The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 153 Falling down at a touch

"Your Highness, we have arrested 26 noble families, and many people have also been arrested in Vidin, Varna and other places."


Peter had already crossed the Danube and stopped temporarily at Vidin. The vanguard had advanced, and Peter needed to take care of Bulgaria before moving on to Serbia.

"All those who rebel will be taken to Bukur Yesti, and the Grand Council will judge them in person."

Peter dealt with matters in Vidin, Tervono, Varna and other provinces in just a few days. During this period, the two legions established by Peter also joined him. After confirming that there was no problem, Peter and Adrian set off for Nis again.

At this time, the number of rebels had risen to 4,000, including their own private soldiers, foreign reinforcements, local bandits, mercenaries, etc. Although the number of people was large, they were mixed, and orders could not be obeyed uniformly. Although the defenders of Nis were small, the army and the people were so united that the rebels did not capture the place for half a month.

The nobles in Krusevac also received news that Wallachia was sending troops. Some nobles were cowed and proposed peace talks with Wallachia. But they were already grasshoppers on a rope, and there was no point in surrendering now. There is no other way but to fight to the death.

They sent messengers to Hungary for help, but Mircea went a step further and sent to Hungary to talk to Sigismund. At the same time, he bribed the Hungarian nobles heavily to prevent Hungary from going to war.

As for Serbia, which was caught between the two countries, it did not have the courage to send troops to rescue them. Don't you think you have a long life? It's better to continue to cultivate your health and recuperate now.

At this point, Venice became the only option left. This rebellion was also sponsored by Venetian gold coins. In exchange for trade privileges, they planned to obtain assistance from Venice of 200,000 gold coins, which could hire 3,000 mercenaries for several months.

However, Peter's speed was too fast. In less than five days, he led his army to Nis. Before that, the vanguard and the defenders cooperated to defeat the rebel forces. The army had withdrawn to Kruševac, and the negotiations with Venice were over before they had even begun, for the Wallachian army had surrounded them impenetrably.

The rebels were not stupid. They understood that the only way to hope was to stand firm and wait for help, so they recruited the entire city's residents to strengthen the city's defenses.

In addition to siege, Peter also ordered some troops to go south to destroy the rebels in Kosovo and Macedonia. Among them, adult Turkic children who were previously adopted by monasteries joined the team to suppress the rebels.

There are 1,000 children in this group, and they have been successfully brainwashed under the influence of religion. Now they only obeyed the rulers of Wallachia, and they were willing to go through fire and water.

A slow siege ensued, with Wallachia cutting off all traffic outside the city unless they could fly out. And 30 artillery pieces were deployed to bombard the city wall every day, which put great pressure on the defenders.

Orthodox Christians did not support the rebels, but some Catholics did. Those nobles converted to Catholicism after being excommunicated and donated the Orthodox church to the Catholic Church.

Although they converted to Catholicism, the lower classes remained devout Orthodox Christians. Such fragmentation damaged their unity and reduced their ability to defend the city.

According to the captured prisoners, Krusevac's food could only last for a month. If they failed to break out or get reinforcements within a month, they would have no choice but to surrender.

In order to gain the support of citizens and farmers, Peter issued a decree. If you surrender to them now, your crimes will be forgiven; and the serfs who work on the noble lands will be freed.

Among the rebels, many peasants, except Catholics, chose to surrender. In Pristina, the peasants rioted and drove the nobles out of the city to welcome the Wallachian army.

Peter watched artillery shelling the city walls of Krusevac from his position every day. For these Serbs, they still had to change their culture.

"After capturing this place, all the nobles and wealthy merchants will be escorted to Bukur Yesti."

Remove a large number of local people who spread culture and replace them with people who promote their own culture, so the speed of assimilation will be greatly accelerated. As for these people, put them in places where they can be easily monitored to prevent them from causing trouble.

New orders from the Archduke also arrived, and he appointed Peter governor of Serbia, responsible for all affairs there. With this order, Peter could mobilize all local resources. When the new official took office, his first attack was on the local upper class. It was announced that the nobles, wealthy businessmen, etc. would all go to the capital. Only a few people were left to help.

The areas where the rebellion was suppressed began to migrate. Although the wealthy merchants kept their property, they were afraid that they would be robbed on the way. The local Orthodox Church was also disrupted and reorganized, replaced by native Wallachian priests and bishops. The Serbian language was largely banned, and Wallachian language began to be used for prayers and transactions.

The rebellion gradually subsided, because this group of nobles had little experience in fighting and had not completed the road to Hungary. They would soon be surrounded and die.

When the food in Krusevac was about to be exhausted, a cannonball hit the city's warehouse. There was a large amount of cooking oil inside, and a large amount of oil fell on the ground. Not far away, soldiers were lighting a fire for cooking. . A spark popped out and ignited the oil. The warehouse soon burst into flames.

"Sir, look."

Peter saw the thick smoke rising from the city outside the city, and as one month was coming soon, he decided to take this opportunity to attack the city.


A large number of troops marched toward the city in overwhelming numbers, and artillery and trebuchets were also suppressing the defenders. Coupled with the warehouse fire, the city was in chaos for a while.

This time Peter did not use gunpowder to blow up the city gates, but used cannon to blow up the city walls. After these days of bombing, the city wall is already in danger. But this time, all the artillery was aimed at one concentrated attack, and soon the east wall of Krusevac was blown down. As soon as the army swarmed forward, the defenders were no match for them, so they withdrew into the city and started fighting in the streets.

The nobles in the city also wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape, but where could they go in this impenetrable place. Most were caught, but a few managed to escape. The noble rebellion that lasted for one and a half months was basically over. (It seems a little too fast)

This rebellion affected many places, and Mircea ordered a thorough investigation. A large number of nobles were arrested and awaiting trial, and all their property was confiscated, part of which was distributed to their soldiers, and part of which was distributed to landless peasants. The eradication of aristocratic power is also conducive to the development of centralization.

In addition to attacking the old nobles, Wallachia also promoted a large number of so-called new nobles. Most of them were officers, merchants or declining nobles before, and were later promoted by the Grand Duke. They were loyal to the Grand Duke and also cooperated with the government's policies locally. At the same time, a large number of officials will be deployed to enrich the local government, so that there will be no fear of rebellion.

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