The Director of Music Department

Chapter 192: . Tender Trap

Hearing what Li Yi said, Wu Han agreed with him in his heart, but he didn't think it would have much impact on the film. These are all minor things.

Next, Professor Lin was unable to find a suitable master for Xiao Ba, so he began to take the initiative to understand Xiao Ba’s habits, and earnestly inquired about relevant information, and during the day when Professor Lin played feelings, Xiao Ba Eight will also quietly lie on the side listening, or playfully lick the sheet music on the piano...

how to say? This is a very plain movie, but it's amazing. Everywhere the interaction between people and dogs is warm, which makes it hard to be disgusted.

The first twenty minutes or so can be said to be unremarkable, with only the faint and warm human-dog interaction.

In the movie, the subjective vision of Xiao Ba is switched from time to time, which is in three colors of black, white and gray. This kind of lens is very interesting. Wu Han is the director, but he knows that the biggest advantage of this kind of lens is that people can substitute it. In the world of dogs.

Wu Han glanced at the audience in the movie theater. He was a little surprised. The movie theater was very quiet. Few people spoke, even if they did, they would lower their voices.

And more is watching the big screen quietly.

As expected of his opponent, this Wang Yifan has something.

Wu Han has never underestimated any opponent, let alone Wang Yifan.

The movie continues. Professor Lin's wife still has a resistance to the fact that there is a dog in the house. So when Xiao Ba accidentally destroyed a piece of furniture, she finally couldn't help but burst out: "I feel bad. Enough, safe, send it out tomorrow, no discussion, no argument!"

"Okay, I'm sorry, don't be angry..." Professor Lin apologized with a wry smile. In order to calm his wife's anger, he could only put the dog in the small doghouse outside. At this time, the camera was very Naturally switched to Xiao Ba's perspective.

Through the gaps in the wooden boards of the doghouse, in the world of black and white, Professor Lin apologized, Xiao Ba whimpered aggrievedly.

This scene, even if an audience with purpose like Wu Han watched it, he couldn't help feeling a little distressed for this little guy.

This night, the wind was very strong, and the blowing doghouse rustled, as if it would collapse at any time.

In the living room, Mrs. Lin awakened in the darkness and subconsciously touched her side, but she felt empty.

Obviously, Professor Lin must have gone to see Xiao Ba.

Sure enough, the next moment, the camera turned, and in the strong wind, Professor Lin put on a coat and rushed into the doghouse. While holding Xiao Ba, while panting because of running too fast, he said, "Xiao Ba, it's freezing bad. Come on? I'll take you to the room to get warm...but shhh, you can't make a sound, you know? A deal?"

"Wang." What's interesting is that Xiao Ba even whispered, as if he was agreeing.

"Good boy!" Professor Lin rubbed Xiaoba's head and smiled.

The cold wind roared outside, but indoor Professor Lin and Xiao Bayi were sitting on the sofa eating popcorn and watching the movie.

They are like friends, sharing this simple happiness together, and then they fall asleep like this one by one.

It was not until Mrs. Lin, who was worried about her husband catching cold, that she came downstairs to wake up Professor Lin.

"Just stay for one night!"

Professor Lin and Mrs. Lin reached an agreement on Xiao Ba sleeping in the living room.

Seeing Professor Lin's serious expression, Mrs. Lin smiled helplessly and nodded in agreement.

This section may seem like a fuss, but Wu Han knows that this is still not the point. The point is that the interaction between Professor Lin and Xiao Ba, the picture of one person and one dog, is particularly harmonious and warm.

Finally, someone with a limited number of adopting Xiaoba appeared, which made Mrs. Lin overjoyed, holding her mobile phone to inform her husband, but when she got up and looked out the window, she was suddenly stunned.

From inside the window, the lens is based on Mrs. Lin's line of sight and extends outward.

Outside the window, Professor Lin was awkwardly training Xiaoba.

I saw the usually personable university music professor. At this moment, in order for Xiaoba to learn to pick up the ball, he actually crawled on the ground like a dog, and even held the ball with his mouth to demonstrate his status over and over again.. ....

In the morning sun, the interaction between Professor Lin and Xiao Ba seemed extremely warm, and many audiences in the movie theater could not help but smile.

Perhaps he was thinking that Professor Lin looked funny, or perhaps he was touched by this warm scene.

In the movie, Mrs. Lin watched this scene and said to the person on the phone: "I'm sorry, the dog already has an owner."

Yes, the dog already has an owner. For a moment, everyone felt that if the dog were to leave Professor Lin, it would be cruel.

Fortunately, Mrs. Lin is not the kind of cold-blooded person, she is finally willing to let the professor raise her.

But Wu Han's mood is a bit heavy, not because the movie is not good, on the contrary, this movie so far, although as usual as usual, only tells the little things about raising a dog, but it was shot. Harmony and warm feeling.

This can be seen from the reaction of people in the cinema.

Even Li Yi beside him showed a knowing smile after Mrs. Lin agreed to the professor to raise Xiao Ba.

This is enough to show that this movie is extraordinary.

Next, the plot is as plain as before, but more shots are given to Xiao Ba. In the delicate shots, the most simple and true emotions between humans and animals are unreservedly displayed. This The rare thing about this kind of emotion is that it is not as vigorous as the love between men and women, nor is it as passionate as brothers and friends, it does not even need to rely on language communication, but only rely on gestures and actions to express emotion.

In the lens, most of the time, Xiao Ba and Professor's daily life use the three colors of black, gray and white to show Xiao Ba. Xiao Ba is very clingy, and it is a dog that cannot be driven away.

When the professor was going to the station to take the bus to the school, Xiao Ba always followed him, squatting on the flower platform opposite the station for a day.

At first, the professor often drove it away and let it go home.

Later, the professor found that Xiaoba was like a demon. He had to watch him walk out of the station again before he would give up, so he had no choice but to give up.

Gradually, even the small street vendor at the station, the aunt who reported to the station, the uncle of the pancake stall, etc. all got acquainted with this dog who would send the professor to work every day and wait for the professor to return home.

Everyone likes it, well, this kind of dog one would dislike it!

Li Yi didn't talk nonsense anymore, he also fell in love with such a dog.

He even thought, should he go back and raise one?

There were also some particularly interesting details during the period. For example, Xiao Ba dug a dog hole under the wall in order to send the professor three books, and Xiao Ba’s little attachment eyes every time he saw the professor, and every time the professor went from It was wagging its tail excitedly when it came out of the station. Probably that was when Xiao Ba was happiest?

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