The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 356 Heading towards Lake Fan

News came one after another from the front line, including the news of the great victory in the Battle of Ancyra, which relaxed Mircea's nerves.

"Okay, okay."

Mircea showed the ministers the victories his sons had achieved on the front line, and then issued a decree to appoint Peter as the governor of Anatolia, Antioch, and Mesopotamia. Everything can be done first and then dealt with, Michael Ize is the governor of Trebizond, helping his eldest brother in his affairs.

Mircea then ordered: 120,000 troops were recruited from the Balkans and areas north of the Danube to support the front line.

Due to the recruitment of some personnel into the army, domestic financial pressure has also increased somewhat. At present, Rome produces one soldier out of eighty people. After conscription, the number will become sixty, but it is still acceptable. Moreover, the benefits of territorial expansion are not small. If you suffer a lot for the people, wait for the victory of the war.

The name of Rome has spread to the entire Mesopotamia. The Armenians welcome the arrival of the savior, and Rome's territory continues to expand eastward.

The Ottoman capital Konya was recaptured after three hours of fierce fighting. The gold and silver in it were uniformly distributed by the superiors, the women were served as slaves, and the children were all sent to monasteries. Peter then continued westward.

"Your Highness, we are approaching Myriocephalon ahead.

Peter looked at the valley he was about to reach ahead and sent scouts to explore it first.

"It was here that Emperor Manuel was besieged by the Turks. It is a pity that the foundation accumulated by two generations has been lost."

Fortunately for Peter, the Turks did not adopt the tactic of fortifying the wall and clearing the country, and his army was still able to receive supplies.

"Your Highness, the scouts reported that there are no traces of Turks ahead."

Peter was still worried and asked some of his troops to pass through the valley first. When nothing happened, he ordered the larger troops to follow.

Fortunately, there was no danger. It seemed that they retreated in a hurry and didn't even lay an ambush. Urged by the artillery troops to move quickly through the valley, they were an important part of the attack.

"The people who were still dominating here four hundred years ago have now shrunk to a state of disgrace. It's sad."

"It's all because of my elder brother's good guidance, otherwise there wouldn't be such a big victory."

Seeing that most of the opponent's army was suddenly wiped out, Peter had some doubts that the impact he had brought was already so great. It was shorter than Emperor Taizu's water battle in Poyang Lake, but it was also affected by various factors, but it was still a battle that was enough to change history.

----Dividing line----

After stabilizing the situation in Antioch, Morris expanded all the way. After solving the nearby situation, he decided to go east and capture Aleppo, an important town in Syria. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

Aleppo is an important town in Syria. It was attacked by the Crusaders many times during the Eastern Expedition but was saved. Timur also slaughtered more than 20,000 city residents here, so it was the right time to attack here.

Sometimes no one knew why there was such a sudden burst of courage. Morris was able to mobilize only 7,000 troops, one-third of which were militiamen. For the sake of glory and the empire, he decided to take a gamble.

Maurice led his army over the mountains and into Thermaida, where the local residents surrendered immediately when they saw the Roman army approaching. After being explained by a local businessman, he learned that Aleppo now has only 6,000 residents and less than 1,000 defenders, which allowed him to take advantage. Head to Aleppo non-stop.

Some local tribesmen tried to rob them, but they themselves were robbed. Their good horses, their treasures, their food were gone, and all that was left was their own lives. My intestines are full of regret.

Just one day later, Morris led his troops to the city of Aleppo. Just as the garrison commander was about to strengthen the city's defenses, the west side of the city fell.

Because it was not repaired much after Timur destroyed it, the gate there is the weakest. It can be easily breached.

The defenders fought hard for a long time, but were unable to do anything in the face of the surging enemy troops. Eventually Aleppo was captured.

Rome's meat-eating behavior in the north stimulated the Mamluks, and the Sultan immediately sent people into the Sinai Peninsula and headed north to recapture Jerusalem. At the same time, people were sent to Constantinople to explain the situation to the emperor and sign a peace treaty.

Crusaders formed by knights and religious orders once again played a role in the reconquest of the lost lands. Bishop Mark of Cyprus recruited more than 200 armed monks for Maurice's team, and they distinguished themselves in the battle to capture Aleppo. The Knights also performed bravely in the battle of Ancyra and received unanimous praise.

Driven by the government, the order continued to expand in size. In this recruitment of troops, the Order contributed more than 1,000 armed monks, and the Knights also had 4,000 troops at Caesar's disposal. They accompanied the Orthodox gospel to the pagan lands for purification and were looking for a land to prepare for heavenly experiments.

All Cilicia areas were opened without blood, and the road south to Antioch has been opened. Peter also learned about the recapture of Aleppo, but now he wanted to fight Muhammad to the death.

During the push, almost all the Turkic pastures were confiscated. Some were returned to farmland, while others were turned into state-owned pastures and rented out to herders.

Those Turkic tribes converted all their strong labor into soldiers, so women became the main force in herding. Facing the army, they had no power to fight back and could only watch helplessly as their property was taken away. He himself became a slave, but Sultan Muhammad had nothing to do because he ran away again.

After running to Tunceli, Muhammad felt that it was not safe here either, so he led his army to the east. At this time he had only 50,000 troops with him, and they ran to Erzurum. This small town of less than 5,000 people cannot accommodate 50,000 people now, so some people live in the city and some live outside the city.

Muhammad prayed to Allah in the temple, praying that he might make a comeback. But judging from the current situation, he is no longer able to survive.

"O Allah, have you abandoned your most loyal people? Since the founding of the country by our ancestors, all rulers have been respectful to you. How come you abandoned Osman starting from your father Bayezid? Why."

Muhammad was incompetent and furious here. From the establishment of the Sultanate by Osman I to the present, he witnessed Osman's decline from a regional power to a small political power. No one could bear such a huge gap. What's more, Muhammad saw his father being humiliated by Timur. At that time, he vowed not to let such a tragedy happen again. As a result, in just a few years, he still allowed his father's tragedy to come here. But at this time, he must continue to escape. It seems that he has to run to the Timur Empire. As long as he can survive, he is not afraid that he will not have time to make a comeback.

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