vest, Han Li directly took charge of the imperial palace imperial army. Following the example of the three-three system of later generations and the organizational system of divisions, brigade, battalion and company platoons, the entire imperial army system was re-divided.

Set up the position of instructor, along with the chief officers of each unit, responsible for the ideological education of the soldiers of the imperial army.

The personnel were temporarily replaced by the all-nano-type high-realistic combat robots of the secret factory, and then gradually returned until the existence of high-realistic combat robots was greatly reduced.

But that should be a long-term issue, anyway, in the current environment, it is impossible to achieve it in a short time.

Just as the whole of South Korea is calculated, it is difficult to form a real group military structure, and it needs to be done slowly.

What's more, there is external pressure. If you really want to change the military system at one time, you don't have to wait for the Qin State to attack. The chaos and changes in people's minds during the period are enough to drink a pot in Korea, but I don't dare to be like the three provinces and six departments system. , Can be decided by one strategy.

This is also the real reason for the reform of the imperial palace to start with the imperial army.

In addition to being an army completely controlled by Zhongtu, it was also because he was not the main battle army, and the guarding areas were the palace and the capital. Even if chaotic, it would not affect the border defense, and he was not afraid of the enemy's troubles.

Set up a military academy and recruit children from the military to study, increase their cultural knowledge and military literacy, and bring them closer to the quality of future officers.

Set up the Mongolian Academy to recruit all ignorant teenagers from six to twelve years old nationwide for free to study, to enlighten the people's wisdom, enlighten the mind, and teach them basic knowledge so that they can be trained as future talents in Korea.

Establish universities and recruit students from all the six countries of Shandong (east of Hangu Pass) and the people of Qin country, gather talents, and enhance Korean heritage.

Open hundreds of courses, teach rituals-simple rituals and basic secular etiquette, books-calligraphy, characters, various basic theories, mathematics-mathematics, imperial-riding and shooting and basic martial arts, things-basic physics and Chemistry (or simple Mohist techniques and Taoist alchemy), techniques—various practical techniques—such as craftsman skills, agricultural planting techniques, animal husbandry, business, financial science, novel writing skills, verbal skills and water conservancy Practical knowledge of geography, architecture, and medicine-simple surgical western medicine methods and practical Western medicine knowledge plus traditional Chinese medicine theory, and law-law.

It can be said that as long as it is managed properly, it can completely kill the faintly surviving Jixia Academy in Qi at this time, and replace Xiaoshengxianzhuang as the most desirable place for scholars from all countries.

The recruiting hall was taken out separately, and the imperial examination system was implemented internally to test whether talents from other countries are genuinely talented or imaginary. He is a man of integrity.

Overhaul official roads, intensively repair water conservancy, and manage the Yellow River...

In short, after a policy was forcibly passed by the King of Han, played by Zhong Tu, and after the implementation of Zhong Tu's hand and six parts under the guise of the vest and the six parts, people from all countries in the world were in a flurry of inquisitive eyes. All fell to South Korea, and I don't understand what happened to King Han.

Such a powerful and domineering, it is really not attached to their past intelligence records.

At the same time, I am very concerned and want to know whether this change in South Korea can save South Korea and make it the same as it was in the early Warring States period and become the Warring States hegemon who can swallow the Spring and Autumn Hegemony Zheng.

Various undercurrents were surging, and a storm of turmoil brewed in places unknown to ordinary civilians.


"University, the study of a hundred schools? Who is the teacher?" Qi Guo, Xiaoshengxian Zhuang, should have been dead at this time in history, but Xunzi who is still alive looked at the information in his hand and rushed forward to report to him. Fu Nian, the contemporary principal of Xiaoshengxianzhuang asked.

"I haven't known yet." Fu Nian replied.

"Then pay close attention. The old man is a little curious about who will become the teacher of this university."


"Go down."

"The nephew retires."

Then Fu Nian bowed and left, leaving the space again to Xunzi, the host here.

"Do you want to follow the example of Jixia Academy and reproduce the contention of a hundred schools of thought... Han Fei, is this the surprise you gave the old man?"

After speaking, Xunzi closed his eyes again, and fell into contemplation that no one knew.


"Agriculture? It's ridiculous. In today's world, who can know agronomy better than my farmer?" Tian Guang, the current farmer, who was also not dead at this time, looked at the intelligence in his hand and sneered.

Then after a meal, he said, "Let’s investigate and see if any of my farm children have agreed to King Han and are ready to take up the position of the university teacher."


Then the peasant disciple had a meal and asked again, "Then, what if the other party is not from my peasant family?"

"Then send someone to see if that guy has real talents. If there is, try to **** in the other party. If not, kill him so as not to ruin the reputation of my farm." Tian Guang answered without hesitation. .



"Medical, like the law, is listed as a single major department?! Is this the sincerity of your master?" At this time, somewhere in a certain country, a female doctor in plain clothes—Nianduan put down The intelligence in his hand raised his head to look at the cold-faced woman standing in front of him, and said with a sigh.

She didn't expect that South Korean Shang Shuling, now Rong Yangjun was so courageous that he actually built a so-called university and taught him a single subject. This feeling of being valued, I have to say, was very touched by Nian Duan, and even the senses of Rong Yang, who had never met before, became better.

what? You asked Rongyang Jun what's going on?

It is very simple. Because of the various benefits of reforming foreign advanced machinery and appliances, especially the emergence of tools that benefit the country and the people such as the curved plough and the waterwheel, the credit of Zhongtu has accumulated a large pile, if not Reward, it is really unreasonable.

Moreover, Zhong Tu's plan also requires his identity to go further. Therefore, on the basis of reign and minister, King Han, who Zhongtu pretended, used this as an excuse to grant Rongyang to Zhongtu as a fief.

So now, without the official title of Shang Shuling, he is also a second-rank like the Blood Dressed Man, Rongyang Jun.

As for the first-class duke... In the case of no emperor, the royal title is the so-called duke, so except for the royal title, no real duke exists in any country.

"Rong'er, pack our things, let's go to South Korea." Then, Nian Duan looked straight, and said to the disciple standing beside him, Qiang Sheng.

"Yes, Master."

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