The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 1108: The world of blood

Red lotus star

Zhao Shi landed on the highest peak on the planet, where the planet’s spiritual veins converged, the core of the sect of the Red Lotus Wuzong in the past.

"Meet Senior Blood Sea!"

More than a dozen kings and more than a thousand martial artists of the Divine Bridge Realm bowed respectfully at the same time when Zhao Shi descended, their foreheads hit the ground heavily, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

In fact, not long after the defeat of the five people including Honglian, the various evil martial sects and the remnant powerful families of the Federation all surrendered to You Ji Jiulongxing unconditionally at the same time.

Two days ago, when the Tutu Marshmallow commander the three armies came to the 14th Star to preside over the epidemic prevention work, they also received their strong support, otherwise the current situation of the 14th Star will be more erosive, and most humans may die.

As for escape?

Under great power, they don't have the ability to navigate the stars, and they are waiting to die when they go to the edge of the universe. The Blood Sea Guild's policy of preferential treatment of prisoners has also given them some confidence.

"Get up."

Zhao Shi said calmly: "You surrender when there is no more suspense in the war. It is not a great achievement. The crimes committed in the past will not be pardoned, and you can only get some commutation."

The surrender at this time is also a little bit of credit, to avoid more casualties among the soldiers of the blood sea.

As for those who deserve to die, they have been arrested at the same time that Tutu Marshmallows arrived. There are also a few kings and warriors of the gods who know they are going to die. They have issued wanted orders and have no time to control them.

"Subordinates are dull, I don't know that the king's master has arrived. They haven't made any contributions, but they hope to forgive them." The people of Red Lotus Wuzong were grateful and did not show any complaints.

At this time, being able to live with the word commutation is already very good.

"Go to the disaster relief, I promise you that the king can do a small contribution to helping 20 million victims, and the Shenqiao can do a small contribution to helping millions of victims.

There will be corresponding rewards for those who don't have the quantity. "

"...Yes, senior!"

All the kings and gods bridge warriors were ecstatic, respectfully worshipped Zhao Shi again, and after receiving various disaster relief supplies, they turned into rays of light to fly around the planet.

No matter how powerful and spreading Crane Poison is, it will be vulnerable to the fully mobilized Blood Sea Guild. Thousands of immortal cultivators have flooded into the Fourteen Stars to extinguish all Crane Poison disasters within three days.

During this process, it naturally received strong support from the vast majority of the grassroots of the Fourteen Stars. The land reform and administrative reforms proceeded in an orderly manner without any resistance.

After ten years at most, the Fourteen Stars will become the indivisible territory of the blood sea since ancient times.

Zhao Shi patrolled the stars one by one after the disaster of the Fourteen Stars Crane Poison ended, suppressed and warned all Wu Zong and the Federation family's remnants, and after expressing his existence, he returned to the Nine Dragon Stars.

On the way back, the dark starry sky resonated with him, and the world consciousness cheered for him, and the son of luck was nothing but the same.

Blood Lotus Palace

A **** light flew into the palace, revealing the figure of a young man in a black Taoist robe. He was extremely young, just like the boy in Beiqiu more than 800 years ago, but if he is a high-level cultivator, he can already see his soul carrying The vicissitudes of life.

Yang Qiushui greeted him at the gate of the palace, hesitant to speak, hesitating about what he wanted to say.

Zhao Shi looked strange and joked: "Teacher, what do you want to tell me?"

Regardless of whether it was before or now, Yang Qiushui dared to hold his neck when he didn't agree with him. He never saw this.

"It's Xi'er." Yang Qiushui stomped and said directly: "She was caught by Tutu Marshmallow's military department. The local court sentenced her to 103 years in prison. I want to release her. "

The Cang Juxing of the Li family also surrendered to the Blood Sea Guild. The recalcitrants died and fled, and the remaining people would face varying periods of labor reform.

"Li Xi? Let me see."

Zhao Shi tapped his system panel and extracted Li Xi's file from the official documents of the guild.

Li Xi, a descendant of the Li family, the first family of the Federation, female, with a cultivation base in the Flying Heaven Realm, now 142 years old.

The Sea of ​​Blood surrendered to the Third Army of the Class A Corps on March 1st of 821, and Li Mingzhong and several other members of the Li family surrendered. There was no major resistance.

On March 4 of the Sea of ​​Blood 821, he was sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of 123 years by the Cang Juxing Court for suppressing the uprising and persecuting the people. He made a great contribution to the disaster relief in the disaster of crane poison. The first person in the border warrior, the sentence was reduced by 20 years.

This should be Yang Qiushui's point and convenience.

"There is no problem with the verdict." Zhao Shi pondered.

In Yang Qiushui's eyes, Li Xi was a little girl who she had seen growing up, but in fact she was over a hundred years old, and she was still a flying warrior from the Li family.

Among other things, when the Li family took over Cang Juxing, many opposition forces were brutally suppressed by the family's orders, and the evidence is solid.

"something wrong!"

Yang Qiushui hugged Zhao Shi's hand and shook it around, begging: "Please help her, Xi'er's father died in battle, and I am her only relative."

She knows Zhao Shi, knows that he values ​​the laws he has participated in making, and has always set an example and hates others for violating them.

"The law is the foundation for the blood sea guild system to be maintained. As long as there is one violation, there will be a second or third time. This is absolutely impossible." Zhao Shi suppressed Yang Qiushui's anxious and angry words, and pushed her away. To grasp the hand of his neck, continue.

"She is your very important relative, so I will help her. There are two options."

"First, I can allow her to join the plane expedition sequence and use her military exploits to get a reduction in sentence."

This is a great concession for Zhao Shi. The most dangerous plane expedition sequence is not the place where the Blood Sea Guild exiles the prisoners, but the place of glory. Only the best and most loyal immortal cultivators can receive this honor.

Yang Qiushui's complexion was pale, obviously he didn't think so.

"Secondly, I will not provide her with any additional opportunities. She can find opportunities for meritorious service in the prison to reduce her sentence.

As compensation, after she is released from prison, I will provide great convenience for her on the way to the Shenqiao. At that time, she was just over 200 years old and it was not too late. "

The promise of a Void Refining Rank Heavenly King provides great convenience, as long as it is not for a small probability event or too dull, it should be inevitable to be promoted to the bridge.

After Zhao Shi finished speaking, he immediately kept silent.

Although his face is full of gentleness, everyone can see his firmness, and it can't be changed by acting like a baby.

"I'll choose the second one!" Yang Qiushui forcefully dropped Zhao Shi's hand, and said angrily.

Zhao Shibai glanced at her: "It's been more than a hundred years if you get cheap and sell well."

If it is not forcing him, he is unwilling to spend a lot of time for anyone to improve their success rate of promotion. With this time, it is better to practice in retreat and accumulate mana.

His help is undoubtedly the greatest opportunity for Li Xi on the path of cultivation.

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