When Gu Ling and Su Liang first met, they exchanged each other's biggest secrets. New 69 Bookstore → 69𝓈𝒽𝓊𝓍.𝒸ℴ𝓂 Gu Ling’s special ability, Su Liang’s adventure in time travel.

At that time, they talked about one thing, why Gu Ling had to save a stranger just because he saw the black mist. He is kind at heart, but this kindness is not proactive. Most of the time, he hopes that he has nothing to do with others.

He completed the special ability given to him by God as a task, and did not want this ability to disappear because of his laziness. Because maybe, after he saves a hundred strangers, he will have the opportunity to save the people he cares about, and it will be worth it.

When Gu Ling asked Su Liang to stay with him, his purpose at that time was to let Su Liang help him do tasks together. They did work together to save some people.

As for mistakes, Gu Ling made them when he was a child, when his abilities were limited. When he gained powerful martial arts, he successfully intervened in all the people he saw with black mist between their eyebrows.

After all, the only exception is indeed Situ Jing.

It was a coincidence that Situ Jing was poisoned, and he was disguised as one of their own. They didn't know that he was a craftsman, and that the injury and poisoning were a trick. He had an antidote in his hand that could save him, and he didn't need it. Su Liang and Gu Ling rescue him.

What Gu Ling should have done was to prevent Situ Jing from killing the servant who overheard the secret.

But, where is General Yuan? Gu Ling asked Su Liang after a moment of silence.

That time the Liang Kingdom caused trouble and the Yan Kingdom invaded and three people died. One is the servant who was silenced by Situ Jing, one is General Yuan, and the other is Fan Tong, the murderer of General Yuan.

In fact, whether Situ Jing was in Kasyapa City that time, or even whether he was present, would not affect Situ Xie's plan. He is not the one who makes the decision or takes action, and there is no need for him.

Su Liang sighed, The culprit is Situ Xie. Situ Jing should pay the price for what he did, but this price may be atonement.

It was precisely because Situ Jing intervened in the Kasyapa City incident, and his special status meant that it was not just a simple act. It was for the sake of Lin Wei's family that he still chose to change the time of action even though he knew what the consequences would be. This is what happened in the end. A slight change caused Situ Xie's major conspiracy to come to nothing, and now he was forced to marry his granddaughter to Qianguo in order to save his grandson.

It can be said that Situ Jing should have confessed to Lin Xie and Su Liang early on and chosen the right path, but it cannot be completely ignored that he has been brainwashed and coerced by Situ Xie and mentally abused by the parents of the Chen family since he was a child. There is also a so-called master Nangong Lin who has been trying to induce him to go astray.

When Situ Jing defended himself, he said that no one had experienced what he had experienced, and no one could empathize with him.

This is indeed true.

Su Liang believed what she saw. Situ Jing had feelings for Chen's father and Chen's mother, especially Chen's mother.

He also has feelings for Lin Wei, and even if he made the wrong choice, he cannot deny this.

People are not polar opposites, black and white. Even now, Situ Jing can still see his human side and his struggle.

Qiu Cong never gave up on Situ Jing, his grandson. Because of what happened in the prison today, Su Liang began to review everything she knew about Situ Jing in the past. New 69 Book Bar→69𝓼𝓱𝓾𝔁.𝓬𝓸𝓶

Putting aside all emotional things, from a practical point of view and in the long run, Su Liang felt that he could not go on like this.

Since it is a mistake, it should be corrected in time.

Gu Ling sighed slightly, I have a prejudice against him. As Su Liang's lover, Gu Ling is very sensitive to other men who admire Su Liang. He knew that Situ Jing was jealous of him mainly because of Su Liang.

Therefore, Gu Ling didn't even want to see Situ Jing, and didn't think about the incident in Nanshan City again.

Gu Ling is a very simple and direct person, and he also likes such people. Not only Su Liang, but also Lin Wei and Xing Yusheng, who seems to have no ability, are not annoying to him.

But he admitted that he hated Situ Jing. That man's forehead seemed to have I'm the hardest, why can't you understand me written on his forehead.

But Gu Ling also admitted that Situ Jing's past was indeed very difficult. It's harder than him. Although he has a scumbag father, he is not controlled by anyone. He lives alone most of the time, simple but comfortable. He really didn't have such a thing as emotional burden, but Situ Jing grew up with such a thing on his back.

So, it seems we have reached an agreement? Su Liang smiled, I will talk to him tomorrow to see what he thinks.

Gu Ling shook his head, I'll talk to him.

Su Liang raised his eyebrows and said, Please listen.

Gu Ling nodded, You are not allowed to show your face.

Yes. Su Liang chuckled, Has our little god grown up again today?

A little bit. Gu Ling gestured with his hand.

It started raining in the middle of the night and didn't stop raining early in the morning.

Chang'an came to Liangguo Post House and told Situ Jing that his adoptive parents had passed away last night, and asked what he wanted to do with the body.

Situ Jing listened quietly while holding the teacup, but did not speak immediately. He looked at the rain outside through the window. He dreamed about what happened when he was a teenager again last night. Chen's father was very strict with him and said it was for his own good. Chen's mother felt sorry for him because he was assigned to be a slave at a young age. She always carried Chen's father on her back and hugged him to comfort him. He said it was okay, as long as he obeyed his master, everything would be fine.

From childhood to adulthood, Situ Jing has been hearing this sentence, As long as you obey, everything will be fine. Everyone who knows that he is Situ Jing is telling him this sentence, Situ Xie, Nangong Lin, Yang Parents, several people responsible for conveying Situ Xie’s meaning...

Chang'an waited patiently. He saw the sadness in Situ Jing's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

It's okay. Situ Jing said, trying to show a relaxed look, but the tears in the corners of his eyes betrayed him, It's good that their family is reunited.

This is what he thought, so he asked Duanmu Chen to give them a good time and send them on their way. But when it comes to this moment, it still feels uncomfortable to say it out loud. He thought he could face this matter easily, but in fact, he had deliberately ignored the safety of Chen's father and mother before, just to escape and not dare to face them.

After all, that was the person who raised him and kept him company the most, the person he called father and mother for twenty years. Even if he is disappointed and feels that they are not kind enough, why should they transfer their hatred to him? It is obviously not his fault, but he will always understand their feelings of losing their son after being disappointed...

These complex and contradictory struggling emotions accompanied him day and night in the past. Now it seemed that he could be relieved, but for a moment he was so uncomfortable that he could hardly breathe. New 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar→𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖

My condolences to Second Prince Situ, Chang An said, Your Majesty would like to ask, what will Second Prince Situ do with the bodies of those two people?

Situ Jing was silent again for a moment, then said, Please send it over.

Chang An was stunned for a moment, Send it to the post house?

Situ Jing nodded.

Okay. Changan agreed and quickly said goodbye and left.

Not long after, the bodies of Chen's father and Chen's mother were delivered to Liangguo Post House.

While waiting for the body to be transported, Situ Jing sent his subordinates to buy two coffins in the city and bring them back.

When Situ Jing received the news, the coffin and body entered the door of the post house.

Second Prince, what are you doing? Situ Jing smelled a foul smell, which was brought from the prison.

Duanmu Chen asked Chang'an to do things according to Situ Jing's wishes, but this did not include helping to clean up the corpse.

These are my adoptive parents. Situ Jing said, motioning to carry the coffin and body into the hall of the post house.

Situ Jing suppressed his anger and said, Second Prince, they are prisoners executed by Qian Guo.

If a prince of the Liang Kingdom holds a funeral for his adoptive parents with great fanfare, the royal family of the Liang Kingdom will be slapped in the face! Let everyone in the world know that the royal family of the Liang Kingdom sent the prince to the Qian Kingdom to do a good job!

Although this matter is not a secret, Situ Jing's behavior of paying homage to Chen's father and mother will make the Liang royal family even more ridiculed by the Qian people, not to mention Duanmu Chen's series of actions in cooperation with Situ Jing, which may seem to be well-intentioned, but in fact are all ridicules. The royal family of Liang Kingdom.

When Situ Jing heard what Situ Jing said, he turned around and walked towards him.

Both of them were holding umbrellas. When the umbrellas collided, Situ Jing threw them away. At the same time, he knocked the umbrella out of Situ Jing's hand and approached, putting his hands on his shoulders. His eyes were cold, What did you say? ?Say it again?

Situ Jing's heart sank! This is Situ Jing’s true face! He didn't think he was a member of the Situ family at all! He ruined a big thing before, but now he doesn't take them seriously because of his status! Situ Xie is simply raising tigers to create trouble!

But on the surface, Situ Jing did not dare to go against Situ Jing. Although they are both the biological grandsons of Situ Xie, it is a pity that Situ Xie is not the emperor, but Situ Jing's biological father is.

Second Prince, please calm down. I have no other intention. I am just worried that Emperor Qian is so talkative and has some conspiracy. Situ Jing lowered his voice, If the Emperor knew that the Second Prince cared so much about his adoptive parents, he might be displeased.

For my own good? Situ Jing sneered and said in Situ Jing's ear, Actually, you hate me very much, and you want to tear me apart. I know. It was me who caused you to be arrested, and it was I who caused your sister to come and get married. You hate It’s very uncomfortable to bow to me even though you’ve killed me, right?”

Situ Jing felt Situ Jing pressing his shoulders harder and harder. He could hardly stand still. He lowered his head and said, The second prince misunderstood. I didn't think that way.

Situ Jing suddenly let go of Situ Jing, and the two of them stood face to face in the rain. Situ Yao, who hurried over, looked worried, Second prince, brother, come in quickly, you will get cold if you are exposed to the rain.

Situ Jing ignored it and just laughed suddenly. The smile made the rainwater running down his face twist at the corners of his mouth, like a stream suddenly turning when it encountered an obstacle.

He looked at Situ Jing and said coldly, Our good grandfather planned everything. You and I are both pawns. I just didn't follow his wishes, so it's all my fault? It's indeed my fault, it's me It was me who caused you to be arrested because your sister wanted to come and get married, so you beat me if you don’t accept it?”

Situ Jing calmed down, I understand that the second prince feels sad because of his adoptive parents, but please don't say such things again. We are a family and should be united.

A family? Situ Jing looked sarcastic, I have to ask our good grandfather when I go back. He has so many grandchildren, why did he send me to be a craftsman? He kept saying that he valued me the most and spent the most effort to cultivate me. Me. I plan to take the remains of my adoptive parents back to Liang Kingdom, so that my grandfather can also have the opportunity to pay homage to them in person for everything they paid for the great cause of Liang Kingdom. They are worth it, what do you think?

Situ Jing frowned, Second Prince, please calm down.

You don't agree? Situ Jing sneered and turned around, That's indeed a good idea, let's do it.

Looking at the corpses of Chen's father and Chen's mother, Situ Jing suddenly felt that he had found the meaning of life again, which was to destroy everything Situ Xie cared about and make him, like the people whose lives he destroyed, worse off than dead.

Situ Yao wiped Situ Jing's wet hair, looking uneasy, Brother, what on earth does the second prince want to do?

Situ Jing said solemnly, He is a madman! I will definitely tell my grandfather when I get back. If we don't get rid of this madman quickly, he will destroy the Liang Kingdom!

Situ Yao glanced at the door and lowered his voice, Brother, be careful what you say, don't let him listen. Then he sighed, Second brother told my grandfather about this. My grandfather told me that if the second prince really changes, Being crazy is not necessarily a bad thing. His biggest problem now is that he still has thoughts about some people in Qianguo, especially his cousin’s family, and he doesn’t know what he wants. For a person like him, as long as he can The end of love will definitely open up a new world for the Liang Kingdom. Maybe the eldest brother will be unhappy after hearing this, but my grandfather said that the people of the Situ family are too comfortable now and do not have enough resourcefulness and courage. My grandfather does not want to give up the second prince. Because that’s the game-breaker he trained for the Situ family.”

Situ Jing frowned, Then who are we?

Situ Yao looked serious, Brother, don't think like this. Just because my grandfather wants the second prince to break the situation does not mean that he prefers the second prince to be the final king.

Situ Jing's eyes flashed slightly, But can grandfather's plan really come true? I think if Situ Jing goes crazy, he will bring disaster to Liang Kingdom first.

Situ Yao shook his head, Grandpa will find a way. Let him come this time to let him see how sweet and happy Gu Ling and Su Liang live. If he wants to get Su Liang, he can only get the world first.

Is he so special to Su Liang? I saw him looking after Gu Ling more than Su Liang yesterday. Situ Jing snorted coldly.

Situ Yao sighed slightly, Of course he likes Su Liang, but as a loser, he doesn't want to show it.

What if Su Liang wins over him again? Situ Jing frowned.

Situ Yao smiled and shook her head, This is absolutely impossible. Grandfather said that with the temperament of Su Liang and Gu Ling, they will never give Situ Jing any chance again. And this is our chance.

When Situ Jing changed his clothes and asked his subordinate Situ Jing what he was doing, he learned that the person coming from the Su Mansion just now was Qi Jun, Su Liang's follower, who invited Situ Jing away.

Situ Jing's expression changed, Are you sure it's Su Liang's entourage who came?

The subordinate nodded, I'm sure. I've seen that person before.

It turned out that it was not Qiu Cong who came, but Su Liang who sent someone to find Situ Jing. What on earth was he going to do...

Su Mansion.

As the rain got heavier, Qiu Cong and Zheng'er's fishing plan came to nothing, so he went out and wandered around the city for a long time before he bought two fat fish.

When Qiu Cong returned to the gate of Su Mansion with an umbrella in one hand and two struggling fish in the other, he saw Situ Jing appearing not far away, with Qi Jun next to him.

Qiu Cong frowned, waiting for them to come over, and asked Situ Jing, Why did you come so early? Did you guys meet me halfway?

Qi Jun smiled, Senior Qiu, the master has something to ask Second Prince Situ.

Qiu Cong was stunned at first, and then suddenly became happy, Really? Then go ahead! He frowned again, narrowed his eyes, stared at Situ Jing and asked, You haven't done anything bad in the past two days, have you?

Situ Jing looked calm, Does killing my adoptive parents count?

Qiu Cong wanted to smash the fish in Situ Jing's face, but he thought Su Liang was planning to have a good chat with Situ Jing again and give him a chance to change his ways.

Just watching Qi Jun and Situ Jing enter the door, Qiu Cong thought, would Su Liang care about the life and death of the couple in the Chen family? Their ancestors were all craftsmen of the Liang Kingdom and would have died anyway. Situ Jing just sent them on their way early to relieve them.

Thinking of this, Qiu Cong felt hope again in his heart.

Situ Jing asked Qi Jun what happened, but Qi Jun couldn't tell.

They walked to the vicinity of Yuanming Pavilion but did not go in. Qi Jun led Situ Jing around half of the lake and arrived at the pavilion. Please, Second Prince Situ.

Situ Jing thought Su Liang wanted to see him, but he didn't expect that only Gu Ling was sitting in the pavilion, and he was still carving little flowers...

Situ Jing walked into the pavilion, closed his umbrella, put it next to him, and sat down opposite Gu Ling with an expressionless face, What do you want me to do? Just tell me. It was Gu Ling who proposed that he return to the royal family of Liang Kingdom in the first place.

Situ Jing thought that Gu Ling came to him because he wanted to order him to do something.

Gu Ling ignored it and continued to carve a small flower in his hand. Then he raised his head and asked Situ Jing, Does it look good?

Situ Jing frowned and looked at the unpainted woodcut flower in Gu Ling's hand, If you have anything to say, just say it!

If you don't go back to the Liang Kingdom, you will stay in the Qian Kingdom and become a general to atone for your sins. Do you dare? Gu Ling looked indifferent.


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