Su Liang filled out a large bowl of vegetables and shredded pork noodles, added some balsamic vinegar to it according to She Ling's taste, along with a plate of egg pancakes and a plate of vegetable mixed vegetables, took it to the study. New 69 Book Bar→69𝓼𝓱𝓾𝔁.𝓬𝓸𝓶

The lights were lit in the study, and Su Liang had just put down the tray when he heard movement from the back window.

Gu Ling had changed into clean clothes and was wearing a mask. Her half-dried hair was spread down and slightly messy.

Master, did you go to the garden to take a bath? Su Liang thought to himself that Gu Ling must not be disguised at this moment.

The next moment, Gu Ling put down the clothes in his hands and took off his mask.

The jade surface is clear, as cold and dustless as the bright moon, perfect.

This was the second time Su Liang saw Gu Ling's lineup, and he was still amazed by it. He couldn't help but joke, Master, you should be careful when taking baths in the future, so as not to attract perverts.

Gu Ling's face was pale, and she wiped the condensed water droplets at the end of her hair with a handkerchief. She sat down at the table and picked up the chopsticks.

Su Liang was sitting opposite, but she wasn't hungry and didn't do her part, so she just stared at Gu Ling.

Gu Ling took a sip of the warm soup and ate two mouthfuls of noodles. Seeing Su Liang looking at him intently, he asked, What are you looking at?

See if your face is symmetrical. Su Liang said and gestured with his hand in the air, praising, A beauty is a beauty, the symmetry is perfect.

Gu Ling asked back, Aren't you?

Su Liang laughed, I haven't looked at it carefully, and I can't praise myself.

Gu Ling stared at Su Liang and said, You too.

It's natural to be happy to be praised for your good looks. Su Liang's smile deepened, Thank you for the compliment, Master. Compared with you, I'm far behind.

Gu Ling hadn't eaten much for three days in a row. Now she ate faster than usual, but she still showed elegance in her bones.

Su Liang asked him if he had visited Zheng'er. Gu Ling shook his head, Zheng'er hasn't returned to the capital yet.

Is it enough to eat? Su Liang asked.

Gu Ling shook his head, Not enough.

The ingredients I asked for include fresh mushrooms, but I haven't used them yet. How about I make you some fried mushrooms? Su Liang suggested.

Gu Ling nodded slightly, Okay.

So Su Liang got up and went to the kitchen again.

Although she didn't ask and Gu Ling didn't say anything, he came back two days early and shortened the time on the road. He was so exhausted that Su Liang had already guessed that he hadn't eaten well.

She set up a frying pan, and in addition to frying fresh mushrooms, Su Liang also cut pumpkins, eggplants, etc., made a plate of vegetable tempura, and made a dipping sauce.

By the time Su Liang walked into the study carrying the carefully prepared fried food, Gu Ling had already finished the bowl of noodles and drank all the soup.

I've never done this before, try it while it's hot. Su Liang placed the dipping sauce in front of Gu Ling.

Gu Ling tasted a piece of fried mushroom first and nodded slightly, It's very special.

I tasted another piece of pumpkin tempura and nodded a little louder, Not bad.

You can also do this if you get some fresh fish and shrimp another day. Su Liang said, It's not really suitable for eating at night, but you're hungry today, so don't worry about it.

Su Liang used four kinds of vegetables and made a large pot in total. It was not too much. After watching Gu Ling finish eating, she remembered that she had even forgotten to taste it.

Then Su Liang brought another beautiful glass cup, which contained freshly cut peaches that she had just delivered from Lingyin Temple yesterday, with a wooden fork on top.

This wooden fork was not made by Su Liang, but made by Gu Ling before, specifically for eating fruits.

The hot noodle soup warmed his stomach. After finishing the fried food and a bowl of fresh fruit, Su Liang was very attentive to ensure that Gu Ling had a full meal.

Thank you again, great god, for helping me get rid of my enemies. Su Liang looked serious.

Gu Ling put down his fork and wiped his hands, Are these thank you gifts?

Su Liang shook his head, Not only that, but there are also rabbits that the master wants to eat, but we have to wait for another day.

Gu Ling nodded lightly, Very good.

Go to sleep. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Su Liang picked up the glass lamp and went out, closing the door from the outside.

After Su Liang had simply tidied up the kitchen and went back to the room to wash up and prepare to go to bed, she heard Gu Ling knocking on the wall next door.

Is something wrong? Su Liang asked, leaning against the wall.

Then I heard Gu Ling's faint voice, Come here.

Su Liang didn't know what was going on, but she immediately got dressed and went to the study.

Going around the screen and seeing Gu Ling lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, Su Liang frowned, Master, are you injured? Or are you too tired from the journey and have a fever after taking a cold bath?

Gu Ling took back what he originally wanted to say after hearing Su Liang's question. He just shook his head slightly and said nothing.

When Su Liang saw this, she thought that Gu Ling might be sick. She walked to the bed and sat down, putting her hand on Gu Ling's forehead. No fever. She took one of his arms off the quilt and had a good sleep. alright.

Su Liang said, tucking Gu Ling's arm back, Where do you feel uncomfortable?

Gu Ling shook his head, and the black hair scattered on the pillow moved slightly, No.

Su Liang was stunned for a moment, No discomfort? Then what did you ask me to do?

Gu Ling opened her thin lips and said, Tell me a story.

Su Liang held up her forehead, Aren't you tired? Aren't you sleepy? Can't we talk tomorrow?

We agreed to speak twice a day and I'll be gone for seven days, Gu Ling said.

Su Liang shook his head, That won't work. Talking so much at once will make me tired and you will be tired, and you can't draw even while lying down.

Not counting the days we left, let's talk about today. Gu Ling said.

The lecture was originally supposed to take seven days, but now it only took one day. Su Liang thought about it and found it acceptable, so he continued where he left off and told Gu Ling about Water Margin.

After finishing speaking, seeing Gu Ling closing his eyes, Su Liang called him softly, Great God?

I'm not asleep. Gu Ling said with her eyes closed.

Okay. Su Liang cheered up and talked for the second time.

When she finally finished speaking, she yawned and said, I'm going back.

Seeing no response from Gu Ling, Su Liang called him softly again, Great God?

This time he didn't speak, as if he was asleep.

Su Liang looked at Gu Ling's beautiful sleeping face and sighed in her heart, what a monster!

She blew out the lamp and left quietly. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙭.𝙘𝙤𝙢

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Gu Ling on the bed opened his eyes and sighed inaudibly, You praise me so well, but you don't want to touch me...

At dawn, the Peng family and his son set off to leave as planned.

Peng Fan couldn't help but look back, but Su Liang never appeared. Although she said last night that she would not send them away, it was a bit regretful after all.

Peng Qian saw his son's thoughts, and after leaving the Ning family, he only said one sentence to him, The royal family of Qian Kingdom will not allow her to marry to another country.

Peng Fan just remained silent.

Su Liang slept until dawn.

After she got up and washed herself, she went to the study room. The sheets were folded neatly, but Gu Ling was gone again.

Su Liang was not surprised. Just like the previous few days, he went to see Ah Si first.

The old housekeeper mentioned that the Peng family and his son had left. The Ning family prepared some food for them, as well as the medicinal materials Su Liang gave them, as well as small stoves and casseroles for making medicine.

Miss, they won't cause any trouble, right? The old housekeeper already knew that those two were from Liang country.

Su Liang shook his head, It's okay. The Qian Kingdom and the Liang Kingdom are negotiating peace. When they had a truce, I promised General Peng to treat his son, and I was just fulfilling my promise.

I see. But we still have to be careful about this matter and let outsiders know, for fear that it will make a big fuss. The old housekeeper was still a little worried.

Su Liang changed the subject and asked if there was any news about Song Qi.

If nothing else happens, the person sent should have arrived. It's hard to say whether he is willing to come back. Over the past many years, he must have already married, with a wife and children by his side. The old housekeeper sighed.

Su Liang nodded, Then let's wait for the news. If he doesn't want to come back, there's no need to force him and think of other ways.

While talking, he entered Ah Si's room. He was drinking porridge. When he saw Su Liang, his eyes immediately lit up, Miss!

How is it? Does the wound still hurt? Su Liang asked.

Ah Si shook his head, It doesn't hurt!

His mother glared at him from the side, but she didn't expose him.

Su Liang took his pulse again, told him to drink medicine after eating and not to move around, and then left.

Su Liang returned to his yard, and breakfast was delivered shortly afterwards.

After leaving the screen, Gu Ling appeared, and the two of them had breakfast together.

Duanmu Sheng is dead, so I will definitely be suspected. I'm afraid someone from the capital will soon report that I have returned. Su Liang said, The original plan was to return to the capital in the near future. In that case, we will wait until the people from the capital arrive. It just so happens that I don’t worry about Ah Si’s health either.”

Gu Ling nodded slightly, Someone may come to test whether there are experts around you.

Don't take action then. Su Liang said, Since it's just a test, naturally it won't really do anything to me. When I get back to the capital, I will tell Duanmu Yi that I have parted ways with the masters around Ningjing.

Prepare some poison. Gu Ling looked calm.

Su Liang's eyes lit up, Yes! No matter who comes to test me when the time comes, they will all be treated as assassins. They will put poison on my knife and fall down at the sight of blood!

After breakfast, Su Liang was going to practice sword practice and asked Gu Ling if she still wanted to eat rabbits today. If she wanted to eat rabbits, she would catch them.

Gu Ling looked at her and shook his head, I don't want to eat it yet, so you owe me first.

Su Liang nodded quickly, Sure, I owe you a rabbit. Let me know when you want to eat it.

In this way, after two days, Su Liang stayed at home. Someone came to seek medical treatment. The old housekeeper repeatedly confirmed the identity of the person before letting him in to avoid what happened before.

Originally, the old housekeeper suggested that Su Liang reject all people who came to seek medical treatment, because she did not need to make money or gain a reputation, and there was no need to work hard and take risks.

After that day, everyone in Xunyang City thought that even if Su Liang came to ask for help again, he would not be cured.

But Su Liang did not reject all patients because of the pair of grandparents who deliberately came to kill her. This can only be said to be related to her own safety, but there is no causal relationship. People who want to kill her will always find a way to do it, and she will not give up her normal life and what she wants to do because of this.

It is worth mentioning that the grandson who had been seriously injured and used to assassinate Su Liang died on the night he entered the cell. The old assassin is still alive, and today is the day to kill him.

The prefect of Xunyang City sent someone to inform Su Liang early in the morning that if she wanted to watch the execution, she could go. Su Liang even felt that if she proposed to behead the man personally, the prefect would agree.

But Su Liang didn't go there because he didn't want to be watched.

After Su Liang practiced martial arts, she was sitting in the courtyard looking at the books that Gu Ling had brought her from the capital. She saw the old housekeeper rushing over, Miss, it's not good! Someone robbed the execution ground and the assassin was rescued!

Su Liang's expression did not change when he heard this, Is it one person or a gang that robbed the court?

There are four masked men, and their martial arts are not low. The old housekeeper said.

Su Liang nodded, I understand.

The old housekeeper was surprised by Su Liang's calmness. Seeing that she didn't want to talk anymore, he left with an uneasy look on his face.

Su Liang ate a piece of peach preserves, turned over a page of the book, and continued reading.

She was indeed not worried, not even surprised. Counting the time, people from the capital should also arrive.

Duanmu Sheng is dead, and the assassin has been imprisoned for several days without supervision. Su Liang guesses that the person who robbed the execution site today was not trying to save him, but just wanted to investigate the truth.

And this played right into Su Liang's hands. She wished that the assassin would be brought to Duanmu Yi and tell Duanmu Yi what crazy methods Duanmu Sheng used to kill her.

Soon, someone from the government came and informed Su Liang, the mistress, that the prisoner had been kidnapped. The prefect promised that he would pursue him with all his strength.

In the afternoon, Su Liang took a rare nap.

Late at night, Su Liang was not sleepy, so she sat under the lamp and read. She knew that Gu Ling was not next door, but he should be in the house.

After watching the third watch, Su Liang put away the book she had read, sorted out her notes, made the bed, lit the incense burner, and put her own secret incense tablets in it.

The room was soon filled with the light aroma of tea. Su Liang blew out the lamp, lay down, closed her eyes, and held a medicine in her mouth.

About a quarter of an hour later, there was a slight noise from the rear window.

Soon, two men in black sneaked into Su Liang's room and looked at the hanging bed curtain. One of them crept closer.

But before they opened the bed curtains, the two of them felt dizzy and unable to stand. They realized something was wrong and wanted to leave, but the next moment, they fainted on the ground.

Half an hour later, the window of Su Liang's room was open, and the two men who were tied up woke up faintly, and saw Su Lianghan sitting at the table with a cold face, looking at them, Who sent you here? If it is the eldest prince, There is no need to cover it up, he wants to kill me, not once or twice, not once or twice!

The two looked at each other, and the man with shrewd eyes said, General Su, misunderstanding! We came here on the emperor's orders to invite General Su to return to the capital! We didn't dare to delay, so we disturbed General Su late at night. It's really It’s a sin!”

Su Liang was stunned for a moment, Oral advice? There is no evidence. Do you think I will believe it?

It's absolutely true! This subordinate carries the token of the Royal Palace Forbidden Army! Another one said quickly.

Su Liang stood up and went over, finding a sign from both of them.

The emperor asked you to come? Just you two? Su Liang asked coldly.

The two replied that it was just them.

I was going back to the capital in the near future. Why did the emperor send you here? Did something happen in the capital? Su Liang asked with a frown.

The two looked at each other in confusion and did not mention Duanmu Sheng. They could only explain what was going on.

You are so sneaky, even if you have a token, I still can't trust you. Su Liang snorted, I have been assassinated one after another recently. Fortunately, I was prepared.

The two swore that they were really palace guards and not assassins.

Su Liang still didn't believe it and bluntly believed that they were sent by Duanmu Sheng to get rid of them.

The two finally had to confess that Duanmu Sheng was missing and the emperor sent them to ask Su Liang to return to Beijing to assist in the investigation.

The next day, Su Liang said goodbye to the old housekeeper and Ah Si, left Xunyang City, and embarked on the road back to the capital.

The two people did not follow Su Liang last night, but were tied up and sent back to the capital by someone sent by Su Liang because they were still doubtful about their identities.

Not long after leaving Xunyang City, Su Liang changed her clothes and disappeared within the range of some eyeliners.

When they arrived at the next city, Su Liang met up with Gu Ling, who was also disguised, and they walked together.

Su Liang's disguise showed her appearance in her previous life, while Gu Ling's disguise was somewhat similar to hers. The two of them looked like brothers and sisters.

Passing by the market and seeing a hare for sale, Su Liang asked Gu Ling, Brother, do you want to eat it? I'll buy it and bake it?

Gu Ling glanced at the hare in the wooden cage and looked away with a calm expression, I won't eat this one.

Brother, why are you so picky? That rabbit is obviously very fat. Su Liang said seriously, I used to only eat fish and squirrels. Do you have a favorite little rabbit and are waiting for it to grow up, kill it and eat it? ? This kind of behavior is too animalistic.

Gu Ling tapped Su Liang's head lightly with her fan, I'm happy.

Brother, there is a girl over there who has been looking at you. Su Liang said with a smile.

Gu Ling looked calm and said, Sister, go dig out her eyes.

Su Liang looked horrified, Brother, you are so cruel!

Gu Ling couldn't act anymore and knocked Su Liang on the head again, Be more serious.

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