Gu Xiaoling, did you expect what happened tonight? Lin Xin asked Gu Ling. New ⑥⑨ Book Bar→⑥⑨ⓢⓗⓤⓧ.ⓒⓞⓜ

Yeah. Gu Ling nodded slightly.

Lin Yi hummed, Then why didn't you stop me?

It's useless. You have done everything you should and shouldn't do. Whether Yuan Ying goes or not, your parents will beat you up. Let her go to help you out. Gu Ling looked calm.

Lin Wei sighed, You are a bystander. It is indeed my fault. I should have considered all the things that Yuan Xiaoying didn't expect. I was really impulsive at the time. But if it happens again and Yuan Xiaoying takes the initiative to marry me, I agree to whatever she wants.

That's because you know your parents won't object. Gu Ling hit the nail on the head.

Lin Xin smiled, You're right! He was willful because someone was pampering him. Even if something is not done properly, his parents will not be really angry and will only try their best to help him do better. And what he told Yuan Ying at that time was that his parents would definitely recognize her as their daughter-in-law, and he was 100% sure, without the slightest doubt. And indeed it is.

Compared with friends like Gu Ling and Qiu Jing, Lin Yi always felt that he was the luckiest, because he had a happy family from childhood to adulthood. The first setback in his life was when he was stabbed in the back by his cousin Duanmu Che, but Now it seems that it is nothing, and because of his friendship with Su Liang and Gu Ling, he has started a new stage of life that is more interesting and meaningful. Later, when he and his family encountered danger several times, it was Su Liang and Gu Ling who came to the rescue. Including his fate with Yuan Ying, it was entirely due to Su Liang.

Thinking this, Lin Wei couldn't help feeling a little emotional. He suddenly stopped and hugged Gu Ling, Gu Xiaoling, thank you for always being there.

Gu Ling always looked disgusted with Lin Wei, but she didn't push him away at this moment. She just said, I won't sleep with you tonight. Give up.

Then, Lin Xin's hearty laughter rang out in the silent streets of Beijing, Gu Xiaoling, has anyone ever said that you are getting cuter and cuter?

Of course. Gu Ling said.

Of course Lin Wei knew who it was: Su Liang loved Gu Ling the most, and even after getting married and having a baby, she still called him the Great God.

When the two of them arrived at Lin's Mansion, Gu Ling watched Lin Xi enter, then turned and left.

Lin's father and Lin's mother were not asleep yet, waiting for Lin Xin to come back.

Lin's mother breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lin Xian entering the door. Su Liang specifically reminded them before that although the world is peaceful now, there is still a group of evil forces waiting for opportunities in the dark, so they must pay attention to their safety and not go alone to uninhabited places.

It was Gu Xiaoling who sent me back specially. He has already left. Lin Wei said with a smile.

Father Lin sighed, Those two are really kind to you.

Lin Xian made a gesture of holding his face with his hands, That's because I'm loved by everyone.

Lin's father raised the feather duster that he had never put down in his hand. Lin Lin immediately stood up straight and said, Mom, Dad, I was really wrong about the marriage.

The mother hurts her son and was afraid that his father would beat him again. He quickly said, That's it, and outsiders don't know. We will do the family affairs according to the rules. Xiaoying is a girl who is a matter of mind, willn't he mind?

Lin Qian shook her head, No, she understands what her parents mean. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒄𝒐𝒎

That's good. Lin Mu sighed, It's true, it was the first time Xiaoying came to our house. She didn't even drink a cup of hot tea or eat the food cooked by my mother, so we asked her to go back in the middle of the night... It’s all your fault!”

Lin Wei nodded weakly, Yes, it's all my fault. Mom and dad, don't get so angry. Go and rest quickly. We have business to do tomorrow.

Lin's mother heard this and said, Your father and I have just discussed it and asked Mr. Qin to be the matchmaker. Your father will go there early tomorrow morning. The betrothal gift is almost ready.

Lin Xin was listening to the front and was nodding. When he heard the last sentence, he was stunned for a moment, When did you prepare it? How come it was so fast?

Lin's mother glared at him, Can we still count on you? Ever since Xiaoliang revealed that you like her sister, we have started preparing a betrothal gift for you.

Lin Xin smiled brightly and said, Mom and dad are wise! He took Lin's mother's arm and said, Have you never thought about what if Yuan Xiaoying refuses to marry me?

Of course I have thought about it. After all, she is Xiao Liang's sister. Lin's mother also knew that Su Liang had many female friends, so she only recognized this one sister, which must be extraordinary, and she knew better what her son would like. Such a girl.

Lin's mother laughed as she said, If Xiaoying doesn't agree, there's nothing we can do. We can only hope that Apei and Shan'er will let us have our grandson soon. Even if Yuan Pei doesn't marry Lin Shan, in the eyes of Lin's father and Lin's mother, He is also like a biological son.

Lin Xie sent his parents back to rest, and Lin's mother also told him to go to bed early and not to run around, for fear that he would sneak away to find Yuan Ying again in the middle of the night. Of course it doesn't matter if you go, as long as no outsiders know about it, but since you have to follow the rules, it's better not to mess around.

Lin Xin coughed lightly, Mom, don't worry, Yuan Xiaoying wants to sleep with Su Xiaoliang tonight, and I won't go.

When Gu Ling returned home, Su Liang and Yuan Ying were still asleep.

After talking about the ruby ​​ring Mo Yan was wearing, Yuan Ying asked Su Liang a question that touched the core, What is going on in all this? What secrets are hidden in Mo Yan's forbidden area, and Sister Liang seems to know about them? Why must we capture Xiao Gu? It’s not because he has good water skills, but because he has something to do with the secret of the forbidden area, right?”

Su Liang looked into Yuan Ying's eyes. She wanted to know, because she and Yuan Ye's siblings had been persecuted by the secrets of Xingluo Island and the forbidden land since a long time ago. Yuan Ye was seriously injured and almost died because of it. Now that she is an adult, her mind is still the same. It's a child.

After thinking about it, Su Liang decided to tell Yuan Ying. At this point, if she didn't say anything, Yuan Ying would not ask further questions or blame her, but as Yuan Ying's most trusted person, she should be more honest with her. She believed that Yuan Ying, as Gu Ling's earliest friend besides Nian Jincheng, would not object.

Actually, I am the person Mo Yan is looking for. Su Liang said.

Yuan Ying's expression condensed, You are Mo Yan's granddaughter, but he is definitely not looking for his own bloodline. There is no dispute about Gu Ling's life experience. His father's family and mother's family are not ordinary families. His appearance and birth There is a direct relationship with the family.

Indeed, he is not looking for his own bloodline, and Gu Ling has nothing to do with Mo Yan. 新𝟔𝟗书吧𝟨𝟫𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒄𝒐𝒎 Su Liang said, Mo Yan may not know that I am his granddaughter until now, but Actually, I'm not, that's why he wanted to find me. The reason why he found Gu Ling is that we sensed their intentions from some previous events and deliberately misled them, making them think that Gu Ling was that person.

Yuan Ying felt that the fog that had troubled her for many years had been blown away, but she still didn't understand what was going on. There was a barrier that seemed to be right in front of her, yet so far away that she couldn't reach it by herself.

It's normal for Sister Yuan not to think about it. Su Liang sighed, Because this incident is quite bizarre. If Sister Yuan hadn't experienced so much, I'm afraid you wouldn't believe it if I told you.

Yuan Ying shook her head, No, I will believe whatever you say.

But when Su Liang told her that she was a time traveler, Yuan Ying was still shocked. It took a long time to digest this information that was too mysterious for her.

So, Mo Yan came here through clothing just like you? Yuan Ying asked. The barrier in front of her eyes was suddenly shattered, and she suddenly became enlightened.

He is, but it seems different from me. I am from the soul, and he should be from the body. Su Liang felt like a magician when he said this.

Yuan Ying narrowed her eyes slightly, Could he be from that deep pool where countless people drowned, right?

Su Liang nodded, From what we know so far, that's where it is. He has worries on the other side and can't let go. He wants to go back, but is afraid that the road is blocked and he will die inside, so he has been arresting people to explore the way. It’s simply impossible for ordinary people to do it, and the valuable pathfinders he really wants are people like me.”

Yuan Ying frowned, Are there many people like you?

Of course not. Su Liang shook his head, But since there are two, there may be a third. And it is certain that there was a third one, who was Sheng Yue and Cheng Yun's mother. But she is already dead. , Sheng Yue claimed that he was killed by Mo Yan, and he probably drowned in the deep pool in that forbidden area.

When Yuan Ying heard this, she felt as if she had returned to that dark and cold forbidden place again. The deep pool appeared in her mind like a dark mirror, as if it wanted to suck her in, making her feel creepy.

The experience of nearly drowning did not have any impact on Yuan Ying, but she had friends around her after she was rescued, and later she was accompanied by the sunny and cheerful Lin Wei, so she subconsciously avoided thinking about it.

Even if she took the initiative to share her experience with Gu Ling and Su Liang earlier tonight, she could easily tell it when they were around.

At this moment, when Su Liang lifted the fog for her, the evil and cruel truth swept through the icy cold water in the deep pool, setting off huge waves in Yuan Ying's mind, hitting her, and she felt cold all over. , the body trembled slightly, as if returning to the moment when he was floating in the pool and sinking, unable to breathe...

Su Liang hugged Yuan Ying and patted her back gently, Sister Yuan, it's okay. Don't be afraid.

Yuan Ying closed her eyes, and some hidden memories flashed in her mind like fragments. She saw it, saw the bottom of the deep pool!

Yuan Ying opened her eyes suddenly, covered in cold sweat. She pressed Su Liang's shoulders and said, I saw it!

What did you see? Su Liang asked quickly.

A light! Yuan Ying said, There is a light at the bottom of the pond! Could that be the path Mo Yan is looking for? Is there really such a path?

Su Liang stared. Yuan Ying said that Yue Mei had forced her and Yuanye to practice diving since they were children, and trained them to hold their breath in the water. It can be seen that Yue Mei has been training guinea pigs for Mo Yan for a long time, but she cannot be told the real secret. Maybe Mo Yan made it up What excuse made Yue Mei think there was treasure in the forbidden area? She thought it would be profitable.

Therefore, Yuan Ying's water quality is much better than that of ordinary people, which is why she was brought into the forbidden place but was able to come out alive. I think most of the others who were brought in died inside.

In this way, Yuan Ying may indeed dive deeper than others, and she is not as fearful as others. Therefore, it is possible if she really glimpsed the secret of the deep pool.

Then why didn't Mo Yan try to get the water out of the pond? Wouldn't it be possible to directly see the road to the bottom of the pond, if there really is such a road. Yuan Ying frowned and said.

Su Liang shook his head, That is not the way we usually know it, and it will definitely not be that simple. If it could be done like that, Mo Yan would have done it long ago, or maybe he really did it, but failed.

At this moment, Gu Ling came back.

Su Liang shared with him the information he had just learned from Yuan Ying. Gu Ling nodded slightly, I understand. We'll talk about the rest tomorrow. You can go to bed.

Su Liang took Yuan Ying to live in another courtyard. Gu Ling still lived in their room and was responsible for watching over Gu Xiaonuan.

The next day Su Mansion was very lively.

Early in the morning Zheng'er and Ji Xiaoshu went for morning exercise, and Yuan Ye also ran with them. Although he was very tall, in terms of mental ability, he was not as smart as Zheng'er and Ji Xiaoshu.

Yuanye fell in love with this place as soon as he arrived. He had his benefactor sister and beauty brother whom he had known and thought about for a long time, as well as two cute little friends. There were many toys he had never seen before, and the food was super delicious. You can hold a warm baby.

Yuan Ying got up and went to Yuanming Pavilion with Su Liang. She saw Yuan Ye waving at her across the lake, smiling happily, and then ran to Zheng'er again.

I know Xiaoye will definitely like it here. Yuan Ying looked pleased.

I'll show him today to see if he can be cured. Su Liang said, And now I have a priest.

Okay. But don't be stressed. If it can't be cured, there's nothing wrong with him being as simple and happy as a child for the rest of his life. I will take care of him for the rest of his life. Yuan Ying said.

After a while, Mr. Qin and Lin Xi came to formally propose marriage to Yuan Ying.

Lin Xin dressed up very energetically today, and Yuan Ying also put on new clothes prepared by Su Liang.

The elder who came forward in the Su Mansion was Cen Man.

On this day, the two of them were officially engaged, and the Lin family had also chosen a wedding date. The recent auspicious day was the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, so there was less than half a month left. Lin's father and Lin's mother were worried that Yuan Ying was pregnant and wanted to complete the marriage process as soon as possible.

Yuan Ying has no objection to any of this. When she saw Lin Wei, she didn't mention the secret Su Liang told her last night.

After Mr. Qin left, Su Liang and Wen Ming both checked Yuanye's pulse, but whether it could be cured still needed further research. After all, it is the brain that is injured, so I don’t dare to give an injection or medicine easily.

In the afternoon, Lin's mother brought Lin Shan to the Su Mansion as a guest. Of course she came for Yuan Ying and gave her a set of valuable jewelry, saying that it was handed down from her ancestors.

Lin's mother had known about the situation in the wilderness and brought him snacks and preserved fruits made by herself. The Lin family had an citrus orchard in Kaysapa City, and Lin's mother was very good at making dried tangerines. Gu Ling had even come to ask for advice before.

In the evening, Yuan Ying and Su Liang sat on the roof of the Yuanming Pavilion and watched the sunset. In their ears, they could hear the sounds of children chasing and laughing in the woods. There was smoke from the kitchen, and Gu Ling was cooking.

Yuan Ying sighed, This is a good day that I could never dream of. Sister Liang, thank you.

Why are you being polite to me? Su Liang chuckled, Sister Yuan just rests at home for a while and waits for getting married.

The next moment Yuan Ying asked, What are your plans for Xingluo Island? Whatever you need me to do, just arrange it. Just let me be in the capital on the wedding day.

Su Liang coughed slightly, Lin Ershan is going to be sad when he hears that. How can Sister Yuan act like she can abandon him at any time?

Yuan Ying shook her head, I can just take him with me wherever I go.

When Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Lin Xian's affectionate call came from below, Yuan Xiaoying, jump down and I will catch you! From a distance, Yuan Ying was seen sitting high up, her dress and black hair blowing in the evening breeze. Flying, so beautiful.

Yuan Ying glanced at Lin Xi with disgust, You're so stupid.

Su Liang smiled and said, Others can't see this stupidity. After saying this, he pushed Yuan Ying down.

Lin Wei opened his hands and hugged Yuan Ying firmly with a bright smile, Let's go shopping together and have dinner outside.

Yuan Ying landed and shook her head, Just eat at home, Xiao Gu is cooking.

He cooks every day, so he can eat tomorrow. But I don't even have the chance to talk to you alone today. I have a lot to say to you. Lin Xian took Yuan Ying's hand and shook it.

Seeing Yuan Ying frowning, Lin Yi immediately changed his attitude and became overbearing, Yuan Xiaoying, you must accompany me to go shopping and eat, otherwise I will go back to my parents to complain, saying that you bully me! He became overbearing, but not Completely domineering.

Yuan Ying smiled and knocked on Lin Wei's forehead, Okay.

That night, Yuan Ying did not ask Su Liang to accompany her again.

Su Liang and Gu Ling watched A Thousand Golden Recipes for Detoxification together until late at night before washing up and going to bed.

After lying down, Su Liang asked Gu Ling, Sister Yuan asked me today what my plan is for Xingluo Island. Of course the plan is to destroy them, and it would be great if Mo Yan can grab his personal space. Do we want to take the initiative? Or should we wait and see what happens?”

Gu Ling stroked Su Liang's hair, Be prepared and act according to the opportunity.


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