The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 1298: Doomsday Secret

"Then why is it not the Lord of Destruction, the Lord of Death, but the Lord of Doom." Simon asked his own question.

The Evil God of Montenegro paused for a while, Simon's eyes looked forward, and the believers of the Doomsday sect flocked. These doomsday believers all had doomsday runes on their bodies, exuding an aura of destruction.

Simon frowned even more when he saw that the Evil God of Montenegro did not answer. When he was about to leave, the Evil God of Montenegro spoke again.

"It's nothing to tell you, the ending of every world is the same, it's all destruction. And the end of the day doesn't mean destruction, it's just a process towards destruction.

The Lord of Doom is like a guide for the world to be destroyed. Once the world is destroyed, the Lord of Doom will fall into a deep sleep until his divine power disappears and he falls. " said the evil **** of Montenegro.

Simon frowned even more: "Isn't the true God unique? There are so many worlds in all worlds and planes. Unless the universe is destroyed, the Lord of Doom will disappear."

The Heretic God of Montenegro shook his head: "This **** has said that the Lord of Doom is very special. He is not unique. Every world will have a final ending, so every world will have a Lord of Doom. Since every world will have a Lord of Doom. The world has the uniqueness of the Lord of the Doomsday.

And your world has just undergone drastic changes, and magic energy was born, which means that there is no Lord of Doomsday in your world, so some people are eyeing the divine position of the Lord of Doomsday. "

Simon's expression was solemn, so it was.

"People in our world don't know the secret of the Lord of Doomsday, so there is only one possibility. The person who created this Doomsday sect is the originator."

The Evil God of Montenegro nodded: "It is very likely that he is an immortal demigod. Due to the unique characteristics of the real body, many demigods will never be able to achieve the position of the true real **** in their entire lives. But the position of the Lord of the Doomsday is vacant. , as long as they win the throne of the Lord of the Doomsday, they will be like true gods in this world."

"And the Lord of the Doomsday seems to be weaker than the true God, but the Lord of the Doomsday can absorb the power of the doomsday. As long as the world experiences a few more doomsdays, the power of the Lord of the Doomsday may not be weaker than the true God. Even some true gods want the power of the doomsday. the lordship."

At this time, the doomsday believers rushed over, and Simon's spiritual power exploded immediately. One by one, the doomsday believers seemed to be pressed down by an invisible mountain, and they were pressed to the ground again, unable to move.

The doomsday runes on their bodies were spreading, and the power of destruction was erupting, forcibly breaking free from the suppression of Simon's spiritual power.

Simon's eyes became sharp, and he was no longer merciful. The heads of the doomsday believers were crushed like a watermelon, and they died tragically on the spot.

A terrifying magical energy burst out, and the black young man who presided over the ceremony rushed over. He was covered in doomsday runes and exuded an icy aura of destruction. He waved his hand, and the black light turned into a huge pitch-black sickle in the air. Directly chopped over, Simon's mental power was chopped off.

Simon's face changed, he quickly dodged, and the pitch-black scythe slashed horizontally, severing large swathes of trees.

The black youth walked through the collapsed tree and came to Simon. A huge black shadow appeared behind him. The destructive magic energy emitted by this shadow was even stronger, and it also fell with a pitch-black sickle.

Before the pitch-black scythe hit Simon, Simon's soul was touched, and he felt that his soul was frozen.

Fortunately, Simon's soul was strong enough to get rid of his control in an instant, and the shadow magic energy exploded. He pulled out the sword of disintegration at will, collided with the black sickle, and directly cut off the black sickle.

"How is it possible, how can you escape my doomsday sickle." The black youth couldn't believe it, his doomsday sickle had never been missed before.

Simon's eyes were gloomy, black light erupted from his body, and the shadow ghost rushed out of his body and rushed towards the black youth like lightning.

The black young man had no time to be shocked, and the black light in his hand sprang out, re-condensed the black sickle, and waved at the shadow ghost, actually cutting off the spiritual link between him and the shadow ghost.

The shadow ghost's movements stopped immediately, and Simon was sure at this time that the black sickle could attack the soul.

Simon's mental power rushed out quickly, and before the shadow ghost dissipated, he completed the link with the shadow ghost again, and then Simon rushed over, his mental power hit the black young man like an invisible hammer, knocking the black young man away.

The black youth gushed blood, his expression horrified, he roared, the destruction magic energy on his body continued to erupt, his expression was frantic, and he prayed like the most faithful believer.

"Simon, don't be in a hurry." The Evil God of Montenegro said immediately.

Simon's movements stopped, and the mental power that was ready to go stopped, and then only saw the black youth radiating black light, and a strange black symbol appeared on his forehead.

After the black symbol appeared, the black youth burst out with even more terrifying destructive magic energy. The black youth's eyes quickly turned as dark as a demon, and his aura also changed, exuding destructive fluctuations that made the scalp numb like a **** of death.

"The man behind him shot, and the real rune of doom is on his forehead. Now, don't be merciless and take the rune of doom." The evil **** of Montenegro said solemnly.

Simon's eyes flashed, and he quickly contacted the rotten giant worm, and the rotten giant worm rushed over at the fastest speed.

The black youth seemed to sense the rotten giant insect, the doomsday rune on his forehead radiated black light, and then the destruction magic burst out.

Simon's soul was affected, his vision distorted and changed, the world in front of him quickly withered and lost its vitality, and the whole world seemed to have entered the apocalypse.

Simon looked at the black youth again at this In his sight, the black youth were like gods, giving him a tremendous pressure that he could not resist.

"It's just an unformed doomsday field, don't be afraid." The evil **** of Montenegro shouted.

Simon stabilized his soul, and his mental power suppressed all the negative emotions in his mind. The shadow magic energy in his body erupted. Before he could take action, the rotten giant worm arrived, and the flesh and blood tentacles shot at the black youth.

The black youth raised the pitch-black sickle that the magic energy condensed, waved it, and cut off the flesh and blood tentacles one by one.

The rotten giant worm was in pain, spitting rotten poisonous mist, and those broken flesh and blood tentacles spewed rotten poisonous water, suppressing the black youth.

Simon immediately cast the dark abyss. In the dark night, his shadow secret technique was released faster, and in the past six months, he also persisted in contacting the shadow secret technique, so the dark abyss was almost instantaneous.

A huge black screen enveloped the black youth, and then the earth turned into a swamp of shadows. Countless shadow tentacles grabbed the black youth and dragged him into the swamp.

The magical energy on the black youth erupted, and the shadow tentacles and shadow swamp were washed away in an instant.

He wanted to run away, but the ghost ghost continued behind him and hugged him.

The black youth roared, and the spiritual link between the shadow ghost and Simon was directly broken, and the magical energy impact forcibly dispersed the shadow ghost.

But Simon jumped out of the ground and grabbed the black young man. His mental power burst into the black young man's mind like a tsunami, opening up his spiritual space.

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