The Doctor’s Three-Time Marriage

Drop by and meet the guy named Su Liang.

Su Liang sighed, Master, you can't force things about feelings. New𝟔𝟗书吧𝟨𝟫𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙭.𝙘𝙤𝙢Yue Mei has the right to like you, and you also have the right to reject her, so don't feel sorry for her.

Lao Bai shook his head, It's an accident to come here, and it's an accident to see you. I'm just worried that Yue Mei will target you because of me, and she will go crazy after seeing your appearance. If she hurts you, I can't forgive her. Own.

Su Liang knew that Lao Bai had lived to this age without getting married and had no children. He was already in a state of drunkenness and dreams, just waiting to return to the west.

Just now, Lao Bai said that he would die together with Yue Mei because he was worried that Yue Mei was targeting Su Liang. The grudges of their older generation spread to Su Liang.

Su Liang shook his head when he heard this, Master, don't think so much. Even without you, maybe Yue Mei and I will meet sooner or later.

Lao Bai frowned, Although you look like my junior sister, as long as she doesn't see you, she won't know anything. Now she thinks you are my apprentice, and she will find you sooner or later.

I know, but what I want to say is another thing. Su Liang said, Not only do I know Yue Mei's granddaughter, we are also good friends.

Lao Bai was stunned, Her granddaughter? Who is it?

My name is Yuan Ying. However, although Yue Mei claimed to the Great Master that she had a son who was seriously raped, it is not certain whether that is true and whether Yuan Ying is that son's daughter. After all, her surname is Original, I think there may be some reason for this. Su Liang said thoughtfully, What is certain is that Yue Mei is indeed a madman. He can't even treat his own grandchildren well, and his psychology has been completely distorted.

Lao Bai learned that Gu Ling, Su Liang and Yuan Ying had known each other for a long time. Yuan Ying also had a younger brother named Yuanye. He couldn't help but sigh deeply, After so many years, my understanding of Yue Mei is still in my youth. I don’t know where she was or what she did afterwards.”

So Master, there is no need to still feel that you are responsible for the harm she suffered back then. The fact is, you have no responsibility. You once loved her and took care of her. The harm was caused by others. In total, you also committed a heavy evil deed. Victim. And Yue Mei being hurt is not the reason why she can hurt innocent people wantonly. Su Liang looked serious, If Master dare not face her, it will only make her feel that you are really guilty and can't bear her, and you will get worse. Torture you and me.

Lao Bai's face darkened, She dares?

Does Master think your junior sister is also at fault? Can't she forgive Yue Mei? Su Liang asked.

Lao Bai said without hesitation, Of course not!

That's it. Master, you and Shen Qingxue have exactly the same relationship with Zhong Zhong and Yue Mei. Shen Qingxue is right, and of course you don't either. But think about what Yue Mei did to Shen Qingxue? You If you still miss Yue Mei, what about Shen Qingxue? She may have been tortured and humiliated, she may still be alive now, she is your real sister. Su Liang said.

Lao Bai has been in a state of confusion ever since the accident. He has been running away from the past, the future, and the complicated relationship and feelings between him and Shen Qingxue.

At this moment, hearing Su Liang's words, Lao Bai's face was full of pain, She...could she still be alive?

Unless you are sure that she is dead, Yue Mei can still be alive, so why can't Shen Qingxue be alive? Su Liang asked.

Lao Bai's eyes suddenly lit up for a moment, and his expression became excited, You are right. I wasted my time. I should have gone to find my junior sister. Even if we can't be together, I am her brother, and I should save her. .I am so confused, I have been confused all my life!”

As he said this, Lao Bai shed tears again, But after all these years, where can I find her...

Su Liang sighed slightly, Fate has its way with people. I just want to say that some problems will not disappear with time, and escaping will not help. It will just torture yourself day after day. Whether you are looking for Shen Qingxue, or facing Yue Yue Mei, these are all problems that Master should solve.

I've lived for most of my life, but I haven't seen everything as clearly as a teenage girl like you. Lao Bai looked ashamed.

Su Liang shook his head, We have different experiences, so there is no need to compare like this. Besides, I am an outsider and a bystander. Master is like this because he is addicted to the pain of the past and has never come out of it. Yue Mei chose her life, and Master should also move forward. Saw it.

Lao Bai took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, and suddenly shouted, You are right! I will go to Liang Kingdom to find Yue Mei to settle the matter!

Su Liang coughed lightly, took Lao Bai's arm, and motioned him to sit down, Don't worry, Master, you will definitely meet again. There is no need to run all the way to find her. What if she is no longer in Yaocheng? I need it. Grand Master taught me the art of poison.

Lao Bai nodded immediately, You're right. I want to teach you all the poison techniques. This is the most important thing at the moment, otherwise I won't be able to afford you calling me Grand Master. I will also stay to protect my disciples.

Su Liang:...Protect your disciple? Okay, baby is the biggest.

As for the fact that Lao Bai was suspected to be Su Liang's uncle, she felt it was best to ignore it for the time being. First of all, apart from her appearance, there is no other evidence that she is related to Shen Qingxue. Even if there is one, it may not be a granddaughter or a granddaughter. Secondly, the fact that Lao Bai and Shen Qingxue fell in love was a thorn in his heart.

Although Su Liang felt that Lao Bai was willing to stay and teach him poisonous techniques at first because of her appearance, now their master-disciple relationship itself has nothing to do with Shen Qingxue.

That day, Lao Bai carefully planned with Su Liang the progress of learning poison techniques. As for the needed medicinal materials, Su Liang was given a list at the beginning, and she asked Song Qi to purchase them. During the three months since she left home, the medicinal materials have been continuously collected and delivered. There is already a sizable hospital in the mansion. Medicine depot.

Before going to bed that night, Su Liang told Gu Ling about Lao Bai and Yue Mei.

Gu Ling looked at Su Liang's eyebrows and said, Don't worry about your life experience.

Su Liang nodded, I'm just a little curious. The identity of the original owner's mother is unknown, but so many years have passed, and she doesn't know if someone from her mother's clan will find her, or if she is really related to Shen Qingxue.

Compared with Shen Qingxue, Su Liang was more curious about what the mysterious and powerful force that Lao Bai said that abducted Shen Qingxue was, which could make the heavy couple want to join it so eagerly. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙭.𝙘𝙤𝙢

Gu Ling narrowed his eyes slightly, The legendary fairy island?

Su Liang became interested, Master, is that the fairy island you mentioned before? What's the legend about it?

When Su Liang was kidnapped that time, Gu Ling sent her to the riverside and mentioned that he wanted to have a child and that they would go out to sea together to find the legendary fairy island.

It was a legend spread in the coastal areas in the northern part of Yan and Qian Kingdoms, and Su Liang didn't know much about it. Gu Ling has traveled to many places and heard some old people mention it.

But it's just that there is a fairy island in the sea, which can only be seen by those who are destined to see it. The island is full of heavenly and earthly treasures, and everyone is beautiful and very powerful.

Su Liang laughed after hearing this, Really or not? I thought there was only one god in the world.

Gu Ling blinked, and Su Liang came over and kissed him, He is my master, the most beautiful and strongest.

Gu Ling's eyes suddenly darkened, and he stretched out his arms to hug Su Liang, asking her to lie on top of him, If you like me so much, you can kiss me as you like.

Su Liang smiled and leaned on Gu Ling's chest, I was thinking, if there is a mysterious force that is hidden from the world, and even scum like Shen Zhong wants to join, it will definitely not be a good place.

If it were truly a paradise without any competition from the world, what would it be for? This is unreasonable.

Hey, Su Liang suddenly remembered another thing and looked up at Gu Ling, Do you still remember that an old man gave me a note saying that he knew my secret?

Of course Gu Ling remembered.

They had doubted what the so-called secret on the note was, and whether they knew that Su Liang was a time traveler. In that case, it means that there are other time-travelers in the world.

But similar things did not happen again later, and Su Liang had no way of confirming it. He yawned, got off Gu Ling, hugged his arm, and closed his eyes, Sleep, just leave the things you don't understand first. .”

Since talking to Su Liang that day, Lao Bai's mental state has been much better than before. Lao Mu secretly asked Su Liang what he had talked about with Lao Bai. Su Liang said, I just told the master that if he is too depressed, it will have a bad impact on the baby.

Lao Mu knew that Su Liang was talking nonsense, but he didn't ask further questions. He was also very busy recently. In addition to teaching Gu Ling the art of mechanism, Lao Mu was also doing another thing.

When Su Liang was not at home, Qi Jun and Liao Dong dug a secret room under Yuanming Pavilion to store the poisons made by Lao Bai.

After Lao Mu learned about it, he went in and took a look. He was so disgusted that he brought Qi Jun over and said that he wanted to renovate the secret room and expand it at the same time.

If Lao Mu takes action, of course he has to add some powerful mechanisms to it. This is something he is good at and likes to do, but he had no use for it before. Now, for his apprentice and his unborn disciple, he is full of inspiration and motivation.

Qi Jun is very happy to listen to Lao Mu's orders. This is a good opportunity to learn his skills.

As for Mu Yu, Lao Mu's former apprentice, he is now living in the capital and has no worries about food and clothing. Lao Mu said that he should first see the world and figure out how to live his future life before coming to him.

In the middle, Su Liang wanted to see what Lao Mu was doing, but was stopped.

Lao Mu said he wanted to give Su Liang a surprise, but she was not allowed to see it in advance, and Gu Ling and Qi Jun were not allowed to reveal it in advance.

Su Liang said she was looking forward to it.

At the end of May, the envoys who went to Liang Kingdom came back and brought good news.

Situ Xie and Situ Han have agreed to continue their marriage and will send Situ Yao to marry to the Kingdom of Qian, and at the same time take back the sick Situ Jing.

At the same time, the royal family of the Yan Kingdom also sent envoys to the Qian Kingdom to propose peace.

There was no princess of the right age to marry out of the Qian Kingdom, so the Yan Kingdom wanted to marry a princess, and naturally the girl would be Duan Muchen, the new emperor of the Qian Kingdom. There are not many people in his harem now, and preparations for the draft have just begun.

For a moment, it felt like both Liang and Yan were trying to please Qian.

But of course that's not true. When Su Liang saw Duanmu Chen again, he mentioned it himself, saying that he should not be fooled by the superficial peace and should still be wary of Yan and Liang joining forces.

As for marriage, it has more symbolic meaning.

It would be ridiculous to say that when the war breaks out, the princess will be used as a hostage to force the opponent to retreat.

Su Liang and Gu Ling entered the palace together that day, and Gu Ling went to give Duanmu Yi acupuncture.

Duanmu Chen asked Su Liang what he thought about the next situation.

Su Liang replied, Stabilize the Yan Kingdom and deal with the Liang Kingdom first.

Duanmu Chen laughed and said, I think so too. In fact, he had discussed with Qin Kang and Lin Shuzhi and his son, and they all believed that the biggest threat between Yan and Liang was the Liang Kingdom.

Although the latest war was with the Yan Kingdom, it was also the Liang Kingdom that was behind it.

Over the years, people have said that the royal family of the Yan Kingdom behaved like villains, but that was from the perspective of the Liang Kingdom. From the perspective of the royal family of the Qian Kingdom, they wished that the Yan Kingdom had been duplicitous towards the Liang Kingdom.

There are both overt and covert tactics, but in comparison, the royal family of the Liang Kingdom is more belligerent, while the royal family of the Yan Kingdom is more inclined to use other methods to gain profits.

So, if Qian State goes to war with Yan State, Liang State will definitely take the opportunity to send troops and form a joint force with Yan State. Because Liang State has always hoped to attack Qian State with Yan State.

However, if Qian State and Liang State went to war, Yan State might wait and see for a long time before taking action, waiting for both sides to suffer and reap the benefits. As long as Qian State can maintain its advantage when facing Liang State, reduce consumption, and not give Yan State an opportunity.

It is difficult for Qian State to really win over Yan State, but it is relatively more feasible to stabilize Yan State and concentrate on solving Liang State first.

Then, do you think we can fight now? Duanmu Chen asked.

Su Liang shook his head, No. Qian Guo needs more time to train troops and select generals.

As the old saying goes, if there is no war, Qianguo will still have the opportunity to grow. Once a war starts, the situation will easily be unfavorable to Qianguo.

Duanmu Chen sighed, You are right. But I am a little worried. After the past two years, Liang Kingdom and Yan Kingdom have really joined forces.

Then, we may be able to look forward to Yan Guo tricking Liang Guo again. Su Liang looked calm.

Duanmu Chen chuckled, Since you think so, I'm relieved.

On the other side, after Gu Ling performed the acupuncture this time, Duanmu Yi said clearly, What do you want?

Gu Ling then asked, Where did the peony go? Where is the poplar? Bai Yang is Lonicera's younger brother.

Duanmu Yi's face recovered a little. Hearing this, he looked at Gu Ling and sneered, If you want me to tell you, kneel down and kowtow first, and I'll think about it again.

Gu Ling's expression was calm, That poison doesn't hurt the brain.

Duanmu Yi's face stiffened, and then Gu Ling continued, Shaoyao is missing. If you want her to seek refuge in Liang or Yan, and one day assassinate your only son who can be the emperor, you can say nothing. If Duanmu Chen dies, Now, who do you think belongs to this throne?

Duanmu Yi gritted his teeth, How brave!

Where are the peony and poplar? Gu Ling asked again.

Duanmu Yi stared at Gu Ling, You swear that you will be loyal to Chener for the rest of your life!

Gu Ling shook his head, No.

Duanmu Yi was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but he still had some sense. He knew that Shaoyao's defection was a big hidden danger. He hated Su Liang and Gu Ling, but he had to admit that in the overall situation, they were still on the same side. .

What Gu Ling said about who would take the throne if Duanmu Chen died made Duanmu Yi even more internally hurt. He knew that Gu Ling and Su Liang were now supporting Duanmu Chen, and no matter how disappointed he was in Duanmu Chen, he was still his most outstanding son and the backbone of the Duanmu family. If something happens to Duanmu Chen again, the Duanmu royal family will be completely finished.

So Duanmu Yi finally told Gu Ling where Bai Yang was. As for where Shaoyao went, he didn't know.

After Gu Ling listened, he poured Duanmu Yi another cup of tea and returned to the original state.

Duanmu Yi was so angry that he fainted from anger.

Gu Ling found Su Liang and took her out of the palace to go home.

Bai Yang is in Xiangyue City? It just so happens that the place Sister Yuan mentioned is also near Xiangyue City. Let's go back and discuss who will accompany Lonicera. Su Liang said.


Situ Xie looked at Madam Yue with a gloomy expression, Why hasn't your good granddaughter come back yet?

Mrs. Yue's eyes were cold, I have to go back. Prince, don't worry, when I find Yuan Ying, I will bring her and give her to Prince to deal with as he pleases! I'll drop by to meet the guy named Su Liang!


Asking for a monthly ticket (*^▽^*)


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