Scared!? Xu Xuejiao felt incredible: Are you sick?

Lu Chengwen said: Sister, I'm in a hurry! Hurry up, didn't you get into the state very quickly before? Let's fight quickly...

Xu Xuejiao was completely confused.

How can you deal with a girl like this for the first time?

“But I haven’t saved enough money yet!”

Lu Chengwen hurriedly lifted up Xu Xuejiao's skirt: You owe me now, and you can pay me back later.

No...what are you doing?

Xu Xuejiao became angry and turned around: What's wrong with you?

I'm anxious! Turn around, turn around, raise your butt, raise it higher. It's hard for you to cooperate...

Xu Xuejiao pressed her hands on the wall: Who do you think I am?

pretty Woman.

Lu Chengwen tore Xu Xuejiao's shorts and unbuttoned his belt.

Xu Xuejiao cried.

Grinning, he felt aggrieved: Lu Chengwen! You are a bastard! How could you ask a girl for the first time like this? Do you know how humiliating I am?

Lu Chengwen was stunned: Then what do you want?

At least you have to coax me, coax and lie... to make me obey you!

Lu Chengwen felt like dying.

[Usually, he flirts with me every day, but if I hadn’t been strong-willed, something would have happened a long time ago. 】

[I am pressed for time and have heavy tasks today, but you are so reserved again. 】

Lu Chengwen pulled over Xu Xuejiao and looked at her: I! Love! You! Okay, turn around, hurry up.

Hey! Are you being too perfunctory?

At this time, several people came out across the corridor.

Lu Chengwen quickly pressed Xu Xuejiao and hid in the shadows.

Xu Xuejiao was hurt, screamed, and pushed Lu Chengwen away.

Lu Chengwen suddenly withdrew and stood in the corridor.

The three people opposite were stunned for a moment.

The fairy sister Cangyang Yiduo, her manager, and the gold medal assistant stayed where they were.

Lu Chengwen stood in the corridor, his belt undone, revealing his shorts.

Cangyang Yiduo turned around quickly with an angry look on his face. He had probably guessed what Lu Chengwen was doing.

Xu Xuejiao stood inside, covering her mouth and laughing, looking very proud of Lu Chengwen's embarrassed and embarrassed look.


Lawrence Lu quickly stuffed his shirt back into his pants and tied his belt: What a coincidence.

The agent could no longer pass up the opportunity.

He immediately came back to his senses and came forward: Oh! Mr. Lu! Hello, Mr. Lu. It is really fate to meet you, Mr. Lu, here!

[Fate is your uncle! You big stars are not attending the banquet inside, why are you coming to this place where nothing matters? ? 】

[I have something serious to do! This is related to my future destiny and the survival of the whole world! 】

Cangyang Yiduo was extremely depressed and said in his heart:

I heard it again, is this guy thinking so weirdly?

The agent came up and held Lu Chengwen's hand with both hands:

Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu! I didn't expect to see you here. I'm so lucky, so lucky!

[Brother, please leave quickly. 】

Lu Chengwen forced a smile: What a coincidence, why are you not at the banquet?

Oh, a few rich people insist that our Yiduo go out for supper at night. You know, those rich people think that celebrities have no bottom line just because they have money! Our Yiduo's reputation, the whole Who doesn’t know about the entertainment industry? She is a true artist who pursues art and is a clean-minded artist! I said Teacher Yiduo didn’t have time, so I could go, and they asked me to get away as far as I wanted...

Lu Chengwen's hand was held by him, with a stiff smile on his face.

[I also want you to roll as far away as you want! 】

Um...I still have something to do. You are busy. I...

Hey! Mr. Lu, there is a huge business opportunity. I think we can talk about it!

Huh? Now?

That's right! the agent said, Just a few words.

Okay, okay, hurry up, I'm in a hurry.

The agent started to talk nonsense: I know, Mr. Lu, you are a cultured businessman with great artistic taste. Unlike those wealthy people, you understand art and respect artists...

Lu Chengwen was almost annoyed to death: I'm just a rich man with no culture.

No, no, no! You are different from them! You are a pioneer of modern thought with great inner world and profound thoughts! If you write a book, it will definitely become popular all over the country and let people know that you are not only a successful businessman, but also an extraordinary person. artist...

Uh... Sir, I'm sorry, I don't know your last name. It's not important! I'm really rich and I don't understand art. We won't do magnetism anymore. Say what you want to say quickly. I'm really in a hurry.

Okay, okay! The agent quickly stretched out his hand, and the assistant took out a stack of scripts from his bag:

This is a script adapted from a novel by our famous modern writer Angry. It is very touching, very artistic, and very...

Lu Chengwen glanced sideways. Xu Xuejiao pulled up her pants, straightened her skirt, and then looked at Lu Chengwen proudly.

Lu Chengwen was extremely anxious: Just tell me what you want to do.

The agent said: We want to create a joint production. It is estimated that with an investment of 300 to 400 million, we can start production! Wan Bin will play the male lead, he is the most popular recently! Our sister, the female lead! It will definitely be a hit Hot! We estimated that the box office will start at at least 2 billion! At least 2 billion!

Lu Chengwen understood that this was to allow him to invest in the film and television industry.

I don't understand art. You can find someone else to film. I don't have time.

Then he pointed at Xu Xuejiao angrily, meaning: Why are you wearing it again? ? I finally took it off!

Cangyang Yiduo came over at this time: Zhang Jingyi, Mr. Lu is not interested in the film and television industry. I don't think we should disturb others...

Zhang Jingji ignored Cang Yang Yiduo at all and said apologetically to Lu Chengwen:

An artist has personality. You are a big shot. You don't mind?

I don't mind, but now...I

Zhang Jingjing continued to be eloquent: Your business is so big now, what you lack is a cultural sign! I heard that you want to choose an image spokesperson for the Chengwen District project! Our sister is just right! Your team has been looking for Of those people, which image and status are comparable to our sister? Mr. Lu, you really can’t be anxious about this kind of thing, you have to identify the right person...

At this time Hua Xuening appeared: Master, how are you?

Lu Chengwen was very happy when he saw Hua Xuening: It's okay, it's okay, just keep staring over there.


Zhang Jingjing grabbed Hua Xuening and said, Oh! This little sister is so beautiful! Mr. Lu, she is yours...

Oh oh oh, I understand, I understand, I understand!

Lu Chengwenxin said:

[You understand the big hammer! No, he seemed to really understand. 】

Zhang Jingyi took Hua Xuening's hand: Little sister, do you want to be a star?

Hua Xuening shook her head: I don't want to.

Zhang Jingjing was stunned. He had never met a girl who didn't want to be a star.

You can act in movies or go on TV! How great it would be to let everyone see how beautiful you are! Many people will like you!

Hua Xuening was confused: Why do I want so many people to like me? Master just likes me.

Oh, Master... Master, oh, Mr. Lu's life is unimaginable for ordinary people. Mr. Lu, we can help you make her popular and let her play the third female lead, no! The second female lead! There are many lines, and many highlights are there On her.

Lu Chengwen was about to explode.

Stop it! I voted for this play!

Huh?! Really!?

Really! Lu Chengwen said: Don't jointly produce it, go to the Monkey King Group to find Li Meiqin tomorrow, we will produce it exclusively!

Zhang Jingjing did not expect the progress to be so smooth: Mr. Lu! You are really... Hey! You are so heroic and majestic! The Chinese literary and art world needs you to combine financial resources and works of art...

Lu Chengwen grabbed him and pointed at Xu Xuejiao: I'm busy here, can you tell?

Oh, yes, yes...

Xu Xuejiao almost laughed.

I'm done with the show. You should leave quickly. I'm going to continue.

Oh, oh, ok, ok, ok. Zhang Jingjing said: If you have any guidance for this film, please tell me. We value the words of the sponsor the most. If you have anything to express, would you like to...

Lu Chengwen was about to explode.

A movie is just a movie. I don't know anything about business, so I have no opinions, no expressions, and no advertising. Just make sure that you find a reliable director, reliable actors, and reliable screenwriters... to make a movie. Just a good show will do.

Zhang Jingjing was shocked: Mr. Lu!

He was really about to cry: Are you really...can we decide?

Lu Chengwen looked at him: I think you are an admirable agent. You must have put in a lot of bitterness, blood and tears to support an artist like Miss Hong Yiduo who is so clean and self-sufficient and who constantly pursues herself in art.

Yes Yes Yes……

I know that many big bosses either want to make their bed partners famous; or they give random instructions to the creative team and pretend to be educated; or they want to attract female stars in the crew...I don't have any of these! I'll give it to you Absolute freedom, you can just show your artistic talents to your heart’s content! Okay?”

The agent really cried. He took off his glasses and wiped his tears: My conscience! Mr. Lu! Is there anything else you want to say?

Lu Chengwen looked at him: Get out.

Okay! The agent cried as he walked away: There are still such rich people these days. They are really nice, and they said 'get out' so honestly in the end...

Cangyang Yiduo glanced at Lu Chengwen and nodded slightly, expressing a hint of gratitude.

Then he followed the agent.

Xu Xuejiao laughed so hard that she could hardly stand.

Hey, are you ready to join the show?

Lu Chengwen exhaled and said quickly: Don't relax, keep going, keep the passion you had just now!

I have no passion anymore.

Then get some excitement!

It's not safe here. Xu Xuejiao leaned against the wall and turned her head away, obviously uncooperative.

Lu Chengwen bit his lip: Let's go, change places.

Lu Chengwen pulled Xu Xuejiao and changed places. Just as he was about to start, he heard the sound of another woman gasping next door.

Brother Bin, you are so awesome!

Lu Chengwen pressed his palm on the door panel and cursed in his heart:

【Oh shit! This can also crash a car! ? 】

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