The Domestic Hero

Chapter 265: SAFE's Globalization Initiative

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The submarine floated silently at a depth of thirty meters.

Six people, including Wang Yan, have entered and entered the isolation chamber underwater, and everyone has put on diving equipment. The cofferdam is slowly filled with water, and the water pressure is continuously increased.

Until the water pressure slowly reached four standard atmospheric pressures, the pressurization was stopped.

The water depth of more than thirty meters outside is also exactly four standard air pressures. The pressure on both sides is equal, so it is not easy to cause physical damage. Otherwise, it will cause squeeze on the body, causing permanent damage to internal organs, especially the lungs.

Of course, in terms of the strong physical qualities of Wang Yan and other superpowers, this pressure difference can be ignored. However, the submarine was designed for ordinary people.

After the pressurization is completed, the door is opened.

Because the internal and external water pressures are equal, there is no fluctuation in the water flow.

Wang Yan made a gesture and took everyone to swim out. Compared to some bulky diving settings, the diving suits of Wang Yan and others are much simpler. An open scuba system, a small tank of oxygen.

The worst of the six can hold their breath underwater for ten minutes. A small tank of oxygen can be used to grow old.

The anti-stress and anti-cold clothing is not necessary at all. It is only four atmospheres, even if the three girls have no pressure. In terms of physical fitness, superpowers are indeed not comparable to ordinary people.

Ordinary people dive, there are too many dangers, a bad one will cause various injuries to the body.

Although it is underwater, everyone has already formed a formation. Shen Tu Tian Lu, who acts as a meat shield, swims at the front. Although he weighs a few hundred kilograms, it looks like a big iron tuo.

But this does not prevent him from diving. Metal extends from his body to form air bins with very thin walls, which not only helps him to float in the water, even the oxygen tank.

With both hands and feet, two fin fin blades are also extended, swimming easily under water.

It's just that, as weird as weird. Purely in terms of image, he is definitely stranger than aliens.

Burst Bear is carrying a square storage box, and Huo Lanlan, Zhu Xixi, and Miao Hong are in the middle. As the captain of Wang Yan, after the pad. With his strength, once the rear is in danger, he can calmly be right.

Everyone swims quickly in the water and is more flexible and relaxed than fish.

In the South China Sea, the water is very clear and looks blue and blue. At a depth of 30 meters, the sun is still abundant. It was clean and bright, and when I looked up, I could vaguely see the faint sun.

Just twenty minutes later, he swam out nearly four nautical miles.

Arriving at a rocky reef, because of the vicinity of the island and reef, a variety of creatures have grown up. There are all kinds of big fish and small fish, as well as sea snakes and eels swimming.

Wang Yan was still in the crack of the reef, and saw a large lobster that weighed heavily. If it was n’t for the mission this time, Wang Yan wanted to grab it and go back and taste the delicious wild lobster.

Wang Yan has never been abroad before, nor has he seen the sea. The first time I really saw the sea and swimming in the sea was when I arrived at the South China Sea Fleet a few days ago. After a few days of special training in the South China Sea, Wang Yan dare not say that he is a diving master, but he is also skilled enough.

Moreover, Wang Yan also tried free diving, and easily broke through 200 meters, breaking many "world records". But he knew that it was far from his limit. And the so-called record is only for non-superpowers.

Everyone on the scene, with a little training, can easily break that record. If you let Director Han like a land fairy who can go to heaven to dive, God knows how deep he can dive without equipment, whether it is one kilometer or two kilometers, then no one knows.

But Director General Han is very busy, why not go swimming and challenge the limit?

In the reef heap, everyone took off the scuba under the cover, flippers and the like, put them in the storage bracelet, and put on their shoes. Then touched into the lush woods on the island.

"I'm going abroad now." Wang Yan looked at the blue sky, breathing the fresh air with a slight tide, and said with a chuckle, "It's still going abroad at public expense."

The environment near the South China Sea is much better than that in China. The air is clean, the water quality is clean, and there are many creatures in the sea.

"Boss, haven't you been abroad yet?" Shen Tu Tianlu and a few girls looked at Wang Yan with strange eyes.

"Oh, the superpower is too poor before awakening, and even the girlfriend can't support herself. Where does the money go abroad to play?" Wang Yan smiled indifferently, "As for the work is too busy after awakening, this has not been delayed until now. Just go abroad. "

"Oh, what a pity." Huo Lanlan, the girl from the same branch, said sadly, "If I take advantage of the boss's awakening, I will stick to him without any shame, and let him feed him, then I will Earn a lot of money. Whatever ice queen, night witch must stand by. "

"Go, you can play a super-powered girl from the earth system. Can the Pharaoh look at you?" Bong Xiong laughed ridiculously. "You look at you. You haven't got a nickname yet. It's better to help you get a name Let's do it. "

"Stinky bear, how dare you mock me. What's wrong with the soil system, the soil system?" Huo Lanlan hummed disappointedly. "Our Director General Han is from the soil system. You have the ability to try him."

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble." Wang Yan looked at the diving arm and said at the next time, "There are still 20 minutes from the global unified action. Everyone will be quiet. We will start to enter the target in five minutes. . "

As for time, few people will launch an attack on a target during the day. But this time it was a global operation. When the local time zones are different, we can only give priority to the night time to a few major goals.

Global unified action, Wang Yan only knows a rough idea.

This time, the National African Bureau studied and deployed about a dozen targets, divided into a dozen teams. Seven or eight teams are like the Wang Yan team, with two B-level powerhouses leading four or five C-level superpowers in action.

In addition, seven or eight teams attacked more high-end targets, and an A-level guru brought several B-level strongmen into action.

After research and analysis, each team is crushing each other in strength, as long as there is no chaos, basically no accidents will occur. In fact, it's not good to say that in this place where only three C-level superpowers sit in town, Shen Tutian Road can kill them alone.

However, the National African Affairs Bureau must not be too risky in its foreign operations. It must attack the enemy in the most secure way.

In addition, it is said that there are two S-class strongmen sitting in the center of each target and two, each carrying a shuttle type magic weapon. It is said that this kind of shuttle magic weapon inherited from ancient times can reach Mach five per hour once the speed of the explosion, which is equivalent to more than six thousand kilometers per hour.

According to the calculation of the mission location, the two S-level bosses can rescue to any mission location within half an hour.

This is not to say that Wang Yan's people are here to fight soy sauce. Since it is a global crackdown plan, Wang Yan's money is also very important.

It is more important to unify the time of action. Modern communication is extremely developed. Once the task time is staggered, it is easy to cause FBG global alert. By then, it will be more difficult to try to attack it.

This is the fact. In this national war, Wang Yan was not the protagonist and could not be the protagonist. It is most important to complete this mission safely and securely.

"When the mission of the national war is over, I must find an island to live for a while." Wang Yan sniffed the intoxicating air and said with emotion, "Swimming and swimming every day, catching fish and shrimp, and living a happy and happy life. . "

"Poof!" Zhu Xixi of the South China Branch almost spit out blood, staring at Wang Yan with resentment and said, "Boss, we are on a mission without such a death flag, which is bad luck."


Wang Yan flicked her head and said: "What do you think, do you see more anime? Okay, put on a hood and prepare for action." It can also be seen from this, although everyone belongs to different branches, they are all peer.

In just a few days, the training reached a point where the relationship was quite harmonious.

What death flag, what a tacky thing, we can't appear that kind of thing.

Under Wang Yan's order, except for Shen Tu Tian Lu, he wore a hood. This time, I work against FBG, but it ’s better not to leave a personal image. This year, there are cameras everywhere, and it will be more troublesome if they are accidentally photographed.

Shen Tu Tianlu smiled, his eyes blinked, and there was a natural metal mask on his face. The mask was fierce and fierce, and timid people would be scared.


There are six outposts on the island, each with a Vulcan cannon. It can be used to prevent ships from approaching, or attack aircraft that are trying to approach.

Several short, but very sturdy men, smoking and playing cards boringly on a sentry tower. Under the strict radar system of modern society, they only need to look around with a telescope.

Suddenly, a faint shadow penetrated into the tower ghostly. After she stopped, she realized that this was Zhu Xixi. She jumped up easily, put a bomb on the bottom of the sentry tower, and then disappeared silently.

A similar situation occurred at another sentry tower. The mound under the tower arched slightly, and then a girl emerged from it. Although the girl got out of the mound, her body was covered with no dust, and the remote control bomb was easily attached.

This girl is naturally Huo Lanlan of the East China Branch. Judging from her manifestation of powers, it is really not bad to tell her to do something.

Another place, a group of strong ants, carrying a humble stone to the bottom of the tower.

At the bottom of the tower, a metal tentacle was drilled and the bomb was cleverly attached.

One by one, the abilities show their unique and mysterious abilities. The soldiers who guarded the tower did not know that death had come to them.

Global national wars are on the verge!


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