The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 26: see if you die

Things are big.

The appearance of the black knight shows that the attack of the pollution monster is not an accident.

The sudden attack of the gangster, then the attack of the pollution monster and the rotten beast, and finally the appearance of the four black knights, this is a premeditated attack.

What secrets are hidden in the dilapidated house area?

Who are these black knights?

Simon didn't have time to think, he already felt that someone was approaching the ghost quickly.

A slight whistle of tearing the air sounded, Simon hurriedly retreated, and the clothes on his shoulders were slit.

In the smoke, he could see a shadowy figure holding a thin long sword in his hand.

After missing a hit, he charged up again, and the rapier was sharp and deadly under his control.

Simon swung the magic energy sword and slashed at the person coming. He was strong and strong, and avoided the magic energy sword like a fish. At the same time, the rapier swept over the ghost's arm like lightning, and his clothes were once again swept away. It was torn, and the small and sharp blade slashed across the arm, and a little spark was actually scratched.

What a hard arm, are you wearing a gauntlet?

The black knight mistakenly thought that the ghost was wearing a gauntlet to block his rapier.

With a condensed expression on his face, the black knight immediately retreated. Simon was hit, and he quickly counterattacked by swinging his magic energy sword.

Under the crisis, the black knight could only wave the rapier to resist, the magic energy long sword hit the rapier, and the blade of the rapier instantly cracked a gap, splashing dazzling sparks.

Simon was overjoyed, the black knight's rapier is not as hard as the magic long sword.

The black knight was knocked back a few steps by this slash, and his arms were pantothenic. He had no idea that the ghost ghost could burst out with such an amazing force.

The black knight's body is in the shape of a bow, and the next second it strikes like an arrow from a string, and the rapier slashes away.

Simon also swung his sword, the body of the sword glowed with a faint white light, and he slashed sharply towards the rapier.

Unexpectedly, the black knight suddenly became short, and the rapier also sank downward. The magic energy long sword failed to slash, but the rapier pointed precisely at the heart of the ghost ghost.

The tip of the sword pierced half an inch into the ghost's chest, and he couldn't go any further.

For a moment, Simon's face paled, and the shadow ghost was hurt, and Simon also felt it.

The black knight who shot was even more shocked. He didn't feel as if his sword had pierced his flesh and pierced his heart, as if he had stabbed a steel plate.

This sword is his stunt, the speed and explosive power can pierce an inch of steel, and many people die under this move.

Are you also wearing armor?

Very cautious person.

Simon kicked the black knight, the black knight rolled to the side to avoid the attack, the rapier in his hand swept across the shadow ghost's right calf, opened his clothes, and Mars reappeared.

Also have armor on the legs?

In just a few short attacks, Simon was hit in three places. If a normal person were to be normal, he would have fallen to the ground.

Simon didn't fight back, he turned and fled. In the smoke, his vision was blocked, and the combat environment was too unfavorable for him.

Simon spread his legs and ran out of the smoke, and the black knight quickly caught up.

Simon turned around, the white light slashed down, and the magic long sword slashed the air.

The black knight slammed back, and the white light swept across the mask on his face, and the mask was cut with a crack.

Simon swings his sword like crazy, the black knight moves agilely, and his skills are strong. He knew that he was far less powerful than the shadow ghost in frontal fighting, so he chose guerrilla warfare.

His swordsmanship is full of skill and deceit, full of lethality, which is the skill of killing.

In terms of swordsmanship, the black knight completely beat Simon.

Simon Kong has speed and strength, poor skill, and too many flaws in his movements.

It's okay to deal with reckless polluting monsters, but if you deal with a black knight who has experienced many battles and is skilled in swordsmanship, the advantage will not be fully exerted.

The rapier is as flexible as a snake, and it never fights Simon head-on.

He is like an assassin. No matter whether he hits or misses, he will retreat with a single blow, and he will never stop for a while.

In a few seconds, the black knight hit the ghost several times, and the position of his internal organs was basically hit, even his neck was scratched.

The attacking black knight also had a headache at this time. He thought that Simon was wearing a full set of armor, like a tortoise shell, and he had nowhere to go.

I don't believe you have armor around your eyes.

The black knight was ruthless in his heart, and rushed towards Simon with an explosive speed. He avoided Simon's slash, and his hand hidden behind him violently swung a cloud of white dust like sand to disperse, covering both of them.

Simon immediately retreated, and a treacherous rapier in the smoke struck.

Simon reluctantly caught the attack and at the same time swung the black knight away.

The black knight held his breath, his eyes were like poisonous snakes, and he stared at Simon's movements.

Take a breath, just take one breath and you're done.

What he scatters is not ordinary dust, but a high-concentration hallucinogen. Just a small inhalation will invade the central nervous system, immediately causing space-time confusion and hallucinations.

Simon knew that this black knight was difficult to deal with, and he didn't want to fight him anymore, so he turned around and ran towards the dark alley.

The black knight thought that Simon had inhaled hallucinogens, so he wanted to run away. Overjoyed in my heart, I chased after him immediately, and the rapier pierced through the air like a poisonous snake and stabbed Simon's back.

Simon turned around directly, exposing his chest, and the rapier pierced into his heart again. He stretched out his hand and firmly grasped the rapier.

This surprised the black knight. He didn't seem to think that Simon would be able to catch his sword in this situation, or use his body to catch the sword.

How could he know that shadow ghosts are not human at all, hallucinogens have no effect on him, and he uses his body to pick up the sword because it can withstand it.

The black knight reacted instantly, pulling out his rapier forcefully. But the blade remained motionless in the hands of the shadow ghost. At this time, the power of the shadow ghost took advantage. Simon clamped the blade tightly, and then slashed at the black knight with the magic long sword.

The black knight was also resolute, letting go of the rapier without hesitation, letting Simon's slash miss.

But at this moment a gunshot rang out, the black knight covered his arm, and he was shot.

The one who shot was Kai'Sa.

Kai'Sa has been hiding behind the broken wall, staring at the battlefield. The battlefield between Shadow Ghost and Black Knight is closer to her, and within her shooting range, she has been looking for opportunities to shoot.

The shot was so beautiful that Simon couldn't help but praise Kai'Sa.

The black knight's shot was an excellent opportunity for Simon to counterattack. Simon immediately stepped forward and swung his sword. This sword was going to kill him. It exploded with all his strength, and the air was torn apart and wailed. It fell precisely but hit the ground.

The black knight dodged, he touched his waist, and two flying knives fell into his hands.

With a wave of his hand, the flying knife lashed towards Simon, Simon swung his sword to split one flying knife, and the other flying knife hit his leg and stuck it in his thigh.

Unfortunately, it was completely useless.

The black knight turned to flee, UU read www. One of his arms was injured, and his combat effectiveness decreased. Coupled with the fact that there was a gunman watching, he felt that he could not take down Simon, and decided to retreat.

Simon's eyes widened, he abused me so badly, you still want to get out of your body, how can there be such a good thing.

He suddenly threw the magic energy sword out, like a white line cutting through the sky, stabbing the black knight.

See if you die.

The black knight raised his hand and blocked the white light with his injured arm. The magic energy long sword shot through his arm, and he blocked the attack at the cost of one arm.

Enduring the pain, the black knight turned around and ran away.

Simon pulled out the flying knife on his leg and chased after him wildly. The magic long sword was still stuck in his arm, and he couldn't let him escape.

The gunshots sounded again, and Kai'Sa hit the black knight again. The black knight's center of gravity was unstable and fell to the ground. He quickly rolled and turned to stare at Simon who was rushing over.

He quickly took out a flying knife from his waist and threw it at Simon. Simon did not evade it. He endured the attack of the flying knife, and in exchange he rushed in front of the black knight.

"Who the **** are you?" The black knight roared, his hoarse voice showing unwillingness.

The answer to him was a flying knife that shone with cold light.

The black knight tried his best to dodge to the side, but unfortunately he suffered three injuries, and his movements were no longer as agile as before.

The deadly blade was inserted into the chest, and the powerful acceleration shredded flesh and smashed the lobes of the lungs. He couldn't live.

Simon pulled out the magic energy sword expressionlessly, a sound of breaking air approached quickly, and a black light flew from a distance, Simon didn't even react, but was shot through the body by the black light.

Simon turned his head to look behind him, and a cylindrical weapon similar to a military thorn was inserted into the ground.

It was this thing that penetrated the ghost's body.

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