The Doctor’s Three-Time Marriage

Su Xiaoliang’s self-guided strategy

Su Liang, who had not slept a wink last night, was thinking about a question while taking a bath: When did Gu Ling fall in love with her?

Looking back on every detail of their lives, Su Liang had no clue about it. ɯoɔ˙xnɥs69bashu69xinna behaved consistently and was always very kind to her. Before last night, in her impression, Gu Ling didn't have any emotions exposed enough to make her think about it, including the physical contact between the two. At most, it was the closeness of friends and family she was familiar with in her previous life, so she I was frightened by Mr. Gu who said he wanted to sleep with her last night and even planned to take off his clothes and take off his belt to seduce her...

Su Liang's deepest impression of Gu Ling before last night was that he was aloof. This was Gu Ling's first and biggest label in her heart.

The disillusionment of the aloof male god is probably what Su Liang feels now: someone caught her off guard and flashed her waist...

Su Liang didn't know when Gu Ling fell in love with her, and before she had time to think about her feelings for Gu Ling, she fell asleep comfortably under the steam of sleepiness and heat.

Gu Ling was sitting in the yard.

The servants of the Lin Mansion brought breakfast, and he ate it first because it would get cold if Su Liang ate it with him. He didn't sleep last night either. He ran around all night and was very hungry.

Gu Ling counted the time for Su Liang to take a bath, put down her chopsticks and knocked on the door, Su Liang?

No one answered inside, and Gu Ling knew that Su Liang had fallen asleep in the bath again.

Thinking that the water wasn't cold yet, Gu Ling waited for another quarter of an hour before knocking on the door again.

Su Liang was woken up and subconsciously responded, Oh, I'll be out right away. After saying this, she realized that she was still having trouble with Gu Ling...

When Gu Ling heard Su Liang's sweet voice outside the door, he could imagine her confused look at the moment. There was a smile in her eyes again, and her voice was gentle, The water is cold. If you are too sleepy, get dressed and eat something. Go to sleep again.”

Su Liang hummed softly and suddenly became so gentle. He was not greedy for her body, but this man...

Complaints are complaints, mainly because of Gu Ling's weird way of expressing his love, which caused Su Liang to put on some colored glasses towards him, but she never really questioned Gu Ling's character, otherwise she wouldn't agree to give him a try. fall in love.

Those two wooden signs had very limited restraint on Su Liang. In fact, they only served to mediate the inexplicable conflicts between the two, giving a reason to ease the embarrassment caused by the bad night of confession.

In other words, the two wooden signs were two steps that gave Gu Ling and Su Liang the opportunity to get down from the awkward roof and still stand together when they landed.

When Su Liang finished packing and went out, the dishes on the stone table in the courtyard had been taken away.

Where's my breakfast? Su Liang asked. She heard someone coming to deliver breakfast.

It's cold and the taste is average. Gu Ling shook his head, There is a breakfast shop in Kasyapa City that does a good job.

Okay. You lead the way. Su Liang walked out and found that she couldn't look directly at Gu Ling and still felt uncomfortable.

The next moment, Gu Ling walked up to Su Liang and asked her, Should we hold hands when we are in love?

Su Liang immediately took two steps to the side and said, That will happen naturally. I'm not ready yet.

Gu Ling looked at the distance between Su Liang and him and moved over silently, Oh, I'm just asking, why are you so afraid?

Su Liang finally couldn't hold back her complaints, You still ask me what I'm afraid of? Do you think you're normal? Which serious person would confess like that? You are extremely good-looking and the most beautiful in the world, so what? Could it be that if you say you want to sleep with me, I should feel honored, or else you are ignorant and disrespectful?

Gu Ling frowned, No, that matter was really a misunderstanding...

I know that's not your intention, but you act too... Su Liang was speechless for a moment and couldn't find the adjective. To me, it's too shocking! You've always been so aloof, and suddenly you're so cool. Exaggeration, who can bear it?

Gu Ling nodded slightly, My fault. He completely understood and accepted Su Liang's complaints. Things happened so suddenly at that time, and he didn't expect that he had suppressed his feelings for too long by hiding his feelings, and that his impulse could make things so confusing. It was the first time I confessed that I had no experience, and as soon as I opened my mouth, I ran wildly in the direction of losing control...

However, Gu Ling caught something else from Su Liang's complaints. He looked at Su Liang and asked, If I confessed my love seriously last night, wouldn't you be angry and would you accept me?

Su Liang's expression visibly stiffened, before she had time to consider this issue...

Gu Ling's eyes were filled with anticipation, waiting for Su Liang's answer. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝘀𝗵𝘂𝘅.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Su Liang pushed his elbow back and bumped into Gu Ling's ribs, giving him a roll of his eyes, Don't pretend that nothing happened, unless you can make the river flow back and go back to the past.

Gu Ling: ...didn’t admit it, it seems, and didn’t deny it either? Still beating him? The white eyes are so cute! Could this be the legendary flirting? He suddenly felt like he was in love, which was wonderful.

Gu Ling was about to continue the topic just now when a figure ran in front of him, Su Xiaoliang!

Gu Ling: ...I'm so annoyed, I want to kick Lin Xie to the edge of the sky...

Lin Yan's right arm was fixed with a wooden board and tied around his neck, but this did not prevent him from running over flexibly and pulling Su Liang aside, obviously intending to whisper behind Gu Ling's back.

Su Liang glanced at the distance and thought that Lin Yi really didn't understand Gu Ling. His ears were so good that he could hear everything he said from such a close distance.

However, Su Liang didn't remind Lin Wei, thinking that he must be being mysterious and there couldn't be anything important.

Lin Wei glanced at Gu Ling and asked Su Liang in a low voice, Su Xiaoliang, do you know that Gu Xiaoling has sleepwalking syndrome?

Su Liang blinked and nodded, I know. She was the one who suggested it. He had sleepwalked in Liang Kingdom Yao City and Qian Kingdom Capital City, but how did Lin Wei know?

Really? Lin Wei frowned, Can't even you cure this disease?

Su Liang shook his head, This is usually a mental illness.

Lin Wei's eyes widened and he glanced at Gu Ling again, I understand.

Su Liang was confused, What do you know?

Lin Wei sighed deeply, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation this morning. You and Gu Xiaoling were newly married. I didn't expect there would be such a big problem. You must not abandon Gu Xiaoling. As a man, he When I encounter this kind of problem, I feel so stressed that I can't sleep well at night. I suffer from sleepwalking. I am scared to death when I run into my room in the middle of the night! You must enlighten him well. I believe that your medical skills can cure him. OK!

Gu Ling: ...I heard it clearly, and I really want to hang Lin Xie upside down on his citrus tree!

Su Liang originally felt weird, but after listening to it, he came to think about it: Lin Wei heard a few words she said to Gu Ling, plus the incident of Gu Ling running into his room last night, which made him think... Gu Ling No, is that why you sleepwalk?

Su Xiaoliang, are you okay? Seeing that Su Liang didn't speak, Lin Yan tugged on her sleeve.

The next moment, Su Liang burst into laughter and walked forward without saying a word to Lin Wei. He had no intention of clarifying anything for Gu Ling...

quite funny! Su Liang couldn't stop laughing when she thought of Lin Xie's serious statement that Gu Ling was not good enough and was so stressed that he was sleepwalking. He felt that he hadn't encountered such a funny thing in a long time, haha!

Gu Ling stood there with a dark face.

Lin Xin felt that Su Liang's reaction was confusing. He walked to Gu Ling, and the two of them looked at Su Liang's back and could clearly hear her laughter.

Lin Wei asked Gu Ling, Is Su Xiaoliang hiding her embarrassment with a smile? I really shouldn't talk about this kind of thing, but I think she is a doctor and shouldn't care too much. After all, I am doing it for your own good.

The next moment, Lin Wei was kicked away by Gu Ling again, and even the posture when he landed was exactly the same as last time...

Gu Ling caught up with Su Liang, frowned and asked, He's talking nonsense, why don't you explain it to me?

Su Liang asked, Why don't you clarify it yourself?

Gu Ling shook his head, If I explain this kind of thing myself, he will probably think that I am trying to hide it. Unless I tell him the whole story. But it involves too many secrets between him and Su Liang, and he doesn't want outsiders to know.

Su Liang was still smiling, Oh, what you said makes sense. But I'm sorry, I can't explain it to you. After all, I don't understand your side of things.

Gu Ling: ...I really want to take Su Liang back to the room to talk...

After Lin Wei's misunderstanding and comedy, Su Liang was in a much better mood, and the awkward change in their relationship that was too tortuous and blunt overnight also eliminated some of the embarrassment.

When she walked out of Lin's house, Su Liang asked the question that puzzled her very directly, Master, when did you fall in love with me?

Gu Ling thought for a while and said, There doesn't seem to be any special time, but I slowly discovered that I can't live without you.

Su Liang paused, and his heart trembled slightly as if someone had gently teased him with a feather.

She was thinking that if Gu Ling had said to her, I can't live without you while watching the stars last night, she would not have been angry, and might have seriously considered being with him...

Seeing that Su Liang was silent, Gu Ling thought that she was not satisfied with the answer, but he had thought about this question before. There was really no special time. The two of them lived together, facing each other day and night, and their heartbeats happened unexpectedly. At the beginning It was very light, he might not even notice it, but slowly, it became more and more obvious.

There was a time when Gu Ling thought he fell in love with Su Liang at first sight. Because now he can clearly recall the clear eyes that lifted the hijab and looked at him that night in Sujia Village. He liked every moment he saw Su Liang from the first moment they met until now. To him, it was as beautiful as a gift from God.

But Gu Ling didn't dare to say that Su Liang might think love at first sight was too fake. That's indeed what he thinks. Emotional matters originate from one's own feelings.

Su Liang then walked forward and said something in response to Gu Ling, I'm not sure yet whether I can leave you.

Su Liang didn't say that she thought she could survive without Gu Ling.

This is not the same thing.

From a practical perspective, both of them can survive without each other. Before meeting, each of them lived alone. Gu Ling helped solve many of the problems she encountered after traveling through time. But without Gu Ling, it might not have gone as smoothly, but she could always find a way to survive.

What we are talking about now is the desire to spend the rest of our lives together.

And this was the reason why Su Liang originally planned to separate from Gu Ling. Everything happened so suddenly last night that she didn't have time to digest and sort out her feelings for Gu Ling.

The separation she mentioned was not a breakup, otherwise she wouldn't have gone to Nancheng Building to inspect and still wanted to come back and tell Gu Ling where she was to reassure him. She just wanted to calm down somewhere without Gu Ling.

Of course, Gu Ling's two wooden signs disrupted the plan, causing the two to become an promised couple again after three fake marriages.

If Gu Ling hadn't used those two signs to ask Su Liang to fall in love with him, maybe Su Liang would have figured it out after calming down for two days and decided to be with him.

However, the river will not flow back, time cannot go back to the past, and Gu Ling will not know whether those two signs are an assist or an obstacle for him...

As for the present, Gu Ling was not disappointed when he heard Su Liang calmly say she's not sure. He would wait for her to be sure.

The two walked side by side on the streets of Kasyapa City.

Although the war had just subsided, the city soon returned to its former lively and prosperous state.

As the southernmost city in the Qian Kingdom, the customs and customs here are very different from those in the capital city, and the people's clothing is also more diverse. Many of the clothing elements are similar to those of the Yan Kingdom people that Su Liang has seen.

Everyone they met on the road gave Su Liang and Gu Ling friendly and respectful looks. It was they who allowed the people of Kassapa to regain their homes safely and restore stability.

It's always nice to be liked by others, as long as it's not done in a hooligan way...

The breakfast shop that Gu Ling took Su Liang to was in an inconspicuous alley, and there was only an old couple in the shop.

The early hours were about to pass, and there were no guests. Gu Ling and Su Liang went in, and the old woman's eyes were startled when they saw them, Miss Gongzi, isn't she a local?

Su Liang smiled and chose a table to sit down, We are here to have fun.

Gu Ling sat down and ordered the store's signboard without waiting for the old woman's introduction.

Young Master has been here before? Did you hear what others said? You are so handsome. If you have been here before, we will never forget it. Wait a moment, come soon! The old woman smiled and walked into the kitchen.

What do you do when you're in love? Gu Ling asked Su Liang.

Su Liang thought for a while and said, Going to the park, watching movies, traveling...there are no fixed rules. Everyone has their own preferences. As long as both of you are happy and don't affect others, you can do whatever you want.

Gu Ling then asked, What do you want to do?

Su Liang shook his head, You don't have to ask me. You didn't give me time to think about it. I haven't thought about what I should do to fall in love with you. You can tell me directly what you want to do and I will consider it. But let's say it first, no. I don’t like touching someone without my consent. The previous contact was completely different from this.”

Listening to Su Liang's words, Gu Ling suddenly felt a little regretful. Shouldn't he use that response to all requests sign to ask her... She was quite relaxed and comfortable at first. When he brought up the topic of love, she couldn't talk about resistance and resistance. Rejecting, but a little cold, and not seeming too interested. Is it subconsciously not used to this abrupt change?

To be honest, Gu Ling also felt that most of what he had done in the past two days was self-defeating. Originally, the love he envisioned was something that would come naturally and naturally, instead of being coated with a promise.

But the matter has come to this, and we can only let nature take its course.

The freshly made breakfast was served hot. Gu Ling didn't eat much at Lin's house. The two of them enjoyed the delicious breakfast, but they were even more silent than before. It was rare to implement the rule of don't talk when you eat.

After breakfast, Su Liang asked Gu Ling what arrangements he had for her today. If not, she would go to the military camp to see the wounded soldiers.

Gu Ling naturally said that he would go with Su Liang and help her.

The two of them first went back to Lin's Mansion to get the medicine box, and saw Lin Xi in their yard, holding up a piece of paper to welcome him, As a native of Kasyapa City, I have made an absolutely perfect and interesting travel plan for you!

Gu Ling took it, folded it and put it in his sleeve, Okay. Thanks.

Lin Wei asked Gu Ling to take it out, Why are you putting it away? I still want to talk to Su Xiaoliang!

No need. If you tell us in advance, there will be no surprises. Gu Ling shook his head, We will play according to your plan, and you can take good care of your injuries.

Su Liang bypassed them and went to the room to get the medicine box.

Lin Wei didn't expect that his carefully planned entertainment project would end up being abandoned, and he immediately said no, This way I will be blamed by my mother for not entertaining you well!

Tell Auntie, we don't like the third person to disturb us. Gu Ling said from the bottom of her heart.

Lin Wei snorted, I see, Gu Xiaoling, you think I'm an eyesore, don't you? You kicked me twice, but I'll remember it! If it weren't for the fact that you're in poor health and you're under a lot of pressure, I would have decided to Let Su Xiaoliang help you beat you up!

Gu Ling's eyes were cold, and Lin Wei silently stayed away from him to avoid being kicked again...

But when Su Liang came out with the medicine box, Lin Yi still said what he had thought about last night, Su Xiaoliang, you must let Gu Xiaoling sleep in it when you sleep at night! Stop him from sleepwalking and scare him. dead!

Su Liang nodded and said casually, I know, I'll tie him up.

Lin Wei looked surprised and said, You guys really know how to play. He smiled and said, If this can cure Gu Xiaoling, I absolutely agree! You guys have fun, I will go back to recover! In a flash, he disappeared without a trace.

Gu Ling carried the medicine box and left Lin Mansion with Su Liang to go to the military camp to treat the wounded soldiers. He likes this kind of thing.

However, on the way, Su Liang suddenly gave Gu Ling some special knowledge about tying up.

Aren't you interested in things between men and women? Su Liang looked calm, Some people have special sexual habits. Only by being beaten and abused can they get real pleasure. When you blocked my way last night, In fact, he looks like he wants to be ravaged by me.

Gu Ling coughed and adjusted his collar subconsciously, That, your illusion, I am not, I don't have it.

Really? Su Liang looked Gu Ling up and down.

Gu Ling suddenly felt like he was being teased...

The next moment, Su Liang burst into laughter, You dare to seduce me, why are you pretending to be innocent? It's true.

Gu Ling: ...I'm sure, Su Liang is teasing him.

When Gu Ling silently walked up to Su Liang, she asked, Have you read a lot of secret records of the erotic palace behind my back?

The reason why I say carrying her is because the two of them live together and the books are shared.

Gu Ling immediately shook his head, Can we not talk about this topic?

Su Liang looked at Gu Ling's suddenly red ears and raised the corners of her lips slightly, Master, if I nodded when you were seducing me last night, do you really know how to sleep?

Gu Ling:......

Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Su Liang chuckled, I just want you to experience my mood last night. If you feel embarrassed, that's right.

Then, can we make it even? Gu Ling seemed to beg for mercy and sighed slightly, What happened last night was my fault.

Master, how could you be wrong? You are right and righteous, and you even have a token against me. Su Liang snorted.

You have forgiven me. Gu Ling realized that he had said the wrong thing. Forgiveness is also because of the brand.

Because you're not good-looking today, I'm angry again, can't you? Su Liang said and kicked Gu Ling.

Gu Ling nodded, Of course.

Su Liang shook her head. She was so used to Gu Ling's cold demeanor. It felt so strange that he suddenly became so gentle and petty. She suddenly understood what collapse of idol personality meant, and she couldn't accept it for a moment...

When they arrived at the military camp, Su Liang went to treat the wounded soldiers, while Gu Ling was beside him. Needless to say, there is a tacit understanding of cooperation. At this time, when outsiders looked at them, they were really a close couple.

It was already noon when they left the military camp. Knowing that they had not eaten carp from the Liuxian River yesterday, Lin Xin specially asked his family to go fishing this morning and told them to go back for lunch.

The carp was indeed delicious. As Su Liang ate, she remembered that she had promised Gu Ling to order food for three days yesterday. Now if she asked Gu Ling to cook for three days, he would definitely agree.

After the meal, Su Liang yawned, and Gu Ling offered to play chess with Lin's father and let her go back to rest. He already felt that wrapping it too tightly would be counterproductive.

So Su Liang returned to the guest house by himself.

Having already learned from Lin Wei that Gu Ling had gone to see him last night, Su Liang realized that she had misunderstood and that Gu Ling did not sleep after she left.

The quilts on the bed were neatly arranged, not the way Gu Ling folded the quilts. He had never slept at all.

Su Liang took off his coat and lay down, looking at the exquisite carvings on the top of the bed, and sighed, How did the cold and aloof god suddenly turn into a gentle, innocent, sultry man who can smile and even blush overnight?

After thinking about it, Su Liang closed her eyes. Before the sleepiness completely invaded her brain, she suddenly opened her eyes again and said in a faint tone, It's all my fault. I have to take responsibility...


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