The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 113 Human Resources

The chatter of these bohemians in the tavern attracted the attention of the patrol, and thanks to someone tipping them off, they were not caught.

Peter paid and left the tavern. He understood the situation of the Bohemians and roughly what they should need.

Peter came to the tavern again the next day, dressed as a businessman and began to promote the East.

"Everyone, since life is so bad, why don't you go to the East to try your luck?"

The people who were about to complain began to listen to this man's bragging. It couldn't be true anyway, especially in the East. As far as they knew, it was already occupied by pagans. Going there would not lead to death.

And judging by the way this person is dressed, he must be from another country or a personal trafficker.

"I said, you don't have to work so hard. We won't go." One of the hired workers said.

"Well, so you are planning to stay here for the rest of your life, with endless work, never enough pay, and never enough bread on the table?"

Peter's three consecutive questions stimulated the other person, and the other person was obviously convinced and asked where the east was.

"You may not know that a year ago those pagans were defeated by a country called Wallachia and a peace treaty was signed. Now they are safe."

When they heard that the pagans had been defeated, everyone showed disbelief. How can this be.

"Is it true, they were defeated?"

"Of course, you can ask some people who have relatives in the East. The news has already reached here."

Now they had to believe it even if they didn't believe it. After all, how could these mud-legged people have relatives in the East. And judging from what this person said, there is a high probability that it is true. If it were true, immigration should be possible too.

Seeing that some people were already wavering, Peter decided to add the last straw. He proposed to everyone that there was gold and ownerless land everywhere, and the local lords also had tax exemption measures. Such preferential conditions would not be available even if you wait for decades.

Action is worse than excitement, and some people plan to pack their bags and go to the East. When asked how to get there, Peter said that there was a Wallachian Chamber of Commerce in Brno and they could go there and ask.

Peter's mouth went dry after talking a lot, and so did the translator he hired. But it can be considered a gain by persuading some people.

In addition, the local Catholic Church has been corrupted to an alarming degree, and the Great Schism of the Catholic Church has intensified the fight for Bohemia, which is actually the money bag.

Because the economy of Bohemia is relatively developed, it is an important area for the pope to receive money. The popes in both regions are competing for it. As a result, the church has been divided for a long time and the people of Bohemia have been exploited. People have lost their money. The belief and trust in this religion and the prestige of religion have gradually disappeared, and dissatisfaction has become the main emotion of the people towards the church.

Moreover, not only locals live in Bohemia, but also some Germans live here. The local rulers gave some important positions in the country to Germans.

However, they did not reciprocate the favor, but forced the teaching and dissemination of their own country's culture, changing the original living and learning methods and content of the Bohemians, which led to both social and ethnic conflicts in Bohemia. Very sharp.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with expanding territory and changing culture, but the method must be used correctly. Continuing to press to death will naturally cause dissatisfaction, but they have never learned their lesson.

As the second largest city in Bohemia, Brno has a relatively developed textile and metal processing industry. There are also many skilled craftsmen here, but they can also live a better life here, so they declined the invitation to go to the East.

Of course, only a very small number of farmers had the right to settle freely, so it was the poor people in the cities who wanted to try their luck in the East.

Peter's next goal is Prague, the capital of Bohemia, but this is another two hundred kilometers away. We have to keep walking.

Compared with that Peter, his journey was really inferior. After all, in this era, industrial technology has not yet widened the gap. The most advanced places are Italy and Castelo, while other places are actually the same.

Vienna was also Peter's destination at first, but he felt it was inappropriate and stopped going. He only had to get to Prague, then visit Dijon and Paris, and finally take a boat to Aragon and Italy.

----Dividing line----

The news that Wallachia defeated the Ottomans and signed a peace treaty did reach here, but it was only limited to the upper-class rulers, and the people at the bottom had no way of knowing. Because the Catholic Crusade they established was defeated, and it took hundreds of thousands of gold coins to redeem it. But Wallachia, this Orthodox Christian country, actually annexed a large area of ​​territory and forced Ottoman to agree. This made them feel unbalanced.

So they publicized their defeat and said nothing about Wallachia's victory. This prevented the news of victory from reaching Central Europe.

Wallachia's public relations team did promote it, but in the east and the Balkans. Those Orthodox Christians who were ruled by the Ottomans and the small Turkic countries that paid tribute to the Ottomans were the most severely publicized, and they soon learned that the Ottomans had suffered a defeat.

If that's the case, don't blame them for being rude. Several small Turkic countries, led by Karaman, attacked the Ottomans westward. The Orthodox Christians under Ottoman rule launched many uprisings to resist the poll tax and blood tax. But they were all suppressed by the Ottomans.

Among these, newly annexed places such as Thessaloniki had the greatest reaction. This was the case even in the former capital of Edirne, where Governor Suleiman adopted a policy of terror and killed everyone no matter how many people there were.

And he continued to oppress the pagans, confiscating their lands and then distributing them to Turkic settlers. This is contrary to the previous policy, but it is a way to firmly rule here.

However, there are many Turkic immigrants. Most of the Balkans are Orthodox Christians, and such a policy naturally arouses their resistance.

Suleiman, who dealt with more than a dozen riots a day in Plovdiv, approved the use of force without compromise. Wallachia took advantage of this opportunity to absorb these refugees, but did not expect that Ottoman's policies actually helped it.

At present, the entire Balkans has a maximum of 3 million people. If the area cannot be expanded at present, then expand the population.

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