The Director of Music Department

Chapter 576: .Press Conference

The Beijing International Conference Center, the brand advertising conference of Deep Blue Group and the new product launch conference of the flagship machine of Guangyao Mobile Youth Edition will be held here.

Originally, a brand's new product launch conference was not an early pioneer. To be honest, because there are too many to do, it can't attract too many media.

However, this press conference of Deep Blue Group is different. The key lies in the previous sentence, the brand advertising conference.

what? You say that brand advertising is weird for launching conferences? Lao Tie, you are out of date, brand advertising conferences, this kind of thing is really not new.

Many big brands hold one or two annual brand advertising campaigns every year.

Advertising, advertising, advertising, and its annual advertising blockbuster, you say it is an advertising film, but in fact, it can also be a kind of promotional product.

Borrowing from the advertising conference, the core advertising blockbuster is released as a new product, and it is normal to promote it.

In fact, many people are very puzzled and feel that the Deep Blue Group feels a little fainted this time.

Why do you say that?

Because everyone knows that everyone’s eyes are focused on the advertisement worth hundreds of millions of dollars, not on a new product launch event. In other words, not many people care about the new product launch of Guangyao Mobile.

There are two possibilities for the advertisement worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and the advertisement directed by Wang Yifan, the number one box office man in the Chinese film industry, defeating the global advertising elite.

One is that the advertisements are brilliant, so, will anyone watch the new product launch?

On the other hand, the advertisement does not meet the expected expectations, so everyone's eyes will be focused. Among the countless doubts, will anyone watch the new product launch?

Even if you release a new mobile phone first, the focus of other people's attention is not on the mobile phone. Is there an egg?

It’s this time that the attention of an advertisement can be said to exceed the attention of a super blockbuster, let alone a mobile phone?

Guo Shuai, 28 years old, is the chief creative officer of DB Advertising Huaguo Branch.

Guo Shuai is naturally capable of becoming the chief creative officer of the Huaguo branch of a foreign advertising giant at such an age.

This time, Guo Shuai also led the team to participate in the Deep Blue Group's billion-dollar advertisement, but the result was defeated.

This made Guo Shuai, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, a little annoyed, but at the same time he was brooding about it.

What makes Guo Shuai even more uncomfortable is that this time, Deep Blue's billion-dollar advertising rewards did not fall into the hands of any peers, but fell into the hands of Wang Yifan.

Yes, Guo Shuai admits that Wang Yifan is definitely a gangster in the Chinese film industry. Guo Shuai also likes his movies, especially "The Story of the Hachiko" and "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

He is a fan of Wang Yifan, but it does not mean that he will be convinced. The so-called interlacing is like a mountain. Therefore, in his opinion, Deep Blue has completely played the entire advertising circle this time. In his opinion, Deep Blue chose Wang Yifan instead of Others in the advertising circle are not because they are inferior to others, but because Wang Yifan's fame allows Deep Blue to take the opportunity to hype.

Therefore, he pays more attention to the finished advertising product than anyone else.

Beijing time, at 8:55 in the morning, the press conference officially began.

Wearing trousers, white shirt and sleeves rolled up, Chen Anping appeared on the stage in the conference hall of the Beijing International Convention Center.

A lot of media have already gathered in the audience, waiting for the launch of this conference.

This conference has attracted the attention of many people, and the heat is unprecedented. Although there is no live broadcast on TV, this conference is broadcast live on the whole network.

At the same time, there are also many people in the advertising circle sitting in front of the computer or watching the live broadcast of the conference with their mobile phones.

Many advertising companies, such as the DB Huaguo branch where Guo Shuai works, have stopped their work at this moment.

They were all watching the company deliberately get a big screen, watching this live broadcast.

No one, as the name goes, remember the lesson, and see where the DB lost this time.

Not only DB, but also other advertising companies. At this moment, they are all waiting to see how this advertisement with a reward of 100 million yuan is like.

Chen Anping stepped onto the main stage.

The media people and attendees in the audience calmed down, regardless of what the outside world thought of Chen Anping, but Chen Anping is the chairman of the Deep Blue Group. There is no doubt about this.

Although the outside world's evaluation of Chen Anping is more confined to the rich second generation, having a good fetus, ignorance, etc., no one in the know dare to underestimate Chen Anping.

You must know that Deep Blue Group is not a small company, but a super group with a market value of over 100 billion.

Chen Anping, who is able to run such a group, maybe you can say that he is young, that he is hairless, that he is a rich second generation, and that he gets something for nothing, etc. However, you can only talk about it.

In the case of Chen Jianjun's sudden death, it took less than a year for Chen Anping to stabilize the Deep Blue Group and successfully take charge of this group. It was already enough to see his skills and abilities.

"In 1992, a shop called Shenlan Appliance Repair opened in a small county. In this year, the Shenlan Appliance Repair Shop had 3 employees!" Chen Anping smiled, slightly nostalgic.

On the big screen behind him, an old photo appeared. In the photo, it was a small shop with a small face.

This is the predecessor of Deep Blue Group, a home appliance repair shop.

"In 1993, the first Shenlan second-hand home appliance store opened. 8 employees!"

Another old photo appeared on the big screen.

"In 1995, the first Shenlan home appliance store opened with 39 employees!"

"In 1996, Deep Blue owned its first factory, and the first electric fan with the Deep Blue brand was produced in this factory."


"In 1999, Deep Blue's sales team set foot on North Africa for the first time..."


Every time Chen Anping said something, old photos of relatives appeared on the big screen behind him.

When Deep Blue Group entered the home appliance industry, the home appliance market in China was already a red sea. The Deep Blue Group, which had no technological advantage and no scale advantage, encountered difficulties in the early days of Chen Jianjun's business, which was unimaginable for many people.

However, the path of Deep Blue home appliances is different from that of many domestic brands. At the beginning, Deep Blue only produced some small home appliances, including electric fans, rice cookers and so on.

Deep Blue is playing a low-end and low-price strategy, taking the route of encircling cities from rural areas.

The dark blue home appliance chain stores started in a small county in the earliest days.

What really made Deep Blue take off is that their home appliances entered the underdeveloped countries in Asia and Africa, and Deep Blue home appliances began to take off.

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