Library, because I heard that Kaneda and Shiina were holding study meetings in the library, so Wan Daicheng and the others walked all the way after lunch.

On the way, Ishizaki was still complaining, and on the first day of a good weekend, he was told that he had to study well, but no one paid attention to him.

When I got to the study room of the library, it was easy to find the large troops of the C class, as if they did not even go to lunch, and there were only C class people in the study room.

Kaneda is tutoring everyone in their homework, and Shiina is carefully closing the scope of the exam, seemingly trying to find the knowledge points and bet on the questions as much as possible from the perspective of the questioner.

Everyone is not blind, seeing that Bandai Cheng came and consciously stopped, unanimously looked over, Bandai Cheng waved his hand, and asked Ishizaki to distribute the answer to everyone on the mobile phone, and at the same time made a brief explanation.

Let the students in Class C not do very well, each grateful for zero: “Ju, actually!” There is an answer! I see! I see! ”

“Bandai is so powerful! You can find this way through! ”

“Great, so that I can at least pass the midterm exams, I will not be withdrawn!”

“No, it’s just that this midterm exam has been stable, the final exam, and the future written exam will still trouble Kaneda and Shiina.”

Looking at the students who were gradually making a fuss, Wan Daicheng casually held out his hand, and the second knuckle of his index finger gently tapped on the tabletop, making a very light and very light ‘tapping’ sound.

Although the sound is small, it is like a knock on everyone’s heart, making the C class people immediately silent, and they are extremely excited to suddenly get the answers to the midterm exam, but at the same time, they also admire Wan Daicheng as the leading big brother of the class.

Class prestige is built step by step in such small details.

“This is the library.” Wan Daicheng didn’t say much, just emphasized the place, and let the C class students nod their heads, even if there was only their class in the study room now, there was no more noise.

Then Ishizaki and Albert consciously joined the study meeting, they had heard Bandai say at the dinner table before, if they couldn’t keep up at the end of the term, they would roll up and leave, they didn’t want to be dropped out, they could only force themselves to learn.

Dragon Garden is directly in the study room to find a place to snooze, Bandai Cheng will leisurely look for in the library, there are any interesting stories that can pass the time.

“Bandai classmates.” At this moment, there was a voice with a very vertebral name and a soft cloud from behind, probably because he was in the library, and his already soft voice was even lower, like a breeze in the clouds, gently touching people’s hearts.

Bandai did not look back, as early as when he left the study room, he found that Shiina was following behind him, and he was looking for books on the bookshelf while also lowering his voice: “What? Looking for something to do with me? ”

“Didn’t… Sort of. Shiina’s crystal clear eyes like amethyst, staring at Wan Daicheng, looking at the gentle and elegant teenager at this moment, the gaze that concentrated on finding books, was like the dawn light that pierced the night.

The crazy appearance when he violently beat Dragon Garden and others on the day of the revival of the school year, such an overly strong contrast, it really makes people wonder which one is the real Bandai Cheng.

It seemed so magical and complex to Shina, like the deepest book, that after turning a page, she still wanted to continue to read back: “Wan, Bandai students, do you like speculative fiction?” ”

The bookshelf in front of Bandai is Sakurajima’s speculative fiction area, after all, this side of the speculative fiction world is famous: “Well, the dedication of Suspect X, the thirteen steps that disappeared, the scream, are all very interesting novels.” ”

“Mm-hmm!” Shiina seemed to be in the dry weather, the firewood stacks that were lit, the eyes were wider, and he walked quickly to the side of Bandai Cheng: “Among them, the thirteen steps that have disappeared should be the most exciting!” ”

“There will be a memory of the first suspect who lost the memory of the first few hours before the case because of the car accident as the unfolding point, and all kinds of clues are intriguing, and reading it will make people can’t help but be completely immersed in it!” 」

“?” Wan Daicheng only slightly deviated his head, glanced at the direct pig and rushed to the side of the vertebrae, what is it? Talking about the ideas that Shiina is most interested in? Or to describe it a little astringently, this is a poke at a certain point in the vertebra?

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why the vertebrae, who has a mild degree of communication disorder, suddenly leaned up so excitedly.

After learning this, Bandai Seung-seok stared at Shiina with interest, and Shiina seemed to realize that his sudden excitement might have caused trouble to people.

She can’t help but recall the uninterested faces of elementary school classmates when they arrived at school with a thick novel and were excited to share a free conversation with others: “What? Who understands what you’re saying? ”

“Go away, we’re not interested in any novel.”

“Don’t get in our way here, by the way, tell you, last night’s variety show was so funny, you know?”

The words that were originally buried in the memories were like a quagmire that had been dug up, and to this day, Shiina has gradually forgotten what even his elementary school classmates look like, and there is only one blurred figure after another in the memory.

But those indifferent words, she can still remember completely and word for word.

This made Shiina subconsciously take a step back, and a hint of guilt appeared: “Sorry… Bandai classmate, I talk to myself… Annoying, right? ”

Shiina’s expression as if he were an injured fawn, as if the willow branches that were hanging down were picked up by the breeze, and the willow branches that crossed the lake set off a little ripple, so that Bandai Cheng could not ignore it: “No, I think it is quite interesting.” ”

“After all, I rarely communicate with people face-to-face about my feelings after reading.”

“!” Shiina heard this and raised his head violently, his heart throbbing inexplicably, and he looked up at Wan Daicheng, like a fish dragged out of the water, with his mouth open but unable to speak.

Bandai classmates, like her, can’t find friends to talk about the feeling of reading books?!

The world is very big, all-encompassing, the world is also very small, Shiina more than ten years of life, can not even find a partner to tell the strange and interesting stories in the books.

But now, as if, she had found it….

Shiina herself doesn’t understand why she became so proactive, from “I Am a Cat” to “Wuthering Heights”, from “Pride and Prejudice” to “The Red and the Black”.

Classical, modern, nothing to talk about, Shikina seems to have an illusion, her soul seems to have some kind of beautiful resonance with the soul of Bandai Cheng.

Aware of this, Shiina finally laughed out, his big clear eyes filled with a unique satisfaction, and when his brilliant smile spread, even Bandai Cheng was suspected of seeing the cherry blossoms that were rapidly growing and blooming behind Shiina.

This innocent and immaculate bright smile covers the loneliness of all the lonely books lying in the library, leaving only a mysterious atmosphere, circling between the two people, this tacit understanding atmosphere, far more than the happiness of reading a good story, let the vertebral name remember.

Unfortunately, the pure atmosphere was broken by a cacophony, making the subconscious Bandai Cheng and Shiina turn their heads together and look in the direction of the study room.

Over there, there was a lot of arguing.

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