The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 118 Heading to Northern Italy

When people got up early to prepare for work, they saw documents posted on the walls and pillars. Because they were written in Czech, they were easy to understand.

Such a document resonated with some nobles and citizens. They were fed up with the exploitation of the church and the German nobility. They wanted to drive these bugs out, but mainly to gain more benefits for themselves.

But those bishops were so angry that they wanted to skin each other, so they ordered a full search, but Peter had already left the city early in the morning. Hey, I'm so mad at you! Anyway, all of you fat heads and big ears can’t catch up with him.

"Oh, Holy Father, is it Avignon or Rome?"

Peter kept mumbling something, but it was all hostility to Catholicism. Anyway, heretics are more terrible than heretics.

He believed that this document would cause a storm in the country. If Bohemia was a powder keg, he was the one who ignited it.

After leaving Prague, Peter's purpose in the northern part of HRE was completed. As for Hamburg, Nuremberg, Lübeck, etc., he would save them for next time. He now had two routes, one starting from Genoa to Aragon and then smuggling Merino sheep back to the Eastern Mediterranean; the other was heading to Paris, France, and then south to Castile.

If you go by land, you need to go to Munich, Augsburg, then to Dijon, the capital of Burgundy, and then to France, and you have to go south along the Royal River, and finally cross the mountains to reach Cass. Tilia.

"It seems we have to change our plans and go directly to Genoa."

"Follow your orders"

Peter decided to leave the north as soon as possible. Although there was the Hanseatic League, the economy was younger than that of the lowlands and northern Italy. Moreover, at this time, Berlin was still a small fishing village, and Paris, France, was still a smelly ditch. It didn’t matter whether they went there or not.

Therefore, their targets will be changed to various city-states in Italy and the Kingdom of Aragon, and then go back. After all, this is a critical period, and we still have to work hard to farm.

At the same time, they converted all the bishop's currency and exchanged it every time they went to a bank. Then spend it. Anyway, if there is no anti-counterfeiting technology, it will be wasted. How can it be done?

After changing his mind, Peter changed direction and headed towards Munich.

In the 8th century, a Benedictine monastery appeared in this place, so the place name Munich means "the place of monks" in German. In 1328, Louis IV, Duke of Upper Bavaria, was crowned Holy Roman Emperor. He gave the city a salt franchise and obtained a stable source of income, which improved the city's status. Munich is the main ferry crossing on the road from Salz to Augsburg. During his reign, he made Munich the imperial capital, expanded the city walls, and established the scale of the old city.

As an important city in South Germany and the only way to Italy, Munich is still worth visiting.

In the following time, Peter came to the beautiful South Germany area and tasted Munich beer, but it still tasted so bad.

I don’t know what happened to his hopped beers, maybe he’ll be able to drink them when he gets back.

However, the trucks carrying a large amount of money and goods along the way also became the target of bandits. Thanks to Peter, he hired some veterans who had lost their jobs and survived.

"Sir, as long as you pass Innsbruck, you are not far from Venice."

Peter's enthusiasm for the trip began to wane and he just wanted to get through the rest of the trip and get back to Wallachia.

Unless they are the most devout pilgrims who have been living in the open air these days, who would travel all the way here. For this reason, he asked people to speed up and leave South Germany in the fastest way.

Then they came to Innsbruck and entered northern Italy. He then prepared to proceed to Genoa, where he would sail to Barcelona.

----Dividing line----

The storm caused by the butterfly Peter was forming in Central Europe. In Hungary, Queen Mary began to accumulate her own power. Although most of the nobles had defected to Sigismund, she had another advantage, that is, she was Lajos A direct descendant of the Great Emperor, Sigismund became king through his own marriage. Apart from that, he has no legal principles. Of course, he has the blood of King Béla IV of Hungary, but it is too far away to be of any use.

Mary began to look for nobles who supported her, but Sigismund was no ordinary person. When he saw that his nominal wife was making moves, he began to use all resources to stop her. After all, the two parties were not of the same weight.

Seeing that her actions were resolved by her husband, Mary thought of Peter, the crown prince of Wallachia who would come to Hungary under a pseudonym, not only to save her own life, but also to tie Hungary into Wallachia's chariot. But in order to survive, he was still prepared to jump in.

In Prague, the influence of the Twenty-Four Articles written by Peter continued to expand. From the nobles to the common people, everyone began to call for church reform, especially to let the German bishops leave and replace them with Czech bishops.

How could the Catholic Church give up? They began to ban books and search for people to extinguish this trend. They also borrowed some people from Vienna. In exchange, he persuaded the Pope to elevate the status of the Bishop of Vienna.

How could Austria let go of this opportunity, so it sent some people to help Bohemia. But their actions encountered a lot of obstruction because the people did not believe them.

The influence of the two major powers in Central Europe will definitely change the original historical process, and through Bohemia and Hungary, Austria, Croatia and other places will also be changed. Especially Austria, if it still wants to be strong, there is no way.

At this time, Northern Italy was the most economically developed place in the Mediterranean. City-states such as Venice, Genoa, and Florence had prosperous industry and commerce and developed trade. Venice can import 1 million pounds worth of goods from Egypt in one go, and its trade volume can exceed eight figures in a year. Genoa could also move goods by ship to the North Sea, and the two countries controlled much of the Mediterranean trade and began to take a cultural interest.

In the long-term international trade, the Italians accumulated huge wealth. In the early 13th century, business profits were generally 20-25% (this is already a terrifying level). Even after the Black Death, the economy was in recession. In some cases, it also reaches 5-8%. During business boom times, profits can be astonishingly high, sometimes reaching 100% profit or more.

Huge commercial profits spurred urban revitalization and development. Florence, Venice, Genoa, Bologna, Milan, and Rome are all famous for their manual workshop production, and with the prosperity of the economy, the number of industries continues to increase and the scale is expanding. The factory handicraft industry also accumulated a lot of wealth for Italy. Venice's handicraft industry is also very developed, and it is famous for its shipbuilding, glass manufacturing, silk weaving and weapons manufacturing industries. The shipyard can manufacture more than a thousand ships every year and has a large merchant ship and naval fleet including 3,000 merchant ships and 25,000 sailors. Glassware such as goblets, mirrors, and stained glass occupies a huge market in Britain, France, Central Europe, and North Africa. The annual profit from the export of leather products alone exceeds 100,000 ducats. The weapons and equipment produced not only meet the military defense needs of the region, but also supply the needs of the entire Italian and even European markets.

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