The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1090: Escape route

The two also repeatedly deduced how to escape.

Although the bloodhoof warrior was approaching the city, he failed to enclose the entire Black Point City in all directions.

With the strength of Meng Chao and Ice Storm, it is completely possible to sway, from the cracks where the bloodhoof warriors are too late to fortify, highlight the heavy encirclement.

However, in order to clarify the truth of the "Big Horn Rebellion", Meng Chao insisted on escaping with ordinary rat people.

Ice storm doesn't care about the life and death of ordinary rat people.

But she obviously cares about Meng Chao's attitude.

Moreover, she followed her mother as a witch since she was a child, avoiding the pursuit of night watchmen and bounty hunters all the year round. She is no stranger to how to hide, change her appearance, and become like two people.

It just so happened that they successively attacked dozens of temple thieves and bloodhoof warriors.

In addition to ancient weapons, armors and secret medicines, the harvested spoils also included a large amount of food, practical props and strange raw materials.

Many temple thieves originally carried tools and materials for easy modification.

Using these things, Ice Storm quickly dyed its iconic, crystal clear skin into the gray-white color common to rat people.

He also had a short and small tail behind him that could be controlled by his tail bones and hip muscles and flicked back and forth.

Around the overly distinctive facial features, a few strands of hair were pasted to cover up faces that are familiar to many viewers.

Meng Chao changed his hair color and eye color.

Two fangs that were too thick were inlaid in the mouth, which made the lips bend up, destroying the balance between the facial features.

-He vaguely remembered that the instructor of the Black Skeleton Training Camp in the previous life once said that there are two main ways to change the body.

The best is of course to be meticulously crafted and completely transformed into another unremarkable appearance.

If time is tight and materials are limited, it is impossible to make a 100% remake, then a very distinctive feature will be created.

Such as big and small eyes, rosacea, windy ears, buck teeth, huge constrictions on the wings of the nose.

Attract other people’s attention and let others ignore other issues on this face.

This is a very practical tip.

In addition, the strength has reached the level of Meng Chao and Ice Storm, and has the precise control of every muscle, every joint, every blood vessel, and every cell in and around the body.

Slightly contract the muscles and twist the joints to make the body taller or contract a round.

Then through the filling and collapse of facial muscles, fine-tune the position of the facial features.

They are all routine operations, as natural as eating and drinking.

After such a disguise, adjust the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat to converge the flames and killing intent to the limit.

The Totem Battle Armor was also reconverted into a substance similar to liquid metal, and disappeared without a trace.

At first glance, there was no difference between the two of them and the ordinary rat people everywhere in the turbulent city of Pointe-Noire.

After all, the "rat people" itself is not a biological concept, but a collection of the weak and losers who are enslaved, oppressed, and deprived of all dignity among all higher orcs.

It is not surprising what the rat people look like with dozens or even hundreds of bloodlines in their bodies.

Many rat people, stimulated by the "Arrow of the Big Horn Rat God", rose up and tried to use swords, warhammers, bone sticks, and stone axes to blaze a trail.

The Ratmen warriors who survived the fierce battle with the bloodhoof warriors also unknowingly aroused the potential hidden in the deepest part of the bloodline on their journey through the sea of ​​blood. .

With Meng Chao and Ice Storm deliberately covering up, they haven't been as eye-catching as these Ratmen Warriors!

The two looked at each other in a circle, and they couldn't see too many flaws.

Quietly, he walked towards the center of Pointe Noire, where the flames were the most violent, the smoke was the strongest, and the most chaotic area of ​​the battle.

Along the way, they encountered several bloodhoof warrior squads with red eyes and searching.

—I don’t know whether these bloodhoof warriors are looking for the temple thief with loot in their arms, or the thief with loot in their arms, but their strength is lower than them, and it’s better to come from the blood of a hostile family. Hoof warrior.

The two were out of touch, and did not take the initiative to provoke these bloodhoof warrior teams.

It just left clues, such as the sound of a little heavier breathing, the sound of lightly stepping on the burnt dead wood, or deliberately stimulating the ancient weapons in your arms, releasing extremely sharp totem power, attracting the attention of these bloodhoof warrior teams .

Until the four or five bloodhoof warrior teams were successfully attracted to the same area.

The two talents left a few pieces of ancient weapons or totem battle armor, and injected a few psionic energy into them, making them shine like fireflies in the night, and then quietly slipped out of this area.

Soon after, Meng Chao and Ice Storm heard fierce fighting and furious roars from behind.

It seems that four or five bloodhoof warrior teams from different families are having heated discussions about the ownership of these stolen goods.

Repeatedly using similar methods, Meng Chao and Ice Storm successfully diverted the attention of dozens of bloodhoof warrior teams, passing through the central area of ​​Pointe Noire city without any risk, and came to the north of the city.

The chaos here made the two frown slightly.

Meng Chao originally concluded that there were a large number of secret passages hidden underground in the north of the city, which could lead all the way to the exit far away from Pointe Noire.

The behind-the-scenes planners who planned the "Arrow of the Great Horned Rat" plan to transport the young and middle-aged among the rat people from these passages to form their own cannon fodder troops.

That is, the "Big Horn Legion" that shocked the entire Turanze in the previous life.

Therefore, as long as you run to the north of the city, it is not difficult to find a way to escape.

But he did not expect that his intervention would trigger a series of chain reactions.

First of all, under his guidance, the messengers of the Big Horn Mouse successfully plugged the loopholes in the organizational structure and the loopholes in the implementation of the plan.

The scale and intensity of the riots in Pointe-Noire have increased by a hundred times compared with the riots in Pointe-Noire in the previous life.

It also aroused the anger of the bloodhoof warriors, desperately smashing more troops into the chaotic Black Point City.

Secondly, many ordinary rat people, according to the plan, are to stay in Pointe Noire to die, by the way the cannon fodder that attracted the attention of the bloodhoof warriors.

Only the sacrifice of a large amount of cannon fodder can enable the temple thieves to escape from Pointe-Noire.

However, under Meng Chao's reminder, a large number of ordinary rat people have recalled, and no longer fight to the end with the bloodhoof warriors who are guarding the mansion, the granary and the arsenal, but the brains are flooding north of the city.

According to what the "Big Horn Rat Angels" preached, they came to save all the rat people in Pointe Noire.

Those who are selected by them and are still strong and strong, naturally it is impossible to watch other rat people besides them stay in the city of Pointe-Noire waiting to die.

Go and stay together, stay together.

This is a series of "miracles" that have aroused the most simple faith of the **** mouse people elite.

Although the underground escape routes in Pointe Noire are mostly underground transportation lines built by the ancient Turan people thousands of years ago.

In order to transport huge weapons and facilities, underground passages were built extremely spacious.

Under the leadership of the messenger of the rat god, after several months of excavation day and night, all the nodes that collapsed and blocked were reopened.

However, tens of thousands of rat people came from all directions, and for a while, they exceeded the maximum carrying capacity of the underground passage.

Block the entrances and exits of the passages firmly.

Without half a day of work, I am afraid it will be difficult for all the rat people to escape into the underground passage.

At this time, the bloodhoof warrior also followed.

Although most of the bloodhoof warriors went to catch the temple thieves who carried the loot.

Not many people are willing to gnaw on the boneless bone of ordinary rat people.

When encountering ordinary rat people who are disoriented in twos and threes, unless the opponent is in the way, the superior clan lords don't bother to waste time on them.

But there are too many rat people gathered in the north of the city.

There are so many things that even blind people can hear that there is weirdness here.

Several dedicated bloodhoof warrior teams, after all, noticed the change here, changed directions, and launched a charge towards the crowd.

The rat people crowded in the narrow streets are too dense.

A intensive charge of the bloodhoof warrior can trample a muddy blood path in the crowd.

And every time the warhammer and the battle axe were swung, they could easily sweep out seven or eight or even a dozen rat people.

The bloodhoof warrior's desire to kill was greatly satisfied, and he fully realized the pleasure of being a thousand horses.

And under the stimulation of this kind of pleasure, they continuously strengthened and upgraded their killing.

Just as Meng Chao and Ice Storm observed, hundreds of rat people died tragically under the collision of the bloodhoof warriors in a short span of time.

There are more rat people, because the formation is shaken, the organization is chaotic, and they are killed or injured in the trampling of oneself.

But because of the ruins and broken walls, the space available to ride horizontally and horizontally is too small.

As for the bloodhoof army, there were not enough troops on the northern battlefield.

In addition, the flames and thick smoke obscured the battlefield information, so that the orders from outside the city could not be effectively transmitted to the city, and the bloodhoof powerhouses in the city were fighting each other or even tit-for-tat.

For the time being, the Bloodhoof Warriors have not been able to penetrate the Rat People's Rebels.

On the side of the Rat People's Rebels, it is not completely powerless to fight back.

In the half-day fierce battle, many rat people activated the killing skills hidden in the deepest part of the bloodline, and they are also well versed in the principle of "ant killing elephants".

The "rat **** messengers" lurking among them, even if they didn’t intend to take away all the rat people, they can only grit their teeth and give up when everyone is in a group, inseparable, and forced to live and die together. Full force.

Those bloodhoof warriors who were stimulated by the desire to kill, unknowingly, went too deep into the rat people's ranks, soon were attacked from all directions, fearless and fearless.

And the sniper of the Rat God messenger.

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