Chu Bai stood up abruptly.

The five of them came to the door and the four of them stood up together.

Jiang Xiaohou's fierce eyes were gone, and his face looked innocent: Brother, why are they all standing up?

Lu Chengwen gritted his teeth, You guys...sit down!

The six people sat down slowly.

Lu Chengwen was still coaxing children, They are... playing games.

Oh? Jiang Xiaohou asked, Are they good friends?

Yes! Lu Chengwen said, They are good friends! They... are peaceful and friendly, united, love sharing, and often play games together.

Oh! Jiang Xiaohou said, Fighting is not good, fighting is terrible!

Yes, so little monkey should be a good child in the future, unite his classmates and not fight!

Well, little monkey will listen to his brother.

Lu Chengwen got Jiang Xiaohou a napkin, turned around and glared at a few people, Eat.

Everyone started to eat.

Chu Bai's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and nosebleeds were slowly flowing from his nostrils. He looked at Jiang Xiaohou.

The moment Jiang Xiaohou lowered his head, he looked at him with that look again.


It's the boss!

what happened! ?

etc! wait!

The boss... sent someone to arrest me, and after repeated attempts several times... he helped me advance to the fourth door...

She asked me to kill Lu Chengwen, but Lu Chengwen had five or four waiting for me...

The boss himself is Lu Chengwen's sister who he found somewhere...'s so messy!

The boss asked me to kill her brother, and she helped these five losers to advance to the top four, and asked five of them to beat one of me...

Then who am I! ?

I am the only outsider inside and out! ?

This boss is not a serious boss!

Chu Bai sat there, feeling lonely and wanting to cry.

Lu Chengwen sighed, stood up, held a bottle of red wine, and poured wine for them one by one.

Everywhere he passed, every Tuo King was flattered and stood up quickly, holding the cup in both hands.

Lu Chengwen motioned for them to sit down, and finally walked to Chu Bai and poured wine for Chu Bai.

Chu Bai sat there stupidly, looking at Lu Chengwen.

Lu Chengwen came closer to him and whispered

It's better to dissolve enemies than to tie them. Let's eat something and drink some wine and leave. Don't show up again. My sister has been mentally stimulated. She is still a child. She is simple, kind and innocent. Don't scare her. Scare her. I'll kill you.

Chu Bai looked at Lu Chengwen and said in his heart that you really don't know her!

She is a child! ? She is a child! ?

Still simple and kind! ? Naivety! ?

She is the devil!

After Jiang Xiaohou finished eating, he got off the table and stood by politely, Little monkey, you are done eating. Brother, take your time.

Then he bowed obediently at ninety degrees.

The military advisor shook his head and praised, This kid is so sensible.

King Jintuo also said, You look innocent.

King Tongtuo is so innocent and cute!

King Tie Tuo Her eyes are so clear. I can see the innocence we have lost in them.

King Yintuo will definitely have a future.

Everyone praised him one after another, and then looked at Chu Bai together.

Chu Bai was stunned for a long time and then managed to say, Just...if I look better in white clothes...

Lu Chengwen said, Okay, brother, let's drink with them. You go and have some fun. Don't run too far!

Yes, goodbye brother! Goodbye, big brothers!

Jiang Xiaohou left.

Lu Chengwen stuck his head out, and the five of them hurried over.

Lu Chengwen said, Xiaohou is a child who is not very experienced in the world and doesn't understand anything. In the future, avoid her when it comes to fighting and killing. Don't let her teach you bad things.

Yes, yes, don't worry, Mr. Lu.

Lu Chengwen said, Send Chu Bai away and tell him not to come again.


King Tongtuo and King Tietuo pushed Chu Bai to the door. King Tietuo kicked Chu Bai on his butt and said, Get out!

Chu Bai covered his butt with a look of sadness and anger, Just wait for me!

The two Tuo Kings were about to go back. King Tie Tuo turned around and asked, What did you say?

Chu Bai turned around and left, Goodbye.

After walking a few steps, a car drove up, the door opened, and a man pulled Chu Bai in. Before Chu Bai could say anything, he was knocked unconscious by a palm.

In the villa.

Lu Chengwen and others were drinking when Jiang Shihan came back.

Mr. Lu, Miss Yiduo and his agent are here to visit.

Lu Chengwen opened his eyes wide, What's going on?

Jiang Shihan was stunned, I thought you gave permission!

Never had!

Jiang Shihan was stunned. She realized that she had been deceived by the agent named Zhang.

If I had made such a big mistake in the past and brought someone to the villa for a meeting with my boss without an appointment, it would have definitely been a career crisis.

The boss will not only question your ability, but also suspect that you have taken advantage of the other party.

Jiang Shihan did get a benefit, but the agent insisted on giving her a brand-name bag, which also contained a set of jewelry endorsed by Cang Yang Yiduo.

The total should be worth hundreds of thousands.

The agent surnamed Zhang is a good talker, which means that he hints that Mr. Lu likes Yiduo very much, and the appointment to meet was agreed upon yesterday.

But it was obvious that Lu Chengwen had no such intention at all.

Jiang Shihan got into trouble and could only act coquettishly, What should we do? Everyone is at the door! Isn't it bad to rush back?

Let's go to the living room.

living room.

As soon as Zhang Jingwen saw Lu Chengwen, he excitedly came over to shake hands. Lu Chengwen lazily raised his hand and let him shake it, then pulled it back, walked back to his desk, and said coldly, Everyone, take a seat.

Okay, okay! Zhang Jingjing didn't feel disrespected. He was here to ask for money, hundreds of millions of assets. Not to mention the other party's cold attitude, he would accept it with a smile even if he was given a mouthful.

Zhang Jingjing brought not only his own star Cang Yang Yiduo, but also the booked male lead Wan Bin, director, producer, screenwriter, and the original author of the work, I am Angry.

Zhang Jingyi introduced them one by one, and when he finally introduced me as angry, Lu Chengwen's face changed, Are you angry?

The man smiled, I am angry.

Lu Chengwen narrowed his eyes, Is it really you?

Angry and stunned, Is this still fake?

Lu Chengwen made quick calculations in his mind.

This grandson can do it! When you write a book, you include yourself!

etc! Etc., etc!

He wrote himself into this world, so is the anger in this world and the anger in the real world the same person?

The script in my mind doesn’t even include Cangyang Yiduo. In other words, they are all characters who will appear in the later plot.

Now the plot of Long Aotian is stuck in Snow City and I can't get out, but they appear one by one...

This character...he may hold all the secrets about the world.

In other words, as long as I catch this grandson and squeeze the shit out of him, I can know all the subsequent characters, plots, details, and even the finale! ?

Take a closer look at this grandson. He looks like a dog, but he seems to have made a lot of money.

He has a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks, a hateful face, and wears a high-end suit.

Damn it, you don’t look like a prince when you put on a dragon robe!

Lu Chengwen smiled, Hahaha! Teacher Angry, you are so talented! I love reading all of the things you write!

I nodded angrily, looking like a polite scumbag, showing a humble smile, but in fact it was a smug look.

Have you heard my story?

Lu Chengwen smiled, Your face is full of stories. I have been reading your stories since I was a child. They are so well written.

I was angry and happy, and I pretended to be humble and said, Literature has been my hobby since childhood. But only after I truly embarked on the path of a professional writer did I realize how difficult and difficult this journey is.

The director, producer, Wan Bin, and Cangyang Yiduo all nodded in agreement.

Lu Chengwen was also laughing.

But I'm thinking in my heart

Do you know Jiba literature? A person who works on the Internet makes money by doing this thing! Do you have anything to do with literature?

I compliment you a few times and you are still humble! For a piece of trash like you, you're lucky if you don't get scolded by readers!

Cangyang Yiduo was surprised.

She can hear Lu Chengwen

It was completely unexpected that Lu Chengwen, who was very polite to the original author on the surface, would actually insult a successful writer like this in his heart.

He is simply a sinister and despicable villain!

Lu Chengwen smiled and said, You are mediocre if you are not envied by others! You are so talented that you will inevitably make others jealous.

It's true! I was angry and excited. Many people don't understand literature at all, but they keep criticizing my works as inferior! What I write is inferior. They scold me as inferior. This is not because they are sick. Is that so? To call a scumbag a scumbag is a completely logical error!

That's right! Lu Chengwen laughed. That's what popular literature is like! If you like it, read it. If you don't like it, don't read it. There's no point in scolding it on the forum!

I was so angry that I suddenly found a confidant. Oh, Mr. Lu! You are such an understanding person!

Lu Chengwen laughed loudly

I understand, sir! You are a swindler and a deceiver.

Lu Chengwen smiled and said, How is the book this time?

I said angrily, Excellent! This movie Sun Wukong and Calabash Baby Battle at the Forbidden City and Zhang Ergou Savagely Killed His Father in a Thousand Thousand Urgent Tragedy were acquired by me when I was wandering in Chengwen District. Inspiration, they...

Lu Chengwen laughed, It goes without saying, I voted!

Everyone was surprised.

Uh... The producer came over and said, Mr. Lu, I think we should tell you first...

Needless to say, I voted.

But specifically...

It doesn't need to be so specific. Lu Chengwen said, It's only a few hundred million, I can afford it.

Everyone is excited.

The producer said, However, we have a plan here, and we hope you can cast two films at the same time.


The producer said, Don't get me wrong. We feel that Zhang Ergou brutally killed his father and killed his father.

Can't you just use an abbreviation?

Yes, but if you abbreviate it, the literary tension and details will be weakened, so...

Lu Chengwen tried his best to endure and continue.

Yes, this book The Revenge of Zhang Ergou's Brutal Killing of His Father is a purely literary work, and it may not be very advantageous at the box office. But the book Sun Wukong and Calabash Baby Decisive Battle at the Top of the Forbidden City is an action movie with hot scenes and a lot of special effects shots. It is very beautiful! It will definitely be a big hit at the box office! We decided to use the beauty of The Monkey King and the Calabash Man to Fight the Forbidden City to counteract the beauty of Zhang Ergou's Brutal Behavior The cost of The Murder of My Father...

Lu Chengwen was going crazy.

Okay, okay, you can do whatever you want. I don't know much about art, and it seems you don't know much about art either. Anyway, I pay for it and you film...

No, this Zhang Ergou...

Lu Chengwen pointed at his nose, If you mention these two names again, I'll beat you to death!

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