Near noon, it was cloudless and the sea was sparkling.

They had just eaten dry food, Qiu Cong and Lao Mu were resting, while Feng Ming was driving the boat, his eyes alertly paying attention to the movements in the surrounding field of vision.

Ever since they left Xingluo Island, they hadn't seen a single person or ship for several days in a row. There was a deserted island on the way. Lao Mu had gone up to check it out when he and Cen Man came to Xingluo Island for the first time last year. Rubbles littered the ground, with no trace of human habitation.

The sun was a bit dazzling. Feng Ming was very focused and soon felt a little tired. He rubbed his eyes and took off the water bag. After drinking a few water, he raised his arm, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and then closed the plug of the water bag.

As soon as he put the water bag back on his waist, Feng Ming looked ahead again, but his expression suddenly changed and he immediately said, Two seniors! Someone is coming!

The drowsy Lao Mu immediately woke up and pulled Qiu Cong to stand up. The boat shook violently twice, but did not lose its balance.

The three of them looked forward and saw a ship coming towards them. It was still far away and could not be seen clearly.

Feng Ming frowned, Could it be that the people on Xingluo Island who went to meet the prince came back? The time was right.

But Lao Mu immediately shook his head, If Sheng Yue didn't lie to us, and the people who went to Mo Yan were really fake Mo Yan, there is no way Xiao Gu would have let them come back alive. Because the one we attacked was the real Gu Ling, and he couldn't deal with Mo Yan who was carrying a magic weapon. Why? Maybe even a substitute can't solve it.

That's... Qiu Cong's heart moved, but he was not sure.

But Lao Mu said categorically, If it's not a passerby, then it must be Xiao Gu!

Do you really think he wouldn't go home immediately after finding out that Mo Yan was fake? Qiu Cong felt that there was still a possibility that Gu Ling would go home.

Lao Mu shook his head, No. There's no point in going home at that time.

Lao Mu was the one who made the decision among the three. Hearing his certainty, Feng Ming looked slightly relieved, but Qiu Cong frowned, You mean, Mo Yan has arrested our disciple by now?

I didn't say that. Xiao Liang is not a weak woman with no strength. I wouldn't believe that she was caught by Mo Yan unless I saw it with my own eyes. Lao Mu still had great confidence in Su Liang. It is a real problem that Mo Yan can't stop Mo Yan's secret attack, but this does not mean that Su Liang will definitely be caught.

As he spoke, the ship was getting closer and closer, and he could see only two people on the ship, and the man standing on the bow was tall and strong. Qiu Cong squinted his eyes and shouted loudly, Jing'er! Is it Jing’er?”

Soon I heard a familiar voice, Grandpa, it's me!

Qiu Cong breathed a long sigh of relief. No matter what, at least for the moment, everyone was fine. Qiu Jing arrived, indicating that the outcome of the meeting at sea on the first day of March was probably consistent with what Lao Mu had speculated. As for the other person on the boat, I guess it was Gu Ling.

Soon, Qiu Cong and Lao Mu met Gu Ling and Qiu Jing.

The two ships stopped next to each other, and Qiu Jing first asked Lao Mu what happened to them when they went to Xingluo Island.

When Lao Mu heard that Sheng Yue actually used a group of children on the island to guard the forbidden area, he immediately frowned, His methods are indeed very vicious.

Lao Mu shook his head, Sheng Yue claimed that it was Mo Yan's intention. But no matter whose idea it was, his attitude was very clear. If you go to destroy the forbidden area, you will encounter the same situation when the time comes. .”

Qiu Cong snorted, That's impossible to say. Don't forget that Xiao Gu went to the island alone and rescued you as if he were in an uninhabited land. We were already exposed that night, but as long as Sheng Yue It’s not like we’re all eating, drinking, and eating in the cave. Once he comes out, Xiao Gu will have a way to capture him.”

Lao Mu nodded, Of course I know what you are talking about, but what if there are always innocent children in the cave? What if Sheng Yue uses the lives of innocent women and children on the island as bargaining chips? These possibilities must be considered. If you act rashly, you will easily be controlled by him.

Qiu Cong was a little speechless, It's really hard to be a good person! Those evils were obviously caused by Mo Yan, but we still have to worry about this and that! By the way, is Mo Yan really a fake? Have you already killed everyone?

Qiu Jing briefly told what happened at sea on the first day of March.

Lao Mu sighed, The old thief is really cunning. He knew that it would be difficult to succeed in meeting you in the open, so he acted in secret. Xiao Liang is his granddaughter! Mo Yan and Su Liang are both time travellers, but they are related by blood. it is true.

Will the prince go to Xingluo Island next? Feng Ming asked.

Gu Ling nodded slightly, Go. You go with me.

Qiu Jing frowned when he heard this, You want me to go back? That's not possible. We agreed that we will join forces this time.

I didn't let you go back, it's not your brother. Gu Ling looked calm.

Qiu Jing: ...I deeply suspect that Gu Ling said that on purpose, just like he always teases Lin Xin...

Let's go back together! Qiu Cong said, Listen to Xiao Gu next!

Gu Ling thought for a moment. He originally wanted Qiu Cong and Lao Mu to go home, but in the end he decided that since they were all so close to Xingluo Island, it was better to act together. He needed people for what he was going to do next. As for the situation at home, I don’t know what the situation is now, but when it comes to Mo Yan, it’s useless no matter how many people there are, and it’s too late to go back now.

Then let's go together. Gu Ling said.

Let's go! Qiu Cong raised his hand, That bitch Sheng Yue, go back and kill him!

On the two boats, Qiu Cong was with Qiu Jing's ancestors and grandsons, Lao Mu was with Gu Ling's master and apprentice, and Feng Ming was also on their boat.

Lao Mu asked about Chengyun who had gone to Kasyapa City with Gu Ling earlier, and Gu Ling said to let him stay in the city to guard.

Lao Mu couldn't imagine Cheng Yun leading troops to defend the city, but he felt that since Gu Ling arranged it like this, he must have trained Cheng Yun accordingly, and Cheng Yun had always been very obedient in front of Gu Ling. There is no shortage, but I am not that familiar with worldly things and need someone to enlighten me. Besides, probably nothing will happen to Kasyapa City now.

That night, Gu Ling sailed the boat to let Lao Mu and Feng Ming rest.

Feng Ming couldn't sleep, so he stood next to Gu Ling and talked to him, talking about the current situation on the island. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫🆂🅷🆄🆇.🅲🅾🅼

After meeting Feng Ming, Gu Ling was sure of one thing: Su Liang's guess that Mo Yan's magic weapon could take people in and release them was true. Before this, this was just speculation, but now it has been confirmed.

Moreover, Feng Ming learned from Xie Jun, who had been captured into space, how big the magic weapon was and what it looked like, and he also told Gu Ling.

This is useful. Gu Ling gained an understanding of Mo Yan's portable space and no longer just focused on the concepts in the stories Su Liang told.

Gu Ling had no way of knowing before that Mo Yan captured almost all the masters on the island entering space on New Year's Eve. Therefore, if Feng Ming hadn't told him, even if he went to the island next time, Gu Ling wouldn't be able to find any useful information for a while. .

It was only now that Feng Ming truly felt that the trip he was sent back to the island by Su Liang was of some use.

Feng Ming has lived on the island for more than three years. There are not many people on Xingluo Island, but it is only the size of a village in the outside world. Feng Ming is a very cautious and careful person, so everyone on the island He knew them all and understood them as much as possible, including how many months pregnant the daughter-in-law kidnapped by an elder was. He observed and remembered everything in the few days he returned to the island.

Ever since what happened on New Year's Eve, everyone in the He family has been killed, and people on the island are panicking. After last year's successive failures in leaving the island, many experts were lost. In addition, everyone on the island now knows that the master is Mo Yan's direct granddaughter. The masters on the island no longer have hope that Mo Yan can bring them glory and wealth. They are only afraid of Mo Yan, and they all know one thing. They may become Mo Yan at any time to achieve their goals. Victims on the road. Feng Ming said sternly, Therefore, I believe that if the prince goes to the island to instigate rebellion at this time, there may be a response! As far as I heard with my own ears, several people were cursing Mo Yan behind his back. Insulting Sheng Yue. Although Sheng Yue has a superior mind and strong strength, and is now inferior to one person on the island, he has always been unpopular and has never thought about winning over people.

As for Sheng Yue personally telling Feng Ming that he didn't need friends or enemies, only things like what he wanted to do, Feng Ming quickly relayed it to Gu Ling after meeting him.

Gu Ling nodded, That's what I meant.

We can start with the Coast Guard. The captain is Xie Jun, whom I mentioned to the prince. He is not a bad person, but he had to drift with the tide in order to survive on the island before, but he has not done anything evil. Feng Ming said.

Gu Ling knew that the real evildoers on Xingluo Island were the old guys with the strongest martial arts skills. They were also the first ones to follow Mo Yan, and they were all almost dead now. In addition to the second generation and the third generation of the island, a considerable number of young people were captured or deceived back, including Feng Ming Zhu Zan, Xie Jun and others. Their status on the island is low, and they are used to support the elders and their descendants. After a few years, those who are sent out will be screened by the island's survival rules and will be assigned wives. If they have children, they will be completely bound to Xingluo Island and will be unable to escape.

Okay. Gu Ling nodded, When the time comes, you can contact Xie Jun.

Feng Ming's expression was shocked, Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty. I will do my best.

Late at night, Xie Jun was still standing on the coast, with only a young man with whom he had a good relationship beside. As for the elders' grandchildren, they all went back to bed early. Although Xie Jun is the captain, his power is limited, and he dare not complain to Sheng Yue casually.

I wonder how Feng Ming is doing now? the young man next to Xie Jun said, Actually, he was very lucky. Although he lived in the dungeon for a while, someone came to rescue him and rescued him. That Doctor Su, She must live up to her name, even if Feng Ming fails to accomplish anything, she will still save him. Unlike us, this island is not big, but he is so crushed that he cannot lift his head, and he may die inexplicably one day.

Xie Jun smiled bitterly, What's the use of saying this? We are not as smart as Feng Ming. He is not only lucky, he knows how to assess the situation, and he also has the courage to choose differently from us. I just want to save my life, for fear of losing my head if I take the lead. …I don’t ask for any extravagant glory or wealth, I just hope that one day I can leave here alive, return to my hometown, and visit my grandfather’s grave.”

The young man patted Xie Jun on the shoulder, Don't be so depressed. With the current situation, it's hard to say what will happen next.

No matter what, we are just ants that no one cares about. Xie Jun shook his head, Let's go.

The shift replacement is half an hour late and hasn't come yet. said the young man.

We will continue to guard. If you feel sleepy, go take a nap first. Xie Jun said.

The young man shook his head and said, Let's go together. In fact, I think you should tell Mr. Sheng that those young gentlemen have gone too far recently. Mr. Sheng must have a way to deal with them.

Xie Jun shook his head, As long as someone is watching over them, I will file a complaint and Mr. Sheng will punish them. I'm afraid I don't even know how they died afterward.

The two of them talked and walked in the other direction.

The wind was very cold in the second half of the night. Xie Jun had not rested much recently and was exhausted. He heard Feng Ming's voice in a daze and thought he was hallucinating.

The next moment, a hand pressed Xie Jun's shoulder. He was startled. When he turned around, he saw a familiar face, You... why are you back again?

Feng Ming dragged Xie Jun into the small wooden house on the beach where the night watchman temporarily rested. It was blown away by the wind before, but was quickly repaired. At this time, Xie Jun's companion was already taking a nap in another wooden house.

Will anyone come here? Feng Ming closed the door and listened to the movement outside.

Xie Jun shook his head subconsciously, No... no. No one will come in the second half of the night.

There are not enough people watching the night, so Sheng Yue doesn't care? Feng Ming asked.

Xie Jun sighed, Mr. Sheng has been in the forbidden area recently and has not come out. The island owner is not here, and a few elders are secretly planning to escape. I overheard it and didn't dare to announce it.

Hearing this, Feng Ming held Xie Jun's shoulders again, I know you have always wanted to leave, and now the opportunity has come!

Xie Jun's body trembled and he pursed his lips nervously, What do you mean?

You know who my current master is. I can tell you that the island owner will not be able to come back for a while. You can leave, and everyone else on the island can leave. Feng Ming said.

You didn't come back alone, right? Xie Jun asked.

Feng Ming nodded, No, but you don't have to worry about the rest. You go back and pack your things now, prepare dry food, find a boat and go. If you have a trusted companion, you can call us together. I guarantee that no one will stop you before dawn.

What about you? Xie Jun asked.

I still have something to do. Feng Ming said, In order to avoid meeting the island owner, you first go west and then north, so that you can land in the original area of ​​Yan Kingdom.

Xie Jun was a little hesitant, but after seeing Feng Ming's frank eyes, he finally made up his mind, Okay! I'll listen to you this time! Take care of yourself!

Its daybreak.

It’s another ordinary day on Xingluo Island.

An elder's grandson was the first to notice that Xie Jun was missing because he was going to pick up Xie Jun's class in the morning and lead a patrol. He didn't say anything, but immediately went to find his grandfather.

He is really missing? The elder's eyes flickered.

I'm sure, the one with him last night is nowhere to be seen! Also, I went to see it, and there was a missing boat at the pier! It must have run away! I really didn't see that Meng Hulu, who is usually timid and afraid of death, actually So brave!

When the elder heard this, he paced back and forth in the room, and finally patted the table, Tell your parents, your brothers and your sisters to pack your bags quickly, and we'll leave before it causes too much trouble!

Leaving in broad daylight? Will anything happen?

I can't care about that much anymore! As long as someone dares to leave, more and more people will run away. There are not enough boats! It's too late and I can't leave even if I want to! That bitch Sheng Yue only cares about the forbidden area. He can stop it by himself. Who can live with him? When everyone wants to run away, no one will listen to him! Hurry!

About an hour later, Xingluo Island was still quiet, but an elder had secretly boarded the boat with his family, and was discovered by another elder's family. The man did not say anything, but quickly followed suit.

The forbidden area is the quietest place on the island. In addition to Sheng Yue, there are two confidants left by Mo Yan and a group of children. But even if the child is in a forbidden area, some people would rather leave their children and grandchildren behind if they have the chance to escape.

The weather is very good today, and people who have been rebellious on Xingluo Island have started to escape one after another.

But a problem soon arose: there were too many people and not enough boats.

As a result, a fight broke out at the pier for boats, resulting in casualties.

Gu Ling was sitting and resting on a tree in the dense forest on the coast, not far from the largest dock, watching all this with cold eyes.

This was his plan with Feng Ming, and it went more smoothly than expected, because the people's hearts on Xingluo Island were already in chaos, like a plate of loose sand that dispersed without the wind blowing.

Gu Ling glanced at the direction of the dock again, secretly left the dense forest and headed towards the forbidden area. He thought that Sheng Yue must be waiting for him...


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