The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 373 Good things are coming

Poland can laugh, their goal has been basically achieved. Rome currently has no interest in expanding to the north, so it strictly adheres to a policy of neutrality. But as long as he does not lean towards either side, the two countries will basically win. The other party is too big, bigger than France.

Peter got the news from Mason. Two years after going to the East, he was finally coming back and brought back an envoy from the Eastern Empire.

This news made Peter very excited. Although he had already guessed who the other party was, he was a little imaginative when he thought that he was about to see him.

"Your Highness, please don't move."

A word brought Peter back from his thoughts. Now he was painting a portrait. As a model, he had to remain still.

Italian painting techniques were integrated with local Rome, and portraiture began to rise. Both nobles and citizens liked to hire people to paint portraits, so that others could introduce them to guests and make them more memorable.

Portrait painting also became popular within the royal family, and Peter found it new, so he hired painters recognized as the best to paint it. Just being motionless for several hours is really torture.

"How many days will it take for this to be completed?"

"Your Highness, artwork requires patience. The longer it takes, the greater the surprise will be."

It can only be said that works of art need to be polished. From paintings, statues to poetry and literature, Rome far surpasses Italy, the former cultural center. And it incorporates a lot of Romanian style, and there are still some Greek styles, but they are gradually decreasing.

Peter also knew that the Polish and Teutonic envoys had arrived in Rome. Wallachia, which was once inconspicuous, had grown into a target that all parties wanted to win over. Such a big leap would make many countries uncomfortable, but survival of the fittest is the law. . They have to endure their discomfort.

"Your Highness, a letter from Buda."

Peter quickly opened it and found that apart from Petkov's intelligence network, the only thing he could send from Buda was Mary's personal letters. The intelligence network was transferred directly to Petkov, so this could only be sent by Mary.

Mary sent a letter to Peter, not only expressing her love for him, but also hoping that he could come to Buda to see the children. They have already begun to receive enlightenment education. If Peter does not come, they will definitely lack their father's love. I hope it is for their sake to come and see.

The tone made Peter feel like a deserter, but he had to go see Hungary. He still had a large fiefdom there, and Count Pinsk wrote to him complaining that he didn't have enough manpower and hoped that Peter could hire more people to manage the land.

Regarding the queen's inheritance, some nobles were unwilling to let Sigismund inherit or let Rome rule. They hoped that the queen would marry someone else and then give birth to an heir to govern. Rome is a good ally, but beware of their ambitions.

They provided the queen with many men of suitable age, including the son of the Elector of Saxony, the second son of the King of Denmark, and the heirs of other fiefdoms, but they were not good for Mary, so she rejected them all.

A nobleman spent some money and means to get news from Mary's maid that Prince Pozzoni and the queen were in a relationship and had a child.

Such news shocked and surprised their small circle. Who is Prince Pozzoni? He is a hero who fought against the enemy and is the most popular figure in Hungary second only to the Queen. If the two get married, it will not only shock the surrounding people, but the illegitimate child born by the queen will also be legalized, and then there will be an heir.

But what they didn't understand was why the prince wanted to have an affair with the queen instead of marrying openly. You have to ask the person involved about this.

The matter was somewhat urgent, and Peter needed to go to Hungary to appease the nobles. It just so happens that I haven’t had much to do recently, so it would be nice to treat it as a trip.

The war between Poland and the Teutons has intensified. After stabilizing Rome, they began to shake people in the west. Wenzel of Bohemia supported the Teutons, and Sigismund of Lower Luxembourg supported Poland. Moscow currently has no time to prepare for a showdown with the Golden Horde. Denmark needs to solve the problems within the alliance, so the princes within the HRE are their only direction to fight for.

----Dividing line----

The fleet led by Mason had arrived at the port of Androniko, and then guided Zheng He's daimyo fleet through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait.

The accompanying crew members were all curious when they saw such a scene, but Zheng He did not change his expression. During many exchanges, he had regarded Mason as his close friend. Although Mason wanted the Ming Dynasty not to continue sailing, he also had feelings for this special envoy. He has a high favorability and does not care about the other party's eunuch status.

Eunuchs were also used in Rome, and they also sent out many special envoys and generals. The man who could fight during Justinian's time was Narses, a eunuch. Moreover, the other party is also the special envoy of the Ming Dynasty. This status is more important than some counts and dukes here, and he will also make those people envious. The adventurers going to the East will bring the envoys of the Eastern Empire to Europe. This is enough for the family to brag for centuries. .

But there were still people who wanted to stop the fleet from returning during the last mile. Businessmen from Mecca and Medina funded the construction of a fleet. They could no longer tolerate Europe's direct involvement in the spice trade. The Mamluks were also a coward. If you don’t dare to kill them, then let them do it themselves. This is for the sake of Allah’s world.

However, the fleet was dispersed by the artillery of Roman patrol ships before it left the Strait of Mandeb, and numerous sailors were killed or injured. The local counterattack failed, and Arab merchants had no choice but to trade through the Persian Gulf, which indirectly provided the Timurid Empire with a large amount of income.

Mason's documents had also arrived in Cairo, and the Sultan was speechless at the request. But for the sake of tolls and peace, he still prepared a lot of things, and the other party was also very honest and gave some gold coins.

Except for Egypt, the Red Sea waterways have been controlled by Rome. After the control, the trade in Mecca and other places increased instead of falling. The Port of Aden became the largest port city on the peninsula. This is all the political stability brought by Rome, otherwise there would be no chance.

The glorious era of the Arabs has passed, and Arabs everywhere have less and less nostalgia for their homeland. With the arrival of the Romans, their position in trade was in jeopardy, and they also united with other people, such as the Seris and the Malays, who were economically and politically powerful people in the area. The Arabs were unable to resist them and had to leave. , either to seek refuge in other countries, or to abandon their original beliefs and convert to Orthodox Christianity.

The company's strong organization has protected merchants and trade. Trade frictions in other countries have occurred from time to time. However, relying on the help of local people to successfully build commercial stations in various ports, trade has also been rising. The benefits gained from this are beyond what other countries can achieve in a few lifetimes.

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