The Doctor’s Three-Time Marriage

Suddenly became so good (Second update)

It all went dark.

When Lin Wei found Su Liang, she was standing by the garden lake and looking at the lake.

Uncle Huang was beside him and didn't know what to say.

Su Xiaoliang! Lin Qian's voice rose at the end, revealing joy.

Su Liang turned around and saw a pair of bright eyes and neat white teeth under the night sky.

If asked to describe it in two words, she would say sunshine.

After traveling through time, she met several young men, and only Lin Wei had a happy constitution.

Su Liang walked over and heard Lin Wei say, Little Cheche believes you are true.

Su Liang looked calm, But?

Lin Xin laughed and said, How do you know there will be a but later?

Su Liang shrugged, Intuition.

But he thinks that even if you are the real Su Liang, you may have been secretly trained into a craftsman in the past year or so. Lin Xie told the truth and did not hide anything.

Su Liang's reaction did not exceed his expectations. His expression did not change and he said three words, It makes sense.

I knew you, Su Xiaoliang, wouldn't be as knowledgeable as my silly brother! Lin Xian smiled broadly, You treat him first, and I'll teach you the art of disguise, which will be counted as a medical fee. We'll wait for his brain to change other things. How about we come here and talk about it?

Is he willing? Su Liang asked.

Lin Yi nodded, Of course, he listens to me very much!

Su Liang smiled and said nothing.

When he saw Duanmu Che again, he always looked at Su Liang with inquiring eyes and said nothing, but he was still cooperative.

Su Liang originally gave up looking for cooperation with Duanmu Che, but the situation changed, but she was no longer eager to ask anything and just thought he was mute.

After the acupuncture, Su Liang told Uncle Huang to prepare the medicine as soon as possible according to the prescription she prescribed, so that Duanmu Che could take it on time, and also mentioned some dietary taboos.

Master Lin told me early in the morning that the medicine has been prepared by someone! Uncle Huang said.

Duanmu Che frowned, glanced at Lin Xi, and said nothing.

Uncle Huang showed Su Liang the medicinal recipe Duanmu Chen had sent earlier and asked her if she had any questions.

Su Liang took a look and saw that this was clearly a gift from her to Qin Yujin and had been copied by Duanmu Chen.

No surprise.

Su Liang picked out two and said that Duanmu Che was in good health and could eat them.

Is there any problem with the rest of these? Uncle Huang's expression condensed. New 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar→𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖

Su Liang shook his head, No problem, it's just not suitable for your master's current weak body. It can be used after it gets better.

Uncle Huang was wary of the things Duanmu Chen sent, so he was surprised after hearing Su Liang's words. It seems that Duanmu Chen did not do anything.

The medicinal diet that is not suitable for Duanmu Che for the time being does not mean anything, because Duanmu Chen is not a doctor.

It's getting late. Say goodbye. I'll come back tomorrow afternoon. Su Liang packed up the medicine box and left.

Lin Wei asked her to stay for dinner.

I'm not hungry. Su Liang shook his head.

Lin Wei didn't force it, It's so late and it's so dangerous for a little girl like you to be out there alone. I'll see you off!

Su Liang declined, but Lin Wei still chased him out.

Su Xiaoliang, how did you and Ning Jing meet? Lin Wei asked curiously.

Su Liang shook his head, No comment.

If he marries a wife, or if you marry someone else, will you two be separated? Lin Xian asked again.

Su Liang asked back, You never thought that the two of us would be together?

Lin Wei smiled and said, If you two are in love, you are not sworn brothers and sisters.

Su Liang nodded, Indeed.

What kind of man do you like? Lin Wei asked.

Su Liang said casually, It's pleasing to the eye.

A big face came to Su Liang and said, Look at me.

Su Liang walked aside and shook his head, Not even close.

Lin Xie laughed loudly, Su Xiaoliang, I'm so sad! This is the first time someone said I'm ugly!

Su Liang: ...laughing in sadness? Fine.

Of course Lin Xian is not ugly. At first glance, he is not as refined as Duanmu Che, but he is good-looking, has a temperament bonus, is fresh and cheerful, outgoing but not frivolous, talkative but not noisy. Among the men Su Liang knows, besides being peaceful, he is The one she felt most comfortable with.

After asking a few questions, Lin Wei stopped exploring Su Liang's affairs and started talking about himself.

It can also be regarded as courtesy reciprocity.

When they were approaching the Su Mansion, Lin Wei suddenly sighed, Su Xiaoliang, when I see you today, I understand what it means to feel like an old friend at first sight.

Su Liang stepped forward to open the door and waved his hand behind him, Get ready. When I go to the Fifth Prince's Mansion tomorrow, you can teach me the art of disguise.

Lin Xian looked up at the sky and sighed, Okay. Are you sure you don't feel the same way?

There was no answer, only the sound of the door closing.

Lin Wei turned around to leave when Su Liang's faint voice came from the door, It's okay.

Lin Xin's lips curled up slightly, and he walked into the night humming a little tune.

Ning Jing was not at home, so Su Liang read very late, slept until dawn, got up to exercise, made some casual meals to deal with it, and closed the door again to read.

Many books were given to Su Liang by Xing Ji. They were of all kinds and were originally collected by the Prince of Beijing.

At noon, Su Liang made a bowl of noodles and went out carrying the medicine box after finishing the meal.

When they arrived at the Fifth Prince's Mansion, Uncle Huang invited her in politely and said that Duanmu Che drank medicine last night and slept better than usual. The symptoms of coughing up blood that had occurred a few days ago did not occur again today.

Uncle Huang doesn't care about the details now. As long as Duanmu Che can be cured, nothing else is that important.

When Su Liang saw Duanmu Che, Lin Wei didn't appear and didn't ask.

She felt Duanmu Che's pulse and then applied the acupuncture without asking him how he felt. She was eerily quiet.

When the acupuncture was finished, the quiet atmosphere was broken.

Su Xiaoliang! Lin Xian strode in, Xiao Cheche, you look much better today, but you are still very ugly. Take medicine and become good-looking before you can marry a wife!

Duanmu Che pushed the wheelchair and turned around, showing by his actions that he didn't want to pay attention to him.

It became quiet again, Duanmu Che turned around, and Lin Xie and Su Liang were gone.

Mr. Lin wants to teach Miss Su the art of disguise. He has been preparing for it early in the morning. At this moment, Miss Su went to Mr. Lin's place. Huang Bo said.

Duanmu Che snorted coldly, Are you saying you're not attracted by beauty?

Su Liang knew medicine well and learned medicine quickly.

Lin Xin praised her for her cleverness and dexterity.

Su Liang thought to herself that she was not far behind someone, and she didn't know how Ning Dashen was doing in Gongyuan. After the general examination is over, she has to find an opportunity to visit the examination venue.

Lin Wei noticed that Su Liang was distracted, Su Xiaoliang, what are you thinking about?

Su Liang continued to play with the medicinal materials in his hand, It's nothing.

In half a day, Su Liang had mastered the recipe for the disguise medicine and successfully prepared it himself.

As the sun set, she left the Fifth Prince's Mansion with a bottle of disguise medicine.

Lin Wei was going to see her off, but Uncle Huang said that Duanmu Che was looking for him, so Su Liang left on his own.

I passed by Wanjia Restaurant and went in to have dinner before going home.

The last day of the challenge is also the last day of the test.

Su Liang didn't look again, just minding his own business.

The biggest difference from before was that when she found someone alone, she felt that cooking was a waste of time and she didn't want to put any thought into it, especially since she had to make the fire herself and would always forget to add firewood. In the past, this was a peaceful job.

On this day, Su Liang went to the Fifth Prince's Mansion on time to perform acupuncture on Duanmu Che. The two still had no conversation and even tried to avoid eye contact.

After that, Su Liang went to learn the art of disguise from Lin Wei.

Lin Wei talked for a long time, but Su Liang had no idea, Should I try it on a human face?

Me. Lin Xin pinched his face.

Su Liang made it clear first, I won't do it. What if I disfigure you...

Lin Wei said confidently, I believe you can succeed in one try! Come on!

Just when Su Liang was holding the disguise medicine and was about to greet Lin Xie, Uncle Huang came in to bring tea.

I wanted to put it down and leave, but was stopped by Su Liang.

Uncle Huang, can you give me a fish? Su Liang asked.

Uncle Huang was stunned. The day before yesterday, he took Su Liang to visit the garden and walked to the lake. He casually mentioned that there were many fish in the lake and they all grew very fat, but Duanmu Che didn't like to eat them.

Do you like to eat fish? Lin Xin asked.

Uncle Huang came to his senses and responded quickly, Okay, I'll go fishing right now!

Lin Wei still wanted to ask, but Su Liang asked him to close his mouth, close his eyes, and keep his face still, and she was about to start.

Lin Yan could feel Su Liang applying medicine to his face, and he did so decisively without any ambiguity.

He forgot to ask what Su Liang planned to disguise him into, expressing his expectation.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Wei finally couldn't help but said, Are you okay?

Su Liang took two steps back, looked at it carefully, and nodded, It's okay.

Lin Yan opened his eyes and went to look for the bronze mirror, wanting to see how Su Liang's self-evaluation of okay was.

As a result, when he looked at the charming and beautiful face in the bronze mirror, he was dumbfounded...

You, you, actually disguised me as a woman?! This was something Lin Wei didn't expect at all.

He was still thinking that Su Liang's first disguise should be the look of a man she likes.

Okay, now I know, Su Liang doesn’t take the ordinary path at all!

How is it? Su Liang was still very satisfied.

Lin Xian held up the bronze mirror, looked at it here and there, and touched her own face. After objectively evaluating the shortcomings of Su Liang's technique, he expressed great affirmation of the results of her first use of disguise. Then he pulled his hair and said, If you comb my hair again, it will be even more beautiful!

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Su Liang suddenly remembered that Ning Jing should have finished the exam by now. She had promised the day before yesterday that she would prepare delicious food for him to come home...

Seeing Su Liang packing her things in a hurry, Lin Wei once again invited her to stay for dinner, saying that he also liked fish and wanted to eat together.

No. Su Liang said, picked up the medicine box and went out.

Someone entered the yard. Uncle Huang who was walking in front was carrying two fat fishes in his hands. The person behind was very familiar to Su Liang. Who else could he be if he wasn't Ning Jing?

Miss Su, Mr. Ning is here to see you. Uncle Huang said with a smile.

Lin Qi, who was chasing after him, narrowed his eyes slightly and his eyes fell on Ning Jing.

Ning Jing also saw Lin Wei standing behind Su Liang.

Uncle Huang looked surprised, Mr. Lin? How did you become like this?

Lin Xian walked up to Su Liang and said with a pinched voice, Who made Su Xiaoliang so good at disguise? The first time she disguised herself, my face was her masterpiece! All in all, it's all I teach well!”

Su Liang. Ning Jing said.

Su Liang ran over with the medicine box, Sorry, I forgot the time, I'll go back and cook for you! As he said this, he took the two fish from Uncle Huang's hand, not forgetting to thank him.

Ning Jing's eyes moved down, and then he saw the two live fish that were still wagging their tails.

Make squirrel fish for you? Su Liang asked.

Ning Jing took Su Liang's medicine box and nodded slightly, Yeah.

The two left side by side, leaving Lin Wei standing there with a strange look on his face.

Old Huang, why did she suddenly become so good after seeing Ning Jing? Do you want to go back and cook fish for him? Lin Xie's tone was sour.

Uncle Huang smiled and said, Then he must like Mr. Ning!

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