The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 144: Xuelianfeng Primary School

In the Zhao Shi plan, the Blood Lotus Summit becomes a university-like place that will recruit outstanding students who graduated from high schools in Aoki County and other places. The affiliated elementary school and the affiliated high school are its own places to train disciples to cultivate Baiyun A disciple in the clan who wants to join the Blood Lotus Peak.

Primary school courses include history, physics, mathematics, politics, martial arts, geography, six university subjects, history textbooks, political textbooks, etc. Thanks to the support of various companies and institutions that cooperated with Zhao Shi, these have been compiled. And has started teaching in Aoki County and other places.

It’s just that due to the short period of time, no elementary school graduates, middle school graduates, or high school graduates have come to Xuelian Peak. However, if they are geniuses, they are allowed to skip grades. It is estimated that the Blood Lotus Summit will usher in the first batch of Aoki High School graduates in two or three years Of students.

Not only Xiaojian, but Zhao Shi's affiliated elementary school has already accepted more than a dozen elementary school students from other people in Baiyunzong, all of whom are eight or nine years old, with good qualifications, at least with spiritual roots.

Xiaojian was taken to a small and elegant courtyard at the bottom of the peak in a daze. There was a plaque at the door that said Xuelianfeng Affiliated Middle School, two lines side by side, the slightly smaller line. He knew Chinese characters, he had learned Chinese characters and some basics of cultivating immortality before Jianming.

It says: Xuelianfeng Primary School

The servant took Xiaojian to the registration office and left.

"Children, are you here to sign up? Could you please wait a while, I'll take a call."

The teacher at the registration office saw Xiaojian, first moved him a small stool suitable for his small body, and then said apologetically to him.

Xiaojian naturally nodded slightly and agreed. He was a little scared just now in a strange place.

He glanced at the breastplate of the young man in front of him who was saying something in the air. It also had two lines of words written on it. He knew the smaller words. Teacher Wuke: Yimu Hanfeng.

"Lao Yang, why did you change your name to Yang Yang Ziyi? You used to be called "Baa". This is so cute. I almost hung up when you called."

"What! You want to reserve my place in the attached primary and secondary school!!!"

Kazuki was almost so scared that he fell from the chair, his face was full of horror.

"Your child is about to enter the game? No, you have no children. Why do you want this place?"

"Or did you get a task from an NPC?"

His tone was incredible.

"You are married? Why didn't I receive the news? I was indeed in a cell."

"Oh, oh, oh, it's really my big nephew, I see, can do it, you are cruel!"

Kazuki Hanfeng hung up the phone in despair, still muttering to himself: "You can have children and get married. This, this..."

He was in a daze for a long time and was still unconscious, Xiaojian couldn't help it: "Master, Master, I'm here to sign up..."

Kazuki Hanfeng then woke up from the state of despair, took out paper and pen: "Sorry, kid, have your parents come?"

Xiaojian shook his head: "Master Ming Sword didn't come over."

"Your name is?"

"Little Sword"

"How old?"

"Nine years old."

"Do you want accommodation or day school?"

Xiaojian hesitated for a while, and asked, "What is daytime?"

Ichiki Hanfeng replied, "That means you study at school during the day, and you have to live at home at night, and the school is responsible for the transportation.

Accommodation is your accommodation at the school. There will be staff to take care of you. At present, the number of people on the Blood Lotus Peak is sparse, so they have this energy. "

Xiaojian was shocked. Didn’t Master Ming Sword say that once he entered the sect, he would be a person of the sect for life? Now he can still go home at will, and it seems that he can still choose to drop out of school at any time.

After hesitating for a while, he still said: "I choose to go to school, I want to go home."

He is an orphan adopted by the elder Mingjian. Although Mingjian is an uncle, he is no different from his father. At this time, even though he knows that such a choice may be scolded by the uncle Mingjian, the longing in his heart still can’t help. Let him make this choice.

"Well, it's okay."

Yimu Hanfeng took out a jade card and carved a few lines on it with the power of blood and energy, Xiaojian, first grade class. Then he hung the jade tag on Xiaojian's neck: "Remember, this is your identity certificate, and it is also the voucher for entering and leaving the Blood Lotus Peak. Don't lose it. It is very troublesome to make up for it."

"Yeah" Xiaojian nodded obediently.

Kazuki cold wind pulled him toward the classroom: "Let's go and meet new classmates."


At the top of the Blood Lotus Peak, Zhao Shi was in a daze watching Sun Yue hand him a line of information, and his shock was no less than a cold wind.

He looked at Sun Yue and said hesitantly: "I really got married with a local girl and got pregnant?"

He couldn't help but said: "Are you sure it is really his child, and not other messy things?"

Sun Yue was expressionless. She knew what Zhao Shi was talking about and nodded and said, "We confirm that it is his child."

"Didn't it mean that there is a limit on favorability? Regardless of whether it is male or female, it is impossible for our players to be strong against NPC of the opposite sex."

"Yes, being triumphant means that you have fully covered the goodwill of others and married them under the witness of the system."

"What is the background of the woman?"

"A small family in Qingmu County also participated in the rebellion, and the owner is still in the labor reform. Should we release him?" Sun Yue suggested.

Zhao Shi shook his head: "No, the law cannot be favored. We can take care of the new couple in other ways, but we can't put the law under personal likes and dislikes."

After thinking about it, he said, "Prepare a gift for me to congratulate the new couple on the tie. In addition, we must protect this pair of models and take care of them."

Sun Yue nodded and said, "I see."

"By the way, do you know the specific content of the system's marriage contract?" Zhao Shi suddenly asked.

"To live and die together, never give up, and grow old together. It is worth noting that if divorce, the system will forcibly deprive the player of half of the player’s wealth to the woman. If there are children, it must be monthly before the children reach adulthood. Deduct a sum of money to pay for support.

If there is no money, artifacts and other items may be forcibly reclaimed by the system for payment. "

"So strict?"

Zhao Shi took a breath.

Sun Yue wondered: "Isn't it strict? Isn't it about the same as the marriage law?" She was unwilling to say: "You scumbags!"

Zhao Shisan smiled: "Where, I mean this strictness can prevent players from randomly abandoning and playing with other people's feelings.

And this does not distinguish between men and women. Isn't this also a shock to the scum girl? "

His eyes are thoughtful, or in the system's view, players and NPCs are equal? Or the system encourages players to integrate with local residents.

Perhaps this is another cultural fusion?

But I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

Zhao Shi was shocked here, but didn't know the whole game, and the entire forum was shocked. Players talked a lot and had various opinions.

Opposing, supporting, from a social point of view, from an ethical point of view, from a point of view of the imbalance between men and women, there are various points of view, no one can persuade anyone, attracting fierce debates from all walks of life .

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