The atmosphere was silent.

Su Liang stared at the dancing flames of the thick-armed dragon and phoenix candle, waiting for Ji Yueyan to speak again.

Gu Ling picked up the blood-stained gold hairpin and was looking at the patterns on it carefully.

Ji Yueyan looked at Su Liang and then at Gu Ling, supported her arms, stood up slowly, and sat down in a seat opposite them.

As for the servants, they were all kicked out by Duanmu Chen at the beginning of the incident.

What are you looking at? Ji Yueyan asked Su Liang.

Su Liang looked away with a calm expression, A moth flies into the flame.

Ji Yueyan looked at Xi Zhu subconsciously. There were only flames and no moths. In this deep palace, it is difficult for even a mosquito to fly in. A moth flying into the flame is tantamount to self-destruction... Her complexion suddenly changed, and she stared at Su Liang, Moth... are you talking about me?

Su Liang shook his head, If Concubine Yan knows what she is doing, there is no need to ask.

What should you do if there is someone who prevents you from being together? What should you do if you are forced to marry a man you don't love? I was born into a royal family, so I should be helpless and at the mercy of others? You are all right. , I would rather be relegated to the cold palace than be touched by Emperor Qian! You think I am seeking death, but for me, when a canary in this harem is possessed by a man I don’t love, I want to be a canary for him. Having children is simply worse than death! Ji Yueyan said, her body trembling slightly and her eyes becoming determined.

Su Liang looked at Ji Yueyan. Gu Ling's timid impression of her may not have been a pretense, but she obviously valued love more than anything else and was willing to sacrifice everything for it, even her life.

Why didn't you make plans earlier? Su Liang asked.

Ji Yueyan did not see any sympathy for her in Su Liang's eyes, only a calm look. Gu Ling, who was next to him, was still studying the golden hairpin, which could be described as indifferent.

Ji Yueyan looked bitter, I'm imprisoned in a deep wall, what can I do? I don't have the chance to learn a skill like Doctor Su and make a good future for myself. I have accepted my fate and got married, and now I just want to Isn’t it okay if you want to be innocent and quiet?”

As a marriage princess, you will not be sent here if you have any flaws in your body. Su Liang looked calmly, If you want to get rid of the fate of marriage, it is actually very simple. You don't need superb medical skills or strong martial arts. , as long as you 'accidentally' burn your hand, break your leg, disfigure your face, and leave a big or small scar. You are not even afraid of death, are you afraid of those things? If you do those things, you can stay in In the Yanguo Palace that you are familiar with, you can live a pure and peaceful life as you want, instead of traveling all the way to the unfamiliar Qianguo Palace and risking your life to assassinate the emperor of Qianguo.

Ji Yueyan suddenly grabbed the wedding dress with both hands and gave it a squeeze. Although he quickly let go, Su Liang did not ignore it.

Doctor Su is indeed very intelligent. But unfortunately, I am stupid and didn't think of that much at the time. Ji Yueyan shook her head.

Su Liang looked at Ji Yueyan and fell silent. Because she suddenly thought of another person, a person who had just returned to Qian Country from Yan Country.

Ji Yueyan is not stupid, she doesn't strike hard, and as long as Duanmu Chen doesn't break up with Yan Guo, she will be fine.

Therefore, Ji Yueyan could not have imagined what Su Liang said. The fact that she thought about it but didn't do it shows that she wanted to come to Qianguo.

Su Liang had to suspect that Ji Yueyan's sweetheart had also come to Qian Country. As for a princess in a deep palace, the only normal men she can come into contact with, apart from members of the royal family, are the palace guards.

Su Liang had really heard this word palace guard a lot in the past few days... Bai Yang worked as a guard in Yanguo's palace before, but when he returned to Qianguo, he still insisted on joining the palace as a guard. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫sɥnx˙ɔoɯ

At that time, Su Liang felt that Bai Yang's reason for entering the palace could not convince her.

It would make sense if Ji Yueyan and Bai Yang were lovers.

They have no future in the Yan Kingdom. Not to mention the disparity in status, Bai Yang was still a slave of Qian Guo. He was controlled by others and neither of them had freedom. For the sake of Lonicera's safety, Baiyang did not dare to escape privately.

Lonicera went to look for Baiyang at about the same time as the royal family of the Yan Kingdom selected Ji Yueyan to be their bride. Duanmu Yi is dead, Bai Yang can regain his freedom and gain an upright and reliable identity as long as he follows Li Dong back to Qian Kingdom. And Ji Yueyan marries to Qian Kingdom, even if they still can't be together, as long as Bai Yang can enter the palace as a guard , they can still see each other and have contact.

Even after Ji Yueyan really entered the cold palace and gradually no one cared about her, Bai Yang could look for opportunities to elope with her. With his martial arts skills and being an insider of the palace, it was not impossible to win Duanmu Chen's trust.

The reason why they can't do anything in the middle of the marriage is because if they destroy the marriage, which is related to the overall situation, the two of them will inevitably be pursued by the royal families of the Qian Kingdom and the Yan Kingdom. Bai Yang has great martial arts skills, but his personal power cannot be compared with that of the royal family.

But after the marriage was completed, Ji Yueyan was nominally Duanmu Chen's woman and the Concubine Yan of the Qian Kingdom. If anything happened to her, Duanmu Chen would try his best to hide it from outsiders for the sake of face.

Just like tonight, not many people know. Dr. Gao has been serving the royal family all his life and will never spread the word. The person Duanmu Chen brought to interrogate Ji Yueyan was Su Liang, whom he trusted most.

Bai Yang no longer has to worry about Lonicera because she is now under Su Liang's protection. And because of his sister-sister relationship with Lonicera, if he actually kidnaps the emperor's woman, Lonicera will beg Su Liang to let him go, and Su Liang can persuade Duanmu Chen...

Su Liang looked at Ji Yueyan, and Ji Yueyan also looked at her quietly.

Su Liang felt that if things were as she guessed, it would not be difficult to explain why Ji Yueyan showed extra calmness. When she saw that Duanmu Chen immediately called Su Liang to deal with it, Ji Yueyan should have become more confident in her and Bai Yang's plan.

When their eyes met, Ji Yueyan realized that Su Liang had seen through her, and the calmness she had pretended to be turned into a silent begging... because she knew that as long as Su Liang said Bai Yang's name here, their love would be over. and the future will all come to a dead end tonight.

Ji Yueyan and Bai Yang do need Su Liang's help, but in their plan, Su Liang will not find out before they elope, and no one will find out. Even if Su Liang is unwilling to help them afterwards, they will not regret it even if they are hunted down.

Unfortunately, Ji Yueyan underestimated Su Liang's mind and calmness. Su Liang had no feelings for Bai Yang, whom he had just met, and there was no trust. He would not be moved by the tears of a princess who had grown up in the palace.

When she saw Ji Yueyan's begging look, Su Liang knew that she was right.

But things are really difficult to handle. After all, Ji Yueyan and Bai Yang have not yet done what Su Liang guessed. The current fact is that Baiyang was retrieved by Lonicera and was loyal to Duanmu Chen, but Ji Yueyan just didn't want to consummate her marriage with Duanmu Chen.

Su Liang couldn't force Ji Yueyan to a dead end just because she found out that she and Bai Yang had a yet-to-be-implemented elopement plan.

However, helping them and fulfilling their fate as a couple is not what Su Liang is considering now. She is not a living Bodhisattva who saves people in distress. Moreover, her current position is that she is Duanmu Chen's confidant. She cannot ignore Duanmu Chen's mood and the face of the Qian Kingdom royal family. .

Gu Ling threw out the golden hairpin in his hand and nailed it to the table next to Ji Yueyan. She was startled.

Let's go. New 69 Book Bar→69𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙭.𝙘𝙤𝙢 Gu Ling stood up.

Su Liang didn't look at Ji Yueyan anymore, took Gu Ling's extended hand, and the two of them walked out together.

The door opened and Chang An was seen standing outside, The emperor is waiting for you two.

Su Liang knew that someone was listening outside, so he was not surprised. He nodded and let Chang An lead the way.

Ji Yueyan saw Chang'an's eyes passing over her through the open door, and she suddenly broke into a cold sweat! If Su Liang had said Bai Yang's name just now, the consequences would have been disastrous!

After calming down for a while, Ji Yueyan thought that Su Liang must have guessed it, but did not mention Bai Yang. Does this mean that she decided to help them cover it up...

When Su Liang met Duanmu Chen, he was admiring the moon in the imperial garden.

Chang'an brought the people there, bowed his head and retreated.

Duanmu Chen looked at Su Liang and Gu Ling and asked them to sit over.

Gu Ling took off his coat, folded it up and made a cushion, then helped Su Liang sit down.

Duanmu Chen snorted upon seeing this, Are you here to stimulate me?

Calling himself me means that he now wants to chat with Su Liang and Gu Ling as friends.

I'm pregnant. Su Liang said and yawned.

Duanmu Chen coughed lightly, I forgot, you are delicate now. How is it? Did she explain it?

Chang'an heard the conversation between Su Liang and Ji Yueyan, but had not told Duanmu Chen yet. Duanmuchen asked Su Liang first.

If Su Liang deceived Duanmu Chen, he would find out if he matched Chang An's words afterwards.

How is the relationship between the Emperor and Concubine Liang? Su Liang asked, then asked Situ Yao.

Duanmu Chen nodded, There's nothing wrong with her.

But there really isn’t much truth to what he said. Su Liang knew Duanmu Chen's attitude towards women and was not surprised.

Just as Su Liang was thinking about how to tell Duanmu Chen about Ji Yueyan, Gu Ling spoke first, Ji Yueyan and Bai Yang are lovers.

To the point, simple and crude.

Su Liang frowned slightly, then relaxed quickly. She had not communicated her guesses with Gu Ling, but it was not surprising that Gu Ling had discovered everything she thought of.

And Gu Ling has his own reason for saying it so straightforwardly.

Duanmu Chen frowned fiercely, Bai Yang? No wonder... no wonder he took the initiative to find me and wanted to join the palace as a guard! What do they want to do? Do they do anything casual under my nose?

In anger, he became I again.

Not really. Gu Ling shook his head, But he will probably find an opportunity to elope.

Duanmu Chen was so angry that his face turned green. He and Situ Yao met before they got married, and he wanted to get Situ Yao. But for Ji Yueyan, there is no such relationship. He is just doing what he should do tonight, consummating the marriage with the princess.

Duanmu Chen felt that his emperor's majesty and man's dignity had been seriously challenged by Ji Yueyan and Bai Yang.

You...are you planning to let me help them? Duanmu Chen snorted coldly.

Gu Ling shook his head, Those two people have nothing to do with us.

Duanmu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, If I execute them, you won't interfere?

Gu Ling shook his head again, First, in the current situation, nothing can happen to Princess Yan; second, this kind of thing cannot be made public; third, the emperor should not force a woman he loves.

What do you mean? Duanmu Chen asked coldly, I have no interest in that woman. She is also my concubine, and she must die in the palace!

My suggestion is, Gu Ling said with a calm expression, we might as well help them and wait until the world is unified.

When he heard the words unification of the world, Duanmu Chen's expression changed, Didn't you say it has nothing to do with them? What if it takes another ten or twenty years to realize the unification of the world?

This has nothing to do with whether I have anything to do with them or not. I'm just saying the right thing. It won't take that long for the world to be unified. Gu Ling said.

Su Liang will consider her relationship with Lonicera, but Gu Ling has no selfish motives but good intentions. It is difficult for a princess who can't help herself and a guard who has been trained to be meticulous since childhood to get together. Gu Ling just doesn't want to be an accomplice in destroying their hope in life.

Although he didn't see the black mist between Bai Yang and Ji Yueyan's eyebrows, he felt that he should do something instead of watching them go to a dead end just because they fell in love.

At this moment, the anger in Duanmu Chen's heart had faded, because what concerned him more was what Gu Ling said, It won't take that long for the world to be unified.

All this time, Duanmu Chen never told Su Liang and Gu Ling that he wanted to destroy Liang and Yan and become the only emperor. It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just that ambition is something that you just need to know. For some things, the important thing is to do it rather than say it.

This was also the first time Gu Ling told Duanmu Chen that he would help him with the goal of unifying the world. Although Gu Ling didn't express it this way, Duanmu Chen understood it this way, and he thought there should be no misunderstanding.

Compared with that, Ji Yueyan and Bai Yang are not worth mentioning at all. Duanmu Chen didn't really care about the so-called dignity given to men by women. He was the kind of person who would only feel happy if he wanted Ji Yueyan to die in the Qianguo Palace.

The right thing... Duanmu Chen thought of the three words in Gu Ling's words and felt deeply convinced. He has also been reminding himself to do the right thing and not to be influenced by emotions and make impulsive decisions.

At this moment, Duanmu Chen was thinking, does it mean anything to him to kill Ji Yueyan and Bai Yang, or to break them up and torture them? Will he get any benefit or pleasure? The answer is no, he is not a psychopath.

Su Liang, Duanmu Chen's eyes were dark, You think so too?

Su Liang chuckled and said, They will definitely think that the emperor is a good person.

Duanmu Chen wanted to roll his eyes, I don't need it. He smiled after saying this, But to be honest, I miss the days when I was a magistrate in Bei'an County. The gratitude and respect of the victims after justice was served. It’s more real than looking up at someone sitting on a high throne.”

After a long sigh, Duanmu Chen stood up and said, In that case, I will be a good person this time. I probably won't have anyone who truly loves each other in this life, but looking at you guys who are in love with each other, I feel pretty good. Okay. But Bai Yang, don’t even think about entering the palace. If you perform meritorious service first, let him serve under Nian Jincheng in the south!

Your Majesty is kind and kind. Su Liang gave a thumbs up.

Duanmu Chen hummed, Hurry back, don't worry my godson.

If he didn't say it, Su Liang almost forgot that Duanmu Chen wanted to be her child's adoptive father. But it's not a son, it's a daughter, but I haven't told him yet.

It was already late at night when Gu Ling and Su Liang returned home, and they fell asleep quickly.

When he saw Lonicera the next day, Su Liang said he wanted to talk to her.

First, when asked about getting married to Qi Jun, Liandong looked helpless, I just agreed to be with him. We haven't gotten to the stage of getting married yet. He is too impatient.

It doesn't matter if you get married first and then fall in love. Su Liang smiled, Let's wait until his father comes back.

Lonicera nodded, and when Su Liang asked when Bai Yang would return to Beijing, he said that the mission this time was not too far, and if everything went well, he would be back in about three to five days.

When you went to Xiangyue City to look for him, did you see him and then he left with you? Su Liang asked.

Lonicera was stunned for a moment and shook his head, When I saw Bai Yang, I wanted to take him away immediately, but he insisted on letting me wait for two days, saying that he still had some unfinished business and didn't want to cause trouble to his friends in Yanguo Palace. .Is there any problem? I believe Bai Yang will not betray Qian Guo.

But now he plans to betray the emperor of Qian Kingdom. Su Liang told Lonicera about what happened last night in Lonicera's shock.

After hearing this, Liao Dong froze, could he do this? This...the emperor already knows? The emperor won't kill him, right?

Su Liang shook his head, It might have been possible, but Gu Ling gave the emperor a suggestion, and the emperor accepted it.

Hearing this, Liandong looked relieved and said, Thank you, master and uncle!

After learning about Gu Ling's suggestion and Duanmu Chen's decision, Liao Dong immediately nodded, That's great! If the emperor didn't look at the face of his master and uncle, he wouldn't have given him a way to live. If he wants to be with the person he likes, he must Go for it!”

When he comes back, you can talk to him. Su Liang said.

I have to let him kowtow to his master and uncle. Lonicera said.

Su Liang shook his head, Farewell. As long as he knows what to do. This matter needs to be kept secret, and Qi Jun shouldn't say anything about it yet.

Yan Guifei Ji Yueyan was not relegated to the cold palace. Because if you do that, you need to have a reason. The real reason Duanmu Chen didn't want anyone to know.

On the second night after Duanmu Chen married Ji Yueyan, he actually went to Xing Yuyan's place, which made Situ Yao very puzzled. But the only news they got was that Ji Yueyan was in poor health.

Xing Yuyan was overjoyed, but Duanmu Chen just came to see her and left after not sitting for a while. He was injured and didn't want Situ Yao to find out, even though he was actually most comfortable with Situ Yao.

Gu Ling sent someone to pay attention, but the old man in gray clothes was not found again.

That day, Lao Mu took Zheng'er to eat in a restaurant. Zheng'er had almost eaten and was playing with throwing paper airplanes.

After throwing it out again, the paper airplane swirled and floated out of the window.

Mr. Mu, Xiao Fei is flying out! Zheng'er quickly called Lao Mu.

Lao Mu dropped the chicken legs in his hands and ran to the window, Grandpa, help you pick them up! But when he was about to jump out, he looked left and right and didn't see where the paper airplane was.

Lao Mu picked up Zheng'er and said, Look, little darling, Xiao Fei is gone. Was he picked up by someone?

Okay. Zheng'er nodded, Then I'll make another one! In the past, Gu Ling made it for him to play with, but now he can fold it himself and throw it away when he loses it.

I'll fold one too, and let's compete to see who can fly farther! Haha! Lao Mu hugged Zheng'er and turned around, and the old and the young all folded new paper airplanes.

In the alley not far from the restaurant, on a lush tree, the old man in gray clothes carefully examined the paper airplane in his hand for a while, then took out a parchment book from his arms, untied the rope tied to the cover, opened it, and took out the paper The plane was clamped in, then he took out a charcoal pen, held the sheepskin book in one hand, and wrote on it with the other hand: I found an object that looks like the airplane described by the master. The owner of this object has a close relationship with Su Liang and Gu Ling.


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