The Domestic Hero

Chapter 233: Come to participate in the national war or blind date?

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This made Wang Yan's tail vertebrae cool, a chill hit his head, and he shivered deeply. My heart whispered secretly, it seems that this Aunt Linghu is not easy to get along with.

"Xiao Yan, let me introduce you." Gao Chengzong smiled indifferently, blocking Wang Yan in front of him, "This is the deputy director of the State Administration of Africa and Director Linghu Lulu. I know she has some relatives with you, but in In the unit, it is better to call it Director Linghu. "

"Director Linghu." Wang Yan's expression was serious, he quickly adjusted his mind, and he greeted politely and respectfully.

In my heart, I was thinking that the Linghu family would n’t have to wait to see themselves, and they would n’t have to face their cold butts.

"Wang Yan, do you know who Linghuhong you killed, who am I?" Linghululu stared at Wang Yan sharply. "She is my sister's only daughter."

"Scared !?" Wang Yan was startled and said in surprise, "What, that bad vixen is the daughter of the maid? This ..." He was really shocked. The vixen had obviously been repaired for hundreds of years, definitely Not Uncle Cannon. Is it possible that the wife and the wife have an ex-husband?

If there is an ex-husband and daughter, does Uncle Gun know this?

If Uncle Pao knew, he didn't care about it because he loved his wife very much. Or is it for the peace of the two groups of shemales and she bears the burden?

A series of thoughts of sky and sky rushed out of Wang Yan's mind, which made him look uncertain.

Linghu Lulu was also taken aback by Wang Yan's violent reaction. Hearing what he said, coupled with his stunned expression, shock, fear, sympathy, etc., where else did he not know that he wanted to be crooked. Annoying her, she slapped her in the air and slapped it with her palm: "What are you talking about? What are you thinking about? You dare to defile my sister."

A red energies, like a black python going to the sea, turned sharply and screamed and went straight to Wang Yan.

At this time, Wang Yan was no longer Wuxia Ameng, and the battle of life and death again and again, has initially cultivated the fighting instinct. With his hand raised, Kirin's left arm and flame shield came out, blocking the blow.


An impact shocked him back five or six steps, a move in his right hand, Kirin's right arm and a heavy hammer in hand, posing in a fighting stance, staring sharply at Linghu Lulu. If she dared to shoot indiscriminately, even a desperate battle would have to start.

"Huh !?" Linghu Lulu looked at Wang Yan in surprise. Although the blow was just done at hand, because he was really angry, he wanted to give him a bite to eat. Unexpectedly, he reacted so quickly and his defense was so outstanding. Not to mention a C-level kid, even a domain-level strongman may not be able to do better than him.

It was just that the more he blocked, the more disgusting Linghu Lulu was, and Yu Palm turned, when he just wanted to shoot again. Gao Chengzong moved, his body traversed between Wang Yan and her, and pointed like a sword, Qinghong Feijian suspended in front of him, the blue sword mansions fluctuated, vigorous.

He scowled seriously: "Stop."

"Your Excellency Chengzong, do you want to make a start for this kid?" Linghu Lulu was filled with chills all over her body, the red energy lingering around her delicate body, lingering like a vortex, snapping, "Retreat, otherwise don't blame me You're welcome. "

"Director Linghu, Wang Yan is from my East China Branch. There is nothing wrong with him. Why should I deal with him?" Gao Chengzong said lightly, without giving in, "Don't say he didn't make mistakes. Even if he made a mistake If you make a mistake, you must declare and approve the arrest through the procedure, and you can only be convicted and disposed of after the trial. Not to mention, it is not your turn to handle it. "

"Humph, he killed my niece and slandered my sister." Linghu Lulu said indignantly, "I started to deal with him, it was my Linghu family's business, and it had nothing to do with the SAFE."

"First, you are the deputy director of the National African Affairs Bureau. Attacking your colleagues is a serious crime. Any member of the National African Affairs Bureau can stop or even kill you. Second, if you plan to withdraw from the National African Affairs Bureau to revenge, Although you can try it, "Gao Chengzong replied in a cold voice," I immediately applied to Director Han to send elites to suppress you as a traitor. "

"Gao Chengzong, you!" Linghu Lulu said, staring at him fiercely. "I just want to teach him a lesson, and give him some hardships. You don't need to use this kind of principle to press me?"

The movement here has already attracted some people's attention. They watched from a distance, or called up to report the situation.

Wang Yan was very grateful for Senior Gao. But it is not his style not to say anything at this time. He said aloud: "Director Linghu, I was the one who killed the two-tailed coquette. But how could I defile my teacher? You said that she is your sister's daughter."

"Is my elder sister's daughter not good? My second sister has always been so clean and clean, and then she married her brother-in-law cleanly. How dare you think in your heart?" Linghu Lulu said coldly, "I beat you, it's already light. . "

call! It turned out not to be the daughter of the maid.

Wang Yan secretly sighed with relief, this time the problem is much simpler. Regarding Linghu Lulu ’s words, he could n’t help but laugh: “Are you the director Linghu too arrogant? First, you did n’t make it clear. Second, is it a crime to think about in your mind? Third, how do you Know what I am thinking? Fourth, guess what I am thinking now? "

Wang Yan belongs to the kind of person who is better to him. At the same time, if anyone is unkind to him, he will not be a dead-hearted person.

"You ..." Linghu Lulu said angrily, "At least, you killed my niece, can't I teach you at all? I'm your elder anyway!"

"Of course not." Wang Yan said seriously, "Look at the gun, shout, and look at Master's face. I admit that you are an elder. If I do something wrong, if you want to teach me, I will respectfully Listen to the teachings. But I did nothing wrong. Did n’t you lose the style of elders by indiscriminately teaching? ”

"You killed my niece, are you right?"

"Of course it's true." Wang Yan was straight-hearted and said righteously, "You, as the deputy director of the State Administration of Africa and Africa, should be qualified to look at the file. You know very well, how much evil did that fox spirit do? And what happened then Things, every dialogue and every process in the dossier. Do you think we should stand still and refuse to resist and let her kill and humiliate? "

"Of course not." Linghululu's tone was weaker. Of course she has seen the dossier. If you look at it from the side, Wang Yan is very beautiful and righteous in that matter.

But the niece is always dead, and she feels alive.

"Director Linghu, I understand that people are a bit selfish. You know that your niece has violated many laws and she should be damned. But you can't be angry enough to deal with me and talk badly." Wang Yan replied. "Forget it, I won't care about you, forgive you."

"You forgive me?" Linghu Lulu looked stunned, thinking that Miss Ben had not forgiven you. Why should you forgive me?

"Of course, according to the internal regulations of the State Administration of African Affairs, unless there is definite evidence to prove that the other party has committed acts of treason against the enemy, otherwise it would be an unprovoked attack to attack a colleague without the other party's consent." Wang Yan said seriously, " Director Linghu, do n’t you know you have committed a major crime? "

Linghu Lulu felt chest tight for a while, so he just wanted to teach him. But after some entanglement, he became an unprovoked attack on his colleague, and he also wanted this stupid boy to forgive himself.

Tan Kou Wei Kai, just preparing to say something. Suddenly, a majestic voice exploded in the ears of everyone: "Don't be fooling, come to my office."

This voice made both Linghu Lulu and Gao Chengzong's faces condensed and bowed slightly: "Yes, Director Han."

Then Linghu Lulu led the way, Gao Chengzong and Wang Yan followed.

Wang Yan finally understood why Mr. Feng asked Senior Gao to bring him to the head office, because Mr. Feng had expected this scene already. In order to protect himself from grievances, the old man really took some thoughts.

At the same time, Wang Yan was also curious about the director Han. Listening to the momentum of that sentence just now, Director Han is not a waiter.

Take the elevator and go all the way.

Finally, I entered an office, where the sun is open and the decoration is simple and simple, but it has a lot of flowers and plants and is full of vitality.

A tall man wearing a modified Chinese tunic suit carried his hands on his back and stood in a straight line in front of the window. Seen from behind, his hair is already gray, but the aura gives people a dignified feeling.

"Lulu, Chengzong, Xiao Yan." The man's voice was full of oldness, turned around, and on the coffee table in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, fiddled with the tea set.

"Senior Han, I haven't seen you for many years. How is your health?" Gao Chengzong said politely, and took Wang Yan to sit on the wicker chair together.

Before Wang Yan took his seat, he also greeted him, Director Han. At the same time, he secretly looked at the other party. The thick-browed Chinese character face has gray hair, but the skin on the face is quite good, some rough, but not old.

"Old." Director Han smiled and shook his head, and he personally poured tea for everyone. "Seeing you young people grow up step by step. I believe that it won't take long before I can retire and go home and take care of flowers , Andu is in his later years. "

When he handed a cup of tea to Wang Yan, Wang Yan stood up politely and took over: "Thank you, Director Han."

"Xiao Yan, Lao Feng is always nagging you in front of me. When I saw it today, it turned out to be a dragon and a phoenix among people, more handsome than expected." Director Han amiably ridiculed, "Cheng Zong, like Xiao Yan Such handsome, capable, honest and down-to-earth boys are rare. If you want to start, you have to start early. "

Gao Chengzong sweated and embarrassedly said: "Senior Han, as an elder, I still like Xiao Yan quite a lot. It's just that young people nowadays are all independent and have a strong sense of self. If you deliberately match, it will be counterproductive."

Wang Yan was also fainted. Did he come here to participate in the national war or did he come for a blind date? I feel the style is wrong.


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