Today's Enrong Banquet, the Lin family, the top three students in a school, are also invited. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫sɥnx˙ɔoɯ

But they came very late.

As soon as Qin Yujin learned that the fifth prince had been kidnapped, she saw Lin Shuzhi showing up with Lin Boyan and Lin Xueqing, but Lin Bojun was missing.

Qin Yujin's heart sank slightly when she heard her eldest brother say next to her, Bo Junxu was sent by the emperor to rescue the fifth prince.

Lin Shuzhi looked calm, nodded and greeted Su Liang and Ning Jing, and then greeted his students at Qianshan Academy before taking his seat.

But Lin Xueqing looked obviously uneasy and almost knocked over her tea cup when she sat down.

Su Liang also guessed what Lin Bojun had done, and was a little worried for a moment. Yan Shiba was a killer, and his attacks were not serious, so don't hurt people.

Nian Jincheng said he was unjust, but in fact he was not unjust, because he really still had personal contacts with Gu Ling and knew exactly where Gu Ling was.

Although Gu Ling did not commit rebellion, it is a conclusive fact that his own father did.

According to the laws of the Qian Kingdom, the nine tribes were killed for their rebellion.

What happened to Jincheng this year was normal from the perspective of the royal family.

Everyone has their own position.

Su Liang wanted to save people and didn't want to hurt innocent people, but last night she only told Yan Shiba not to embarrass Nian Jincheng.

Thinking of this, Su Liang felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Because of Duanmu Che's kidnapping, today's Enrong Banquet will no longer have a happy and peaceful atmosphere. No one even dared to smile, especially the several princes, who looked more worried than the last, regardless of whether they were true or false.

Eunuch Min appeared next to Duanmu Yi and said, The emperor has given instructions that the grace banquet will be hosted by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and everything else remains as usual.

Duanmu Sheng immediately agreed.

The next moment, Eunuch Na Min continued, The Emperor summoned His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince and the Number One Scholar Su Liang.

The faces of the people present were different.

Everyone could guess Duanmu Yi's purpose in meeting Su Liang at this moment. To rescue the fifth prince, a master is needed.

But Duanmu Yi let Duanmu Chen go over, obviously he valued him more and wanted to discuss with him how to rescue Duanmu Che.

Compared with hosting the favor banquet, rescuing the fifth prince was what Duanmu Yi cared about more.

Duanmu Sheng's face suddenly turned even uglier.

Su Liang and Duanmu Chen both stood up and followed Eunuch Min away. New 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar→𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖

Lin Xueqing breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, Sister Su is also going, so I'm relieved. Then she frowned again, No, I'm even more worried.

Little sister, don't be too anxious. The other party is exchanging hostages. They should be more cautious and nothing will happen. Lin Boyan sighed.

This was destined to be a dull party.

Su Liang and Duanmu Chen exchanged glances but didn't say anything because Eunuch Min was in front.

The two have a cooperative relationship, and there is still some tacit understanding. No matter what happens next, we must take care of each other.

Eunuch Min stopped outside the imperial study. After reporting, Duanmu Yi's voice came from inside, asking Duanmu Chen and Su Liang to go in.

Su Liang was not surprised to see Lin Bojun when he entered the door.

After saluting, Su Liang was arranged to sit next to Lin Bojun.

Father, what happened to the Fifth Emperor's brother? Duanmu Chen looked solemn.

Duanmu Yi looked at Lin Bojun with a gloomy face.

Lin Bojun understood and said, His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince was sneaked into the palace and kidnapped when he was preparing to enter the palace.

Who is so bold in broad daylight? Are the guards in the Fifth Emperor's Mansion completely unaware? Duanmu Chen frowned.

Lin Bojun sighed, At that time, Mr. Huang, who was next to His Highness the Fifth Prince, was nearby, and no one was found to have gone in. He only didn't see His Highness the Fifth Prince for about a quarter of an hour, and then he disappeared. It must have been an extremely powerful master. for!

Did the person who kidnapped the Fifth Emperor's brother leave a letter? Duanmu Chen asked again. Otherwise, how would you know that Nian Jincheng was to be exchanged?

Lin Bojun nodded, There are blood words left on the wall. I wonder if it is the blood of His Highness the Fifth Prince. Tonight at midnight, I will go to the top of Wangxiang Mountain and exchange Nian Jincheng for His Highness the Fifth Prince.

Duanmu Chen's expression condensed, Could it be Gu Ling?

Lin Bojun didn't answer this.

Duanmu Yi said coldly, I know that if you cut the grass without eradicating the roots, sooner or later there will be trouble!

As soon as this statement came out, it meant that Duanmu Yi believed that it was Gu Ling who took Duanmu Che away.

It turns out that Gu Ling lived in isolation and was quite mysterious. But the strange thing is that when something happened to the Gu family, he didn't do anything and just disappeared. Duanmu Chen said with a frown.

Before the accident happened to the Gu family, Gu Ling lived in Huguo Temple without seeing anyone. Everyone said that he had a Buddhist connection and wanted to become a monk.

However, the evidence of the Gu family's rebellion was conclusive, and Gu Ling's behavior had another interpretation. He was doing something secretly.

Some people even suspected that the Gu family was rebellious and the mastermind was Gu Ling.

And it is impossible to prove one's innocence in this kind of thing.

Therefore, the court would never let him go.

When it's midnight, there's still more than half a day left. If you send people to deploy at Wangxiang Mountain in advance, it will be difficult to avoid the other party's sight, because the other party chose this transaction location, and they will definitely send people to keep an eye on it.

This was the thought of everyone else in the imperial study except Su Liang.

Su Liang, who knew all the inside information, did not think that Yan Shiba was in Wangxiang Mountain now, but it was easy for her to be in charge of Yanyun Tower and send a few killers to ambush him.

What do you think? Let's talk about it. Duanmu Yi said with a cold face.

Duanmu Chen had done very well in the civil service examination for adult princes. In addition, he solved the iron ore smuggling case and his recent performance was quite sacred. Duanmu Yi now trusted his ability.

Duanmu Chen sighed before opening his mouth, Father, the other party may be Gu Ling, but we don't know his current strength and how many followers he has. For the sake of the safety of the fifth emperor brother, I think it is not necessary to cause trouble. The first step is to rescue the fifth emperor brother. the most important.

Duanmu Yi's face brightened slightly, Yeah. Su Liang, what do you think?

Su Liang said sternly, Returning to the emperor, I agree with His Highness the Fourth Prince. We must make the best preparations and plan for the worst. I request that Nian Jincheng be escorted tonight. If the other party hurts His Highness the Fifth Prince, I can help him in time. Heal him.”

Duanmu Chen nodded immediately, This is more secure.

It seemed that Su Liang, a newcomer without any official position, was eager to perform meritorious service.

In terms of martial arts alone, Su Liang is not irreplaceable.

But she has the best medical skills among the available warriors, and the strongest martial arts among the available healers.

The other party did not say that only one person is allowed to take Nian Jincheng up the mountain, and the master can arrange it in the dark.

Duanmu Yi called Su Liang because she knew medical skills. Duanmu Che's health is not good to begin with. If the other party hurts him again, he will be broken if he is not treated in time.

Okay, I'm sure. Duanmu Yi nodded, If you can bring Che'er back safely this time, I will give you a reward!

I will do my best. Su Liang said respectfully.

She was not trying to gain credit, nor was she trying to save Duanmu Che, but she was worried that something would happen if Lin Bojun was gone. Yan Shiba didn't know about Su Liang's relationship with the Lin family, and Su Liang had no chance to communicate with her today.

Strictly speaking, Su Liang himself was the mastermind behind Duanmu Che's accident.

She personally went to exchange the hostages in the hope that the situation would not get out of control and any unexpected trouble would occur.

Finally, it was decided that Lin Bojun and Su Liang would be responsible for escorting Nian Jincheng.

It is equivalent to saying that this task is theirs, and rescuing Duanmu Che is a great achievement. Failure to rescue Duanmu Che will be a big misfortune.

As for how many masters Duanmu Yi would secretly arrange to keep an eye on, it was not stated clearly.

Naturally, it was impossible for people from the royal family to put themselves in danger. Duanmu Chen just came here to give advice.

Eunuch Min's voice came from outside the imperial study room again, Your Majesty, bring Nian Jincheng here.

Come in. Duanmu Yi said with a cold face.

Su Liang thought to himself that it seemed that Nian Jincheng was indeed locked up somewhere in the palace these days, but even Yan Shiba couldn't be found, so it must be very secretive.

The door opened, and two old men dragged a man covered in blood in.

When the wind blew, a burst of bloody smell hit his face.

Duanmu Yi waved his hands, and the two old men placed Nian Jincheng on the ground, got into a kneeling position, and turned around and went out.

Nian Jincheng was awake and kneeling there, with no trace of the proud son of the Nian family visible from his whole body.

Lin Bojun couldn't bear it, so he glanced at it and looked away.

Su Liang's face was calm, and Duanmu Yi said coldly, Gu Ling is here to save you.

Nian Jincheng lowered his head, his messy hair covering half of his face, and murmured, Really...

If you tell where he is, I can give you another chance! Duanmu Yi said coldly.

Nian Jincheng put his hand on his heart and whispered, Here.

Duanmu Chen shook his head and sighed deeply.

He had sincerely wanted to win over Nian Jincheng before, but he never expected that Nian Jincheng would end up like this because of Gu Ling.

When they met today, Duanmu Chen felt even more that Nian Jincheng might know where Gu Ling was hiding, and he wouldn't reveal it. However, this did not mean that he was rebellious, it was just a matter of personality.

Nian Jincheng once regarded that bitch Nian Ruxue as precious as jewels, let alone his real brother Gu Ling? Selling friends for glory is not him.

When Duanmu Yi saw that Nian Jincheng was unable to get in, he said sternly, I will never let him go to the ends of the earth if he escapes! The same goes for you! Someone, take him away and clean him up! Send him back to his original place!

Nian Jincheng was dragged away again. He had already seen Su Liang, and when he went out, he suddenly laughed in a low voice.

Su Liang sighed in his heart. After this disaster, he hoped that Nian Jincheng would be safe and smooth in the future.

After the matter was settled, Su Liang and Lin Bojun returned to Enrong Banquet.

Duanmu Chen stayed at the end because he still had something to discuss with Duanmu Yi.

Xiao Liang, you shouldn't take the initiative to ask for help, it will be very dangerous. Lin Bojun frowned and whispered.

Su Liang chuckled, I didn't lose to Brother Lin in the last martial arts competition. Since it's dangerous, why should you go?

Because you called me second brother! Lin Bojun sighed.

Su Liang smiled and said, Yu Jin said that she fell in love with you the day Brother Lin saved her.

Lin Bojun was stunned for a moment, then laughed, Really?

Of course it's true. Su Liang nodded.

While talking, the two returned to the Enrong Banquet.

Duanmu Sheng's eyes dimmed when he saw that Duanmu Chen didn't come back with him.

Although everything is business as usual, some improvised shows have been cancelled, and the atmosphere is really not right.

The enrong banquet ended hastily. Su Liang saw Qin Yujin walking towards Lin Bojun. She looked away, left with Ning Jing, and briefly told what happened.

Your brother was beaten very badly. Su Liang whispered, After all, it was you who caused it.

Ning Jing looked indifferent and said, After you save him, you advise him not to be my brother again.

Su Liang looked confused, Suddenly I feel that I am also in danger. If you are discovered...

Ning Jing glanced at Su Liang coolly, You were the one who told me to get engaged. It's too late to end the relationship now.

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