The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 642: Cultivator Act

The blood sea one hundred and seventy-two years.

After extensively soliciting opinions from the vast majority of players in the Blood Sea Guild and representatives of the public in the azure, light and dark world, the Blood Sea **** has officially promulgated a new alien bill.

History called the Xiu Xianren Act.

"The cultivator, the subject who practices the path of immortality, is not limited to human beings, nor does it simply refer to immortal cultivators who have a cultivation base, but all intelligent creatures that can join the path of longevity in the blood sea. "

"This identity is not naturally owned by any creature. Except for areas that are currently planned as a local area, anyone who wants to become a cultivator must exceed the established standard."

"The standard is to recognize the value of equality for all people, to recognize the ideal of the blood sea immortal cultivation road, to be able to join the blood sea immortality project system in the division of labor, and to make its own contribution to the blood sea immortal cultivation society."

"The rules are as follows:..."


"A-level races, social concepts and values ​​do not have serious conflicts with blood sea immortals. They can be assimilated after several years of education, and the value of assimilation is high."

"The B-class race, social concepts and values ​​have a certain conflict with the blood sea cultivators. After fifty years or less, they can be assimilated, and the whole people will be included in the cultivator system, and the assimilation value is average."

"The C-class race, social concepts and values ​​are in serious conflict with the blood sea cultivators. It is expected that they can be assimilated within one hundred to one thousand years, and they will be included in the cultivator system, and the value of assimilation is poor."

"D-class races, social concepts and values ​​have irreconcilable conflicts with the blood sea immortals, the assimilation time is difficult to calculate, and the assimilation value is almost zero."

"Whenever encountering a new alien or human society, the Expeditionary Corps must confirm its classification within thirty years."


"The Ellen deep-sea murlocs have been confirmed by the Supreme Committee of the Blood Sea that their social form is in serious conflict with the values ​​of the blood sea immortal society. Their individual concepts are also very different from those of the immortal immortals and are included in the C-level race sequence."

"The Supreme Committee of the Sea of ​​Blood believes that the Ellen Deep-Sea Murlocs do not belong to the cultivator sequence, and it is not worth investing a huge amount of resources to assimilate its race and incorporate it into the cultivator system when resources are scarce."

"In the future, administrative and military activities should not be regarded as people who can rely on and equal to themselves."

"We should leave a channel for the Ailun Deep Sea Murloc clan to join the blood sea immortal system."

"Given them with accurate and unmistakable educational resources, any deep-sea murloc who can pass the blood sea cultivator test confirm that they agree with the values ​​of the blood sea cultivator, are willing to fight for the blood sea cultivator's longevity path, and be able to join the blood sea cultivator society A large division of labor can control one's own race hormone deficiency without harming others."

"After the confirmation is completed, the Ministry of Education will grant him the qualifications of cultivating immortals in the sea of ​​blood. From then on, he will be treated as equal treatment with other immortals in the sea of ​​blood. No one or any unit shall discriminate against them, and offenders with great influence will be subject to fines and criminal detention. "

"The Ellen barbarian family has been confirmed by the Supreme Committee of the Blood Sea to belong to a Class B race. There is a certain conflict between social concepts and values ​​and the blood sea immortals. The assimilation value is average and the assimilation is generally difficult. We should try to assimilate them into the blood sea immortals. "

"Blood Sea, January 13, 172nd, Blood Sea Supreme Committee."

In this aspect, various detailed rules clearly stipulate that after the bill with a thickness of three meters is promulgated, the whole world of Ellen has cleared up and became orderly again.

Tutu Marshmallow, who had been stationed in the Stone Spear Tribe for three months, opened his eyes and awoke from a short practice.

Looking around, in addition to the players on duty, many players are playing and playing, and there are also bonfire parties on the sea floor. All kinds of food and wine, and fresh barbecue emit a strong fragrance under the power of magic.

There are also sweet hormones that young male and female players exude between each other, which deeply hurt the heart of a single dog.

Most of these are cute new players, and the old players of Jindan are practicing like her.

Those who can cultivate to the Golden Core Realm have already regarded cultivation as a part of their lives. For them, the three-month period is only a hundred times of great magical power in their bodies.

Tutu Marshmallow was a little confused.

After all, their lives are good, or the lives of people who spend most of their time in cultivation are the real lives.

Although their life span is three times longer than them, the enjoyment and laughter in life are not as good as them.

He shook his head, threw out these messy thoughts in his heart, and issued the assembly order on the camp channel.

In a moment, the whole camp was quiet.

The expressions of all the laughing players immediately became serious, the brilliance of the surrounding spells flashed, the food was put away, the bonfire was extinguished, and the personnel of each team merged naturally like flowing water.

But just two breaths, the seemingly disorganized camp has completely restored the orderly order, the formations of the Dao Dao legions are linked to each other, and they can send a Nascent Soul level blow at any time.

It fully complies with the requirements in the Army Regulations of the Blood Sea Guild, without a trace of error.

"The guild's resolution has been issued, and we will be able to leave here soon."

Tutu Marshmallow nodded, and a huge red cloud rose under their feet and flew towards the center of the Stone Spear Tribe.

"Meet the Immortal Cultivator of the Sea of ​​Blood."

Before they arrived, Bucky, who had been in fear for three months, waited for more than 30 murlocs from the martial arts realm to come out to welcome him, kneeling with his legs on the ground, using the etiquette of paying homage to the murloc king.

"Bucky, the decision of the Blood Sea Guild, the Stonespear murloc tribe and other murloc tribes will be maintained, and the status of the upper echelons of your tribes will not change."

Bucky and other murloc warriors were in ecstasy for an instant, and just wanted to say something, but Tutu Marshmallow waved his hand and stopped.

"The Blood Sea Guild will sign an agreement with all the murlocs above the martial artist in the Stone Spear Department. The Blood Sea Guild will protect the Stone Spear Murloc tribe. The Stone Spear Murloc Tribe needs to do the following."

"First, it is strictly forbidden to worship any gods in the tribe, and if found, punishing the highest cultivation level of the tribe."

"Second, the Shijiao murloc tribe needs to pay military expenses every year, including 1,500 sea blue beads, 20 mica stones, and five gold and stone bones... Various materials can be increased or decreased accordingly, and the overall value must not be reduced."

"Thirdly, the Shijiao murloc tribe must establish an elementary school within a year to teach the various subjects of physics, chemistry, politics and other knowledge needed by the blood sea immortals. The scale can be small, but it must be available."

"Fourth, open trade. Any murloc and murloc tribe must not block the caravans of the Blood Sea Guild."

"Fifth, the tribes are divided into a fixed range, and they are not allowed to be nomadic or attack each other. Those who violate it, the upper level of the tribe asks for capital crimes, and the tribesmen are equally divided among the tribes in the rebellion according to their contribution."

Following a sentence, two blood-red jade slips appeared in Tutu Marshmallow's hand. On it was the covenant she had just burned with her spiritual sense, leaving a blank signature place.

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