The Dragon Princess Who Traveled Through Another World

Chapter 91: The 'Fantastic' Combination of Dwarves and Arcanists

  Chapter 91 The "magical" combination of dwarves and arcanists

  Charlie went to inspect the progress of the old ducks.

  Completed the reinforcement work of the mountains outside the Ideal Township.

  The focus of work of the old duck dwarves has shifted to the 'Ascension Plan'.

   Today, they came to Charlie with great enthusiasm, just to tell her that things had made great progress.

  For some unknown reason, Charlie, who was going to the old duck's "black workshop", remembered the "famous scene" of the dwarves spiraling up to heaven.

  I can't...can't this time, can I?

   However, things always backfired.

  Charlie passed through the portal of the goblins and came to the old duck workshop in the dungeon.

  Different from last time.

   This time, standing among the dwarves was a group of disgraced arcanists.

  These are Arcanists who assist the old ducks in their 'experiments'.

  Bard had people pull their 'fruits' into the open space.

  Several dwarves worked together to push out an unknown cylindrical object covered with a curtain.

  It has to be as big as a square statue.

This scene…

  It feels surprisingly similar to history!

  This is the 'battery energy' they researched based on Charlie's description.

  The curtain is lifted.

  The crystal-polished cylinder is filled with a liquid that emits faint blue light.

   "What's this?" Charlie asked.

   "The goblins provided the goods according to our description!" Pippi Old Duck said confidently.

  Charlie: "…"


   "Have you tried it?" Charlie still had his last hope.

   "We are waiting for you to witness the miracle!" Bard said as it should.

   But last time I only witnessed your fancy ascension to heaven...

  Charlie couldn't complain.

  The only thing she could do was to distance herself and watch the dwarves begin their performance.

  By the way, I would like to remind everyone to wear protective clothing.

  First, the dwarves pulled a thick rope from the 'charged sample'.

  The thick rope is like a 'plug', connected to a big rock.

  The ultimate goal of the experiment is to make the big rocks float in the air stably.

  The experiment begins.

   'Battery' connected with big stones.

  The dwarf in charge of the control gestured towards the Arcanist.

  Arcanists stood up and began to cast arcane spells on the luminous liquid.

   is the wind element floating technique.

  Gravity reversal technique belongs to the floating city miracle technique series.

  Probably only a super-arcanist like Edward can cast it.

  Seeing the success of the floating technique.

  The big rock slowly lifted into the air.

  Charlie's eyes gradually brightened.

very good!

  Maybe she misunderstood the dwarves this time!


  The stone is still going up!

   Keep going up!

  Charlie: " don't you think it's going too high? Can you please stop?"

  Bud: "How to stop is our next topic."

   Said confidently.

  Charlie looked confused.

   "Then what will happen to this one? I said in the end, will it just keep rising like this, and then break through the star realm and reach the kingdom of God?"

   "Eh... that's not going to happen." Bud rubbed his chin and said.

  The words fell, and the boulder stopped rising.

  Originally, Charlie only thought it would have a 'free fall'.

   But the truth is, she still underestimated the old ducks.

  Charlie felt that he was delusional.

  The stone turned slowly.

   Next second.

   It's like a magic cannon firing.

  The boulder 'flyed' towards the goblin headquarters not far away.

   Like a shooting star across the night sky.

   Immediately afterwards, the goblin headquarters sounded an alarm.

  Even in the old duck’s ‘black workshop’, Charlie could vaguely hear:

  【Enemy Attack—! Enemy attack -! Evacuate all! 】

   Very good, after this time, the goblins probably can't stand it anymore.

  The dwarves will probably be able to relocate soon.

  Charlie raised his hand slowly, covering his lips that had collapsed into a straight line, and fell into deep thought.

  So, in the end why, why did it become 'catapult'?

   However, it would be a big mistake to think that this is the end.

   Extending from the 'charging power supply', the snake-like connecting wires swayed all over the ground, and finally found the 'next target'.

   An old duck dwarf who is very close.

  Then, the old duck dwarf was 'connected' within a few steps.

  Charlie watched in shock, and the dwarf slowly lifted into the air.

  Charlie: "…"

I go!

  The little black dragon on Charlie's shoulder was stunned.

  He really couldn't imagine that the dwarves 'taught' by Charlie were so terrifying.

  The black dragon flapped its wings and grabbed Charlie's back collar with its front paws, trying to drag him away.

  However, Charlie: "Wait...don't know why, I want to keep watching for some reason..."

   The dwarf rises to the top.

  The dwarf who had accepted his fate was turned in one direction.

   Charlie Mingwu.

  The stone before turned its direction, not her illusion.

  Dwarves wear 'spacesuits'.

  He probably understood his future 'destiny'.

  The dwarf waved his hands helplessly to the people below who gave him a 'watching salute'.

   Then head towards the goblin's headquarters.


   No need to look, the 'target' was hit again.

  Charlie: "This generation of product, if you modify it, it can be a very good new weapon.

  I suddenly discovered that you have potential in military industry, plus..."

  The black dragon covered Charlie's mouth with its claws in horror.

   The dwarves were making his scalp tingle.

  Charlie encourages them so much, does he want them to destroy the world?

   Seeing and talking, the second dwarf ascended to heaven.

  Charlie pursed his lips, snapped his fingers, and opened a portal: "Anyone want to go with me?"

   To her surprise, even the arcanists didn't want to leave.

   Obviously, they had a strong curiosity about this 'automatic catapult'.

  Charlie: "…"

  She swore that when she sent these arcanists over.

   Absolutely did not expect the combination of an Arcanist and a dwarf to produce such a terrible 'chemical reaction'.

  This 'semi-automatic trebuchet' is not guaranteed to have their 'credit'.

   Then good luck!

  Charlie passed through the portal without hesitation. When he left, the third dwarf had already lifted off and was preparing to 'launch'.

   Directly returned to the utopia that was 'labeled' by myself.

   Sitting in his office again, Charlie had a feeling of 'returning to the world'.


   It's getting more and more scary.

  The black dragon's claws were on top of Charlie's head.

  With slow pressure, he turned Charlie's face so that it was facing him.

  The black dragon comes face to face with Charlie.

  The golden longan seems to convey the meaning of 'you, don't always make trouble'.

  If this was an adult man doing this action, it would probably be the same as the 'bi dong', making the female voice thump.

  It's a pity that if a little dragon cub is made, it will only make people feel that he is inferior.

  Charlie raised his eyebrows slightly.

   "Xiao Hei, you have been in need of a beating lately."

  The black dragon slowly narrowed its golden dragon eyes.

  The atmosphere seemed to be on the verge of breaking out, and Yinlong, who was standing silently by the side, lowered his head, pretending that he did not exist.

  Charlie picked up the magic rattle on the table case.

  She rang the bell lightly.

  The magic bell did not make a sound, but it could accurately summon the person she wanted to summon.

   Not long after, the handsome half-elf secretary general appeared in the office at Charlie's disposal.

   "The dwarves have developed a new city defense weapon, the semi-automatic trebuchet.

  The visual effect is good, and if it is improved, it can be incorporated into the city defense system. "

  Nao slowly tilted his head.

  He remembered, aren't the dwarves developing the 'floating project'?

  Why were city defense weapons created?

   But the serious secretary took down the work anyway.

  The companion of the same period, the dark elf Sko, who stayed in the city hall, is said to have been promoted.

  He also needs to work hard!

   Record Charlie's orders one by one.

  Naou closed his little notebook.

   "Your Excellency, Houhou seems to have made a new discovery and wants to report it to you."

   It's a bit late today!

   Try to watch it before 12 o'clock~ It's too late, don't wait, watch it tomorrow morning!

   Thank you for the monthly pass yesterday, I am really happy!

   Thank you for your votes! I love you (づ ̄3 ̄)づ~



  (end of this chapter)

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