The Director of Music Department

Chapter 1432: . The cutest superhero

"Spider-Man" has exploded, not only at the box office, but also with word of mouth!

Moreover, the box office is scary.

With the box office of zero o'clock on Friday, the box office on the first day was as high as 38 million U.S. dollars!

The key is that not only one market has exploded, but also in China, "Spider-Man" is also not much better, with a box office of 280 million Chinese dollars on the first day.

This is a summer holiday, not a Spring Festival holiday. The box office per day is 280 million Chinese yuan. The summer holiday in China can be considered a very high box office.

In other regions, the same "Spider-Man" is almost in a sweeping situation.

Britain, Germany, France and other European regions, "Spider-Man" is also highly sought after.

What's interesting is that "Dragon Knight 2" did not surprise Calcutt, and was compared with "Spider-Man" as the negative type of superhero!

And the result is self-evident.

The box office drop of "Dragon Knight 2" that day directly exceeded 60% from last week.

It can be said that the cut is not an exaggeration.

The word-of-mouth of "Spider-Man" has also exploded. On several movie scoring sites on the Internet, "Spider-Man" scored more than 8.5 points.

The highest even reached 8.9 points, close to 9 points!

And you know, this is the highest rating of a superhero movie in recent years.

At the same time, the media and film critics also praised this innovative Spider-Man!

The evaluation of movie fans is the most intuitive and direct. If you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it.

In fact, in many cases, you can see if the movie is really good reputation by reading the short comments of ordinary movie fans.

"I really like this uncool, shy, brave and infatuated Spider-Man!"

"Different from previous hero designs, the "civilian hero" seems to be more touching. The scene of Spider-Man kissing the heroine upside down is believed to be the dream of many female audiences!"

"Spiderman didn't over-proclaim heroism, and paid more attention to personal "the stronger the ability, the greater the responsibility" positive energy. But it's still cool!"

"It's so cool, isn't it? It's too romantic, and too touching. This is the superhero I like!"

"The seemingly simple heroism does not conceal the brilliance of "Spider-Man" itself. With ordinary little characters as the cut-in, family, love and friendship complement each other, making the film not only emotionally full, but also inducing resonance from the audience. Now the proposition of "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility" has such a touching interpretation."

These are not navy soldiers, but real fans. They also have ticket purchase records.

At the same time, there are countless short comments like these.

The influence of "Spider-Man" is still reflected in reality.

As we all know, on the old American side, it can be said that ordinary people are also very fond of shows and like to show their hobbies!

As a result, you will find that you don’t know when, as long as you go out, you will see many children wearing Spider-Man’s suits, not only children, but also many adults.

These are real effects.

As for the media and film critics, they are all on fire, regardless of whether they have received red envelopes, or really feel good, they are all enthusiastic!

As the largest print media in North America, the "Los Angeles Times" appeared in a column of film critics for "Spider-Man"!

"Looking at the superheroes appearing on the big screen, Spider-Man is probably one of the more special ones. The special thing is that he is the only hero who really comes from the bottom.

The origins of other superheroes all appear to be "superior", such as Lixing Warrior, he is an alien himself, it goes without saying that he is a unique nobleman on earth! So he has a tough face and a tall and fit body showing the beauty of "power", which reminds me of Michelangelo's sculptures. He is confident, even arrogant! He stood in God’s perspective and looked down at the slowly crawling masses of creatures on the ground. He was compassionate. The reporter he usually dressed as a reporter, wearing black-rimmed glasses, was stupid and dull, just like ordinary people in his eyes...

There are so many other superheroes of this kind, even if there are the same superheroes from our planet, but they are also the same, even if they are a little more humane than the alien visitors, but they are the same as the ordinary civilian class, and obviously have a sense of separation. .

There have been media reports, why are superheroes always born so ‘super’?

Just because they want to create a super race that is higher than human beings, and different from human heroes, they are crowned with the name of super!

They are beyond the existence of human beings, so naturally they cannot be confused with civilians.

But let's look at Spider-Man again.

Before he was bitten by a spider, Peter Parker was just an ordinary high school student in New York. He was introverted and talented in science, but overall he was only nonsense.

His parents had died since childhood, and his life with his uncle and aunt was warm and poor. Peter Parker, he even went to odd jobs every day, worked for his life, and endured the miserly and harshness of his boss.

He didn't even dare to confess to the girl he liked. In his bones, he was a member of the general public. In the same way, this is definitely an authentic low-level citizen family. Peter Parker is definitely an authentic ordinary person. He has never thought about it. Live your own ideals or responsibilities, just like our ordinary civilians.

To live a good life is to make a contribution to this society. I believe that most people will have this idea, and Peter Parker is no exception!

Then this "Spider-Man" story has a distinctive meaning along with the growth of this little inferiority boy.

When Peter Parker had just acquired superpowers, he didn't realize what it meant to him. He did various experiments and found it interesting and fun. He even participated in a boxing match and wanted to make a little money by relying on it. .

When he saw the robbery, he pretended to run away and was accused of being blamed. It can be said that he is like a child who has picked up a diamond, and he does not know its value.

However, it happened that the robber shot and killed Parker's uncle on the way to escape. This incident was the real turning point in the birth of Spider-Man.

"The greater the ability, the heavier the responsibility!" The words of the uncle before his death have since become Spider-Man's aphorism.

Peter Parker will never have the mediocre and peaceful life of the past, and he will never even have an ordinary but beautiful love.

He began to take on heavy responsibilities he had never thought of. Ironically, Peter Parker's own life began to be overwhelmed.

Because of his superhuman ability, he was exhausted every day; after the death of his uncle, the family had no financial resources, life became more and more difficult, and even the rent could not be afforded; Spiderman was not respected by people because of his righteous deeds. Most people regard him as a monster, curious and envious of his superpowers on the one hand, but doubting and worrying on the other hand... Spider-Man's situation can be said to be struggling.

But because of this, he appears so special.

Because putting aside these objective factors, Spider-Man himself is full of contradictions. Although his sudden ability allows him to grow up quickly, he is still a child who loves life and longs to love and be loved. He tries his best to complete every part of his ordinary life, although he always encounters setbacks; he likes to take some beautiful things with the camera, although the boss only wants him to shoot Spider-Man; he carefully prepares, just to watch the performance of the girl he loves, But he always failed to make a trip because of unexpected encounters; he was always in a place where the girl could not see, paying attention to her and protecting her silently, but he never told her about his responsibility and the love buried in his heart...

These ordinary qualities are unique to Spider-Man. He is not like the arrogance of Superman, nor the coldness of Batman. He is warm, but Superman is simple... We can clearly see his growth and see him learn to be responsible. There is nothing gorgeous about him. He told us that the seemingly cool spider costume "is actually uncomfortable to wear and itchy", "especially the crotch is still a little tight"... This is the cute part of Spiderman. "

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