The Director of Music Department

Chapter 1427: .Influence

Spider-Man was injured and returned home to recover, but he still had to cover up with his aunt. At this moment, the audience felt even more distressed.

He is really just a child, which reminds people of the passengers in the previous carriage.

Yes, everyone ignored because of Spider-Man's ability, he is really just a child.

But because the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Because of what Uncle Peter taught him, he chose to bear the responsibility that he should not bear at his age!

If the goodness of Spider-Man is the kind of great goodness!

So the evil of the Green Devil, but the same kind of real cruelty.

While Spider-Man was silently recovering from his wounds, the Green Devils were still arbitrarily destroying and doing evil arbitrarily.

And he even felt that his own destruction was not interesting enough, so he even made a mech for a gangster.

As a result, the gangster drove a terrifying mech, destroying everywhere.

This evil can be said to be in sharp contrast with Spider-Man.

The same is with superpowers, but because of the different choices, the final result is also completely different.

As we all know, destruction is always the easiest.

The Green Goblin is too strong, and he also helps those gangsters, which makes it more and more difficult for the police to support!

Of course, this also sets off the sentence, only magic can defeat magic, and only super power can defeat super power!

At this moment, a child rushed up.

The child was wearing a small Spider-Man suit, with a small body, blocking the front of the terrifying mecha.

The gangsters in the mecha were stunned.

The child's mother was yelling in despair.

But the child made a fighting posture, and some viewers recognized that the child was saved by Spider-Man before.

In this scene, the same is the mantis arm as a car.

This made the culprits laugh more "hahahaha".

But none of the audience in the theater can laugh. Even a child knows to protect the weak, even though among so many people, this child is the weakest...

Although it looks funny, a little kid actually tried to stop them?

However, this kind of spirit is exhilarating. He is still a child now, but what about when he grows up?

When there are more and more people like this, the world will definitely become better, right?

But at this moment, the gangster was about to kill.

Many audiences in the theater couldn't help but close their eyes, although everyone in the industry knows that Spider-Man will definitely appear.

It is impossible for the movie to let a child like this die at the hands of a gangster, but the people who are immersed in it have forgotten this a long time ago. They couldn't bear to see this scene, so they closed their eyes.

At this moment, at this critical moment, the crowd exclaimed.

It was the red figure again.

The familiar taste, the familiar color, the familiar Spider-Man, he is back!

The audience in the theater also opened their eyes, and when they saw Spider-Man, they couldn't help but smile.

Like the crowd in the movie, Spider-Man has unknowingly brought them a sense of security, as if as long as he appears, all problems will be solved.

Because he is Spiderman!

Even the policemen who had previously issued a wanted warrant for Spider-Man and didn't catch him cold couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and showed a smile.

"Thanks, leave the rest to me."

Spider-Man and the child touched their fists, and then sent each other back to the crowd, and he rushed up!

The audience in the theater showed knowing smiles.

The child bravely stood in front of the gangster in Spider-Man's suit. This scene seemed naive, but in fact, it was full of tremendous energy.

This is the influence of Spider-Man, obviously, he was influenced by Spider-Man.

Why do people in this society promote positive energy?

Because positive energy can make the world better.

Obviously, Spider-Man's influence has long unknowingly affected many people.

This kid is just a more intuitive portrayal.

Next is the battle screen.

The fighting styles of superheroes are usually different because of their different superpowers.

This is also one of the selling points of superheroes.

Spider-Man's fighting style and fighting style are naturally also carefully designed.

Compared with the other superhero fighting styles in this world, the fancy and visual effects are bursting. The difference is that Spider-Man's battles are equally fierce, but full of personality.

The same effect of the villain's destructive blow is obvious.

Compared to the big scenes with real visual effects, the style of Spider-Man is quite nostalgic.

Because his super power is spider silk, and use the tenacity of spider silk to start the battle.

But even so, it's just as wonderful.

Fighting must also be an essential part of superhero movies.

This fight of Spider-Man was equally exciting, especially for the audience in the theater.

There is also a special sense of novelty. It is conceivable that in the future, Spider-Man’s fighting style will be unique and become the symbol of Spider-Man.

Calcutt became more and more refreshing.

Previously, what he was proud of was the battle scenes in the Dragon Knight, which had smashed tens of millions of dollars worth of huge sums of money to produce visual effects. He was very confident before.

But at this time, seeing Spider-Man's unique fighting style with incomparable personality, he suddenly felt that he was on the wrong path.

Are visual effects important?

Of course it is important, but blindly pay attention to visual special effects, fighting special effects, and move in a more and more colorful direction.

Even the fighting style of many superheroes often changes. Before that, this was normal. After all, you want to bring new things to the audience.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that sometimes special effects really don't need much.

Take a look at Spider-Man's fighting style, it's equally exciting, but it doesn't give people a fancy feeling, but it's equally pleasing to the eye. The most important thing is that this has become his unique fighting style.

Let people see Spider-Man, and even imagine that when children are playing around, they will learn the same as Spider-Man, as if they can spray out spider silk, and then fight.

In the end, of course, after a long period of fighting, justice finally defeated evil, and Spider-Man defeated the Green Devils.

This is a superhero movie, certainly not a cult movie.

So no matter how difficult Spiderman is, no matter how strong the enemy is, he will definitely win in the end.

It's just that Spider-Man was equally injured, and he fainted.

At this moment, an abrupt voice came from the police's walkie-talkie.

"Catch him!"

"Catch Spider-Man!"

However, Spider-Man was clearly in front of him, but after the police looked at each other, they pretended to be stupid: "Sorry, officer, he ran away."

Spider-Man woke up, looked at the police who turned a blind eye to him, and left in embarrassment.

This scene made the audience in the theater couldn't help but smile heartily.

That's right!

Still catching Spider-Man at this time?

Is it still a human?

Obviously, they are human, so they chose to turn a blind eye!

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