Su Liang didn't expect that Gu Ling signed up as a recruit in the city guard army yesterday and was now under her control. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫ˢʰᵘˣ.ᶜᵒᵐGoogle Search Reading

Since Gu Ling had always had a high desire to try things he had never done before, Su Liang felt that this person had changed his identity and experienced a different life.

Lin Bojun was right next to him, so Su Liang couldn't show any special feelings toward Gu Ling to avoid arousing suspicion.

Looking at the hundreds of new recruits in front of them who were either excited, nervous or curious, there were only a few who were calm, and most of them were strong.

But Su Liang knew that Gu Ling was really calm and just came to play.

Without saying anything, Su Liang wanted to see the physical fitness of these recruits first, so she led the team and followed Lin Bojun to a training area specially designated for her on the school field.

Anyone who is not training in other places can use it, Lin Bojun explained.

At this time, there happened to be a young general who was leading the elite team of the city guard to finish training. He passed by not far away and everyone stopped and looked over. They have received news that they will compete with the recruits trained by Su Liang in a month, and they all feel that they are sure to win.

General Lin will go and do his own business, Su Liang said.

Lin Bojun glanced at the soldiers watching the excitement not far away, and left without saying anything. He was not worried about Su Liang at all, nor was he worried about Su Liang's soldiers. Nothing is impossible for her.

The sky is clear and blue.

More and more veterans came to join in the fun, and many new recruits showed embarrassment, and some even blushed and couldn't stand up. Being watched by others is an unspeakable form of torture for many people. It doesn't hurt, but it makes them feel uncomfortable everywhere.

Su Liang began to warm up the recruits as if there was no one around, ordering them to imitate her movements.

Soon, an uncontrollable laughter came from not far away, and then many veterans were laughing.

Because the warm-up movements themselves are not large in scope and intensity, in the eyes of people who don’t understand them, they look like a joke.

Su Liang didn't care about the opinions of others, but some thin-skinned recruits were disturbed by the sights and laughter around them, and even did not do standard warm-up movements.

Su Liang did not reprimand anyone. After leading them to complete the warm-up, he explained, You have just joined the army. No matter what your status was before, most of you did not have high-intensity training on a daily basis. If you train too hard at the beginning, , it is easy to injure muscles and bones. Therefore, before each training, you must warm up well and move the body joints.

The laughter around them became smaller and smaller, and gradually stopped.

Now, you run around the school grounds. Stop when you can't run anymore and come to me to report. As soon as Su Liang finished speaking, someone squeezed through the crowd and ran over, General Su! Count me in!

Compared with a tall and powerful soldier, the person who came here looked like a frail young man.

This is Gao Jiabao. He participated in the martial arts examination with Su Liang at that time. In the end, he won the second place, but he was also seriously injured. He used to work as a civilian in the Ministry of War. He was just transferred to the Forbidden Army Camp a few days ago. Although he was higher than Su Liang in rank. A lower level, but not an ordinary soldier. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝓈𝒽𝓊𝓍.𝒸𝑜𝓂

Su Liang didn't expect to see Gao Jiabao here again, but it wasn't the right time for small talk.

Gao Jiabao took the initiative to explain, I have only been here a few days. I am a new soldier and have not participated in any training yet. General Su came at the right time, so accept me as a soldier under your command!

Su Liang asked, Am I the one who can decide this matter?

Gao Jiabao nodded, I have asked General Lin for instructions on this matter, and he was right.

Okay. Su Liang nodded, I won't be polite.

Gao Jiabao's eyes widened and he cupped his hands and said, General Su, please don't give me any special treatment. Just treat me as the same as them.

Su Liang responded and asked the recruits to line up and prepare to start.

Although Gu Ling's appearance in disguise was also outstanding, because all the recruits wore the same clothes, he was quiet and not particularly conspicuous.

Su Liang thought that Gu Ling stood out from the crowd because of her own feeling. After all, there was only one person she knew and was very familiar with. Whenever she first glanced at him, she would fall on Gu Ling first. It was a subconscious reaction.

Seeing that Gao Jiabao did not go over, Su Liang frowned and listened to him say, I didn't participate in the warm-up training just now. I have to ask General Su to teach me again.

Su Liang nodded and ordered the others to start running, while she taught Gao Jiabao alone.

Joining the army has always been Gao Jiabao's dream, but a few days after he entered the military camp, he found that because of his delicate appearance and thin body, although his martial arts skills were good, he was still laughed at by many soldiers openly and secretly, just like he had experienced since he was a child.

When he learned that Su Liang was coming, Gao Jiabao made up his mind to hang out with her in the future, not only because he admired Su Liang's strength, but also because dealing with Su Liang made him feel respected without any discrimination or hypocrisy. .

After carefully warming up, Gao Jiabao also joined the running team of recruits.

Su Liang went to check on the new recruits and soon saw Gu Ling. After knowing each other for nearly a year, Su Liang rarely saw the calm and calm Gu Ling running. When we saw him today, he could only say that a great god is a great god. Although he has the baggage of being an idol, he always takes the things he has to do extremely seriously and concentrated.

Gu Ling did not run in front, nor behind. His speed was even, his breathing was steady, and his steps were steady.

In comparison, Gao Jiabao, who joined last, regarded this as a competition. He was a little anxious and kept surpassing those in front.

After two laps like this, the recruits who were competing for the lead at the beginning, including Gao Jiabao, all slowed down.

But Gu Ling still maintained a steady speed and his expression did not change.

The school field is very large, and some people couldn’t hold on on the third lap.

Su Liang got the recruit roster sent by Lin Bojun, which briefly recorded basic information such as each recruit's name, age, place of origin, whether they knew martial arts and what weapons they were good at.

Turning to the last page, the last line of words, although the handwriting is unfamiliar, but the name Su Liang can be known at a glance that it is someone, Han Su, upside down, Su Han, Su is homophonic to Su, Han and Liang are similar. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫sɥnx˙ɔoɯ

However, conscription does not accept people with unknown origins. The place of origin written by Han Su is a place name that Su Liang has never heard of, but it must exist.

General... The first man walked to Su Liang panting, holding his chest, his face flushed.

After Su Liang asked his name, he wrote a serial number on the roster and asked him to rest.

One after another, people who can't run come to sign up, and then the half-day training can be ended.

Gao Jiabao couldn't run anymore, but he was still holding on because he didn't want to be embarrassed and laughed at.

Su Liang didn't care about him.

When there were six people left, Gu Ling stopped in front of Su Liang and did not continue running.

What's your name? Su Liang looked at the thin sweat on Gu Ling's forehead and felt that he looked much more down-to-earth now than before.

Gu Ling's thin lips parted slightly, Han Su.

You seem to still have some energy left, why don't you continue? Su Liang asked.

Excuse me, General, what's the reward for winning the first place? Gu Ling asked.

Su Liang shook his head, No.

I can't run, I'm thirsty. After Gu Ling finished speaking, he walked towards the recruits who were resting and drinking water under a tree not far away.

Su Liang looked at his back and thought that he must be doing this to keep a low profile, rather than being really thirsty or tired.

If a recruit performs outstandingly on the first day of training, he will definitely attract attention.

When there were only four people left, Gao Jiabao walked up to Su Liang with weak legs. His normally pale face turned red, and he said with some shame, I can't do it anymore.

Su Liang added Gao Jiabao's name to the roster and wrote a serial number, This is training, not a competition. You are too impatient. In fact, you don't have to worry so much about other people's opinions. When someone looks down on you, the best way to fight back is It’s not the process of doing things, but the results. Because those who underestimate you, no matter what you do, they can always find something to ridicule. Only the results that are certain can slap them in the face.”

Gao Jiabao was stunned. After a moment, he sighed and said, My grandfather always said that you are enlightened. Let me learn from you.

Su Liang smiled, There is no problem with your strength, but you must face up to and accept that you are different from others. No two people are exactly the same. You are good-looking, and you don't need to be as tall as them to defeat those who laugh at you. Just as strong.”

Do you think I'm good-looking? Gao Jiabao asked Su Liang seriously.

Su Liang nodded, Yes. But don't get me wrong, I'm just giving you some advice as a friend.

Gao Jiabao nodded, I understand, I won't misunderstand, I just want to thank you very much.

Another person came over, and Gao Jiabao went to rest under a tree not far away.

Someone gave up his position. Gao Jiabao stood leaning against a tree and asked the unknown recruit next to him in a strange way, What do you think of my appearance?

The recruit turned his head and Gao Jiabao was stunned, No need to answer, your appearance is much better than mine. What's your name?

The recruit said calmly, The surname is Han, and the single name is Su.

Why do you want to join the army so much? Gao Jiabao didn't see any uncomfortable reaction in Gu Ling's eyes, so he couldn't help but ask. Such a beautiful man is rare in the military camp.

Gu Ling narrowed her eyes and said, This is the last wish of my late father.

That's it. Gao Jiabao understood.

After the training, Su Liang called together the new recruits and pointed out their existing problems and how to improve them.

Today's training is just a warm-up. I will make a detailed training plan as soon as possible. Su Liang let them go after saying this.

Gao Jiabao stayed at the end and went to find Lin Bojun with Su Liang.

Has General Su noticed that there is a handsome man in our new barracks? Gao Jiabao asked.

Su Liang nodded as usual, I saw that boy named Han.

He said he came to join the army to fulfill his late father's last wish. Gao Jiabao casually shared the news he had learned.

Su Liang: ...Believe him.

Lin Bojun took a team of soldiers and horses out to do something, and Su Liang returned to her residence in the Forbidden Army camp, an independent courtyard not far from the new barracks. There was a lush ancient cypress in the yard.

The conditions were very ordinary, but Su Liang didn't mind. Just when she was thinking about where to fetch water, she saw two recruits bringing water, one of whom was an acquaintance of hers.

The other one was a young man with sharp eyes, My name is Qiu Ming! General Lin asked us to choose two hard-working people to do odd jobs for General Su. Everyone competed to come, and finally we drew lots. Brother Han and I were lucky enough to catch them!

Su Liang thought to himself, you are lucky, but someone Gu must have done something.

Then, Su Liang simply arranged the cleaning. The diligent Qiu Ming swept the floor, and Gu Ling entered the room with Su Liang carrying a wooden basin and a rag.

Your face is too ostentatious. Su Liang whispered.

Gu Ling shook his head slightly, Actually, it's your face.

Su Liang: ...Indeed, Gu Ling's current disguise is based on her appearance in her previous life, a customized version of her brother who did not exist in her previous life...

Can you get used to living with so many people? Su Liang asked.

Gu Ling nodded, Nothing.

Su Liang gave a thumbs up.

Do you think Gao Jiabao is good-looking? Gu Ling asked.

Su Liang was stunned for a moment, Can you lip read?

She did say it, but it was impossible to hear it from where Gu Ling was at that time.

Gu Ling shook his head, No, but there are some that can be seen.

He is good-looking, but he is always bullied and has low self-esteem. I just gave him a few words to explain. Su Liang explained.

Be careful not to attract bees or butterflies, Gu Ling said.

Su Liang hummed, You care about me?

Gu Ling's hand wiping the table paused and looked at Su Liang, You said so yourself.

Su Liang raised her head and said, Yes, yes, I said that when you regain your identity, I will use you as a cover to avoid being arranged for marriage. Gao Jiabao doesn't mean that, and neither do I, so you don't have to worry about it. With that face, do you really think of yourself as my brother?

Gu Ling frowned slightly, When you see me, you think I look like your brother?

Su Liang shook his head, No, I don't have a biological brother. I feel like I saw myself.

Qiu Ming asked outside whether the branches and leaves of the ancient cypress should be pruned.

No need. Su Liang walked out, I will take care of the rest. You can go back.

When Gu Ling passed by Su Liang, he whispered, I'm here to listen to the story tonight.

Su Liang lived in the General's Mansion when he was in Xuanbei City. This was the first time he lived in a military camp. It felt very special.

As the only woman, she is also the most special existence in the eyes of others in the army.

The dinner was brought by Gu Ling because he was Su Liang's follower who was chosen by lot.

When I finish eating, you can send the dishes back. Su Liang said.

Gu Ling stood outside the door and waited while Su Liang was eating inside. Isn't it convenient for you to come over at night? Can I tell you a story now?

Okay. Gu Ling nodded slightly.

It was late summer and early autumn, and the night breeze was cool.

The lanterns under the eaves illuminated half of Gu Ling's handsome face. Su Liang's voice came from the room behind him. Dots of green fluorescent lights rose in the corners of the courtyard, making it quiet and peaceful.

Su Liang finished telling the story twice and finished the meal. She packed up the dishes and took them out and handed them to Gu Ling, Are you used to eating from a big pot?

Gu Ling took out a cloth bag from his arms and opened it. There were two slices of peach preserves he brought from home, one for himself and one for Su Liang.

It's so delicious. Su Liang felt like she was eating snacks secretly.

Gu Ling carried the food box and walked out, and Su Liang went back to the room without closing the door.

As soon as she sat down, she saw Gu Ling returning to the door, General Su, my subordinate's jade pendant seems to have been left here.

Su Liang raised his eyebrows, Oh? Why don't you come in and look for me?

Gu Ling came in and blew out the lamp in Su Liang's room.

Su Liang frowned, What are you doing? It will make people suspect that we have an improper relationship.

The next moment, Gu Ling's joined hands slowly loosened, green fireflies fluttered in front of Su Liang, and a smile appeared in her eyes...

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