In the next few days, the queen's face would be red. The nobles all wondered if she had eaten something recently to get angry. Only the maids around the queen knew, and the room would be lively for a while every night.

On the last night of Peter's departure, the two had just finished communicating and they were lying in bed discussing the future situation. Peter told Mary not to worry, that Sigismund would not bother Hungary for a long time.

Mary bid him farewell and looked forward to his next visit. A piece of land near Pest was also allocated to him for him to build a residence.

Peter must return quickly, otherwise Constantinople will discuss whether something happened to him. With Pinsk's help in Hungary, he could rest assured, so he released news that the prince had returned to Pozzoni. He took the others back to Constantinople by water.

Frederick brought the peace treaty to Sigismund for signature. He almost fainted when he saw the ransom of 600,000 florins. He still owed 100,000 gold coins. This was 600,000 more, so he might as well sell him .

"Sir, this ransom needs to be paid out soon. I heard that the Hungarian prince knew somewhere about a kind of torture that makes people unable to move. He might as well kill him."

Sigismund couldn't sit still when he heard that his in-laws and those supporters in Austria were tortured. These are all his supporters. If he doesn't save them, no one will support him. Save them, and the sooner the better.

Thinking of this, Sigismund looked at Friedrich, who was the richest among his supporters. But no matter how much money I have, I can't afford to spend it, let alone 600,000.

"Sir, the most I can get now is 100,000 florins, and the rest can only be helped by Austria or Venice."

Seeing the price quoted by the other party, Sigismund had to send people to find Venetian and Genoese merchants to borrow money. My in-laws must be saved quickly.

Albrecht's Austria was also providing assistance. They took out all the principal's treasury but only had 60,000 florins. Other noble families could only borrow money to raise money. For a while, the banks in Vienna became busy. People were borrowing money to redeem their lives everywhere, and this was Austria's biggest loss after the Battle of Skopje.

With the exception of Croatia, Hungary has basically completed its unification. Before Peter left, Mary promised to give this place to the Roman Empire. After all, it is a confederation of co-owners. It doesn't matter if one of them is missing, but it will be miserable when it encounters Rome. They are really annexing it.

----Dividing line----

Due to the expansion of Rome and the development of commerce and trade, some nobles and wealthy businessmen began to focus on culture. Excellent works in Italy were translated into Romanian and spread.

Mircea was an important patron of culture, but his patronage was mainly in church buildings, plays, and books, half of which were related to religion.

Diodoro was also a supporter of culture. He sponsored the Academy of Athens, used the Parthenon as an Orthodox church, and used his income to encourage cultural development. Eastern Europe shows an unprecedented cultural atmosphere, which is even more tolerant than Northern Italy.

The Renaissance, which took away the Eastern style, developed here. Rome took away not only culture, but also trade and international status. As Rome intervened in the Levant and Egyptian trade routes, Venice's trade was affected, some handicrafts lost their market, and the most important spice trade began to be taken away by Rome. The members of the Grand Council thought it intolerable and that this was a contempt for Venice. But they don't have a way to deal with Rome yet, and the annual trade profits with Rome are huge, so they can't give up easily, so they still have to find a way to get them to withdraw voluntarily.

The expansion of Anatolia led to a surge in building construction, bringing a large number of interests and people to this Asian land. Thus also brought the Renaissance here. Turkic styles and customs were replaced by Roman customs, and the clothing, names, and customs of those Turks were also influenced by Roman styles, and Romanian and Orthodox Christianity replaced their original beliefs. The policies originally applied to Christians by the Ottomans were now applied to them. People of different faiths were required to pay a poll tax and could only enjoy the rights of second-class citizens. They did not have the right to take exams or serve as officials. In other respects, the policies were also limited. blocked.

In order to live a better life, they can only integrate into the Roman Empire through conversion and de-Turkization. Even if the Turks come back in the future, they still have to live a good life.

There are also some tolerant treatment of nomads in the inland areas. They graze on pastures limited by the empire and go to special places for trade every year. Trade, religion and language are the weapons to assimilate them. Without the imam, they can only answer their questions to the priest.

The process of pacification and assimilation stabilized the new area, and the expansion of trade gave rise to a group of large merchants and factory owners. They live in cities and own many industries, including textiles, winemaking, shipping, etc., and they don't think about those in Italy and Western Europe quarreling for power, because the channels for advancement have been opened up, and as long as they work hard, they can be promoted, right? An empty phrase.

Because of the education in Northern Italy, a group of literate but unsuccessful intellectuals came to Constantinople to take the university examination. Some of them passed the exam, and the rest who failed had to retake the exam or devote themselves to art and culture. The unique selection system attracted countless people. Most of them were from the citizen and business class. When they could not get ahead in their own country, they came to Constantinople to join the army or civil servants, and received rewards from the emperor to settle in the empire.

Their families also came to settle in Rome, including bankers, traders, craftsmen, artists, agents, etc. They were reassured by the business environment and tolerance in Rome, and were also impressed by the implementation of the examination system, so they settled here. , thinking about how oneself or future generations can become outstanding.

The new army and military rank system bid farewell to the previous mercenary system. A group of loyal and well-trained officers replaced the mercenary leaders, eliminating the possibility of rebellion at any time on the battlefield. Artillery and muskets can cause greater damage to the opponent. In order to maintain their status, nobles go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and perform meritorious service. Soldiers also work hard for rewards and land. The same process with different purposes created the record of the Roman army killing all sides.

The Turkic armies and disobedient tribes could only rely on guerrilla warfare to deal with them, but Adrian and Voick used a layer-by-layer approach to compress their living space, and when necessary, used methods such as clearing the wilderness and blocking trade to weaken them. Ability. This brand-new combat army and strategy made it impossible for the Eastern army, which had been suppressing and fighting, to deal with it.

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