It’s bearable! This is intolerable! ?

Long Aotian's murderous intention towards Lu Chengwen is too serious!

Snow City was the place where he first tasted humiliation and failure.

He felt that he had lost too much and gained too little.

Master is obviously partial to Lu Chengwen!

Long Aotian remained silent, obviously unconvinced.

Lu Chengwen said, Eldest brother, Master is so worried about us, let's make peace. From now on, you will be the eldest brother and I will be the younger one.

Long Aotian looked at him and said, You are young too!

Lu Chengwen said, Elder brother...

Lu Chengwen! Long Aotian said, In terms of ability, I am better than you; in terms of IQ, I am higher than you; in terms of talent, I am better than you... I am better than you in every aspect. You can afford food and accommodation in Xuecheng, right? Because you are rich! If you didn’t have the reputation of being the eldest son of the Lu family and the president of the Monkey King Group, I would have pinched you to death eight hundred times!

Lu Chengwen looked frustrated, I don't want to be born into a wealthy family!

What are you doing in the provincial capital?

I don't know. Let's see if there is any way to make money. Just take a look.

Don't do this! Long Aotian said, I've heard it all! Chen Mengyun has gone to the provincial capital. You want to seduce her, right? You see that the Chen family is making money now, so you want to capture Chen Mengyun, right? !? You dare to say it’s not!?”

Lu Chengwen smiled, Really...I can't hide anything from you, senior brother. But senior brother, Chen Mengyun is my childhood sweetheart's wife, she...

Stop doing this! I know it all! I've always been in control!

Long Aotian said, You went out to fool around when you were in college, and you were caught by her. As a result, she dumped you angrily, and then you went to pester Leng Qingqiu! Recently, she often ran to your parents just to show her filial piety. That’s all.”

You have embarrassed her a lot over the years. People follow you just to make money from you! You still think you have


Lu Chengwen nodded, That's what you said.

Long Aotian said, Lu Chengwen, do you dare to take off your aura of being a rich second generation and compete fairly with me?

Lu Chengwen said, Elder brother, why bother?

No! I want to discuss an explanation for my IQ! You say it, do you dare!?

Lu Chengwen said, I don't have the aura of a wealthy person, so am I just like an ordinary person?

Long Aotian laughed, Isn't it possible? Are you scared?

Lu Chengwen said, Senior Brother, do you dare to start from scratch by yourself without contacting foreign aid?

How dare you! Long Aotian said, You are not allowed to take these girls with you. They are all trained by me, why should they follow you!?

Eh?! That's not possible! Then if you want to hit me or kill me, who will protect me?

Long Aotian said, I will definitely not care whether I beat you or kill you! How about that?

Lu Chengwen thought for a while, Luo Shiyin stays, Mei Shao and Xuening follow me, is that okay?

No! Long Aotian waved his hand, I won't take anyone with me, just me!

Senior Brother, is this forcing others to do something difficult? I don't have any guards, so I don't feel safe!

I don't care! I want to have a fair one-on-one duel with you! Decide the outcome in the provincial capital! Let Master and the whole world see who is the best talent in the world!

Lu Chengwen said, How can there be so many No. 1s in the world? They are all just living their own lives.

Just tell me whether you dare?

Xue Ning, follow me! Everyone else stays,

Is this okay? Lu Chengwen said, I will take Xuening alone, and the rest are assistants and secretaries...

No! You can't take anyone with you! You have to take Hua Xuening! I'll find a helper too! We are master and servant versus master and servant!

Lu Chengwen also got angry, Okay! What if you lose?!

Am I going to lose!?

You have to say it first! What if you lose!?

Then I will hand over the provincial capital to you. I will never set foot in the North Country again in my life!

This is what you said!?

I said it!

How do you count as a win?

Catch Chen Mengyun and earn 10 billion in the provincial capital!

Hahaha! Lu Chengwen laughed. How about we change it and marry Chen Mengyun directly and earn at least 100 billion in the provincial capital?

Okay! But you can't use your family's power, and you can't smear your Lu Chengwen face! Otherwise, you are too tall, and ordinary people will not be able to fight you!

Lu Chengwen said, Senior Brother, my face... why don't I brush it off? There are not even a thousand but eight hundred entrepreneurs who have business dealings with me in the provincial city! I will definitely know each other when we meet!

I have a way! Diao Weng had already heard this and excitedly took out several pill bottles from his sleeves. After struggling for a long time, I found it!

This is called Yi Rong Dan. Hehe, after taking it, the outline of the face will change. Although the bone image cannot be changed, the appearance will change, just like a different person. If you take Yi Rong Dan, society No one will know you anymore.

Long Aotian looked at the two pills and hesitated, But Lu Chengwen, as long as he brings his secretary, assistant, and ID card... he can still contact his business friends!

r\u003e  This is simple! said the Antarctic Immortal, You can send a confidant to each other to follow and monitor you, isn't it?

Huntian Gang said, I still swear an oath here! Never do anything that violates the contract! Aotian, you swear by your future life, future achievements, and sexual ability! Cheng Wen, you swear by your parents, wife and daughter! If you violate the oath, There is no recovery!

Lu Chengwen hesitated.

It’s such a big deal! ?

Lu Chengwen thought for a while, No more fun. Senior brother never abides by his oath.

When did I stop keeping my oath?

Lu Chengwen said, You said it yourself. You swore an oath in my house, saying that if I can catch one of the people around you, you will give them to me. Have you kept your promise?

Long Aotian opened his eyes wide, Isn't it all given to you now!?

Then you still want to kill me?!

I'm going to kill you now? Okay, okay, Lu Chengwen, I'll give you these four guards! I admit defeat! It's just four women. If I, Long Aotian, want to find a woman, all the beauties in the world will flock to me! We are here Provincial capital, let’s start from scratch and see who is the chosen one!”

Lu Chengwen said, You have no regrets in your actions, no revenge, no resentment, no killing when you win or lose?

Long Aotian said, Whoever regrets it will be his grandson. He will never be able to sleep with a woman in this life!

Lu Chengwen gritted his teeth, Then it's settled!

Long Aotian said, Everyone brings 10,000 in cash. One more point is considered a violation!

Lu Chengwen said, Swear!


The two swore through gritted teeth.

Staring at the other party, he took the disguise pill.

When Lu Chengwen and Long Aotian saw their new faces, both of them fell silent.

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