The Director of Music Department

Chapter 369: . The same routine but different stories

The director’s selection is actually very simple. The first round of selection is said to be fair, but in fact, where is there really fair thing in this world.

Moreover, the director seems to have low technical content, just sitting behind the monitor and shouting, but in fact, the threshold for directors is actually quite high.

The directors of Huaguo, especially those who came from the class [悠悠读], actually have a very distinctive feature, that is, they are all artistic.

This has something to do with their teachers and the school's educational methods. They may have more basic skills than those who are grass-roots and those who are half-way renunciations, but in turn, their thoughts on movies are more selfish.

To put it simply, most of the directors who come from the class have more ideas.

For Wang Yifan and others, at this stage, what they most need is precisely this kind of director who is too thoughtful and too self-conscious.

Why does Wang Yifan want to take the project by himself, and then find the director, is not for insurance.

On the contrary, directors who are a monk or new director who have undergone social trials are more realistic.

And this is what Wang Yifan wants at this stage.

The first round of screening is very simple, just look at your past works.

Yes, even experimental films, at least, you can't really be the "new" director!

It's better to say more than to do.

Therefore, there are many people who signed up, really many, and some people brought their own projects, but the final result was that they were all brushed down.

Because, at the very least, you are a director and you have to prove that you can shoot things and tell stories. Therefore, those who pass the first round are directors with works.

For example, Yang Qin has quite a lot of works. Although they are all low-cost horror films that sell dog meat, they are considered to be relatively excellent.

In particular, Yang Qin’s resume. Although most of the movies she made have never heard of, she did not lose money!

The point is that although the film is sparse, it has been proven that she can make a movie.

Don't underestimate this!

The cost of several million is also money. No one would like to use it to make money. It is better to donate it for charity.

Therefore, I did find a new director, but this new one is different from what everyone understands.

"Because, in fact, a large part of the directors we selected are directors who shoot micro-films, major Internet movies, and small-cost horror films. These types of movies have one characteristic, and their typology is particularly special. Serious. So they are more experienced in this area and can save a lot of things.” Wang Yifan explained.

The first batch of projects selected by Wang Yifan all have one characteristic, that is, the scene is special and simple.

Although these scripted stories are more interesting, it is not realistic to let those new directors make too complicated movies from the beginning.

Yang Qin became the first lucky person.

However, when she got the script, Yang Qin was also a little confused.

Why do you say that? Because of this script, at first glance, she felt like returning to her old career.

The name of this script is "The Dark Side".

Because of the plot of this book, it gave Yang Qin a feeling of selling dog meat.

If you let go of the shot, it would definitely be at the 18th prohibition level.

But obviously, it is impossible for Xinxing to spend millions to make her make a film of this kind.

However, after reading the script carefully, Yang Qin felt a little admired.

why? Because she didn't make fewer films of this type before, but it really couldn't be compared.

Because this script, although summed up, is actually very simple. It is a series of things caused by a woman who forgot to bring the key.

But the story is very strong, and it's definitely not selling dog meat, but really very interesting.

The horror films of domestic movies usually follow a routine, that is, when propaganda, they are all linked to the supernatural, but the result has nothing to do with the supernatural.

Well, there shouldn't be any relationship at all, otherwise it would not pass the trial at all.

The plot of "The Dark Side" is actually very simple, and the scene is very single, it is definitely a small cost standard. The main story is that it takes place in a house-the hostess hid in the secret room in order to test her boyfriend. People can observe the room from the secret room, but the sound in the secret room cannot be heard at all. She can only enter and exit through the key, but she enters the secret room and finds that she forgot to bring the key...

Then I saw my boyfriend and another woman fancy rolling sheets on my big bed...

Well, to summarize it more simply, in fact, scumbags can't stand the test, and scumbags are not much better.

Therefore, this kind of movie is actually very interesting, because it captures a key point, should love be tested?

In other words, this is a very contemplative movie, although it is a small cost, it may not fail to shine.

Yang Qin thought a lot, such as what the meaning of "The Dark Side" is, what themes, and so on.

For example, digging into human nature, everyone has their own dark side and so on.

Yang Qin really thought a lot, why? She really wanted this opportunity.

However, the next day, Wang Yifan did not ask this at all, but directly asked: "How do you plan to make this movie?"

Yang Qin was stunned for a moment.

However, she has certainly thought about this question. As a veteran of "pseudo" horror films, she is still very good at creating suspense.

"I will shoot with a dual perspective narrative. The first half will focus on the perspective of the'third party' female number two, so that it can create some suspense."

"First of all, I want to create a series of mysterious events from the mysterious disappearance of the girlfriend of a male and female lead to a series of mysterious incidents encountered by his new girlfriend in the house, to make the audience feel that this is a haunted house movie, to suggest that the audience It is guessed that the actor's ex-girlfriend is dead, and the ghost is still there, and the follow-up may be a dispute between people and ghosts.

Then, when letting the audience fall into this kind of thought, start to create a reversal that surprises the audience. The plot of the movie is divided into two sections, which are opened in two rooms that the male protagonist and two girlfriends later explained. The first section is about the new girlfriend "Meeting Ghosts", creating all kinds of suspense, and the second half is about the missing girlfriend. Explained the various reasons why the new girlfriend "encountered ghosts"..."

After the story, Yang Qin felt a little nervous.

Because of her thoughts, she was actually influenced by those pseudo-horror films, because this is the most commonly used routine in domestic horror films that are under the banner of "supernatural".

The difference is that Wang Yifan's "Dark Side" script story can justify itself, and implant a theme and a core to make the film no longer so empty.

The suspense ahead is, is the heroine dead? Was it her ghost at work?

The answer was revealed in the middle part, but the latter part is very different from domestically produced low-cost horror movies.

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