The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 225 Exploration and Trade

"Next, what's the third thing?"

"Your Highness, it's the Navy's construction appropriation."

The appropriation of 400,000 lei proposed by the naval department was approved by Peter, followed by the municipal construction of Constantinople, the unification of the church, the use of taxes, etc. Peter put forward his opinions, and the Senate was responsible for discussions and suggestions, and then revised and implemented them.

The status of the Senate is getting higher and higher, changing from a mere advisory body to an executive government. They are only responsible to the monarch and obey the monarch's orders. When the monarch goes to war or dies, the Senate is responsible for all daily affairs to ensure the security of the country.

The centralization of power in Europe and Asia is not the same concept. Europe is more like the centralization of monarchy. The concentration of power is determined only by the personal will of the monarch. The laws are half-new and half-old. When encountering a wise king, they will be strong, when encountering a mediocre king, they will be weak, and when encountering a cowardly king, they will perish. If Wallachia wants to survive at the junction of Europe and Asia, it must have strong centralized power to allocate all available resources.

With the political affairs temporarily settled, Peter changed into citizen clothes and planned to meet his old friends.

At the chief executive's residence in Galata, Chief Carlo prepared oriental tea and sugar that he had purchased with a large sum of money, and handed them both to the fellow villager Ange next to him.

After reaching a trade agreement with Wallachia, Ange, who was preparing to go back, received an appointment from the Republic of Genoa. He became Genoa's permanent deputy in Constantinople, responsible for contacts and exchanges with Wallachia.

At this time, Genoa urgently needed to improve its economic and trade relations with Wallachia. After France became its suzerain, its life not only did not get better, but got worse. They were overwhelmed by encroachments from French merchants and debts owed to various nobles. If it weren't for the trade between Wallachia and North Africa, it would probably be even more difficult.

Moreover, they have received news that the governor of Kaffa sold the city to Wallachia without authorization. This meant the loss of all Genoa's Black Sea colonies. The trade situation is not optimistic.

In the trade with Wallachia, the orders with the government are the most profitable. Unlike the nobles in Western Europe who do not pay back the money and guarantee it next time, they basically pay a deposit first and pay the balance after the transaction is completed. Although this will take a long time, it can ensure that no moth will appear.

In addition, Wallachia likes to import some things that are prohibited from export in Western Europe, such as Merino sheep, high-quality grape seeds, etc. These things can be sold at high prices in Wallachia. Some Genoese businessmen took advantage of the geographical location and started smuggling.

They used money and connections to obtain smuggled goods from Wallachia, first placed them in Genoa and Corsica, and then transported them to Thessaloniki and Smyrna when the news passed. Once in and out, you can get a lot of profits, and Wallachia can also get Western European technology and agricultural seeds to improve itself. It's a win-win.

It can be said that Wallachia has become Genoa's most important trading partner. Some congressmen have already proposed to further deepen the relationship, and Ange's outstanding performance in the task led the congress to decide to allow him to operate in Constantinople. After all, being able to get to know the governor shows that he has a strong path.

"Come, try this oriental tea. I spent a lot of money to get it."

Carlo invited Ange to drink tea, and Ange was not polite. He took some candies and put them in. Except for the upper class like them who can enjoy tea and other luxuries, other people can only envy him.

"I wonder what the chief of Galata wants from me?" Ange asked.

"Nothing, I just want you to go find the Governor-General and see if he can persuade the superiors to deepen the cooperative relationship with the Republic?"

"My lord", Ange smiled bitterly. "You have to know that the trade treaty signed between the Republic and Wallachia has not even lasted two years, and now it has just started and continues to deepen. Isn't this unrealistic?"

"I know, but think about it. The Republic's main support in the Eastern Mediterranean is Galata and Wallachia. Kaffa was also sold privately by the traitor. You must know that this is not a commodity, it is a city. Without him, our trade in the Black Sea has been greatly reduced. This is undoubtedly adding insult to injury for the country."

"France can temporarily protect us from being annexed by other countries, but both finance and trade must be improved, otherwise, even France will not be able to protect it."

Carlo's words made Ange think about the plight of his motherland. Yes, if he can't share the country's worries, what's the difference between him and the walking dead?

"I will find someone, but sir, don't have too much hope."

"It doesn't matter, just do your best."

The talks in Genoa ended here, and Florence became lively again.

As Florence's permanent envoy, Mason marveled at the magnificence of Constantinople and also facilitated Florentine merchants' trade in Wallachia. His friendship with Peter allowed their family's status in Florence to skyrocket. His father, Bella, entered the ruling council, and his younger brother succeeded him as a councillor. Business has also improved a lot, and they have jumped from a middle-class businessman family to a local upstart. Others can only envy him. Who let him know the governor of Wallachia?

"My dear friend, what are you doing?"

Mason turned around and saw that it was Peter, who came forward to say hello warmly.

"Your Highness, what brought you here?"

"God's guidance"

Peter and Mason looked at each other and smiled, and then Peter said the purpose of coming today: he wanted to form a fleet to go to the East.

If the New World cannot catch up, then go directly to the East. Wallachia's geographical location is easier to reach than Western European countries. You only need to enter the Red Sea through the Mamluks and bypass the Yemen to reach the Indian Ocean. This is half the success. You only need to establish a commercial base in India or Ceylon to continue exploring eastward.

This fleet was entirely funded by Peter himself and the business he established, with a total investment of more than 700,000 lei. The sailors and craftsmen were recruited from experienced fishermen and other coastal areas. Now they are just one short of passing Wallachia to the east. The person who brought the news, Peter thought, was the right Florentine. He also had a yearning for the East. He was the one.

"Your Highness wants me to be your special envoy."

"Well, after thinking about it, you are the best fit. Don't refuse."

Mason felt embarrassed by Peter, and he either refused, or he still had a job, and he still needed to explain the reason to Florence.

"It's still some time before the fleet is assembled. Once you've decided, tell me. This is a once-in-a-century opportunity."

After saying something else, Peter left. Mason thought about it for a long time in bed at night. His yearning for the East defeated the idea of ​​stability. He decided to join this fleet. Even if he lost his life, he could not stop his curiosity.

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