The Director of Music Department

Chapter 743: .You must have money first

After that, Lin Nana cried and called her father.

My father quickly helped Lin Nana contact a lawyer.

After understanding the situation, the lawyer said that although there is evidence that Mike did use Lin Nana.

But because the key witnesses were unwilling to help Lin Nana, and Lin Nana went to Mike's home by herself, and Mike's parents had a certain influence in the local area, especially her father was a lawyer.

Therefore, this case can be fought, but Lin Nana needs to be mentally prepared, because this case may take a long time to proceed.

The other party will definitely delay the case.

At this time, Mike's father expressed his willingness to settle out of court and could compensate Lin Nana.

But Lin Nana and her parents refused.

Said that the lawsuit must be brought to the end.

Mike's father smiled and said, this is America!

Lin Nana's father also said that this is indeed the United States, but this is also a society under the rule of law, and those who commit crimes should be severely punished by the law.

The first time the court opened, the situation was very favorable for Lin Nana.

Because the lawyers hired were very powerful, they overturned the testimonies of the two perjured witnesses, Selena and her ex-boyfriend.

Lin Nana's family expressed their excitement.

But the attorney said that this is only the beginning and there is still a long battle to fight.

The lawyer also told Lin Nana to be careful of the other party's out-of-court recruitment.

Especially when it comes to things like ****, the other party is likely to attack Lin Nana by public opinion.

As a result, Mike's method quickly appeared.

Lin Nana went back to school and found that many people looked at her very strangely.

Then she learned that her photos were posted on the Internet.

Lin Nana contacted the lawyer, but the lawyer said that the photo was processed and because it was posted on the Internet, it was difficult to find evidence that the photo was provided by Mike.

At this time, Mike’s lawyer once again stated that he could settle out of court and increased the amount of compensation.

But Lin Nana refused again.

The other party said Lin Nana would regret it.

At this time, the lawyer also told Lin Nana that the lawsuit has a great chance of winning, but the time will be delayed by the other party, and during this time, such things are likely to continue to happen.

Therefore, Lin Nana must be psychologically prepared.

Sure enough, Lin Nana's photo appeared again in the school, and this time it was sent to many students' emails by the crowd.

Rumors also began to spread around the school.

Some people even came to ask Lin Nana for the price.

Make Lin Nana unbearable to be tortured.

But she still clenched her teeth.

The court opened again, and the other party's lawyer conducted various humiliating inquiries on Lin Nana in the court.

Lin Nana collapsed on the spot.

Although the lawyer applied for Lin Nana not to appear in court for the next session, it takes time for the next session.

And Lin Nana basically couldn't stay in school any longer.

Faced with all kinds of strange eyes, Lin Nana finally became unbearable and chose to compromise.

Many people feel a deep sense of powerlessness when the movie is here.

"This is the so-called dish cooking, the so-called free America!" Xu Min sighed.

"Yes, in fact, many overseas students have been violated, but few lawsuits have been filed." Ouyang said.

On the big screen, Mike swaggered to appear in front of Lin Nana again, and said triumphantly: "That night, I was very happy, I didn't expect you to be the first time!"

Chen Xiao went to a convenience store to buy things. When he came out, he was hit by someone. As a result, a bag of things fell off his body.

Chen Xiao picked it up and wanted to return it to the other party. As a result, the police officers chased him.

Chen Xiao was arrested on the spot.

That package of things is actually a package of unique products.

After that, Chen Xiao was sued [Jiujiu novel] Zangdu.

The police couldn't catch the person who hit Chen Xiao.

In the end, Chen Xiao's parents took out a large sum of money, and even sold the family's real estate, only to collect the money and hire a well-known local lawyer to fight the lawsuit.

Although the lawsuit was won, Chen Xiao was acquitted.

But the Chen family went bankrupt because of this.

At the end of the film, Chen Xiao chose to drop out of school and return to China.

Three students studying abroad, three stories, each story was not deliberately sensational, nor was it exaggerated.

The end of the film.

"This story is adapted from the real experience of director Lin Feng's friends!"

The audience at the scene was somewhat silent.

This film, in terms of technique and lens, can't be said to be so good, and in many places it is relatively immature.

But everyone at the scene applauded.

"Go on, accept the affirmation you deserve!" Lin Husheng patted his son Lin Feng on the shoulder with relief.

Lin Feng and the main creative members went on stage to receive applause from the audience.

"Director Lin, at the end of the film, it is said that this is based on the real story of the people around him. Is this true?" a reporter asked.

"Yes, maybe the process is a little different, but it's basically the same." Lin Feng said.

"Then what kind of thoughts do you want to express through these three stories? Can you tell me something?" the reporter asked again.

"The first story happened by my side, in the same school. I want to tell the compatriots in China who want to study abroad or are studying abroad. If you are abroad, you must be careful, because this kind of thing happens every day in North America. It happens, and it is the least worthwhile to encounter this kind of thing. Because those people, they are the bottom scum of society, they are addicts, and they are not afraid of crime at all."

"The second story was told by a friend of mine, that girl, the final ending is worse than the movie! It is a good thing to study abroad, but if you are in a foreign country, please don't trust others! Especially girls!"

"The third story I want to tell everyone is that in foreign countries, the so-called rule of law depends not on fairness and justice, but on money. Maybe some people will refute me, but this... is the fact. !"

"In fact, there are too many similar things. I made this film mainly to tell my compatriots in China who want to study abroad. Foreign countries are not as free as everyone imagined! I need to pay for it and freedom. At a price!"

"Happiness!" The audience applauded!

"The shot is very good, too many people in China now think that the moon in foreign countries is more round!"

"A lot of cents are actually people who have never been to the United States. If they did, they probably wouldn't be so admired."

"That may be true. In fact, who doesn't know about this kind of thing? It's just that many people pretend not to know."

"Foreign students, it's not so beautiful!"

"A while ago, a certain domestic celebrity went abroad, and then he posted on Weibo after an accident, saying that if you don't go abroad, you don't know how good the country is!"

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